Lasst Mich Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Lasst Mich.

Quotes About Lasst Mich

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Ich bin der Welt abhanden gekommen,
Mit der ich sonst viele Zeit verdorben,
Sie hat so lange [von mir nichts]1 vernommen,
Sie mag wohl glauben, ich sei gestorben.

Es ist mir auch gar nichts daran gelegen,
Ob sie mich für gestorben hält,
Ich kann auch gar nichts sagen dagegen,
Denn wirklich bin ich gestorben der Welt.

Ich bin gestorben dem [Weltgewimmel]2,
Und ruh' in einem stillen Gebiet.
Ich leb' allein [in mir und meinem]3 Himmel,
In meinem Lieben, in meinem Lied.

I am lost to the world
with which I used to waste so much time,
It has heard nothing from me for so long
that it may very well believe that I am dead!

It is of no consequence to me
Whether it thinks me dead;
I cannot deny it,
for I really am dead to the world.

I am dead to the world's tumult,
And I rest in a quiet realm!
I live alone in my heaven,
In my love and in my song. ~ Gustav Mahler
Lasst Mich quotes by Gustav Mahler
Some seem to be desynchronized in their relationships. They feel oppressed, because they cannot move forward together and at the same pace. Their thinking is often incongruent, their motivation disparate. The phone could be a mediator, as it creates an impression to be a perfect reliable friend. However, in the end, it causes rather a sense of isolation, since it divides more than it unites. Eventually it appears not to be such a good friend but only a ghost friend. ( "Kein Schwein ruft mich an" ) ~ Erik Pevernagie
Lasst Mich quotes by Erik Pevernagie
As thou hast created me out of mingled air and glitter, I thank thee for it.
[Ger., Wie aus Duft und Glanz gemischt
Du mich schufst, dir dank ich's heut.] ~ Friedrich Ruckert
Lasst Mich quotes by Friedrich Ruckert
People are not dying of lack of money but of lack of esteem and awareness. ("Kein Schwein ruft mich an") ~ Erik Pevernagie
Lasst Mich quotes by Erik Pevernagie
In the silence of consciousness I asked myself:
why did I reject my life? And I answer
Die Erde überwältigt mich:
the earth defeats me. ~ Louise Gluck
Lasst Mich quotes by Louise Gluck
Once we accept violence as an adaptation, it makes sense that its expression is calibrated to the environment. The same individual will behave differently if he comes of age in Detroit, Mich., versus Windsor, Ontario; in New York in the 1980s versus New York now; in a culture of honor versus a culture of dignity. ~ Paul Bloom
Lasst Mich quotes by Paul Bloom
I look to a time when brotherhood needs no publicity; to a time when a brotherhood award would be as ridiculous as an award for getting up each morning. ~ Daniel D. Mich
Lasst Mich quotes by Daniel D. Mich
In 1965, in Reed v. Van Hoven, a court determined (237 F.Supp. 48. W.D.Mich. 1965.) that it was permissible for students to pray over their lunch at school so long as no one knew they were praying - that is, they couldn't say words or move their lips, but they could pray only if no one knew about it! ~ David Barton
Lasst Mich quotes by David Barton
In the silence of my consciousness I asked myself: why did I reject my life? And I answer Die Erder überwältigt mich: the earth defeats me. I have tried to be accurate in this description in case someone else should follow me. I can verify that when the sun sets in winter it is incomparably beautiful and the memory of it lasts a long time. I think this means there was no night. The night was in my head. ~ Louise Gluck
Lasst Mich quotes by Louise Gluck
Lasst Mich quotes by John L. Ransom
The evaluative criteria are then listed as: "1) storytelling quality; 2) photographic quality; 3) impact; 4) simplicity; 5) beauty" (Mich, 46). ~ Philippe Mather
Lasst Mich quotes by Philippe Mather
Die Welt ist nirgends außer diesen Mauern;
Nur Fegefeuer, Qual, die Hölle selbst.
Von hier verbannt, ist aus der Welt verbannt,
Und solcher Bann ist Tod: Drum gibst du ihm
Den falschen Namen. - Nennst du Tod Verbannung,
Enthauptest du mit goldnem Beile mich
Und lächelst zu dem Streich, der mich ermordet.

There is no world without Verona walls,
But purgatory, torture, hell itself.
Hence banishèd is banished from the world,
And world's exile is death. Then "banishèd"
Is death mistermed. Calling death "banishèd",
Thou cuttest my head off with a golden axe
And smilest upon the stroke that murders me.

Romeo: Act III, Scene 3 ~ William Shakespeare
Lasst Mich quotes by William Shakespeare
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