Antoine St Exupery Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Antoine St Exupery.

Quotes About Antoine St Exupery

Enjoy collection of 37 Antoine St Exupery quotes. Download and share images of famous quotes about Antoine St Exupery. Righ click to see and save pictures of Antoine St Exupery quotes that you can use as your wallpaper for free.

Antoine St. Exupery once mourned the loss of a man and the secret treasures that he held inside him. I loved Exupery; I will read him again, and he will talk to me, not being dead, or gone. Is that life after death - mind living on paper and flesh living in offspring? Maybe. I do not know. ~ Sylvia Plath
Antoine St Exupery quotes by Sylvia Plath
A legal noose still encircled their necks and they couldn't seem to shake it off. Lacey assured the couple he would treat them kindly while they served out the final years of their contract. However, on the trip to St. Louis, they quickly saw that they had, once again, stumbled into a trap. Lacey treated them so badly that the couple decided they had only one move left - they would run. In 1804, they fled into Kentucky, Antoine taking the name Ben. No doubt they hoped to reach Ohio or some other free territory. However, Antoine's wife, drained and exhausted, collapsed by the roadside. While cradled in the arms of the man she loved, she died. ~ Betty DeRamus
Antoine St Exupery quotes by Betty DeRamus
What is essential is invisible to the eye. Only with the heart can you see rightly. ~ Antoine De St. Exupéry
Antoine St Exupery quotes by Antoine De St. Exupéry
She's still smiling her little smile, and it strikes me that, actually, she is drunk, not on alcohol, but on her St. Louis hopes and dreams. I wouldn't sober her up for anything, but she doesn't need me anymore. She can hang on to her dreams by herself now. ~ Tim Tharp
Antoine St Exupery quotes by Tim Tharp
The body moves through space every day, and in architecture in cities that can be orchestrated. Not in a dictatorial fashion, but in a way of creating options, open-ended sort of personal itineraries within a building. And I see that as akin to cinematography or choreography, where episodic movement, episodic moments, occur in dance and film. ~ Antoine Predock
Antoine St Exupery quotes by Antoine Predock
We who are given the fullness of true Christianity are obliged to be working on ourselves, to be watching the signs of the times, and to be extremely joyful, as St. Paul is constantly saying: 'Rejoice in the Lord always, and again I say: Rejoice!' (Phil. 4:4). We rejoice because we have something which all the death and corruption of this world cannot take away, that is, the eternal Kingdom of Jesus Christ. ~ Seraphim Rose
Antoine St Exupery quotes by Seraphim Rose
Whoever possesses the present moment possesses God
Whoever possesses the present moment possesses everything
The present moment is enough don't let anything trouble you ~ St. Theresa Of Avila
Antoine St Exupery quotes by St. Theresa Of Avila
The closer one approaches to God, the simpler one becomes. ~ Teresa Of Avila
Antoine St Exupery quotes by Teresa Of Avila
I wrote 'Actor' all on the computer. I didn't touch any instruments until I was in the studio. So while I had all these ornate arrangements, I didn't have any songs. ~ St. Vincent
Antoine St Exupery quotes by St. Vincent
How does life build the vital currents that we live from? Where does the magnetic force that pulls me toward this friend's house originate? What are the essential moments that made this presence into a vital pole for me? What are the secret events that mold particular affections and, through them, love of country? How little stir the real miracles cause! How simple are the most vital events! There is so little to say about the instant I want to recall that I have to relive it in a dream and speak to this friend. ~ Antoine De Saint Exupery
Antoine St Exupery quotes by Antoine De Saint Exupery
The flower you single out is a rejection of all other flowers; nevertheless, only on these terms is it beautiful. ~ Antoine De Saint Exupery
Antoine St Exupery quotes by Antoine De Saint Exupery
Creative problem solving is not necessarily tantamount to cheating. ~ V. St. Clair
Antoine St Exupery quotes by V. St. Clair
It wasn't exactly dangerous to be out during the day ... but the Council, every one of them, up to and including August, would have kittens and penguins and little baby narwhals, too, probably, if they knew what I was up to. ~ Lili St. Crow
Antoine St Exupery quotes by Lili St. Crow
"Happy he that knows Thee, even if he knows nothing else," says St. Augustine. If we knew all the sciences and knew not how to love Jesus Christ, our knowledge shall profit us nothing to eternal life. But if we know how to love Jesus Christ, we shall know all things, and shall be happy for eternity. ~ Alphonsus Liguori
Antoine St Exupery quotes by Alphonsus Liguori
