Hound Sandor Clegane Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Hound Sandor Clegane.

Quotes About Hound Sandor Clegane

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You're like one of those birds from the Summer Isles, aren't you? A pretty little talking bird, repeating all the pretty little words they taught you to recite. ~ George R R Martin
Hound Sandor Clegane quotes by George R R Martin
Just as if I was one of those true knights you love so well, yes. What do you think a knight is for, girl? You think it's all taking favours from ladies and looking fine in gold plate? Knights are for killing ... I killed my first man at twelve. I've lost count of how many I've killed since then. High lords with old names, fat rich men dressed in velvet, knights puffed up like bladders with their honours, yes, and women and children too - they're all meat, and I'm the butcher. Let them have their lands and their gods and their gold. Let them have their sers.' Sandor Clegane spat at her feet to show what he thought of that. 'So long as I have this,' he said, lifting the sword from her throat, 'there's no man on earth I need fear. ~ George R R Martin
Hound Sandor Clegane quotes by George R R Martin
Hero! He was no hero! What did a hero get? An Aes Sedai patting you on the head before she sent you out like a hound to do it again. A noblewoman condescending to favor you with a kiss, or laying a flower on your grave. ~ Robert Jordan
Hound Sandor Clegane quotes by Robert Jordan
I have no idea where to take a girl on a date. Sandor cuts short a laugh. We sit in silence, both of us pondering. ~ Pittacus Lore
Hound Sandor Clegane quotes by Pittacus Lore
[U]nder even the most sincere human declarations there remained unarticulated layers of despair, fury, lies, and ignorance. ~ Sandor Marai
Hound Sandor Clegane quotes by Sandor Marai
He was nothing but a shadow on the horizon when that old basset hound of his escaped from the sheriff's office and went loping down the street. When she reached the edge of town, she sank down on her grizzled haunches, threw back her head, and let out a howl that broke nearly every heart that heard it.
Later, there would be many who would swear he'd reined in his mare and stood silhouetted against the sunset for a timeless moment. ~ Teresa Medeiros
Hound Sandor Clegane quotes by Teresa Medeiros
Spare me your empty little compliments, girl ... and you ser's. I am no knight. I spit on them and their vows. ~ George R R Martin
Hound Sandor Clegane quotes by George R R Martin
Tails from My Puppyhood or, What They Don't Teach You at Obedience School
The tail that wags the dog to bliss
Must put his mouth before his heart.
The simple rule of paw is this:
Show your master he's smart.

The dog intent on happiness
Knows it pays to learn the tricks
Of when to sit and when to piss
And how to accept his master's kiss.

I know the human breath is foul,
But you must let him pet your head.
The dog that turns away its jowls
Will keep his pride but won't be fed.

When he throws you food upon the floor,
Swallow it with a smile.
Smack your lips and beg for more:
Show the bum your style.

When you fetch your master's stick
Drop it gently to his feet.
If you whine, pretend you're sick;
He'll then fetch you more to eat.

