Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika.

Quotes About Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika

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In Tagalog, we call undocumented people 'TNT,' which means tago ng tago, which means 'hiding and hiding.' So that's literally what undocumented means in Tagalog. And that kind of tells you how Filipinos think of this issue, and really any culture, right? ~ Jose Antonio Vargas
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Jose Antonio Vargas
the night before? He had been away four whole ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
As if they were two halves of a mold. He ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
Everything, she had come to understand, was something like infinity. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
I am one wing and you are equally the other ~ Clara Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Clara Ng
Most communities just happen; the best are planned. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
Being asked, "Where are you REALLY from?" makes one feel OTHERED. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
Like small animals sheltered deep in their den ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
condolences; a few of them pat Hannah on the head, as if she's ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
Everyone sees race, Lex," said Moody. "The only difference is who pretends not to. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
Dreaming of his future, he no longer heard all the things she did not say. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
Change doesn't just happen," her mother had always said, echoing the Shaker motto. "It has to be planned. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
Parents, she thought, learned to survive touching their children less and less. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
It's too late. He's already learned how not to drown. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
People decide what you're like before they even get to know you ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
Unconsciously, one hand crept down to her belly, where an ache was beginning to blossom. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
Ed Lim had gone to four different toy stores searching... he would have bought it for his daughter, whatever the price. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
– and Mia realized that she was crossing into a place she would have to go alone. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
A few people insisted that the Cape-to-Cairo Railroad was in Europe. For college students, they have surprising trouble with geography. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
Have a good night,' he said, and Mia stepped out onto Fifth Avenue and let the city swallow her up. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
[Mia] didn't care, Mrs. Richardson realized, what people thought of her. In a way, that made her dangerous. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
You never got what you wanted; you just learned to get by without it. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
Irony: a contradictory outcome of events as if in mockery of the promise and fitness of things, ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
There was an ease between them that, Moody was sure, could only come from being intimately comfortable with another person's body. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
The intricate gears of her mind ticking silently at no one, thoughts pinging the closed windows like a trapped bee. p. 251 ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
At least I know who I am. What I want, ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
Was she sad? She was angry. Furious at the smallness of her mother's life. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
She understands. There is nowhere to go but on. Still, part of her longs to go back ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
Our whole world will change if we meet the right people and talk about the right things. ~ Azizi Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Azizi Ng
It will be all right, she told herself, and she stepped out of the boat into the water. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
I don't have a plan, I'm afraid, but then, no one really does, no matter what they say. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
To those out on their own paths, setting little fires. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
It would disappear forever from her memory of Lydia, the way memories of a lost loved one always smooth and simplify themselves, shedding complexities like scales. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
After a while, the fear became a habit, too. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
The photos stirred feelings she couldn't quite frame in words, and this, she decided, must mean they were true works of art. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
She did not even have words, only a feeling, a terrible hollow feeling, as if everything inside her had been scooped out raw. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
She replaces the phone number on the board, her damp fingers smudging the ink so that the digits blur as if in a strong wind, or underwater. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
There is something about Midwest in general, that has kind of an underdog quality. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
It's very difficult to take candid portraits of children because they're moving around all the time. ~ Ren Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Ren Ng
Don't ever smile if you don't want to," she said, and Hannah, half-blinded by the spotlight of Lydia's whole attention, nodded. "Remember that. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
I mean, that's the future, isn't it? In the future we'll all be able to look past race. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
Before that she hadn't realized how fragile happiness was, how if you were careless, you could knock it over and shatter it. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
Her preferred form of exercise, she told Wendy, was stress. "Clench muscles, hold for twelve hours, release for a count of five, then clench again ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
Remembering the past gives power to the present. ~ Fae Myenne Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Fae Myenne Ng
It came, over and over, down to this: What made someone a mother? Was it biology alone, or was it love? ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
I have measured my life with coffee spoons and do I dare to eat a peach?' 'DO I DARE DISTURB THE UNIVERSE? ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
This is it, Marilyn told herself. Let it
go. This is what you have. Accept it. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
For moving would never have been enough; he sees that now. It would have been the same anywhere. Children of Mixed Backgrounds Often Struggle to Find Their Place. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
If a soul could leave the body, she thought, this is the sound it would make: like the screech of a nail being pulled from old wood. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
What made something precious? Losing it and finding it. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
as her mother promised to teach them everything a young lady needed to keep a house. As if, Marilyn thought, it might run away when you weren't looking. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
I was reluctant to start the company that would become Lytro, primarily due to my academic background. ~ Ren Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Ren Ng
Rules existed for a reason: if you followed them, you would succeed; if you didn't, you might burn the world to the ground. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
She could not, she had thought as she bent to kiss the baby's flushed cheek, have loved this child more if it had come from her own flesh. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
Like many people out there, I'm inspired by the level of attention to detail, design and execution of Apple products. ~ Ren Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Ren Ng
With light field technology, there is a huge opportunity for creativity in photography that hasn't been available in the past. ~ Ren Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Ren Ng
I would never tell myself, you have to write 20 pages today or something. But I do try to show up. Read what I wrote, fix things. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
We're committed, as she gets older, to teaching her about her birth culture. And of course she already loves the rice. Actually, it was her first solid food. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
Over the past two weeks she's worked her way through it [the book], a little each night, savoring the words like a cherry Life Saver tucked inside her cheek. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