St Michael's RC secondary sat on a promontory overlooking the town of Auchenlea. The choice of site was an indirect consequence of a past mistake in vocational guidance, leading someone who had a pathological hatred of children into town planning, rather than the more traditional field of teaching. ~ Christopher Brookmyre
Antoine St Exupery quotes by Christopher Brookmyre
The ridge of the Lammer-muir hills... consists of primary micaceous schistus, and extends from St Abb's head westward... The sea-coast affords a transverse section of this alpine tract at its eastern extremity, and exhibits the change from the primary to the secondary strata... Dr HUTTON wished particularly to examine the latter of these, and on this occasion Sir JAMES HALL and I had the pleasure to accompany him. We sailed in a boat from Dunglass ... We made for a high rocky point or head-land, the SICCAR ... On landing at this point, we found that we actually trode [sic] on the primeval rock... It is here a micaceous schistus, in beds nearly vertical, highly indurated, and stretching from S.E. to N. W. The surface of this rock... has thin covering of red horizontal sandstone laid over it, ... Here, therefore, the immediate contact of the two rocks is not only visible, but is curiously dissected and laid open by the action of the waves... On us who saw these phenomena for the first time, the impression will not easily be forgotten. The palpable evidence presented to us, of one of the most extraordinary and important facts in the natural history of the earth, gave a reality and substance to those theoretical speculations, which, however probable had never till now been directly authenticated by the testimony of the senses... What clearer evidence could we have had of the different formation of these rocks, and of the long interval which separated their formation, had we actua ~ John Playfair
Antoine St Exupery quotes by John Playfair
It is not only by the pores of the skin that this aqueous emaciation takes place. A considerable quantity of humidity is also exhaled by the lungs at each expiration. ~ Antoine Lavoisier
Antoine St Exupery quotes by Antoine Lavoisier
A civilization is a heritage of beliefs, customs, and knowledge slowly accumulated in the course of centuries, elements difficult at times to justify by logic, but justifying themselves as paths when they lead somewhere, since they open up for man his inner distance. ~ Antoine De Saint Exupery
Antoine St Exupery quotes by Antoine De Saint Exupery
Leave to every one the care of what belongs to him, and disturb not thyself with what is said or done in the world. - ST. THOMAS AQUINAS. ~ Various
Antoine St Exupery quotes by Various
There are things in life that are bigger than ourselves. Life is short, live it well. ~ St. Jerome
Antoine St Exupery quotes by St. Jerome
Ah yes, the dreaded one-way system ... He and Nancy had laughed later, imagining Dante redesigning Purgatory into a one-way system offering occasional glimpses of St. Peter and the pearly gates over two separate sets of dividing concrete barriers. ~ Helen Simonson
Antoine St Exupery quotes by Helen Simonson
His proximity, that damn smile, just makes me hot in all the right places, but also pissed as hell. I don't know if I should knee him in the balls or hump his leg like a bitch in heat. ~ Ghiselle St. James
Antoine St Exupery quotes by Ghiselle St. James
Until one nation ceases its attempts to dominate another, there will never be true freedom. Until one religion relinquishes its quest to prove its god superior to that of another, there shall never be world peace. We will never truly prosper or experience lasting harmony, until we refrain from preaching the gospel of our own moral values and our personal preferences by forcing it upon others. ~ Anthon St. Maarten
Antoine St Exupery quotes by Anthon St. Maarten
You cannot find comfort in ducks.
Stoop to look into those beady brown eyes,
and they will tell you nothing.

- The Bridge, St. James's Park ~ Virginia Graham
Antoine St Exupery quotes by Virginia Graham
With McClure's support, Steffens embarked on an odyssey. For the better part of three years, he called on people in St. Louis, Minneapolis, Pittsburgh, Chicago, Philadelphia, New York, Cleveland, and Madison. "My business is to find subjects and writers, to educate myself in the way the world is wagging, so as to bring the magazine up to date," he explained to his father. "I feel ready to do something really fine. ~ Doris Kearns Goodwin
Antoine St Exupery quotes by Doris Kearns Goodwin
When I was a young boy I wanted to play for Newcastle United, I wanted to wear the number nine shirt and I wanted to score goals at St James' Park. I've lived my dream and I realise how lucky I've been to have done that. ~ Alan Shearer
Antoine St Exupery quotes by Alan Shearer
It was a relief to see his father, who'd always been an unfailing source of reassurance and comfort. They clasped hands in a firm shake, and used their free arms to pull close for a moment. Such demonstrations of affection weren't common among fathers and sons of their rank, but then, they'd never been a conventional family.
