Sleipnirs Rider Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Sleipnirs Rider.

Quotes About Sleipnirs Rider

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You're a stubborn, ill-trained horse, ~ Kristen Britain
Sleipnirs Rider quotes by Kristen Britain
I plan on growing old much later in life, or maybe not at all. ~ Patty Carey, Rodeo Rider, 1913
Sleipnirs Rider quotes by Patty Carey, Rodeo Rider, 1913
She put her hand in his, and he smiled. It was as if for her, the sun came out. His smile took her breath and made her inexplicably happy because, she sensed, he rarely smiled and it was like a gift. ~ Christine Feehan
Sleipnirs Rider quotes by Christine Feehan
You're everythin' I want, Icy. Believe it, you're it for me, for the long haul, my old lady, want you on the back of my bike squeezin' me with your legs, holdin' my waist, I wanna fuck you every night, make you feel good, have you screamin' my name, wanna see that smile and know it's just for me 'cause I make you happy. I want every last thing from you and to give you more back, you and me every day. Need you to know this goin' in, where my heads at. It's you. ~ V. Theia
Sleipnirs Rider quotes by V. Theia
Oh yeah?" Grady pulled out another chuck of wintergreen Skoal and stuffed it under his lower lip. "There ain't a bull in the world that can't be rode, sweetheart - "
"Or a cowboy that can't be throwed," Janice finished with a smirk of her own. Although one of the top contenders, Grady needed to be taken down a peg or two and Janice hoped Dirk would be the one to do it.
-ROUGH RIDER ~ Victoria Vane
Sleipnirs Rider quotes by Victoria Vane
The entered the building twenty-strong. Rider in front with his two meanest assholes flanking him. No one would mistake the men had come for anything but a brawl. Their promised retribution so powerful it swiped the oxygen out of the room. ~ V. Theia
Sleipnirs Rider quotes by V. Theia
Buri rode along with her own Group Askew and two more Rider Groups, the Sixth, called Thayet's Dogs, and the Fifteenth, Stickers. ~ Tamora Pierce
Sleipnirs Rider quotes by Tamora Pierce
Eric's performance is an awesome and entirely honest expression of the pain and beauty of his music. To watch him play is like riding on the tail of a dragon, but he is so gentle with his rider, you forget how high up you are or how intense the ride is. He is perhaps the most generous performer I have ever watched, every bit of himself is given to the audience. He's like a Marina Abramovic with a piano, completely and deeply committed, regardless of that pain. ~ Tea Leoni
Sleipnirs Rider quotes by Tea Leoni
He was a drug, and she needed a fix, a huge fix.
A very lengthy fix. ~ V. Theia
Sleipnirs Rider quotes by V. Theia
You are gonna shoot me," he says. "One day." He's still holding Lindsay's hand, he's looking down at where their fingers are wound together and not at Lindsay's face, but his voice is clear. "I ain't thick. I know you'll get sick of me. You can't just let me go, I know too much, you'd be freaked out forever in case I snitched. You'll get proper sick of me one day, not just annoyed, and then you'll shoot me. It's okay."
"I won't get sick of you," Lindsay says. He feels numb and far away, as if its somebody else talking, and almost like he's going to throw up, a sort of lurch in his stomach like when you're at the top of the the Angel tube station escalator and somebody a bit too eager to get on the train shoves you from behind.
"Yeah you will. I'm gonna be with you til I die, though. Least I can say that and know its true, how many people can do that? Bit romantic, really. If you squint, and look at it sideways. ~ Richard Rider
Sleipnirs Rider quotes by Richard Rider
She found him very hard to resist, and if she was truthful with herself, she wasn't trying that much. ~ Christine Feehan
Sleipnirs Rider quotes by Christine Feehan
BMX riding breaks down racial perceptions. Coming from New York City and being a BMX rider, that isn't something that's too common. I feel like for the longest time, I would ride through certain neighborhoods and people would call me a "white boy" because they associated white boys from California with BMX riding, and it bugs me so much because I'm completely not that. I completely don't fit that mold. It's really important for me to bring BMX riding to the masses and show people exactly what it is. ~ Nigel Sylvester
Sleipnirs Rider quotes by Nigel Sylvester
Dreams and coffee and sunrises make up the rhythms of the road.
Music is a part of it, too: the popular music on the jukeboxes and radio stations. You hear it constantly, in diners and on car radios. The music has a rhythm that fits the steady drumming of tires over pavement. It seeps into your bloodstream. After a while it ceases to make any difference whether or not you like the stuff. When you're traveling alone, a nameless rider with a succession of strangers, it can give you a comforting sense of the familiar to hear the same music over and over.
At any given time, a few current hits will be overplayed to exhaustion by the rock & roll stations. In hitching across the continent, you might hear the same song fifty or sixty times. Certain songs become connected in your mind with certain trips. ~ Kenn Kaufman
Sleipnirs Rider quotes by Kenn Kaufman
Your name?"The movements of the man's mouth didn't quite match what he was saying, so seeing him speak was a bit like watching a badly dubbed film.