Everyone in Shaker Heights was talking about it that summer: how Isabelle, the last of the Richardson children, had finally gone around the bend and burned the house down. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
I'd like to think of my self as not melancholic at all, I think I'm a pretty cheerful person, really. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
Light field photography unleashes the power of the light, to forever change how everyone takes and experiences pictures. ~ Ren Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Ren Ng
With Illum, we're able to start to customize that supply chain in a very deep way ... to rethink the entire imaging pipeline. ~ Ren Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Ren Ng
She had spent the night planning and now that it was time, she hardly thought at all. It was as if she were standing outside herself, watching someone else do these things. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
Lydia is dead. But they don't know this yet. 1977, May 3, six thirty in the morning, no one knows anything but this innocuous fact: Lydia is late for breakfast. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
Meanness is the one thing I do get upset about on those rare occasions when I see it. ~ Maya Soetoro-Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Maya Soetoro-Ng
We have seen amazing, creative and interactive pictures from camera owners, and I'm looking forward to the Lytro camera being available in Australia. ~ Ren Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Ren Ng
She smelled of home...as if home had never been a place, but had always been this little person whom she'd carried alongside her. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
Mark Horowitz and I built it onto an optical bench in the lab. We spent and eight-hour span putting this optical light path together. ~ Ren Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Ren Ng
Let's pretend," he says, "that you
never met me. That she was never born.
That none of this ever happened." Then
he is gone. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
Catching the right fleeting moment, with the right focus, is a very difficult thing to do. ~ Ren Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Ren Ng
Photography has always been a passion of mine, but I began to study light field photography when I was in the Ph.D. program at Stanford University. ~ Ren Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Ren Ng
She recognized it at once: love, one-way deep adoration that bounced off and did not bounce back; careful, quiet love that didn't care and went on anyway. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
Developing a prototype early is the number one goal for our designers, or anyone else who has an idea, for that matter. We don't trust it until we can see it and feel it. ~ Win Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Win Ng
Giving these students, teenagers, any form of power over the use of their own words, allowing them to turn everyday raw material into some form of beauty, is a gift beyond measure. ~ Gloria Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Gloria Ng
I am a very keen photographer. I have enjoyed taking pictures since I was a kid with my family, but I became more serious about it at university. ~ Ren Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Ren Ng
It was like training yourself to live on the smell of an apple alone, when what you really wanted was to devour it, to sink your teeth into it and consume it, seeds core, and all. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
It was as if instead of entering a house she was entering the idea of a house, some archetype brought to life here before her. Something she'd only heard about but never seen. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
In the dark they are careful of each other, as if they know they are fragile, as if they know they can break. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
For my relationships with men to change, I needed to change my relationship to myself as a woman. ~ Gloria Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Gloria Ng
...the thing about portraits is, you need to show people the way they want to be seen. And I prefer to show people as I see them. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
Sometimes you need to scorch everything to the ground, and start over. After the burning the soil is richer, and new things can grow. People are like that, too. They start over. They find a way. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
Marilyn smiled back, a fake smile. The same one she had given to her mother all those years. You lifted the corners of your mouth toward your ears.
You kept your lips closed. It was amazing how no one could tell. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
The megapixel war in conventional cameras has been a total myth. It's taking us all in the wrong direction. Once a picture goes online, you're throwing away 95 to 98 percent of those pixels. ~ Ren Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Ren Ng
The characteristics of a value-based leader are: other-centredness, calling, competence, and finally character. How do i define character? Two aspects: Integrity ( you must keep your promises, you must live out your life, you must be genuine) and Morality. ~ John Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by John Ng
I am in a mixed race marriage myself, and I have a mixed race son ... The racial perception interest is probably always going to be there to some extent. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
Boondocks' is simply the Tagalog word for mountains. ~ Sharyn McCrumb
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Sharyn McCrumb
She will figure out what happened to Lydia. She will find out who is responsible. She will find out what went wrong. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
You don't feel like smiling? Then what? Force yourself to smile. Act as if you were already happy, and that will tend to make you happy. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
He enjoys the surprise on people's faces when he tells them he's a professor of American history. "Well, I am American," he says when people blink, a barb of defensiveness in his tone. Someone ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
Basically, with a regular camera, you have to take time or allow the camera to focus before you take the shot. ~ Ren Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Ren Ng
By tomorrow Marilyn would forget this moment: Lydia's shout, the shattered edges in her tone. It would disappear forever from her memory of Lydia, the way memories of a lost loved one always smooth and simplify themselves, shedding complexity like scales. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
All up and down the street the houses looked like any others - but inside them were people who might be happy, or taking refuge, or steeling themselves to go out into the world, searching for something better. So many lives she would never know about, unfolding behind those doors. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
Styles are tailor made to different situations. Different leaders must have their own styles and these styles must be able to adapt to different people and situations. ~ John Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by John Ng
He had forgotten that anything could be so tender. He breaks the bun open, revealing glossy bits of pork and glaze, a secret red heart.

When he puts it to his mouth, it is like a kiss: sweet and salty and warm. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
She had felt, finally, as if she could speak without immediately bumping into the hard shell of her sheltered life, as it she suddenly saw that the solid walls penning her in were actually bars, with spaces between them wide enough to slip through. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
Every time she kissed him, every time he opened his arms and she crawled into them, felt like a miracle. Coming to her made him feel perfectly welcomed, perfectly at home, as he had never in his life felt before. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
There's something really magical about trying to see things in new ways that go beyond, in some sense, the biological human experience. Light-field photography, too, goes beyond the human experience because our eyes work like conventional cameras. ~ Ren Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Ren Ng
For the rest of the summer, and for years after that, they will grope for the words that say what they mean: to Nath, to Hannah, to each other. There is so much more they need to say. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
You loved so hard and hoped so much and then you ended up with nothing. Children who no longer needed you. A husband who no longer wanted you. Nothing left but you, alone, and empty space. ~ Celeste Ng
Tagalog Buwan Ng Wika quotes by Celeste Ng
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