Karen Francisco Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Karen Francisco.

Quotes About Karen Francisco

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The great thing about being considered insane is that you've got an excuse to do anything you want ~ Karen Francisco
Karen Francisco quotes by Karen Francisco
It's an odd thing, but anyone who disappears
is said to be seen in San Francisco.
It must be a delightful city and possess
all the attractions of the next world ~ Oscar Wilde
Karen Francisco quotes by Oscar Wilde
You mean you let him talk to you like that and you aren't even getting any Man what a rip-off. ~ Karen Chance
Karen Francisco quotes by Karen Chance
keep torturing yourself? It is what it is. ~ Karen McQuestion
Karen Francisco quotes by Karen McQuestion
To think without saying is to hold an armed grenade without throwing it. ~ Francisco Parra
Karen Francisco quotes by Francisco Parra
The divisions in our world are not a result of religious or of culture, but are politically based. There is an imbalance of power in the world and the powerless are beginning to challenge the hegemony fohte Great power. ~ Karen Archer
Karen Francisco quotes by Karen Archer
The sleep of reason produces monsters. ~ Francisco Goya
Karen Francisco quotes by Francisco Goya
Some things are sacred. Until you act like they're not. Then you lose them ~ Karen Marie Moning
Karen Francisco quotes by Karen Marie Moning
He doesn't beat me," I said irritably. "I'd kill him if he did."
"She would. She has a temper. Stubborn, too. But we're working on that, aren't we, Ms. Lane? ~ Karen Marie Moning
Karen Francisco quotes by Karen Marie Moning
would announce that NeXT was bringing the world a breakthrough. But the customers didn't follow and NeXT wasn't close to making a profit, which companies must do to thrive and grow. At a board meeting in spring 1991, company officials delivered more bad news about poor results. Investor Ross Perot interrupted the presentation with a blunt assessment: "So what you're telling me is the cockpit's on fire and the plane's in a tailspin. ~ Karen Blumenthal
Karen Francisco quotes by Karen Blumenthal
Really, is having your body taken by aliens all that bad? ~ San Francisco Chronicle
Karen Francisco quotes by San Francisco Chronicle
Sometimes the noise of life can be just too much. If you need to escape, love yourself enough to know when you need a real time out. ~ Karen A. Baquiran
Karen Francisco quotes by Karen A. Baquiran
You're wrong about one thing, though," she said. Daniel looked quizzically at her. "What?" Etta reached up to his brow and brushed his hair off his forehead with a gentle caress that set his blood to pumping. Then she tilted her head back and met his gaze. "You are a hero. My hero." And ~ Karen Witemeyer
Karen Francisco quotes by Karen Witemeyer
San Francisco isn't what it used to be, and it never was. ~ Herb Caen
Karen Francisco quotes by Herb Caen
I write best when I am either, falling in love, or falling apart. ~ Rudy Francisco
Karen Francisco quotes by Rudy Francisco
There's a fine line between being stupid and knowing you have to test your limits if you want to do any real living at all. ~ Karen Marie Moning
Karen Francisco quotes by Karen Marie Moning
I'll never be her first.