"Alex Gardiner," Alex said.
"Your real name?"
"I just told you."
"You lied. Your real name is Alex Rider."
"Why ask if you think you know? ~ Anthony Horowitz
Sleipnirs Rider quotes by Anthony Horowitz
I don't care about going down in history as a great bull rider or bronc rider. I hope people will remember me as a great cowboy. ~ Ty Murray
Sleipnirs Rider quotes by Ty Murray
He squeezes his eyes shut and tries to steady his breathing, then he decides that's stupid. He's come this far, he's handcuffed to the bed, he's about to let a tattooed part-time drag queen in thigh-high leather boots fuck him. What's the point of trying for self-control? ~ Richard Rider
Sleipnirs Rider quotes by Richard Rider
What is this place? Hogwarts? -- Alex Rider ~ Anthony Horowitz
Sleipnirs Rider quotes by Anthony Horowitz
Who was
A Rider bonded to the dragon Saphira
Son of Holcomb and Nelda
Beloved of Selena
Father of Eragon Shadeslayer
Founder of the Varden
And Bane of the Forsworn.
May his name live on in glory.
Stydja unin mo'ranr ~ Christopher Paolini
Sleipnirs Rider quotes by Christopher Paolini
"Esa chica esta bien caliente." Hector laughed as Rider shook his head. Ainsley stiffened across from me. She was pretty fluent in Spanish and even though Hector was Puerto Rican, I had a feeling she was getting the general gist of whatever he was saying and she was not happy about it. "Me gustaria a llevarla a mi casa y comermela."
Ainsley cocked her head to the side as she brushed her long, blond hair over her shoulder. "Gracias! Pero no hay ni una parte de mi que tu te vas a comer."
Hector's eyes widened.
Rider threw his head back and burst into laughter. "Oh, shit. Priceless."
"What?" Ainsley blinked big eyes at the stunned Hector. "You think some white chick can't possibly understand another language so you're going to sit in front of me and talk about me like I'm not here?" Her smile was brittle and fake. "Bitch, please."
"Man..." Hector sat back, slowly shaking his head as he stared at her. "You're...brutal."
"Damn straight," she replied, her eyes like chips of blue ice. Whatever yumminess she'd seen in Hector was completely out the window now. "And you're a mal criado."
Hector's eyes narrowed.
"I really like your friend, Mouse." Still chuckling, Rider winked at me. "She basically called him a classless ass, and I agree. ~ Jennifer L. Armentrout
Sleipnirs Rider quotes by Jennifer L. Armentrout
While I will always have the utmost respect for the superhuman out-of-bounds freestyle and extreme stunts that seem to continually progress beyond our imaginable limits, my highest appreciation goes out to the simple rider who's out there just for the experience. ~ Craig Kelly
Sleipnirs Rider quotes by Craig Kelly
Sooner or later a rider will emerge who will win more Tours. In every sport we have seen how the records eventually get broken and cycling is no exception. ~ Miguel Indurain
Sleipnirs Rider quotes by Miguel Indurain
Every moment I'm with you, bambina, I fall harder. It's difficult for mr to believe you're real. You aren't the only one a little terrified. ~ Christine Feehan
Sleipnirs Rider quotes by Christine Feehan
Rider's head snapped up at the sound of gravel crunching under Willow's boots. The sight of the girl in boy's garb birthed an oath. Beneath her cotton shirt, her breasts bounced freely with each step. And within the tight mannish pants, her hips swung in an unconscious rhythm, clearly proclaiming her all woman. Hell, she might as well be naked! His body's reaction was immediate.
Cursing his lack of control, he turned sideways, facing her horse, and pretended to adjust the saddle straps.
Willow took Sugar's reins and waited for Rider to move aside. He didn't budge an inch. Instead, he tipped his hat back on his head, revealing undisguised disapproval. "Is that the way you always dress?" he bit out.
Willow stiffened, immediately defensive. Criticizing herself was one thing; putting up with Sinclair's disdain was another! "If you were expecting a dress, you're crazy!" she snapped. "It would be suicide in this country."
"Haven't you ever heard of riding skirts?"
"Yes. I'm not as dumb as you seem to think. But fancy riding skirts cost money I don't have. 'Sides, pants are a hell of a lot more useful on the ranch than some damn riding skirt! Now, if you're done jawing about my clothes, I'd like to get a move on before dark."
"Somebody ought to wash that barnyard mouth of yours,woman."
Willow rested her hand on her gun. "You can try, if you dare."
