New Adventures Old Christine Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about New Adventures Old Christine.

Quotes About New Adventures Old Christine

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I read old novels. The reason is simple: I prefer proper endings. Marriages and deaths, noble sacrifices and miraculous restorations, tragic separations and unhoped-for reunions, great falls and dreams fulfilled; these, in my view, constitute an ending worth the wait. They should come after adventures, perils, dangers and dilemmas, and wind everything up nice and neatly. Endings like this are to be found more commonly in old novels than new ones, so I read old novels. ~ Diane Setterfield
New Adventures Old Christine quotes by Diane Setterfield
She had spent years locked in a tower, unable to see anything of the world but the scarp of forest beyond her window, but stories had provided her escape. New books, old books, dramas and histories and fantastical adventures, stories of ordinary lives, stories of dragons and demons, murders and mysteries and myths from long ago. A hundred possible worlds, more true to her than her own, more compelling than a life of staring at the same walls and same trees, waiting for the day when the lock would click and she would finally be allowed to be free. A story could not hurt her. ~ Rhiannon Thomas
New Adventures Old Christine quotes by Rhiannon Thomas
Movies were movies, whether they were old or new. They always captivated me, pulled me into worlds where anything was possible. Worlds where there were adventures and surprises, and life was never dull.
The only thing I didn't like about movies was when the credits rolled and returned me to real life. ~ Chelsea Sedoti
New Adventures Old Christine quotes by Chelsea Sedoti
The Adventures of Dickson McCunn, Adam Bede, Eric or Little by Little, these and many others, old and new, good bad and indifferent were grist to Duggie's mill. He found a novel by Rhoda Broughton entitled Not Wisely But Too Well and read it all through. He read an abridged version of Robinson Crusoe, and Under Two Flags and Coral Island with equal concentration. He read Little Women and Wuthering Heights. Cheyney he found difficult, for the people seemed to speak an unfamiliar language, but he struggled on manfully all the same. Needless ~ D.E. Stevenson
New Adventures Old Christine quotes by D.E. Stevenson
I woke up to an ache in my chest, the smell of chocolate, and the sound of the ghost making a racket in the kitchen. Now, I'm not the sort to dwell on doom and sorrow. Life is too short for that. But I should at least try to describe the ache briefly: It is not the kind that comes from eating tacos too late at night. It's the kind that comes from being left behind. I think my heart is smart enough to know there's a place I should be filling with new memories, new jokes, and wondrous adventures with the one person I loved most of all. But that person is gone now. And so, my heart has a giant hole. I call it The Big Empty. ~ Natalie Lloyd
New Adventures Old Christine quotes by Natalie Lloyd
New adventures enrich one's life. ~ Lailah Gifty Akita
New Adventures Old Christine quotes by Lailah Gifty Akita
The universe was once conceived as the passive stage upon which the dramatic conflict of human wills was enacted and resolved. Today man has discovered that that which seemed simple and stable is, instead, complex and volatile; his own inventions have put into motion new forces, toward which he has yet to invent a new relationship. Unlike Ulysses, he can no longer travel over a universe stable in space and time to find adventures; nor can he solve intimate antagonisms with an adversary sportingly suitable in stature. Rather, each individual is the center of a personal vortex; and the aggressive variety and enormity of the adventures which swirl about and confront him are unified only by his personal identity.... The integrity of the individual identity is counterpointed to the volatile character of a relativistic universe. ~ Maya Deren
New Adventures Old Christine quotes by Maya Deren
It's all right," the boy murmured as he felt her trembling. "My grandmother always told me 'Never try to turn back on a new road - you don't know what adventures await you. ~ Lisa Kleypas
New Adventures Old Christine quotes by Lisa Kleypas
I think most people settle for what is safe at least once at some point in their lives, but a person who suffers from anxiety or depression will almost always run away from goals, dreams, and new life adventures to avoid the possibility of feeling anything new and somewhat scary. It is better to live with the known than face the unknown. ~ Carian Cole
New Adventures Old Christine quotes by Carian Cole
Old Veteran also loved to go on adventures. On one such adventure, a coyote attacked Old Veteran. ~ Jeanie Vant
New Adventures Old Christine quotes by Jeanie Vant
The worst part of writing is meeting all these great new characters and having no one to talk about (the adventures you share with) them. ~ Claudia Bakker
New Adventures Old Christine quotes by Claudia Bakker
The explorers seek happiness in finding curiosities, discovering new lands and undergoing risks in adventures. They are thrilling. But where is pleasure found? Only within. Pleasure is not to be sought in the external world. ~ Ramana Maharshi
New Adventures Old Christine quotes by Ramana Maharshi
I heard a few men in a restaurant talking about a bayou legend," Savannah said suddenly.She leaned ont he side of the boat,presenting him with an intriguing view of her tight jeans. They clung lovingly to every curve.
Gregori moved, a flowing of his body, gliding silently, and his large frame was blanketing Savannah's, blocking out the captain's enticing view.Gregori leaned into her,his arms coming down on either side of the railing to imprison her against him. You are doing it again. His words brushed softly in her mind even as his warm breath teased the tendrils of hair at her neck.
