Smasher Sullivan Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Smasher Sullivan.

Quotes About Smasher Sullivan

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I had a sense of your passion when we met, Merit. When you first stormed into my House with fire in your eyes." "That wasn't fire. That was sheer, unmitigated fury. ~ Chloe Neill
Smasher Sullivan quotes by Chloe Neill
Life is all about conflict. The pursuit of happiness - that's life, not the achievement. It's all about the journey, my friend. ~ Michael J. Sullivan
Smasher Sullivan quotes by Michael J. Sullivan
I've come to think that one reason for the oppressive predictability of polemical essays can be found in today's polarized social and political climate. To paraphrase Emerson: "If I know your party, I anticipate your argument." Not merely about politics but about everything. Clearly this acrimonious state of affairs is not conducive to writing essays that display independent thought and complex perspectives. Most of us open magazines, newspapers, and websites knowing precisely what to expect. Many readers apparently enjoy being members of the choir. In our rancorously partisan environment, conclusions don't follow from premises and evidence but precede them. ~ John Jeremiah Sullivan
Smasher Sullivan quotes by John Jeremiah Sullivan
Well, I suppose I could follow his advice. Are you hungry?"
"Surprisingly enough, not at the moment."
"Will miracles never cease?"
"Ha," I said ~ Chloe Neill
Smasher Sullivan quotes by Chloe Neill
Poverty made me feel weak, as if I were coming down with an awful, debilitating, communicable disease - the disease of being without money. Instead of going to the hospital, you went to the poor farm. The difference was, you never got well at the poor farm. ~ Faith Sullivan
Smasher Sullivan quotes by Faith Sullivan
They rest in us and we in them. Our heart contains all others. One heart, one life, on the advent of a mayfly's final flight ~ Rick Yancey
Smasher Sullivan quotes by Rick Yancey
Not many people sleep with other men and when the other man leaves have a nervous breakdown. ~ Andrew Sullivan
Smasher Sullivan quotes by Andrew Sullivan
Guy's eyes narrowed. "So you are saying that you traveled all the way out here alone - passing through, as you put it - and just happened to join up with the Pickerings?"

Hadrian smiled at the sentinel. It was weak, clumsy, and the fencing equivalent of dropping his sword and tackling his opponent to the ground, but it was all he could do. ~ Michael J. Sullivan
Smasher Sullivan quotes by Michael J. Sullivan
It was possible he had no idea his head was gathering material fit for a squirrel's nest; it was also possible he knew and thought it made him more attractive in a rustic, manly sense ~ Michael J. Sullivan
Smasher Sullivan quotes by Michael J. Sullivan
The Great War proved how confused the world is. Depression is proving it again. ~ Anne Sullivan
Smasher Sullivan quotes by Anne Sullivan
Do you know a way out of here?" I ask Ben. Sammy's more trusting than I am, but the idea's worth exploring. Finding the escape pods - if they even exist - has always been the weakest part of my getaway plan.
He nods. "Do you?"
"I know a way - I just don't know the way to the way."
"The way to the way? Okay." He grins. He looks like hell, but the smile hasn't changed a bit. It lights up the tunnel like a thousand-watt bulb. "I know the way and the way to the way. ~ Rick Yancey
Smasher Sullivan quotes by Rick Yancey
Just another game he played in a world where heroes were legends and honor was a myth. ~ Michael J. Sullivan
Smasher Sullivan quotes by Michael J. Sullivan
In academia, left-liberalism is so entrenched its advocates' debating skills have gone rusty. When you've been talking to yourself for decades and imposing speech codes on everyone else, your ability to argue coherently - let alone entertainingly - inevitably wanes. ~ Andrew Sullivan
Smasher Sullivan quotes by Andrew Sullivan
A musician can get lost to what he is in the session busines as it was. ~ Jim Sullivan
Smasher Sullivan quotes by Jim Sullivan
I'm a writer by profession and it's totally clear to me that since I started blogging, the amount I write has increased exponentially, my daily interactions with the views of others have never been so frequent, the diversity of voices I engage with is far higher than in the pre-Internet age - and all this has helped me become more modest as a thinker, more open to error, less fixated on what I do know, and more respectful of what I don't. If this is a deterioration in my brain, then more, please.

"The problem is finding the space and time when this engagement stops, and calm, quiet, thinking and reading of longer-form arguments, novels, essays can begin. Worse, this also needs time for the mind to transition out of an instant gratification mode to me a more long-term, thoughtful calm. I find this takes at least a day of detox. Getting weekends back has helped. But if there were a way to channel the amazing insights of blogging into the longer, calmer modes of thinking ... we'd be getting somewhere.