As if I'd draw on a woman, Rider cursed silently, stepping out of her way. As she hoisted herself ~ Charlotte McPherren
Sleipnirs Rider quotes by Charlotte McPherren
I fancy I only got a rap on the head, which knocked me stupid. ~ H. Rider Haggard
Sleipnirs Rider quotes by H. Rider Haggard
Not every rider is a horseman and not every horseman is a knight. ~ Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum
Sleipnirs Rider quotes by Mohammed Bin Rashid Al Maktoum
A horse doesn't know whether the rider on his back wears a dress or pants away from the track. ~ Diane Crump
Sleipnirs Rider quotes by Diane Crump
You can't see the real happiness and feelings of a real rider while riding. As real riders covers there head with a helmet ~ Ansh - The Mystic Rider
Sleipnirs Rider quotes by Ansh - The Mystic Rider
Curse it!" said Good - for I am sorry to say he had a habit of using strong language when excited - contracted, no doubt, in the course of his nautical career; "curse it! I've killed him. ~ H. Rider Haggard
Sleipnirs Rider quotes by H. Rider Haggard
My name is Koshka, and this Human person is Jazz. She is the protégé of the Baba Yaga Bella, and I am Bella's Chudo-Yudo."
"Oh," said the Dwarf, and doffed his hat, briefly revealing a shiny bald spot before putting it back on again. "Why didn't you say so?" He scowled. "I thought you were door-to-door salesmen."
"Do you get a lot of that in the Otherworld?" Jazz asked, genuinely interested in the answer. Somehow she hadn't imagined that would be a problem here.
Smythe shook his head. "Not yet. But I've heard all about them, and I expect they'll turn up any day. ~ Deborah Blake
Sleipnirs Rider quotes by Deborah Blake
He's of the colour of the nutmeg. And of the heat of the ginger ... he is pure air and fire; and the dull elements of earth and water never appear in him, but only in patient stillness while his rider mounts him; he is indeed a horse, and all other jades you may call beasts. ~ William Shakespeare
Sleipnirs Rider quotes by William Shakespeare
Man tends to regard the order he lives in as natural. The houses he passes on his way to work seem more like rocks rising out of the earth than like products of human hands. He considers the work he does in his office or factory as essential to the har­monious functioning of the world. The clothes he wears are exactly what they should be, and he laughs at the idea that he might equally well be wearing a Roman toga or medieval armor. He respects and envies a minister of state or a bank director, and regards the possession of a considerable amount of money the main guarantee of peace and security. He cannot believe that one day a rider may appear on a street he knows well, where cats sleep and chil­dren play, and start catching passers-by with his lasso. He is accustomed to satisfying those of his physio­logical needs which are considered private as dis­creetly as possible, without realizing that such a pattern of behavior is not common to all human so­cieties. In a word, he behaves a little like Charlie Chaplin in The Gold Rush, bustling about in a shack poised precariously on the edge of a cliff.
His first stroll along a street littered with glass from bomb-shattered windows shakes his faith in the "naturalness" of his world. The wind scatters papers from hastily evacuated offices, papers labeled "Con­fidential" or "Top Secret" that evoke visions of safes, keys, conferences, couriers, and secretaries. Now the wind blows them through the street for anyone to read; yet no ~ Czesław Miłosz
Sleipnirs Rider quotes by Czesław Miłosz
Standing, Rider lifted his arms and stretched. His shirt rode up, baring a sliver of his stomach. My gaze dropped and focused in. His lower stomach was unbelievably taut. Defined.
Very nice.
Cheeks flushing, I looked away and caught Hector's knowing gaze. Crap. I needed to be better about checking out guys. Like incognito style. ~ Jennifer L. Armentrout
Sleipnirs Rider quotes by Jennifer L. Armentrout
To come down to my own experience, my companion and I, for I sometimes have a companion, take pleasure in fancying ourselves knights of a new, or rather an old, order - not Equestrians or Chevaliers, not Ritters or Riders, but Walkers, a still more ancient and honorable class, I trust. The Chivalric and heroic spirit which once belonged to the Rider seems now to reside in, or perchance to have subsided into, the Walker - not the Knight, but Walker, Errant. He is a sort of fourth estate, outside of Church and State and People. ~ Henry David Thoreau
Sleipnirs Rider quotes by Henry David Thoreau
Come on, Caulder, come on, baby! By now she jumped up and down like the kids in the stands. Five, four, three ... She grabbed her other camera. The buzzer rang and Caulder's body lingered against the side of the bull. He was hung up and he tried to get his hand free. The bull still bucked and twisted, jumped and dropped. Velia grabbed her video camera. If she missed a shot like this, she'd probably be fired by the man himself. ~ Mary J. McCoy-Dressel
Sleipnirs Rider quotes by Mary J. McCoy-Dressel
Bottom line, dolce core, that's who I am. When the cops can't do something to protect citizens, it's my turn. You have to decide if you can live with who I am. The real me. ~ Christine Feehan
Sleipnirs Rider quotes by Christine Feehan
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