Seismologists Melodies Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Seismologists Melodies.

Quotes About Seismologists Melodies

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When I was last in Paris I was dirt poor, hiding from the Vietnam War. One night, in an old church, I considered taking my life. I didn't know how to be so young and not belong anywhere, stuck among so many perplexing melodies. ~ Philip Schultz
Seismologists Melodies quotes by Philip Schultz
I love you beyond paint, beyond melodies, beyond words. And I hope you will always feel that, even when I'm not around to tell you so. ~ Kiera Cass
Seismologists Melodies quotes by Kiera Cass
The music masters familiarize children's minds with rhythms and melodies, thus making them more civilized, more balanced, better adjusted in themselves, and more capable in whatever they say or do, for rhythm and harmony are essential to the whole of life. ~ Plato
Seismologists Melodies quotes by Plato
I had never said those words because there were no words left. My beloved and I were both exiles from language. Our love couldn't be expressed in words. Our love had been woven into the melodies rendered by his flute, and it was subsumed in the atoms of the air we breathed. It had been consecrated in this shrine. It had never been named. It was an unnamed thing that had remained unspoken, unuttered, unsaid. I did not need to name it when he could already hear it. ~ Faiqa Mansab
Seismologists Melodies quotes by Faiqa Mansab
Music to me, still to this day, is this wide open landscape of potential sounds (and I have more words for it now as a grown person), but as a little kid I used to think, "oh, you can just make up melodies and sometimes when you make certain melodies it makes you feel a certain way." ~ Josh Garrels
Seismologists Melodies quotes by Josh Garrels
Operating theaters are not nearly as popular as dramatic theaters, musical theaters, and movie theaters, and it is easy to see why. A dramatic theater is a large, dark room in which actors perform a play, and if you are in the audience, you can enjoy yourself by listening to the dialog and looking at the costumes. A musical theater is a large, dark room in which musicians preform a symphony, and if you are in the audience you can enjoy yourself by listening to the melodies and watching the conductor wave his little stick around. And a movie theater is a large, dark room in which a projectionist shows a film, and if you are in the audience, you can enjoy yourself by eating popcorn and gossiping about movie stars. But an operating theater is a large, dark room in which doctors preform medical procedures, and if you are in the audience, the best thing to do is to leave at once because there is never anything on display in an operating theater but pain, suffering and discomfort, and for this reason most operating theaters have been closed down or have been turned into restaurants. ~ Lemony Snicket
Seismologists Melodies quotes by Lemony Snicket
She spent the vestigial hours of the night huddled in a large wing-chair, looking too small for it, her little harmonica-sized tran­sistor radio purring away at her elbow. She kept it on the Paterson station, WPAT, which stayed on all night. There were others that did too, but they were crawling with commercials; this one wasn't. It kept murmuring the melodies of Roberta and Can-Can and My Fair Lady, while the night went by and the world, out there beyond its dial, went by with it. She dozed off finally, her head lolling over like a little girl's propped up asleep in a grown-up's chair.

("Too Nice A Day To Die") ~ Cornell Woolrich
Seismologists Melodies quotes by Cornell Woolrich
And so it is in poetry also: all this love of curious French metres like the Ballade, the Villanelle, the Rondel; all this increased value laid on elaborate alliterations, and on curious words and refrains, such as you will find in Dante Rossetti and Swinburne, is merely the attempt to perfect flute and viol and trumpet through which the spirit of the age and the lips of the poet may blow the music of their many messages. And so it has been with this romantic movement of ours: it is a reaction against the empty conventional workmanship, the lax execution of previous poetry and painting, showing itself in the work of such men as Rossetti and Burne-Jones by a far greater splendour of colour, a far more intricate wonder of design than English imaginative art has shown before. In Rossetti's poetry and the poetry of Morris, Swinburne and Tennyson a perfect precision and choice of language, a style flawless and fearless, a seeking for all sweet and precious melodies and a sustaining consciousness of the musical value of each word are opposed to that value which is merely intellectual. In this respect they are one with the romantic movement of France of which not the least characteristic note was struck by Theophile Gautier's advice to the young poet to read his dictionary every day, as being the only book worth a poet's reading. ~ Oscar Wilde
Seismologists Melodies quotes by Oscar Wilde
In their plush melodies and plummy platitudes, many Rodgers-and-Hammerstein songs were secular hymns, which so insinuated themselves into the ear of the Eisenhower-era listener that they became the liturgical music for the American mid-century. ~ Richard Corliss
Seismologists Melodies quotes by Richard Corliss
Well, the first thing I do is I try to listen to whatever rapping is already on the track. I listen for cadence and melody to see how the track's already been written, and to make sure that whatever flow or flows I decide to run with, or patterns or melodies that I decide to put into the song, that they're not already in there. Then I try to see if there's a different part of the subject matter that I can talk about. ~ Bun B.
