Lost Grandparents Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Lost Grandparents.

Quotes About Lost Grandparents

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I had lost all perspective; I was wandering in a desperate purgatory (with a gray man in a gray boat in a gray river: an apathetic Charon dawdling upon a passionless phlegmatic River Styx ... and a petulant Christ child bawling on the train ... ). ~ Sylvia Plath
Lost Grandparents quotes by Sylvia Plath
Dear Tess, she read. This is probably a silly gift for a girl. I never did know the right thing to buy you. I was trying to think of something that would help when you're feeling lost. I remember feeling lost. It was bloody awful. But I always had you. Hope you find your way, Love Dad. ~ Liane Moriarty
Lost Grandparents quotes by Liane Moriarty
It's not real. Love is a product of habit and routine. If you break that habit and change those routines, the person you've loved and lost and can't live without suddenly becomes an easy memory to file in the back of your mind . In other words, love isn't a heart condition. It's not even an emotional one. It's just a four-letter word we use when we want to control someone else and ruin their life if we ever decide to walk out on them ~ Morgan Parker
Lost Grandparents quotes by Morgan Parker
You haven't lost Iraki, you know. I don't know if it helps to say that. I lost a friend once myself, and I know how it goes.
'He'll find his way inside you, and you'll carry him onward. Behind your heartbeat, you'll hear another one, faint and out of step. People will say you are speaking his opinions, or your hair has turned like his.
'There are no more facts about him, that part is over. Now is the time for essential things. You'll see visions of him wherever you go. You'll see his eyes so moist, his intentions so blinding, you'll think he is more alive than you. You will look around and wonder if it was you who died.
'Gradually you'll grow older than him, and love him as your son.
'In the future, you'll live astride the line separating life from death. You'll become experienced in the wisdom of grief. You won't wait until people die to grieve for them. You'll give them their grief while they are still alive, for then judgement falls away, and there remains only the miracle of being.' ~ Rana Dasgupta
Lost Grandparents quotes by Rana Dasgupta
His eyes were like galaxies, and everyone could get lost in them. How many stars flickered there, no one knew, but every time he glanced upon someone, a new star ignited, a new star was caught in the gravity of his stare. ~ Dean F. Wilson
Lost Grandparents quotes by Dean F. Wilson
There are many elder sons and elder daughters who are lost while still at home. ~ Henri J.M. Nouwen
Lost Grandparents quotes by Henri J.M. Nouwen
I lost 80 percent of my wealth and then gave away over half of the rest. So I'm a man of modest means now. But if you budget carefully and watch your expenditures, you can get by on a couple billion dollars. ~ Ted Turner
Lost Grandparents quotes by Ted Turner
At home we have lost the capacity to see what is before us. Travel shakes us out of our apathy, and we regain an attentiveness that heightens every experience. The exhilaration of travel has many sources, but surely one of them is that we recapture in some measure the unspoiled awareness of children. ~ John W. Gardner
Lost Grandparents quotes by John W. Gardner
As for me, I'm movin' in."
My lips parted.
"I know we're just back but I don't give a fuck. I'm not takin' that slow. Lost too much. Not gonna dick around gettin' it back. ~ Kristen Ashley
Lost Grandparents quotes by Kristen Ashley
Take nothing and no one for granted. Time used to be my friend, and now it's a skittish acquaintance at best.
Let life unfold, say what you mean. You can't always think about what you've lost, or what you don't have, or what you didn't get. Because when you do that, you're missing out on the now. You can't know if you'll be here tomorrow or a year from now. ~ Adriana Trigiani
Lost Grandparents quotes by Adriana Trigiani
The human brain is a product of natural selection. In the face of scarcity, our hominid great-great-uncles were unable to compete against our sapient great-great-grandparents' abilities to build more elaborate mental models and orchestrate their bodies' movements in more sophisticated ways. ~ Justin Rosenstein
Lost Grandparents quotes by Justin Rosenstein
If you look at yourself as a star, you've already lost something in the portrayal of any human being. ~ Gene Hackman
Lost Grandparents quotes by Gene Hackman
We are above all things loved--that is the good news of the gospel--and loved not just the way we turn up on Sundays in our best clothes and on our best behavior and with our best feet forward, but loved as we alone know ourselves to be, the weakest and shabbiest of what we are along with the strongest and gladdest. To come together as people who believe that just maybe this gospel is actually true should be to come together like people who have just won the Irish Sweepstakes. It should have us throwing our arms around each other like people who have just discovered that every single man and woman in those pews is not just another familiar or unfamiliar face but is our long-lost brother and our long-lost sister because despite the fact that we have all walked in different gardens and knelt at different graves, we have all, humanly speaking, come from the same place and are heading out into the same blessed mystery that awaits us all. This is the joy that is so apt to be missing, and missing not just from church but from our own lives--the joy of not just managing to believe at least part of the time that it is true that life is holy, but of actually running into that holiness head-on. ~ Frederick Buechner
Lost Grandparents quotes by Frederick Buechner
Matches are won and lost so many times in the locker room. ~ Lleyton Hewitt
Lost Grandparents quotes by Lleyton Hewitt
In being realistic we do not always have to be pessimistic. Christ never blinked his eyes at bad things. But he never became so obsessed with human evil that he lost faith in man. ~ Ralph Washington Sockman
Lost Grandparents quotes by Ralph Washington Sockman
Enjoyment of football is part of the social context, and I have lost my faith in this social context. ~ Orhan Pamuk
Lost Grandparents quotes by Orhan Pamuk
A nurse interrupted the conversation by appearing in the doorway to tell a beaming Matt Holden and Leta that they'd just become grandparents. It was a fine, healthy boy, and as soon as they had Mrs. Winthrop in a room, everyone could come and see him in the nursery. She darted a worried glance toward a group of taciturn men in sunglasses and dark suits, facing another group in casual dress but looking at windows as if they might be contemplating a break-out. And one of those men bore a striking resemblance to a mobster ...
She beat a hasty retreat back into the safety of the surgical ward. That baby was going to have some very odd visitors. ~ Diana Palmer
Lost Grandparents quotes by Diana Palmer
I do feel that Paula Deen should not have lost her job, and I've said this on the air. The marketplace should have decided. The marketplace decided something different. Her books are No. 1. ~ Don Lemon
Lost Grandparents quotes by Don Lemon
We all smiled, but not that much, and frowned but rarely cried. Nobody could succeed here, but most people around me seemed to be okay with that . It meant they wouldn't fail either.
I didn't want to be like them. And at the same time, I was beginning to forget how to be different, how to be my own self. It was the feeling of being swallowed up, and I hated it. ~ Jennifer A. Nielsen
Lost Grandparents quotes by Jennifer A. Nielsen
Within every bad thing I see good, and, likewise, within every good thing I see bad, however impossible it is to understand it or see it at the time. As humans we are the epitome of life; in life there is always balance. Life and death,male and female, good and bad, beautiful and ugly, win and lose, love and hate. Lost and found. ~ Cecelia Ahern
Lost Grandparents quotes by Cecelia Ahern
Issib wasn't thrilled to see him. I'm busy and don't need interruptions."