Savannah leaned back into him, fitting her bottom into the cradle of his hips. She was happy, free of the oppressive weight of the hunt,of death and violence. THere were only the two of them.
Three, he reminded her,his teeth scraping her sensitive pulse.He could feel the answering surge of her blood, the molten lava spreading in his.
My mother thinks my father is a cave man.I'm beginning to think you could give him a run for his money.
Disrespectful little thing.
"Which legend?There are so many," Beau said.
"About an old alligator that lies in wait to eat hunting dogs and little children," Savannah said.
Gregori tugged at her long braid so that she tilted her head back.His mouth brushed the line of her throat. I could be a hungry alligator, he offered softly. ~ Christine Feehan
New Adventures Old Christine quotes by Christine Feehan
It is the Land of Truth (enchanted name!), surrounded by a wide and stormy ocean, the true home of illusion, where many a fog bank and ice, that soon melts away, tempt us to believe in new lands, while constantly deceiving the adventurous mariner with vain hopes, and involving him in adventures which he can never leave, yet never bring to an end. ~ Immanuel Kant
New Adventures Old Christine quotes by Immanuel Kant
When I began my career as a flight attendant, I was a 21-year-old with a B.A. in English and stars in her eyes. I wanted to see every city in the world. I wanted to have adventures that, I hoped, would fuel a writing career some day. ~ Ann Hood
New Adventures Old Christine quotes by Ann Hood
Disneyland will always be building and growing and adding new things ... new ways of having fun, of learning things, and sharing the many exciting adventures which may be experienced here in the company of family and friends. ~ Walt Disney
New Adventures Old Christine quotes by Walt Disney
Thank God for old-fashioned hardcovers. The e-book reader she had at home wouldn't have packed nearly the same punch. ~ Christine Warren
New Adventures Old Christine quotes by Christine Warren
But the real triumph was reserved for Christine Daae, who had begun by singing a few passages from Romeo and Juliet. It was the first time that the young artist sang in this work of Gounod, which had not been transferred to the Opera and which was revived at the Opera Comique after it had been produced at the old Theatre Lyrique by Mme. Carvalho. Those who heard her say that her voice, in these passages, was seraphic; but this was nothing to the superhuman notes that she gave forth in the prison scene and the final trio in FAUST, which she sang in the place of La Carlotta, who was ill. No one had ever heard or seen anything like it.

Daae revealed a new Margarita that night, a Margarita of a splendor, a radiance hitherto unsuspected. The whole house went mad, rising to its feet, shouting, cheering, clapping, while Christine sobbed and fainted in the arms of her fellow-singers and had to be carried to her dressing-room.

- Chapter 2: The New Margarita, from The Phantom of the Opera ~ Gaston Leroux
New Adventures Old Christine quotes by Gaston Leroux
He'd been ten years old when he'd last begged someone for something, and he'd promised himself he'd never do it again, but this was too important. ~ Christine Feehan
New Adventures Old Christine quotes by Christine Feehan
Goodbye, 2014. You've been a real kick in my lady balls; I definitely will not miss you. Hello, 2015, the year of success and new adventures, ~ Danielle Jamie
New Adventures Old Christine quotes by Danielle Jamie
A selection of quotes from The Night of Harrison Monk's Death (Jane Hetherington's Adventures in Detection: 1)
"Is this one of the more unusual cases of safe-breaking you've been asked to investigate, Mrs Hetherington?"
"Remember your private detective wants to be able to sleep soundly at night and in their own bed, not one supplied as her Majesty's pleasure."
"It seems to be an open and shut case doesn't it? But it's not you know? How do you know if anything is what it seems?"
"But where is Cheung kin?"
"When I first set eyes on your father, he was spying on a man from between two volumes of the Encyclopaedia Britannica."
"I don't think I need say more." "On the contrary, if you want me to have any idea what you're talking about, I think you do."
"Why don't you report it to the police?" "Because I stole it in the first place didn't I?"
"It's something of a mystery, I admit."
"Vanished into thin air!"
"You sound so sensible Mrs Hetherington. Please help us get to the bottom of this."
Ah, thought Jane – the old story.
"No body was found?"
"Shall I put the kettle on?" "Only if you fill it with whiskey."
"The course of true love didn't run smoothly for me either, you know."
"Life has its tragedies for sure."
"… What do I want? I want money that's what I want. I want money."
She was even more horrified by the words she heard next.
