Mihail Chemiakin Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Mihail Chemiakin.

Quotes About Mihail Chemiakin

Enjoy collection of 32 Mihail Chemiakin quotes. Download and share images of famous quotes about Mihail Chemiakin. Righ click to see and save pictures of Mihail Chemiakin quotes that you can use as your wallpaper for free.

When the examination was over, the doctor looked at his watch, and then Praskovya Fyodorovna informed Ivan Ilyich that it must of course be as he liked, but she had sent today for a celebrated doctor, and that he would examine him, and have a consultation with Mihail Danilovich (that was the name of his regular doctor). 'Don't oppose it now, please. This I'm doing entirely for my own sake,' she said ironically, meaning it to be understood that she was doing it all for his sake, and was only saying this to give him no right to refuse her request. He lay silent, knitting his brows. He felt that he was hemmed in by such a tangle of falsity that it was hard to disentangle anything from it. Everything she did for him was entirely for her own sake, and she told him she was doing for her own sake what she actually was doing for her own sake as something so incredible that he would take it as meaning the opposite. ~ Leo Tolstoy
Mihail Chemiakin quotes by Leo Tolstoy
We cannot fight the devil because fight is his invention. ~ Mihail Militaru
Mihail Chemiakin quotes by Mihail Militaru
When we realize what ego is, we become ashamed. ~ Mihail Militaru
Mihail Chemiakin quotes by Mihail Militaru
The choice of heaven or hell starts right here on Earth. When we leave this life we will already know where we will go. ~ Mihail Militaru
Mihail Chemiakin quotes by Mihail Militaru
Every religion holds one finger from the hand of God and says. "I know God better than you. ~ Mihail Militaru
Mihail Chemiakin quotes by Mihail Militaru
The draw by stalemate looks like a spot of discontinuity in the otherwise harmonious universe of values. To save a game by letting yourself be so completely humiliated as not being able to make a move looks rather undeserved. ~ Mihail Marin
Mihail Chemiakin quotes by Mihail Marin
I could reply. I could tell him that a metaphor is inadequate in the face of a bloodbath. That a Platonic inclination for dying doesn't balance out the serious decision to kill. That through the ages there has never been a great historical infamy committed for which there couldn't be found a symbol just as big, to justify it. That, in consequence, we would do well to pay attention to great certainties, to great invocations, to the great 'droughts' and 'rains'. That the temper of our most violent outbursts might benefit from a shade less enthusiasm.
I could reply. But what good would it do? I have a simple, resigned, inexplicable sensation that everything that is happening is in the normal order of things and that I am awaiting a season that will come and pass
because it has come and passed before. ~ Mihail Sebastian
Mihail Chemiakin quotes by Mihail Sebastian
For too long I have played on the stage of lucidity, and I have lost. Now I need to accustom my eyes to the falling darkness. I need to contemplate the natural slumber of all things, which the light calls forth, yet also causes to tire. Life must begin in darkness. Its powers of germination lie hidden. Every day has its night, every light has its shadow.
I cannot be asked to accept these shadows gladly. It is enough that I accept them. ~ Mihail Sebastian
Mihail Chemiakin quotes by Mihail Sebastian
There is no weapon that can make peace. ~ Mihail Militaru
Mihail Chemiakin quotes by Mihail Militaru
Nature does not take sides, it is just maintaining or restoring the balance. ~ Mihail Militaru
Mihail Chemiakin quotes by Mihail Militaru
There is doubtless such a thing as a 'national character'. In art, it is the lowest common denominator. The more specific the character, the more commonplace it is. That is why creation always requires overcoming such a character.