But one day I'll be her last. ~ Karen Marie Moning
Karen Francisco quotes by Karen Marie Moning
I think of Jesus coming down from Heaven to shame me and everyone here before he gathers his posse of fellow zombies and orders them to devour us all in every way possible - to skin us alive so Jesus and his pals can wear new skins for their trips back to Heaven or the Tenderloin in San Francisco. ~ Logan Ryan Smith
Karen Francisco quotes by Logan Ryan Smith
I'm not here to argue for the world. That's not in my job description. I'm just trying to save it. ~ Karen Marie Moning
Karen Francisco quotes by Karen Marie Moning
Maybes are anchors you chain to your own feet. Right before you leap off the boat into the ocean. ~ Karen Marie Moning
Karen Francisco quotes by Karen Marie Moning
I'm a fan of creating the mood and vibe with flowers, candles, and music. I love making my guests feel like it's not formal and they can relax in my home. ~ Karen Elson
Karen Francisco quotes by Karen Elson
After an eternity of grief and regret, he held the only thing he'd ever wanted as much as he wanted to be God. A second chance. ~ Karen Marie Moning
Karen Francisco quotes by Karen Marie Moning
Some team! The Chief was doing so many jobs alone. I'd fix on the Chief's raw, rope-burned palms or all the gray hairs collected in his sink, and I'd suffer this terrible side pain that Kiwi said was probably an ulcer and Ossie diagnosed as lovesickness. Or rather a nausea produced by the "black fruit" of love - a terror that sprouted out of your love for someone like rotting oranges on a tree branch. Osceola knew all about this black fruit, she said, because she'd grown it for our mother, our father, Grandpa Sawtooth, even me and Kiwi. Loving a ghost was different, she explained - that kind of love was a bare branch. I pictured this branch curving inside my sister: something leafless and complete, elephantine, like a white tusk. No rot, she was saying, no fruit. You couldn't lose a ghost to death. ~ Karen Russell
Karen Francisco quotes by Karen Russell
And you can tell Darroc that Ms. Lane is mine. If he wants her, he can bloody well come and get her ~ Karen Marie Moning
Karen Francisco quotes by Karen Marie Moning
I was in San Francisco for 'Trauma' and then got back to town and got situated and started looking at things and passing on things. I think I was around for a month and a half, and there were other projects that were up, but it's all a waiting game. And then, 'The Vampire Diaries' came up, and I was really interested and read for it. ~ Taylor Kinney
Karen Francisco quotes by Taylor Kinney
She wrapped herself up in an enigma; there was no other way to keep warm. ~ Karen Elizabeth Gordon
Karen Francisco quotes by Karen Elizabeth Gordon
Turn the lights of please, Ava, she whispered, and I remember her breath hot and rummy on our cheeks. To this day I think of rum as a marine smell; the scent of it on an adult's breath turned the world as small and dark as a boat hold. ~ Karen Russell
Karen Francisco quotes by Karen Russell
I'm sorry, Ben," Tori soothed, her hand cupping his shoulder as she blotted the excess wetness from his nape with a towel and waited for the liquor to evaporate. "I'm almost done." Too bad. He was rather enjoying her fussing over him. Well, except for the excruciating pain. Tori had never voluntarily touched him. Soothed him. Murmured his name in the affectionate tone usually reserved solely for Lewis. Getting kicked in the head seemed to have advanced his wooing. He could live with temporary pain if it helped him claim a permanent hold on the woman he loved. Yet ~ Karen Witemeyer
Karen Francisco quotes by Karen Witemeyer
A man protected his woman, after all. And Lord willing, one day Eden would be his. ~ Karen Witemeyer
Karen Francisco quotes by Karen Witemeyer
L.A. ispolluted. It's overpopulated. But it is very much home. It was inevitable for me, the moving back. I was living in San Francisco, and Joan broke it off with me, and I needed a place to live. I'd been divorced. And I needed to write movies and TV shows to earn a living. Alimony. All that. So I figured what the hell, I'll go back to L.A. ~ James Ellroy
Karen Francisco quotes by James Ellroy
All I can think is: His head is gone and I don't know how to merge with the Book. ~ Karen Marie Moning
Karen Francisco quotes by Karen Marie Moning
We could figure out God's plan, then He wouldn't be God. ~ Karen Kingsbury
Karen Francisco quotes by Karen Kingsbury
Everyone has a secret life. Perhaps yours is merely a gossamer web of thoughts and fantasies woven in the hidden furrows of your mind. Or furtive deeds performed on the sly or betrayals large and small that, if revealed, would change how you are perceived.
-Dracula in Love by Karen Essex ~ Karen Essex
Karen Francisco quotes by Karen Essex
Back in 1990, there were fewer than 20 wineries in and around Paso Robles, a farming community midway between San Francisco and Los Angeles. Most of the wines produced there were rustic, highly tannic and alcoholic, with little charm or finesse. ~ Robert M. Parker, Jr.
Karen Francisco quotes by Robert M. Parker, Jr.
The more excited I get, the more I vibrate."
"Now there's a thought," Lor says.