"I'm working on it. ~ Andrew Sullivan
Smasher Sullivan quotes by Andrew Sullivan
fingers in his mind long after he couldn't see them anymore. His urge ~ Mark T. Sullivan
Smasher Sullivan quotes by Mark T. Sullivan
It only takes one moment, Samantha. One twinge of doubt. One single disagreement for someone to cheat. ~ Taylor Sullivan
Smasher Sullivan quotes by Taylor Sullivan
To work on great material, what you really end up working on is yourself, your own humanity. ~ Susan Sullivan
Smasher Sullivan quotes by Susan Sullivan
I think sex is completely absurdly demonized in our culture. But in the end, however much sex you want to have, with however many people in how many ways, to be loved and to love is what human beings really want. ~ Andrew Sullivan
Smasher Sullivan quotes by Andrew Sullivan
Each killing steals a bit of humanity until a murderer is nothing more than an animal. A hunger replaces the spirit. A want for what was lost, but as with innocence, the soul can never be replaced. Joy, love, and peace flee such a vessel and in their stead blooms a desire for blood and death. ~ Michael J. Sullivan
Smasher Sullivan quotes by Michael J. Sullivan
For me, God and Jesus and the Holy Spirit have always been my closest friends in this journey. ~ Andrew Sullivan
Smasher Sullivan quotes by Andrew Sullivan
It's hard to explain the feeling of it - the power - it's as if I can do anything. Can you imagine knowing you can do anything? It's exciting, alluring - it draws you in and you want it like a hunger. You feel yourself becoming part of something bigger, joining with it, working with it. You sense every drop of water, every blade of grass, and you become them - everything - the air and the stars. You want to see how far you can go, where the edges are, only some part of you knows - there are no edges ~ Michael J. Sullivan
Smasher Sullivan quotes by Michael J. Sullivan
I am a very lucky man. I am living my life with my hobby as my profession. ~ Jim Sullivan
Smasher Sullivan quotes by Jim Sullivan
The initial research will be very indiscriminate. I do a lot of reading, buy a stack of books and read and digest them, and then I start doing phone interviews and archival research and then the travelling. ~ John Jeremiah Sullivan
Smasher Sullivan quotes by John Jeremiah Sullivan
Hadrian reeked of death. It wasn't the sort of stench others could smell or that water could wash, but it lingered on him like sweat-saturated pores after a long night of drinking. ~ Michael J. Sullivan
Smasher Sullivan quotes by Michael J. Sullivan
I think the way I write is kind of naturally rhythmic. If there's anything of my own in my writing, I think that's my own thing. Like when I start a song, I almost hear the rhythm more than the melody. ~ Jazmine Sullivan
Smasher Sullivan quotes by Jazmine Sullivan
A - ris - ta?" Degan asked, sounding horse. "What is it?"
"A rat bit me," she said, once again shocked by her own rasping voice.
"Jasper does that if - " Gaunt coughed and hacked. After a moment, he
spoke again. "If he thinks you're dead or too weak to fight."
"I call him that, but I've also named the stones in my cell."
"I only counted mine," Arista said.
"Two hundred and thirty-four," Degan replied instantly.
"I have two hundred and twenty-eight."
"Did you count the cracked ones as two?"
"No. ~ Michael J. Sullivan
Smasher Sullivan quotes by Michael J. Sullivan
And, impossible though it may be, we will have to resist partisanship. The only way back to a free society, to a country where no one need fear the president's wrath or impulses, is to unwind the factionalism that has helped destroy this country. We have to forge a new coalition on right and left to resist fascism's reach and cultic power. In a country which just elected and re-elected a black president - whose grace feels now almost painful to recall - it is surely possible. ~ Andrew Sullivan
Smasher Sullivan quotes by Andrew Sullivan
Because sometimes women cry when there's good news. Tears of relief. You know, catharsis." His expression was utterly blank. "Haven't you ever cried when you, I don't know, you get a new batch of that fancy stationery you like with the watermarks on it?" He looked bewildered. "That's what you think I'd cry tears of relief about?" "You do like your office supplies. ~ Chloe Neill
Smasher Sullivan quotes by Chloe Neill
Royce's tone shifted between amazed and angry but finally settled on a nice restrained tempest. ~ Michael J. Sullivan
Smasher Sullivan quotes by Michael J. Sullivan
I was only in LA for two weeks when I got that job. And I didn't work again for two years. ~ Nicole Sullivan
Smasher Sullivan quotes by Nicole Sullivan
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