Seismologists Melodies quotes by Bun B.
Well, what I love about '80s rock music is the amazing, fantastic melodies. ~ Julianne Hough
Seismologists Melodies quotes by Julianne Hough
Being a purely instrumental album, it makes a musical statement, not a religious one, and I hope that people can feel the emotion of the great melodies, even without the words. ~ Kenny G
Seismologists Melodies quotes by Kenny G
I'd never even sung in the shower, I'm too mortified. But once I got over the initial fear it was kind of enjoyable. Sondheim's melodies and lyrics are a real pleasure to tromp around in, it's really beautiful stuff. ~ Johnny Depp
Seismologists Melodies quotes by Johnny Depp
The moment we crossed over the threshold, the moment when our veins and cells and organs went blip, I closed my eyes
And illusioned.
It wasn't like any illusion I'd created before. It flowed from me like a song, an orchestra of interweaving threads and melodies, painting themselves into a picture around us. [Everything] ... disappeared, and only Constantine, Queen Honoria and I stood in the nothing between two worlds. ~ Heather Dixon
Seismologists Melodies quotes by Heather Dixon
Home should be an oratorio of the memory, singing to all our after life melodies and harmonies of old-remembered joy. ~ Henry Ward Beecher
Seismologists Melodies quotes by Henry Ward Beecher
Working with (new collaborators) and letting people in to try new melodies and new lyrical ideas was very hard. ~ Gwen Stefani
Seismologists Melodies quotes by Gwen Stefani
When I'm in Los Angeles, it's hard to be creative. For me, New Orleans is one of those places that's like a muse. You can hear music on the streets. There's a certain character the city has that inspires you when you're needing to write lyrics and come up with melodies and come up with rhythm and blues. The city has a pulse and it's an inspiration for me. ~ Chris Thomas King
Seismologists Melodies quotes by Chris Thomas King
I've just really been into melody and lyrics and songwriting. Writing a rap, to me, is easy. I could write a rap like that. But writing songs and melodies and s**t that's hopefully going to stick around for 30, 40 years is f**king hard ... If you have good songs and you're talented, people will eventually come to your shows, people will buy your music. ~ Kid Rock
Seismologists Melodies quotes by Kid Rock
The sap rises and, itself a mixture of elements, flowers in a mixture of tones; the trees, the rocks, the granites cast their reflections in the mirror of the water; all the transparent objects seize and imprison colour reflections, both close and distant, as the light passes through them. As the star of day moves, the tones change in value, but always they respect their mutual sympathies and natural hatreds, and continue to live in harmony by reciprocal concessions. The shadows move slowly and drive before them or blot out the tones as the light itself, changing position, sets others vibrating. These mingle their reflections, and, modifying their qualities by casting over them transparent and borrowed glazes, multiply to infinity their melodious marriages and make them easier to achieve. When the great ball of fire sinks into the waters, red fanfares fly in all directions, a blood-red harmony spreads over the horizon, green turns to a deep red. But soon vast blue shadows chase rhythmically before them the crowd of orange and soft tones, which are like the distant and muted echoes of the light. This great symphony of today, which is the eternally renewed variation of the symphony of yesterday, this succession of melodies, where the variety comes always from the infinite, this complex hymn is called colour. ~ Charles Baudelaire
Seismologists Melodies quotes by Charles Baudelaire
In country music the lyric is important and the melodies get a little more complex all the time, and you hear marvelous new singers who are interested in writing and interpreting a lyric and in all form of popular music. ~ Dinah Shore