"This is the household library," said Nafai. "This is where we always come to do research."

"See? You're interrupting already."

"Look, I didn't say anything, I just came in here, and you started picking at me the second I walked in the door."

"I was hoping you'd walk back out."

"I can't. Mother sent me here." Nafai walked over behind Issib, who was floating comfortably in the air in front of his computer display. It was layered thirty pages deep, but each page had only a few words on it, so he could see almost everything at once. Like a game of solitaire, in which Issib was simply moving fragments from place to place.

The fragments were all words in weird languages. The ones Nafai recognized were very old.

"What language is that?" Nafai asked pointing, to one.

Issib signed. "I'm so glad you're not interrupting me."

"What is it, some ancient form of Vijati?"

"Very good. It's Slucajan, which came from Obilazati, the original form of Vijati. It's dead now."

"I read Vijati, you know."

"I don't."

"Oh, so you're specializing in ancient, obscure languages that nobody speaks anymore, including you?"

"I'm not learning these languages, I'm researching lost words."

"If the whole language is dead, then all the words are lost."

Orson Scott Card
Lost Grandparents quotes by Orson Scott Card
Is language all about desire? Is desire all about loss? Would we ever need to say anything if we never lost anything? Is everything we ever say just another way to express: I will lose this, I will lose all of this. I will lose you? ~ Charles Yu
Lost Grandparents quotes by Charles Yu
Smart, dedicated people lost their lives all the time as they trained to be the best they could be to serve their country. Celebrities broke a nail and they immediately took to Twitter, alerting their millions of followers to the "injury," which in turn elicited thousands of replies from people with apparently not enough going on in their lives. And all the while brave men and women died in silence, forgotten by all except their families. ~ David Baldacci
Lost Grandparents quotes by David Baldacci
The US will always be an enormous automobile market. You're lost without a car there. ~ Martin Winterkorn
Lost Grandparents quotes by Martin Winterkorn
I'm free, I think. I shut my eyes and think hard and deep about how free I am, but I can't really understand what it means. All I know is I'm totally alone. All alone in an unfamiliar place, like some solitary explorer who's lost his compass and his map. Is this what it means to be free? I don't know, and I give up thinking about it. ~ Haruki Murakami
Lost Grandparents quotes by Haruki Murakami
It takes courage to forgive love and allow yourself to embrace it again, its like discovering wings you thought you've lost ~ Micheline Jean Louis
Lost Grandparents quotes by Micheline Jean Louis
And when I say that he lost his head, what I mean is not that his judgement abandoned him but that his enthusiasms and visions swept him far out. ~ Saul Bellow
Lost Grandparents quotes by Saul Bellow
I thought you were gone forever, I thought you'd walked away from everything, because I failed, because I destroyed the only thing that ever mattered to me. I waited for you to come, but you didn't. ~ Alexandra Adornetto
Lost Grandparents quotes by Alexandra Adornetto
I wish that Iraq had not happened - and that we had not lost touch with so many of our natural supporters. But this should have provided an opportunity for the Liberal Democrats as a party. Yet their protest gains are now diminishing. ~ Lucy Powell
Lost Grandparents quotes by Lucy Powell
He'd grieved for that nameless Summer Court faerie with the hacked-off wings. What grief and burdens did he bear for whoever else had been in this conflict-lost to the blight, or to the attacks on the borders? High Lord-a position he hadn't wanted or expected, yet he'd been forced to bear its weight as best as he could. ~ Sarah J. Maas
Lost Grandparents quotes by Sarah J. Maas
There are days where I've lost weight and I feel bigger or fatter or uglier and I want to just hibernate. I'll find every excuse not to exercise. I hate it. ~ Carnie Wilson
Lost Grandparents quotes by Carnie Wilson
What is it about an unsolved mystery...that captures us so. that makes us lean forward. looking for an answer? Is it just the challenge of cracking it ourselves or do we rather hope that it will never be solved? Because in solving something, in pinning it down,in reducing it to one reality, something of the magic is lost. Don't we all hope, even the fiercest realists among us, that there is another answer that transcends our understanding? A heaven above us, after all. ~ Kate Weinberg
Lost Grandparents quotes by Kate Weinberg
When all hope is lost, pig-headed refusal to acknowledge reality will always save the day. ~ Andy Ihnatko
Lost Grandparents quotes by Andy Ihnatko
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