Alex Kendrick Quotes

Most memorable quotes from Alex Kendrick.

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The Song is a gritty, realistic, and powerful film. The acting and production quality are excellent, and the story is captivating. Although not for children, the story is a good reminder to adults of what really matters!
Alex Kendrick Quotes: The Song is a gritty,
He's going to the hair doctor. The man's going bald." You hadn't noticed that whole underdeveloped region right up in here?"
Oh, you're one to talk, Slick."
Nah. See, when a black man goes bald, he still looks good. Look at Michael Jordan, George Foreman, Samuel L. Jackson, Classy-lookin' brothers, Who you got? Kojak?
Alex Kendrick Quotes: He's going to the hair
People are looking at possibly doing some documentaries and also we have the first four films that will stay out there for the years to come. So, yeah, Sherwood Pictures will be around and my brother and I are certainly supporters of that. We can't wait to see what God does not only locally there at the church but what he has for us down the road as well.
Alex Kendrick Quotes: People are looking at possibly
The Love Dare for Parents really came from an ongoing response from people who went through the couple's book asking us to do the same for children. It's been a long time coming after a couple years doing this. But we're excited that it's now hitting shelves. We learned a lot going through the process of writing it, so we can't wait to see what happens.
Alex Kendrick Quotes: The Love Dare for Parents
As you show these principles over and over , it becomes engrained into how we think. And, when your kids see that, they begin doing it to their siblings. And so we've seen that as well. Many of these aspects I already knew as a parent but, as I study them more, there are more avenues that I can apply in my own parenting and I'm seeing how my kids are watching how I (interact) with my wife and (with) each of them and I watch how they (interact) with each other.
Alex Kendrick Quotes: As you show these principles
So, my brother and I, over the last two years, went back through Scripture and pulled every (passage) we could in relation to parenting children, guarding their hearts, teaching them, loving them, being patient. And then we worked through 40 principles and wrote The Love Dare for Parents.
Alex Kendrick Quotes: So, my brother and I,
We made four feature films with Sherwood Baptist. The wonderful thing was the church (members) volunteered. It was an awesome atmosphere of attitudes. The hard part was (that) all four of the first feature films we made take place in modern-day Albany, Georgia. We know that not all of our films going to be (set in) modern-day Albany, Georgia.
Alex Kendrick Quotes: We made four feature films
I have six kids - four girls and two boys. I'm amazed that growing up in the same house, same parents with the same exposure to the same things that all my six kids can be so different. I see that as their (being) designed by God.
Alex Kendrick Quotes: I have six kids -
Well, certainly, even separate from what our culture is going through, kids have different personalities and different natural bents and skill sets that they seem to come pre-programmed with. One of my two sons is very athletic. The other one is into social skills and humor.
Alex Kendrick Quotes: Well, certainly, even separate from
So, the next film won't necessarily be modern-day Albany, Georgia but we're grateful for the films we've made (with Sherwood). The church is an amazing church. We're gonna grow as filmmakers and invest in the next generation of upcoming filmmakers and try to duplicate what we're doing.
Alex Kendrick Quotes: So, the next film won't
We dare them to apply a principle for 40 days to their kids. They don't have to be 40 consecutive days ... Already people that even tested the book for us had amazing responses from their kids.
Alex Kendrick Quotes: We dare them to apply
Well, Kevin Downes is the producer of Mom's Night Out. He was a fellow actor with me in the movie Courageous. He plays my police partner and we have been friends for several years. He came and helped me on Courageous and said "Would you come help me on Mom's Night Out?"
Alex Kendrick Quotes: Well, Kevin Downes is the
Your attitude is like the aroma of your heart. If your attitude stinks, it means your heart's not right.
Alex Kendrick Quotes: Your attitude is like the
So, what we do in Love Dare for Parents is walk through the principles that help you win the hearts of your children and find that balance as a parent. As we all know, parenting can be wonderful and exasperating at times. So, we walk through the principles of demonstrating love to your kids in the most appropriate and healthy ways. We learned a great deal doing it and we believe the readers will too.
Alex Kendrick Quotes: So, what we do in
sharing a strong, five-second greeting each day with your spouse can become a long-term blessing to your relationship. Your greeting should say, "You are priceless to me," rather
Alex Kendrick Quotes: sharing a strong, five-second greeting
He still remains faithful.
Alex Kendrick Quotes: He still remains faithful.
Agape love, on the other hand, is unselfish, unconditional, and unstoppable. It is based upon choice and commitment, not feelings. So unless this kind of love forms the foundation of your marriage, the wear and tear of time could destroy it.
Alex Kendrick Quotes: Agape love, on the other
The second challenge is to make sure that, growing up in this culture, they have a healthy view of life and God and Scripture. So, that's my other challenge. So, finding that balance is certainly no easy task but it can be very fulfilling. So, that's part of what we talk about in this book.
Alex Kendrick Quotes: The second challenge is to
If this is not already a habit of yours, now is the time to begin reading a portion of the Bible every day. Ideally, read it together as husband and wife - in the morning, perhaps, or before bed.
Alex Kendrick Quotes: If this is not already
When we go to different areas and look at doing period pieces and movies shot in other states and locations, even overseas, it's hard to carry 1700 volunteers from your church with you to do that. And so, we knew that there were going to be growing pains at some point.
Alex Kendrick Quotes: When we go to different
Love is hard to offend and quick to forgive. How easily do you get irritated and offended? Some people live by the motto, "Never pass up an opportunity to get upset with your spouse." When something goes wrong, they quickly take full advantage of it by expressing how hurt or frustrated they are. But this is the opposite reaction of love.
Alex Kendrick Quotes: Love is hard to offend
We're seeing that God's word and His principles do work. They may not work overnight but they are powerful and when we apply them in the way He shows us to apply them in life then we're going to see positive consequences.
Alex Kendrick Quotes: We're seeing that God's word
I flew over to Birmingham and did half a dozen scenes or so as a pastor in the film. I had a great time. I look forward to seeing the final version. I also am good friends with the Erwin Brothers who are co-directing and producing the film with Kevin. They also helped with Courageous. It's kind of a small little family in this arena and we love helping each other out.
Alex Kendrick Quotes: I flew over to Birmingham
What we want to do is make sure they're not totally kept from what's going on in the world. We don't want to seclude them but, at the same time, we want them to have wisdom and discernment to make wise decisions - to protect them through the love of the family and the value that we have in one another and in the Lord and our time in Scripture. Finding that balance is not an easy task but it can be done.
Alex Kendrick Quotes: What we want to do
Well, at the end of our movie Fireproof, we released a book that my brother Stephen and I wrote called The Love Dare. It was for couples. That book had a much larger impact than we expected. As a matter of fact, if I could use the term "overwhelmed," we were. The book went on to become a New York Times bestseller and sold over five-million copies and is now in 28 different countries and languages. So, we were blessed and just surprised at how well that did.
Alex Kendrick Quotes: Well, at the end of
One of the most loving things you can ever do for your spouse is to pray for them. "Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you" (Matthew 7:7).
Alex Kendrick Quotes: One of the most loving
Married couples who learn to work wisely through their conflict tend to be much closer, more trusting, more intimate, and enjoy a much deeper connection afterwards.
Alex Kendrick Quotes: Married couples who learn to
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