Carter On Youtube Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Carter On Youtube.

Quotes About Carter On Youtube

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Most of my stuff hasn't gone viral. I have been successful on YouTube and I'm very proud of the stuff that I've done, but compared to the people who are actual internet stars and making a living off of it, my views are nothing. ~ Rachel Bloom
Carter On Youtube quotes by Rachel Bloom
For kids growing up now, there's no difference watching 'Avatar' on an iPad or watching YouTube on TV or watching 'Game of Thrones' on their computer. It's all content. It's just story. ~ Kevin Spacey
Carter On Youtube quotes by Kevin Spacey
Yes, I have a very small and mostly nerdy fan club. And much to my amazement, it grows a little larger every day. Apparently, these new recruits liked what they saw of my act on YouTube (even though everybody wishes that doofus blocking the camera had a smaller head). ~ James Patterson
Carter On Youtube quotes by James Patterson
On the basis of both values and interests, the natural relationship between Islam and the United States is one of friendship. ~ Jimmy Carter
Carter On Youtube quotes by Jimmy Carter
Since my earliest memory, I imagined I would be a chef one day. When other kids were watching Saturday morning cartoons or music videos on YouTube, I was watching Iron Chef,The Great British Baking Show, and old Anthony Bourdain shows and taking notes. Like, actual notes in the Notes app on my phone. I have long lists of ideas for recipes that I can modify or make my own. This self-appointed class is the only one I've ever studied well for.
I started playing around with the staples of the house: rice, beans, plantains, and chicken. But 'Buela let me expand to the different things I saw on TV. Soufflés, shepherd's pie, gizzards. When other kids were saving up their lunch money to buy the latest Jordans, I was saving up mine so I could buy the best ingredients. Fish we'd never heard of that I had to get from a special market down by Penn's Landing. Sausages that I watched Italian abuelitas in South Philly make by hand. I even saved up a whole month's worth of allowance when I was in seventh grade so I could make 'Buela a special birthday dinner of filet mignon. ~ Elizabeth Acevedo
Carter On Youtube quotes by Elizabeth Acevedo
I watch videos on YouTube of bands that I've heard of that I want to check out. And sometimes I don't even finish the video. And that's really sad, because maybe I'd like that song. I think that we don't give stuff a chance to really sink in. ~ Kathleen Hanna
Carter On Youtube quotes by Kathleen Hanna
And no matter how many people surround you, that is still the loneliest place on earth. ~ Ally Carter
Carter On Youtube quotes by Ally Carter
I ain't gonna work on YouTube's farm no more. ~ Jason Calacanis
Carter On Youtube quotes by Jason Calacanis
It is clear that global challenges must be met with an emphasis on peace, in harmony with others, with strong alliances and international consensus.
Imperfect as it may be, there is no doubt that this can best be done through the United Nations, not merely to preserve peace but also to make change, even radical change, without violence. ~ Jimmy Carter
Carter On Youtube quotes by Jimmy Carter
There is not much irony when people are being happy on screen. ~ Carter Burwell
Carter On Youtube quotes by Carter Burwell
To aspiring writers, I would tell them that we live in a wonderful time where you're able to make your work visible, easily. If you think about it, even ten years ago or twenty years ago, there was a middle man, there was a publisher, there were studios, there was this world of rejection letters. Now, we're in a place where we have the technology and the ability to go shoot our own movies or to put stuff on YouTube or a blog, if you're a writer, or self-publish. ~ Diablo Cody
Carter On Youtube quotes by Diablo Cody
The world of 1906 ... was a stable and a civilized world in which the greatness and authority of Britain and her Empire seemed unassailable and invulnerably secure. In spite of our reverses in the Boer War it was assumed unquestioningly that we should always emerge "victorious, happy and glorious" from any conflict. There were no doubts about the permanence of our "dominion over palm and pine", or of our title to it. Powerful, prosperous, peace-loving, with the seas all round us and the Royal Navy on the seas, the social, economic, international order seemed to our unseeing eyes as firmly fixed on earth as the signs of the Zodiac in the sky. ~ Violet Bonham Carter
Carter On Youtube quotes by Violet Bonham Carter
The entire Islamic world condemned Iran. Nowadays, because of the unwarranted invasion of Iraq by Bush and Blair, which was a completely unjust adventure based on misleading statements, and the lack of any effort to resolve the Palestinian issue, there is massive Islamic condemnation of the United States. ~ Jimmy Carter
Carter On Youtube quotes by Jimmy Carter
Christmas has been a season of mixed interests and meanings, but the very foundation, of course, is its religious significance. No matter what other personal desires or crises we have faced, I've never forgotten that this is the time to celebrate the birth of the Baby Jesus, and the impact of this event on the history of the world. ~ Jimmy Carter
Carter On Youtube quotes by Jimmy Carter
She holds within her the memory of this journey, drawn out for her like a constellation in the darkness, each element of the landscape connecting her along a line that is her past. Carter may want to come here now, but she's the one who belongs, on this road, under this piece of sky. ~ Kirsty Gunn
Carter On Youtube quotes by Kirsty Gunn
I believe that anyone can be successful in life, regardless of natural talent or the environment within which we live. This is not based on measuring success by human competitiveness for wealth, possessions, influence, and fame, but adhering to God's standards of truth, justice, humility, service, compassion, forgiveness, and love. ~ Jimmy Carter
Carter On Youtube quotes by Jimmy Carter