Seismologists Melodies quotes by Dinah Shore
In string theory, all particles are vibrations on a tiny rubber band; physics is the harmonies on the string; chemistry is the melodies we play on vibrating strings; the universe is a symphony of strings, and the 'Mind of God' is cosmic music resonating in 11-dimensional hyperspace. ~ Michio Kaku
Seismologists Melodies quotes by Michio Kaku
My creative process isn't a long one, so I could have started a song 10 years ago and then finish it 10 years later. It's all just about pushing around words and melodies, for me. The material is kind of shape-shifting. ~ Antony Hegarty
Seismologists Melodies quotes by Antony Hegarty
You have the ability to write melodies and to put lyrics that mean something: to speak about life and what people are going through in their every day ups and downs, the good times and the bad times. Country music has always talked about life, I think; that's what I've always loved about it. ~ Jimi Westbrook
Seismologists Melodies quotes by Jimi Westbrook
I prefer simple things - monotone melodies repeating the same things all the time. Because I think life is like that. ~ Rokia Traore
Seismologists Melodies quotes by Rokia Traore
I used to play the piano, I was pretty decent, so that was the only thing I could hold onto in terms of coming up with melodies; but at the time I [still] just couldn't, so my early beats were really sample-based. ~ Lunice
Seismologists Melodies quotes by Lunice
I used to help Viv with the chords and melodies sometimes. ~ Neil Innes
Seismologists Melodies quotes by Neil Innes
Yes I am aware of the rules.
Yes I can totally see how I err the Queen.
Yes it is this very fact of slaying her language.
That gives my soul its melodies. ~ Malebo Sephodi
Seismologists Melodies quotes by Malebo Sephodi
Beauty addresses itself chiefly to sight, but there is a beauty for the hearing too, as in certain combinations so words and in all kinds of music; for melodies and cadences are beautiful; and minds that lift themselves above the realm of sense to a higher order are aware of beauty in the conduct of life, in actions, in character, in the pursuits of the intellect; and there is the beauty of the virtues ... ~ Plotinus
Seismologists Melodies quotes by Plotinus
Life's like the piano and the violin, it's about how smart you could play the melodies to make a good harmony. ~ Lucy 'Aisy
Seismologists Melodies quotes by Lucy 'Aisy
The '60s was a magical time in the music business. So much creativity and talent. I think a lot of it came from the fact that we had grown up before rock n' roll. We listened to all the great songwriters and big bands, songs with great lyrics and melodies. I think that really influenced everybody. ~ Frankie Valli
Seismologists Melodies quotes by Frankie Valli
The configuration of the ocean-floor is of great interest to seismologists studying the movements of the Earth's crust. Oceanographers are also able to explain certain peculiarities of ocean currents by the contour of the ocean-bed. But enormous areas are still unexplored. ~ Paul J. H. Schoemaker
Seismologists Melodies quotes by Paul J. H. Schoemaker
There's a gray area between Conservative and Orthodox people, for whom you don't screw around with the mezuzah, you don't mess with the holy melodies. ~ Rick Moranis
Seismologists Melodies quotes by Rick Moranis
Music is given of God to further his purposes. Sweet melodies mellow the souls of men and help prepare them for the gospel. After men receive the truth, songs of praise to Deity help to sanctify and cleanse their souls. ~ Bruce R. McConkie
Seismologists Melodies quotes by Bruce R. McConkie
I have no want or desire to solo. I'd rather create melodies and accompanying parts. ~ Frank Iero
Seismologists Melodies quotes by Frank Iero
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