Warith Zaki Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Warith Zaki.

Quotes About Warith Zaki

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sometime people ask me , how to deal with pain.
and i reply them in one line. " make it your best Friend ~ Mohammed Zaki Ansari
Warith Zaki quotes by Mohammed Zaki Ansari
No Body Want your love
People are here for fun,Money,Sex, Flirting Enjoyment interesting game.
So Do not Expect Much and Do not Hurt. ~ Mohammed Zaki Ansari
Warith Zaki quotes by Mohammed Zaki Ansari
My Mistake - i trusted
My fault - i believed
My Bad - i open my heart
My Muff - i was honest
My Lapse - i was caring
Good People of today's world do not have all that things.So if someone have .surly deserve Punishment ,Betrayal , cheating and wounds on Heart and Soul ~ Mohammed Zaki Ansari
Warith Zaki quotes by Mohammed Zaki Ansari
You can be found better man then me.But where you will found Toy like me with whom you can play a lot in many ways and who just keep simple with out hurt you. ~ Mohammed Zaki Ansari
Warith Zaki quotes by Mohammed Zaki Ansari
It's not pity if there is no one to love you,But its your time to live fearless that your death will not cause pain for anyone,Your death will not bring tears to any one. ~ Mohammed Zaki Ansari
Warith Zaki quotes by Mohammed Zaki Ansari
Everyone person Born as human , But Not everyone die as Human ~ Mohammed Zaki Ansari
Warith Zaki quotes by Mohammed Zaki Ansari
The only reason i Fall in love with cigarette.each one take 2 minutes of my life and i love this. ~ Mohammed Zaki Ansari
Warith Zaki quotes by Mohammed Zaki Ansari
Most stupid Question Most of the
time people ask
What is Important for you
Love Or Money
My Answer :- Love inspire to
Build Taj Mahal And Money
Full fill the Dream
Love Inspire you to give good life
to your family and Money Do it
For survive Soul, you need love
For survive Body,You need Money ~ Mohammed Zaki Ansari
Warith Zaki quotes by Mohammed Zaki Ansari
Both things are invisible But we Both are aware
I colored my self in your fragrance
And you colored your hands in my BLOOD ~ Mohammed Zaki Ansari
Warith Zaki quotes by Mohammed Zaki Ansari
Mental slavery of religious leader is more dangerous and blind than the slavery of political leader
Because the political leader promise to turn the country into God's heaven
But religious leader promise to take followers directly into God's Heaven ~ Mohammed Zaki Ansari
Warith Zaki quotes by Mohammed Zaki Ansari
Child think mother is my protector who save me from all bad , but what is , if mother herself throw child life in risk by break child swear continuously, is it not betrayal to that child and child feelings ? what is the meaning of love ? that kiss every day and say i love you ? or cooking good food and buy new dress and toys ? take care of life ,or love is mean to respect feelings ? if it is love then why there is no fear of life and why there is no respect of feelings.
Doesn't matter its your beloved or child
"Respect of feelings is The love ~ Mohammed Zaki Ansari
Warith Zaki quotes by Mohammed Zaki Ansari
Only my death can full fill the dream ,
My soul will around you and you will unknown about it ~ Mohammed Zaki Ansari
Warith Zaki quotes by Mohammed Zaki Ansari
Learn to absorb your anger inside you
It will be your best partner till you breath ~ Mohammed Zaki Ansari
Warith Zaki quotes by Mohammed Zaki Ansari
Break up of some relation sometime don't just break connection between two person,for some one it can be disconnection with his soul.and the disconnect between body and soul its mean death of a person ~ Mohammed Zaki Ansari
Warith Zaki quotes by Mohammed Zaki Ansari
of course play with others life if you are good player
But once you have to think How your reaction if your children meet with same player like you ?
is it make you happy ? then continue ~ Mohammed Zaki Ansari
Warith Zaki quotes by Mohammed Zaki Ansari
Some people think falling love with every 2nd person is true feeling and Emotions. but it's actually a dirty mind which force people to change partners for flirting game. ~ Mohammed Zaki Ansari
Warith Zaki quotes by Mohammed Zaki Ansari
when you betray to someone , first you betray to yourself, who speak somewhere inside you that you are a good human ~ Mohammed Zaki Ansari
Warith Zaki quotes by Mohammed Zaki Ansari
The Stone Age didn't end because we ran out of stones. ~ Ahmed Zaki Yamani
Warith Zaki quotes by Ahmed Zaki Yamani
Break up of some relations sometimes don't just break the connection between to bodies, for someone it can be a disconnect with his soul and disconnect with soul its called "Death ~ Mohammed Zaki Ansari
Warith Zaki quotes by Mohammed Zaki Ansari
Beauty of body doesn't matter ,Many snakes are beautiful but you cant keep them in home because their nature to sting and kill by their poison which all they have inside
So matter is what is Inside Not Out side Beauty ~ Mohammed Zaki Ansari
Warith Zaki quotes by Mohammed Zaki Ansari
betrayal knife does not visible in body's back Because it's directly hot Soul and Injured There ~ Mohammed Zaki Ansari
Warith Zaki quotes by Mohammed Zaki Ansari
Writing is not just my Hobby . Pen is mouthpiece of my feelings,I have no another one But paper is my best friend. and My Best Friend always Listen so patiently whatever,whenever i speak ~ Mohammed Zaki Ansari
Warith Zaki quotes by Mohammed Zaki Ansari
She is not with me,this grief is not bigger then this happiness that she is with her choice ~ Mohammed Zaki Ansari
Warith Zaki quotes by Mohammed Zaki Ansari
Don't try.