Very early on, you figure out that you put your self-esteem in the hands of strangers. There's a different commodity. There's the Helena Bonham Carter that everyone thinks they know, who really has nothing to do with me. But you just have to let that go. ~ Helena Bonham Carter
Carter On Youtube quotes by Helena Bonham Carter
All Renaissance drama, especially the works of Marlowe and Shakespeare, is profoundly concerned with shifting power relations within society. The individual was a new force in relation to the state. The threat of rebellion, of the overturning of established order, was forcefully brought home to the Elizabethan public by the revolt of the Earl of Essex, once the Queen's favourite. The contemporary debate questioned the relationship between individual life, the power and authority of the state, and the establishing of moral absolutes. Where mediaeval drama was largely used as a means of showing God's designs, drama in Renaissance England focuses on man, and becomes a way of exploring his weaknesses, depravities, flaws - and qualities. ~ Ronald Carter
Carter On Youtube quotes by Ronald Carter
It's really hard to scare people on network television. You've got to be smart about it. You've got to parcel out the scares. ~ Chris Carter
Carter On Youtube quotes by Chris Carter
New Yorkers may think they're on some cutting edge, but that's not especially true. It is, however, the most exciting heterogeneous mess of a town I've ever seen. ~ Carter Burwell
Carter On Youtube quotes by Carter Burwell
I've been back less than two weeks, and already I've turned the sweetest girl on Embassy Row into a thief and a conspiracy theorist. Even for me, it is an impressively quick act of corruption. ~ Ally Carter
Carter On Youtube quotes by Ally Carter
In the absence of a global tracking system to effectively track
pedophiles and checkmate their activities, the door will continue to
remain open to these group of people who sneak into Facebook,
connect with us on Twitter and show the world how they violated
and infected our children on YouTube. ~ Oche Otorkpa
Carter On Youtube quotes by Oche Otorkpa
The hallway felt like time itself, and Patricia Buckingham and I were standing at opposite ends-her looking back on all she'd seen, me wondering what lay ahead. ~ Ally Carter
Carter On Youtube quotes by Ally Carter
You mean on YouTube?" "No, I mean I was watching the game when you got laid out. Hardest hit I've ever seen. I don't know how you survived it, Amos, I really don't." "Why'd ~ David Baldacci
Carter On Youtube quotes by David Baldacci
Carter started down the stairs, but I grabbed his arm.
"Hang on. What about traps?"
He frowned. "Traps?"
"Didn't Egyptian tombs have traps?"
"Well ... sometimes. But this isn't a tomb. Besides, more often they had curses, like the burning curse, the donkey curse - "
"Oh, lovely. That sounds so much better. ~ Rick Riordan
Carter On Youtube quotes by Rick Riordan
So you're Zach." Townsend didn't even try to hide the judgement in his voice as he looked Zach up and down in some sort of silent but dangerous examination.
Zach huffed but smiled. "so you're Townsend."
The two of them stared for a long time, wordless. It felt like I was watching a documentary on the Nature Channel, something about alpha males in the wild. ~ Ally Carter
Carter On Youtube quotes by Ally Carter
If women allow themselves to be consoled for their culturally determined lack of access to the modes of intellectual debate by the invocation of hypothetical great goddesses, they are simply flattering themselves into submission (a technique often used on them by men). All the mythic versions of women, from the myth of the redeeming purity of the virgin to that of the healing, reconciliatory mother, are consolatory nonsenses; and consolatory nonsense seems to me a fair definition of myth, anyway. Mother goddesses are just as silly a notion as father gods. If a revival of the myths gives women emotional satisfaction, it does so at the price of obscuring the real conditions of life. This is why they were invented in the first place. ~ Angela Carter
Carter On Youtube quotes by Angela Carter
"Darren wasn't darkness, and I wasn't his light.
I needed to show him he was fire. My fire. Something filled with light. Something good. Something just like my but wrapped up so tightly in his own barrier of darkness it could burn. Unless you knew how to unravel him.
Pressing my lips to his I shut my eyes and channelled my one single promise.
I will never give up on you." ~ Rachel E. Carter
Carter On Youtube quotes by Rachel E. Carter
All types of magic performance have a purpose. Even if it's an amateur who's trying out slight of hand on YouTube. ~ Justin Flom
Carter On Youtube quotes by Justin Flom
I wasn't a big science-fiction fan growing up. But I loved Jules Verne and Sherlock Holmes. Both came into play on 'The X-Files.' ~ Chris Carter
Carter On Youtube quotes by Chris Carter
The difference is in Hostel it's in the theatre - it's in public but it's in a private place. You have to actively make a choice to want to go see it. It's not being forced on anyone. Whereas 24 you can be flipping channels and it's right there in your living room. Anyone has access to that. But that just shows how mainstream it is and how people are seeing this stuff on YouTube. People are scared of it. This is a subject matter that everyone's talking about and everyone's thinking about, particularly in American culture. ~ Eli Roth
Carter On Youtube quotes by Eli Roth
That's why I'm here, I'm here for two reasons. To entertain you with stories of my life so , you know, you can find them entertaining. But then maybe compare them to your own lives and not feel so alone with the issues that you go with, go through. And think, "Wow, I'm scared of going to my first day of work, but there is a guy called Dan who actually sold an axe to a child". And the other half of it is me kind of like articulating my own profound observations on the universe, which is really just an excuse to give myself a therapy. Apparently other people enjoy watching it too wow ~ Dan Howell
Carter On Youtube quotes by Dan Howell
The young girl giggled again and Jake shook his head in amazement. Not only was the U.S. dark operative cooking pancakes, but it seemed he'd won over the timid teenager in no time flat.