Callum MacCallum knew what it was like to be an outsider. ~ Nina Jon
New Adventures Old Christine quotes by Nina Jon
Overcomers have a 'finishing' anointing. They don't merely start things. They keep on moving forward until they complete the task. Many people love to start new things. They like to be creative. They enjoy thinking of new projects and dreaming about new adventures. Often, these people actually start some of the new things they are planning for the future. The problem is that they seldom finish what they start. ~ Barbara Wentroble
New Adventures Old Christine quotes by Barbara Wentroble
Youth is the time for adventures of the body, but age for the triumphs of the mind. ~ Logan Pearsall Smith
New Adventures Old Christine quotes by Logan Pearsall Smith
People come, people go – they'll drift in and out of your life, almost like characters in a favorite book. When you finally close the cover, the characters have told their story and you start up again with another book, complete with new characters and adventures. Then you find yourself focusing on the new ones, not the ones from the past. ~ Nicholas Sparks
New Adventures Old Christine quotes by Nicholas Sparks
I love Sherlock Holmes, but I love any of these old stories where the writer was paid by the word, so the adventures just continue forever. They are almost like they were meant to be read out loud. ~ Biz Stone
New Adventures Old Christine quotes by Biz Stone
The most enjoyable part in writing a series is being able to visit a world I have created and revisit old friends. The challenges are making the book fresh and new for readers who have started from the beginning while still adding old information for new readers. ~ Christine Feehan
New Adventures Old Christine quotes by Christine Feehan
I haven't had any adventures. Things have happened to me, events, incidents, anything you like. But not adventures. It isn't a matter of words; I am beginning to understand. There is something I longed for more than all the rest - without realizing it properly. It wasn't love, heaven forbid, nor glory, nor wealth. It was…anyway, I had imagined that at certain moments my life could take on a rare and precious quality. There was no need for extraordinary circumstances: all I asked for was a little order. There is nothing very splendid about my life at present: but now and then, for example when they played music in the cafés, I would l look back and say to myself: in the old days, in London, Meknés, Tokyo, I have known wonderful moments, I have had adventures. It is that which has been taken away from me now. I have just learnt, all of a sudden, for no apparent reason, that I have been lying to myself for ten years. Adventures are in books. And naturally, everything they tell you about in books can happen in real life, but not in the same way. It was to this way of happening that I attached so much importance. ~ Jean-Paul Sartre
New Adventures Old Christine quotes by Jean-Paul Sartre
So there that poor little stick is, caught up in a swirlin' eddy, spinnin' and spinnin' until it's sure it's gonna be stuck in that one spot forever. But then a most amazing thing happens. For no reason that anyone can really be sure of, the water spits that little stick right out of that stuck place and off it goes, floatin' on down the river to find new adventures. ~ Sandra Kring
New Adventures Old Christine quotes by Sandra Kring
I am very much looking forward to new adventures - including, I hope, Broadway - sooner rather than later. ~ Kenneth Branagh
New Adventures Old Christine quotes by Kenneth Branagh
It's the confluence of all this - all that you think, believe, and expect - that shapes your life and death. And just as a gold coin might lie on your horizon, so can and does all else you dwell upon, including new relationships, promotions, relocations, adventures, and more. Some of these will appear quicker than others, some won't show up at all, and then there'll be some surprises the logistics and choreography of which are far too complicated for the human mind to track - but not for divine mind. ~ Mike Dooley
New Adventures Old Christine quotes by Mike Dooley
Going into the unknown is invariably frightening, but we learn what is significantly new only through adventures. ~ M. Scott Peck
New Adventures Old Christine quotes by M. Scott Peck
I'm in search of something more than a new place, though. I'm in search of a feeling and a state of being: that magical time when you can't possibly predict what's going to happen next or whom you are going to meet or where they are going to take you. In this state, everything flows, every surprise is a delight, and new people guide you to special adventures. ~ Jessica Pan
New Adventures Old Christine quotes by Jessica Pan
I like to go to the gym with my girls, practice yoga, try new recipes, bake, have slumber parties, go to the beach, have adventures, book hunt, shop for new records, or road trip somewhere ... anything that keeps me laughing and excited about the day, really. I like feeling free to do what I or my friends want to do on our days off. ~ Lindsay Pearce
New Adventures Old Christine quotes by Lindsay Pearce
27-year-old bitter bitch that just found her fiancé banging a young, hotter model needs a well-endowed man not afraid to hammer her till the break of fucking dawn. ~ Christine Zolendz
New Adventures Old Christine quotes by Christine Zolendz
And to remember both our triumphs and our missteps, our promises made and broken, the times we opened ourselves up to great adventures or closed ourselves down for fear of getting hurt, because that's what new year's all about, getting another chance, a chance to forgive. to do better, to do more, to give more, to love more, and to stop worrying about what if and start embracing what will be. so when that ball drops at midnight, and it will drop, let's remember to be nice to each other, kind to each other, and not just tonight but all year long. ~ Claire Morgan
New Adventures Old Christine quotes by Claire Morgan
I've wanted to seek out new destinations and new adventures. I've sought an escape from the world in which I was raised. Now I can't help but long for the place I've tried so hard to leave. ~ Kevin C. Mills
New Adventures Old Christine quotes by Kevin C. Mills
Dear Nancy,
I love your book The Crystal Navigator. You paint beautiful imagery throughout the pages of the story, and I loved learning about art through the adventures of Lucy. I'm honored to be one of the first readers of your wonderful story,
Sylvie" (11 years old) ~ Sylvie
New Adventures Old Christine quotes by Sylvie
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