no one can run from soul.yes you can avoid it for sometime but one day again it will come in-front of you with lost of que
Better to live in that way so from your soul you no need to run away ~ Mohammed Zaki Ansari
Warith Zaki quotes by Mohammed Zaki Ansari
The Stone Age did not end for lack of stone, and the Oil Age will end long before the world runs out of oil. ~ Ahmed Zaki Yamani
Warith Zaki quotes by Ahmed Zaki Yamani
i'm angry with life, yes i'm angry with world
i'm angry with strangers , i'm angry with relatives
i'm angry with my friends , i'm angry with my enemies
i'm angry with hate ,i'm angry with love
i'm angry with day ,i am angry with night
i'm angry with morning ,i'm angry with evening
i'm angry with conversation ,i'm angry with emotions
i'm angry with feelings , i'm angry with passion
i'm angry with every false promises , i'm angry with every lie swear
i'm angry with truth i'm angry with lie
i'm angry with reality, i'm angry with dreams
i'm angry with fire hidden inside me,
i'm angry with softness which inside me
i'm angry with thirst which disturbing me
i'm angry with ocean which not for me
i'm angry with tears,i'm angry with smile
i'm angry with my breaths
i'm angry with my heart beats
i'm angry with your laziness .death you are lazy
i'm angry with everything,i'm angry with every one
yes i'm angry with God,Because i'm angry with my self
i'm angry with my self,i'm angry with my self ~ Mohammed Zaki Ansari
Warith Zaki quotes by Mohammed Zaki Ansari
Addiction of Narcotics and Addiction of flirt are same,person cant give up Narcotics Addiction neither Flirting Addiction,Doesn't matter,its destroyed self character or all relations.For this Both Addiction person can left all anything,but impossible to leave it. But mind it.Flirting Addiction is more dangerous then narcotics because Narcotics Kills Self and Flirting Addiction Kills Another someone. ~ Mohamemd Zaki Ansari
Warith Zaki quotes by Mohamemd Zaki Ansari
Why should i blame world, if i get wrong to recognize true and real faces of people ~ Mohammed Zaki Ansari
Warith Zaki quotes by Mohammed Zaki Ansari
Worst persons of the world those easily take lie wear of their child,For a sec they don't feel hesitation to put child life on risk for self.So how you can call them Human if even they Don't love their own child ~ Mohammed Zaki Ansari
Warith Zaki quotes by Mohammed Zaki Ansari
if man's life value for women and if she need man,believe me she can not Broke his swear never in any situation,in any condition. ~ Mohammed Zaki Ansari
Warith Zaki quotes by Mohammed Zaki Ansari
people can respect someone without love but its not possible to love someone without respect and if its so easy to cheat beloved then its not respect.and if not respect then there is no love.so if person whom you trust lots if cheat on you then accept they don't love you ~ Mohammed Zaki Ansari
Warith Zaki quotes by Mohammed Zaki Ansari
if you don't play with relations and respect to love you may get hurt And spend life in pain but you will die in rest. ~ Mohammed Zaki Ansari
Warith Zaki quotes by Mohammed Zaki Ansari
If You Really Feel Beloved Pain Then Do Not Repeat Things Which cause of Pain Again ~ Mohammed Zaki Ansari
Warith Zaki quotes by Mohammed Zaki Ansari
The Knife of betrayal tease from back and this Que prick every sec deep in heart why you get this pain from that person whom you love and intention to love every sec as crazy.when did not get Ans its create anger inside for self.And no one can't understand how this anger kills every day thousand time ~ Mohammed Zaki Ansari
Warith Zaki quotes by Mohammed Zaki Ansari
Your pain and your hurt is no matter for anyone.Now human value is just like a bottle of Coca-Cola,people are interested in you till they are enjoying sip up to their mood after that they throw you in dustbin and search another drink ~ Mohammed Zaki Ansari
Warith Zaki quotes by Mohammed Zaki Ansari
Sunglasses are best invention of this world
They hide eyes,which speak more then words ~ Mohammed Zaki Ansari
Warith Zaki quotes by Mohammed Zaki Ansari
What is love ?
a man was dying in pain.he turned and saw his beloved put knife in his back.He just smile and whisper "My love ,are you sure ? your hand did not hurt ~ Mohammed Zaki Ansari
Warith Zaki quotes by Mohammed Zaki Ansari
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