After a few hearty thumps on the back, Sebastian drew back and glanced over him with the attentive concern that hearkened to Gabriel's earliest memories. Not missing the traces of weariness on his face, his father lightly tousled his hair the way he had when he was a boy. "You haven't been sleeping."
"I went carousing with friends for most of last night," Gabriel admitted. "It ended when we were all too drunk to see a hole through a ladder."
Sebastian grinned and removed his coat, tossing the exquisitely tailored garment to a nearby chair. "Reveling in the waning days of bachelorhood, are we?"
"It would be more accurate to say I'm thrashing like a drowning rat."
"Same thing." Sebastian unfastened his cuffs and began to roll up his shirtsleeves. An active life at Heron's Point, the family estate in Sussex, had kept him as fit and limber as a man half his age. Frequent exposure to the sunlight had gilded his hair and darkened his complexion, making his pale blue eyes startling in their brightness.
While other men of his generation had become staid and settled, the duke was more vigorous than ever, in part because his youngest s ~ Lisa Kleypas
Antoine St Exupery quotes by Lisa Kleypas
Tomorrow brought exactly what you told it to bring. If you told it nothing, nothing was what you got. I was done with nothing. I wanted something.
No. I wanted everything. ~ Maggie Stiefvater
Antoine St Exupery quotes by Maggie Stiefvater
St. Bernard said, 'Every word one writes smites the Devil. ~ Lillian Stewart Carl
Antoine St Exupery quotes by Lillian Stewart Carl
Light bulbs up the ass, no big deal!" you say. "On a good night I can fit a Butterball and two sweet potatoes up my bum!"
But here's the rub:
How did these bulbs come to shine so brightly? They weren't plugged into an electrical socket ...
An hour before her performance, Ida lay spread-eagle on the ground, and she had a helping hand (and how) slowly, carefully, millimeter by millimeter
Antoine St Exupery quotes by James St. James
A civilization is built on what is required of men, not on that which is provided for them. ~ Antoine De Saint Exupery
Antoine St Exupery quotes by Antoine De Saint Exupery
There were a number of impractical shoes, stilettos mostly, beautiful and strange. ~ Emily St. John Mandel
Antoine St Exupery quotes by Emily St. John Mandel
Barely pausing between songs, he played American compositions like "St. Louis Blues" and "Tiger Rag." He played "Parfum" from the gypsy legend Django Reinhardt. He ~ Mitch Albom
Antoine St Exupery quotes by Mitch Albom
Economy is not one of the necessary principles of the universe; it is one of the jokes which God indulges in precisely because he can afford it. If a man takes it seriously, however, he is doomed forever to a middle-income appreciation of the world. Indeed, only the very poor and the very rich are safe from its idolatry. The poor, because while they must take it seriously, they cannot possibly believe in it as a good, and the rich, because, though they may see it as a good, they cannot possibly take it seriously. For the one it is a bad joke, for the other a good one; but for both it is only part of the divine ludicrousness of creation - of the sensus lusus which lies at the heart of the matter. And that is why all men should hasten to become very poor or very rich - or both at once, like St. Paul, who had nothing and yet possessed all things. The world was made in sport, for sports; economy is worth only a smile. There are more serious things to laugh at. ~ Robert Farrar Capon
Antoine St Exupery quotes by Robert Farrar Capon
May the heart of Jesus live in the hearts of all ~ St. Arnold Janssen
Antoine St Exupery quotes by St. Arnold Janssen
Goddammit, Bobby, break the speed limit! ~ Lili St. Crow
Antoine St Exupery quotes by Lili St. Crow
The villages were lighting up, constellations that greeted each other across the dusk. And, at the touch of his finger, his flying-lights flashed back a greeting to them. The earth grew spangled with light signals as each house lit its star, searching the vastness of the night as a lighthouse sweeps the sea. Now every place that sheltered human life was sparkling. And it rejoiced him to enter into this one night with a measured slowness, as into an anchorage. ~ Antoine De Saint Exupery
Antoine St Exupery quotes by Antoine De Saint Exupery
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