Ruggiero Leoncavallo Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Ruggiero Leoncavallo.

Quotes About Ruggiero Leoncavallo

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It would be easier to say, what was the difference in style from many years ago. Many years ago, the old violinists, they also had a good technique, they were not tonally as good. ~ Ruggiero Ricci
Ruggiero Leoncavallo quotes by Ruggiero Ricci
I'm in the perfect position. It's a sports position and a political position where I can help better the lives of athletes around the world. ~ Angela Ruggiero
Ruggiero Leoncavallo quotes by Angela Ruggiero
The Women's Sports Foundation holds a unique position in developing opportunities for girls and women of all abilities to be active whether recreationally or competitively, and I'm excited to help lead the organization to impact even more lives. It is an honor to continue to build the legacy created by Billie Jean King and all of our leaders. ~ Angela Ruggiero
Ruggiero Leoncavallo quotes by Angela Ruggiero
This young man is an exceptionally gifted and talented violinist ... He is a first class talent ... ~ Ruggiero Ricci
Ruggiero Leoncavallo quotes by Ruggiero Ricci
But inside of me I knew that the Olympics were still there. I was still young enough. I knew that once I transitioned out of hockey, it would be really hard to go back. ~ Angela Ruggiero
Ruggiero Leoncavallo quotes by Angela Ruggiero
It feels right. But it's emotional. Saying goodbye to anything you've done that long is hard. ~ Angela Ruggiero
Ruggiero Leoncavallo quotes by Angela Ruggiero
Doing 'Veronica Mars,' Rob Thomas is a genius. He's one of my best friends. I had this feeling like I couldn't write anything other than my stuff in Jersey and what we were talking about, like that little world, like if I can throw my Aunt Janice into it, I'm cool, but otherwise I'm screwed. ~ Diane Ruggiero
Ruggiero Leoncavallo quotes by Diane Ruggiero
The more I've done work with the IOC the more I've come to realize I'm really excited about this, the work that I'm doing and the impact that I can have if I'm fully committed to it. ~ Angela Ruggiero
Ruggiero Leoncavallo quotes by Angela Ruggiero
When you can hear a violinist, that is better than you, then you learn from him, because if you play with somebody who is worse than you, then you go down. ~ Ruggiero Ricci
Ruggiero Leoncavallo quotes by Ruggiero Ricci
Colour does not make so much difference. Look at the Bach Chaconne: There is not one dynamic mark in the whole Bach Chaconne. Colours do not make so much difference. ~ Ruggiero Ricci
Ruggiero Leoncavallo quotes by Ruggiero Ricci
I look at myself, and how much I've gotten just because I play a sport well. ~ Angela Ruggiero
Ruggiero Leoncavallo quotes by Angela Ruggiero
I find that I've tried to become a better hockey player every year and not just hold on. At the same time, I've also made it a point to increase or grow in some other area of my life. If I were just playing hockey, I would probably be done with the sport. ~ Angela Ruggiero
Ruggiero Leoncavallo quotes by Angela Ruggiero
This new art made a deep impression on me, and I began to study it ardently. ~ Ruggero Leoncavallo
Ruggiero Leoncavallo quotes by Ruggero Leoncavallo
I've been telling people 'I'm going to go to California, and I'm going to be a big star' since the womb, but lately it was immediately followed by, 'Would you like soup or salad with that?' ~ Diane Ruggiero
Ruggiero Leoncavallo quotes by Diane Ruggiero
I have enough muscle already. Now I want to use it in more efficient ways. ~ Angela Ruggiero
Ruggiero Leoncavallo quotes by Angela Ruggiero
A good interpreter can take a piece of bad music and make it sound pretty decent, while a bad interpreter can take good music and make it sound cheap. I can tell that some people have a bad taste, and unlike on the piano, they smear around a lot, that is bad taste. ~ Ruggiero Ricci
Ruggiero Leoncavallo quotes by Ruggiero Ricci
I still love hockey. It's just I'm at a different stage of my life and I think I'm just ready to grow in other ways outside of just being a hockey player. ~ Angela Ruggiero
Ruggiero Leoncavallo quotes by Angela Ruggiero
You have to do a lot of listening, you don't just learn out of yourself. ~ Ruggiero Ricci
Ruggiero Leoncavallo quotes by Ruggiero Ricci
I don't have favourites, I think, when you play, you have to be like a prostitute, you have to love the piece you are playing. Even if you don't like it, you have to play it as if you would like it. Then you are a good interpreter. ~ Ruggiero Ricci
Ruggiero Leoncavallo quotes by Ruggiero Ricci
Of course the most difficult thing on the violin is always intonation. The second one is rhythm. If you play in tune, in time with a good sound that's already high level. Those three are the main things. ~ Ruggiero Ricci
Ruggiero Leoncavallo quotes by Ruggiero Ricci
Keep your ego from interfering with you search for the truth. ~ Vincent Ruggiero
Ruggiero Leoncavallo quotes by Vincent Ruggiero
So, first you have to be able to play with a metronome. Then you take your freedom. If you play in an orchestra, you got to watch the conductor, he is like a metronome, but it is more difficult because he can change rhythms. ~ Ruggiero Ricci
Ruggiero Leoncavallo quotes by Ruggiero Ricci
I'm able to give a voice to the athletes around the world - use my degree for something other than the power play. ~ Angela Ruggiero
Ruggiero Leoncavallo quotes by Angela Ruggiero
As a veteran, you're a little more poised on that mental side. But athletically, I didn't really think I could get better. ~ Angela Ruggiero
Ruggiero Leoncavallo quotes by Angela Ruggiero
I'm not playing for lack of options. But this is such a fleeting thing. When I'm done, I'm never, ever going to be able to come back to it. I know Vancouver is my last go. ~ Angela Ruggiero
Ruggiero Leoncavallo quotes by Angela Ruggiero
When you look back from your Olympic experience, you never want to question whether you could have done more. The one thing you can control is your off-ice preparation. ~ Angela Ruggiero
Ruggiero Leoncavallo quotes by Angela Ruggiero
When I need the idea, I can find it immediately. I have a horror of rewriting or deleting; the parts of my composition are carried in my head 'till I can write them down, even to the last note. Then I do not alter a jot. ~ Ruggero Leoncavallo
Ruggiero Leoncavallo quotes by Ruggero Leoncavallo
It's really important for me to have Italian-Americans and Jersey in a positive light. ~ Diane Ruggiero
Ruggiero Leoncavallo quotes by Diane Ruggiero
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