An artist, if he is anything, is an individual. But to be an individual means embodying your own truths, suffering your own experiences, and inventing your own style. But these things can only occur by renouncing facility, and the most unfortunate facility comes from these so-called national characters, formed by the sedimentation of collective mediocrity, which lies there ready-made. National character is by definition that which remains in a culture after you have removed the personal effort involved in thinking, the personal experience of life and the triumph of individual creation. ~ Mihail Sebastian
Mihail Chemiakin quotes by Mihail Sebastian
We are all enlightened, but we choose to forget. ~ Mihail Militaru
Mihail Chemiakin quotes by Mihail Militaru
A book either knocks you down or raises you up. ~ Mihail Sebastian
Mihail Chemiakin quotes by Mihail Sebastian
I have always believed it my right to have a locked door between me and the world, and to hold the key myself. Now look at it, kicked open. The doors are off their hinges, the portals unguarded, every cover blown. ~ Mihail Sebastian
Mihail Chemiakin quotes by Mihail Sebastian
Finally the novelty came. These days it seems to be normal to play novelties somewhere in the ending. Apart from just being the novelty, this move is also very strong. It is most probably that Radjabov found this natural improvement over the board, as he spend more than an hour, if I am not mistaken. But it could be that he was just trying to remember his own analysis (can you imagine how much he has to remember??). ~ Mihail Marin
Mihail Chemiakin quotes by Mihail Marin
Is that vodka?' Margarita asked weakly. The cat jumped up from its chair in indignation. 'Excuse me, your majesty,' he squeaked, 'do you think I would give vodka to a lady? That is pure spirit! ~ Mihail Bulhakov
Mihail Chemiakin quotes by Mihail Bulhakov
I've always believed that the only defeats and victories that matter in life are those you lose or win alone, against yourself. ~ Mihail Sebastian
Mihail Chemiakin quotes by Mihail Sebastian
I am thankful every day for what God blesses me with. No need to wait for Thanksgiving. ~ Mihail Militaru
Mihail Chemiakin quotes by Mihail Militaru
If we feel that our life has no meaning, that means we are already dead. ~ Mihail Militaru
Mihail Chemiakin quotes by Mihail Militaru
What an odd thing a stranger is. A stranger sleeping next to you. I listen to his breathing as if it were his entire life, with its hidden processes, the pulsing of the blood in the tissues, with thousands of tiny hidden decays and combustions, which together create and maintain him. ~ Mihail Sebastian
Mihail Chemiakin quotes by Mihail Sebastian
There is no single magic. Everything is magical. ~ Mihail Militaru
Mihail Chemiakin quotes by Mihail Militaru
When we believe that being ignorant we are neutral, it is just a way to deceive ourselves. Ignorance is nothing but the devil in disguise. ~ Mihail Militaru
Mihail Chemiakin quotes by Mihail Militaru
Acceptance is the mother of all understandings ~ Mihail Militaru
Mihail Chemiakin quotes by Mihail Militaru
Sometimes symbolism is too obvious. ~ Mihail Sebastian
Mihail Chemiakin quotes by Mihail Sebastian
I embraced her and she did not object at all. She let herself be kissed and kissed back, but coolly, without conviction, absently, as if she were smoking a cigarette. ~ Mihail Sebastian
Mihail Chemiakin quotes by Mihail Sebastian
A stranger sleeps next to me, like a stone beside another stone. ~ Mihail Sebastian
Mihail Chemiakin quotes by Mihail Sebastian
God speaks to all of us; we just have to listen. ~ Mihail Militaru
Mihail Chemiakin quotes by Mihail Militaru
As a matter of fact, great passions remain unknown, they erade in the anonymity. ~ Mihail Drumes
Mihail Chemiakin quotes by Mihail Drumes
The true wealth of the king is not the gold but the love of his people. ~ Mihail Militaru
Mihail Chemiakin quotes by Mihail Militaru
When we judge others, we judge ourselves through comparison. We go backward on the ladder, which means we are going down. ~ Mihail Militaru
Mihail Chemiakin quotes by Mihail Militaru
What is life? Life is a fantastic gift from God. ~ Mihail Militaru
Mihail Chemiakin quotes by Mihail Militaru
If I were to prove the existence of God, I would do nothing about it. I will leave it to you. ~ Mihail Militaru
Mihail Chemiakin quotes by Mihail Militaru
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