"If you mean what I think you mean, you want to shut the fuck up and never think it again," Ryodan says. ~ Karen Marie Moning
Karen Francisco quotes by Karen Marie Moning
Barrons's hold tightened further. "Give me one good reason not to kill him. Ms. Lane," he growled roughly around thick, long black fangs. "Because I asked you not to, Barrons. That's good enough. You killed the other princes, and I was grateful. I wasn't ready then. I was still afraid of what I'd become. But this last prince is mine to kill or not to kill. And I say no. At the moment. And although Cruce is incapable of understanding that word, I know you know that a no from me means no. And you will honor it," I said in a voice that brooked no resistance. It was one of the defining differences between the two proud, dark, violent males. And if he didn't honor it, he wasn't the man I believed he was. ~ Karen Marie Moning
Karen Francisco quotes by Karen Marie Moning
There's no point being frightened of the night. ~ Karen Foxlee
Karen Francisco quotes by Karen Foxlee
Wow. What were the chances of breaking every law of quantum dynamics and locating the universe's most annoying person in one fell swoop? ~ Karen Akins
Karen Francisco quotes by Karen Akins
The great genius of the Shiah was its tragic perception that it is impossible fully to implement the ideals of religion in the inescapably violent realm of politics. ~ Karen Armstrong
Karen Francisco quotes by Karen Armstrong
My life has been shaped by the decision two people made over 24 years ago. They decided to adopt a child. They got me, and I got a chance at the kind of life all children deserve. ~ Karen Fowler
Karen Francisco quotes by Karen Fowler
Barrons' lips twitched. I'd almost made him smile. Barrons smiles about as often as the sun comes out in Dublin, and it has the same effect on me; makes me feel warm and stupid. ~ Karen Marie Moning
Karen Francisco quotes by Karen Marie Moning
Today mythical thinking has fallen into disrepute; we often dismiss it as irrational and self-indulgent. But the imagination is also the faculty that has enabled scientists to bring new knowledge to light and to invent technology that has made us immeasurably more effective. ~ Karen Armstrong
Karen Francisco quotes by Karen Armstrong
I tell of hearts and souls and dances ...
Butterflies and second chances;
Desperate ones and dreamers bound,
Seeking life from barren ground,
Who suffer on in earthly fate
The bitter pain of agony hate,
Might but they stop and here forgive
Would break the bonds to breathe and live
And find that God in goodness brings
A chance for change, the hope of wings
To rest in Him, and self to die
And so become a butterfly. ~ Karen Kingsbury
Karen Francisco quotes by Karen Kingsbury
He pictured both cities simultaneously, as though they hung on the extended arms of the orange clouds. Suspended. Tiny San Francisco dangling to the north: innocent, rich and a little bit silly. The sprawling, demented snake of L.A. to the south. Its fanged mouth wide open, eyes blazing, paralyzed in a lunge of pure paranoia. This was the place to be, he thought. Right here. In the middle. Smack in the belly of California where he could eyeball both from a distance. He could live inside the intestines of this valley while he spied on the brain and the genitals. ~ Sam Shepard
Karen Francisco quotes by Sam Shepard
I had a farm in Africa, at the foot of the Ngong Hills. ~ Karen Blixen
Karen Francisco quotes by Karen Blixen
You know, I don't really understand a suburban environment. I want to be out in the woods, I want to be where it's wild, I want to wake up and hear birds, I want to walk outside and see a gaggle of turkeys bouncing across my lawn - I want to be someplace like that - or I want to be right in the middle of an urban environment. ~ Karen Allen
Karen Francisco quotes by Karen Allen
I looked westward and marveled that, somewhere over those mountains, Kabul still existed. It really existed, not just as an old memory, or as the heading of an AP story on page 15 of the San Francisco Chronicle. ~ Khaled Hosseini
Karen Francisco quotes by Khaled Hosseini
Quod not cogit amor? (Is there anything love couldn't make us do?) ~ Karen Marie Moning
Karen Francisco quotes by Karen Marie Moning
At this moment, I've never wanted to do anything as much as I want to grab his face and kiss every inch of it. ~ Karen M. McManus
Karen Francisco quotes by Karen M. McManus
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