"I've been entertaining this pretty girl with my vast repertoire of daring and heroic adventures from around the globe."

Jake snorted as he opened the refrigerator and pulled out the container of orange juice. "You sound like Blackbeard the pirate. Don't believe a word he says, Alyssa. He's actually Insurance salesman and lies like a rug."

"An Insurance salesman?" She narrowed her eyes at Carter as he flipped three pancackes off the electric griddle sitting on the island and onto a plate for her. "I knew you were conning me," she chastised, then rolled her eyes toward Jake. "He said he was a government spy, like James Bond."

After filling a glass, Jake smirked at his friend who shrugged his shoulders and gave the girl a sad puppy-dog expression. "Who are you going to believe, me or Jake from State Farm? ~ Samantha A. Cole
Carter On Youtube quotes by Samantha A. Cole
After our clips were seen on YouTube, we gained some fame and were invited to Dubai to kick off a five country tour of the region. This was a big deal because no American-based comedy troupe had ever gone to the Middle East to perform for Middle Eastern people. As a matter of fact, normally whenever Middle Easterners hear the words "American" and "troop" in a sentence, it usually means their country is about to be attacked. So it was important for us to emphasize the word "comedy" when publicizing our Dubai arrival. It was also important for us to spell troupe with a "u". What a difference a vowel makes. ~ Maz Jobrani
Carter On Youtube quotes by Maz Jobrani
Prostitution thrives in the United States. We focus in this country on punishing the girls. For every brothel owner or pimp or male customer, there are 50 girls who are arrested for being prostitutes. Other countries have tried the other way around, and it works beautifully ... they bring the charges against the brothel owners and the pimps and the male customers, and they do not prosecute the girls, who quite often are brought into that trade involuntarily. It works quite well, by the way. ~ Jimmy Carter
Carter On Youtube quotes by Jimmy Carter
The decision to attack the entire nation [of Yugoslavia] has been counterproductive, and our destruction of civilian life has now become senseless and excessively brutal ... The United States' insistence on the use of cluster bombs, designed to kill or maim humans, is condemned almost universally and brings discredit on our nation (as does our refusal to support a ban on land mines). Even for the world's only superpower, the ends don't always justify the means. ~ Jimmy Carter
Carter On Youtube quotes by Jimmy Carter
i wasted all of my
outrage on my fucking religion.
it should have been wasted on god-
cut out the middle man. ~ J.A. Carter-Winward
Carter On Youtube quotes by J.A. Carter-Winward
You're the pop
You're the baby's father
You're the pop
But you needn't bother
I will make no claim to your ancient name at all
When I let you make me
You promised you'd take me to the city hall
My mistake wasn't getting plastered,
What a break for the little b***stard
I was bad when I let you get on top
But if baby I'm the momma,
You're the pop!
[Sung by Elaine Stritch when interviewed by Michael Parkinson on YouTube. ~ Cole Porter
Carter On Youtube quotes by Cole Porter
How do you have five children in a row, each on a different say?"
"They're gods," Carter said. "They can do stuff like that. ~ Rick Riordan
Carter On Youtube quotes by Rick Riordan
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