I know it's tough to be a hound
And forsake all that you hold dear.
But remember, when he's not around
You can always piss right on his chair. ~ Beryl Dov
Hound Sandor Clegane quotes by Beryl Dov
Do you not hear me calling, white deer with no horns?
I have been changed to a hound with one red ear;
I have been in the Path of Stones and the Wood of Thorns ... ~ William Butler Yeats
Hound Sandor Clegane quotes by William Butler Yeats
Oh, Dog!" Lirael said plaintively, giving the hound a hug. "Why is everything so difficult?"
"It just is," said the Dog, woofling gently in her ear. "But sleep will make it seem easier. A new day will bring new sights and smells. ~ Garth Nix
Hound Sandor Clegane quotes by Garth Nix
Winter is a terrible time for thin people - terrible! Why should it hound them down, fasten on them, worry them so? Why not, for a change, take a nip, take a snap at the fat ones who wouldn't notice? But no! It is sleek, warm, cat-like summer that makes the fat one's life a misery. Winter is all for bones ... ~ Katherine Mansfield
Hound Sandor Clegane quotes by Katherine Mansfield
You can even make facts lie. ~ Sandor Marai
Hound Sandor Clegane quotes by Sandor Marai
How, if I know all this, you may ask, could I hound him – shatter him again and again, drive him deeper and deeper into woe? I have no answer, except this: why should I not? Has he made any move to deserve my kindness? If I give him a truce, will the king invite me in for a kiss on the forehead, a cup of mead? Ha! ~ John Gardner
Hound Sandor Clegane quotes by John Gardner
Elvis came along when I was 10. My father gave me a bass ukulele. I taught myself how to play from a book to play some chords, so I was laying down 'Hound Dog' and things like that when I was 10 years old in 1955. That's the way I was. My ear was glued to the radio. I knew right then what I wanted to do. ~ Bob Seger
Hound Sandor Clegane quotes by Bob Seger
All he said was, "I believe in you, Sophie Foster," as he raised his pathfinder up to the silvery glow of the moonlight.
And Sandor added, "We all do. ~ Shannon Messenger
Hound Sandor Clegane quotes by Shannon Messenger
Perhaps I was really the guilty one, because I did not know you well enough. I accepted that you did not reveal yourself completely to me, I admired your intelligence and your strange, bitter pride, I wanted to believe that you would forgive me as other people did because of this happy capacity I had to circulate in the world and to be welcomed, while you were only tolerated ~ Sandor Marai
Hound Sandor Clegane quotes by Sandor Marai
I take Democrats to bed with me for lack of a dachshund, although as a matter of fact on occasions like this I am almost certain to be visited by the ghost of Fred, my dash-hound everlasting, dead these many years. In life, Fred always attended the sick, climbing right into bed with the patient like some lecherous old physician, and making a bad situation worse. ~ E.B. White
Hound Sandor Clegane quotes by E.B. White
'Hound Dog' took like twelve minutes. That's not a complicated piece of work. But the rhyme scheme was difficult. Also the metric structure of the music was not easy. 'Kansas City' was maybe eight minutes, if that. Writing the early blues was spontaneous. You can hear the energy in the work. ~ Jerry Leiber
Hound Sandor Clegane quotes by Jerry Leiber
Did you get me that movie about Genghis Khan?
'It's in the Netflix queue, but that's not the surprise. You don't need to worry, it'll be something good. I just don't want you to feel depressed about going home.'
Oh, I won't. But it would be cool to have a stream like this in the backyard. Can you make one?
'Ummm... no.'
I figured. Can't blame a hound for trying.
Oberon was indeed surprised when we got back home to Tempe. Hal had made the arrangements for me and Oberon perked up as soon as we were dropped off by the shuttle from the car rental company.
'Hey, smells like someone's in my territory,' he said.
'Nobody could be here without my permission, you know that.'
'Flidais did it.'
'That isn't Flidais you smell, believe me.'
I opened the front door, and Oberon immediately ran to the kitchen window that gazed upon the backyard. He barked joyously when he saw what was waiting for him there.
'French poodles! All black and curly with poofy little tails!'
'And every one of them in heat.'
'Oh, WOW! Thanks Atticus! I can't wait to sniff their asses!'
He bounded over to the door and pawed at it because the doggie door was closed to prevent the poodles from entering.
'You earned it, buddy. Hold on, get down off the door so I can open it for you, and be careful, don't hurt any of them.'
I opened the door, expecting him to bolt through it and dive into his own personal canine harem, but instead he took one ~ Kevin Hearne
Hound Sandor Clegane quotes by Kevin Hearne
There isno feeling sadder or more hopeless than the coolingof a friendship between two men. Between a man anda woman a delicate web of terms and conditions is always negotiated. Between men, on the other hand, the deep sense of friendship rests on its selflessness: we expect no sacrifices, no tenderness from each other, all we want is to preserve a pact wordlessly made between us. Perhaps I was really the guilty one, because I did not know you well ~ Sandor Marai
Hound Sandor Clegane quotes by Sandor Marai
The way I saw it, nobody thought the worse of a man who followed his pecker anywhere it sniffed, like a droopy-faced hound dog led on by his nose. So why a woman did the same should be judged different… well, women always is. ~ Elizabeth Bear
Hound Sandor Clegane quotes by Elizabeth Bear
Weese," she would whisper, first of all. "Dunsen, Chiswyck, Polliver, Raff the Sweetling. The Tickler and the Hound. Ser Gregor, Ser Armory, Ser Ilyn, Ser Meryn, King Joffrey, Queen Cersei." - Arya Stark, A Clash of Kings ~ George R R Martin
Hound Sandor Clegane quotes by George R R Martin
Yeah?" Stradlater said. That really interested him. About the booze hound running around the house naked, with Jane around. Stradlater was a very sexy bastard.
"She had a lousy childhood. I'm not kidding."
That didn't interest Stradlater, though. Only very sexy stuff interested him. ~ J.D. Salinger
Hound Sandor Clegane quotes by J.D. Salinger
The world of shadows and superstition that was Victorian England, so well depicted in this 1871 tale, was unique. While the foundations of so much of our present knowledge of subjects like medicine, public health, electricity, chemistry and agriculture, were being, if not laid, at least mapped out, people could still believe in the existence of devils and demons. And why not? A good ghost story is pure entertainment. It was not until well into the twentieth century that ghost stories began to have a deeper significance and to become allegorical; in fact, to lose their charm. No mental effort is required to read 'The Weird Woman', no seeking for hidden meanings; there are no complexities of plot, no allegory on the state of the world. And so it should be. At what other point in literary history could a man, standing over the body of his fiancee, say such a line as this:

'Speak, hound! Or, by heaven, this night shall witness two murders instead of one!'

Those were the days.

(introduction to "The Weird Woman") ~ Hugh Lamb
Hound Sandor Clegane quotes by Hugh Lamb
We all of us must come to terms with what and who we are, and recognize that this wisdom is not going to earn us any praise, that life is not going to pin a medal on us for recognizing and enduring our own vanity or egoism or baldness or our potbelly. ~ Sandor Marai
Hound Sandor Clegane quotes by Sandor Marai
He's only slept with us when he's cold and lonely."
"Isaboe, he is a hound. He will feign loneliness the rest of his life just to lie on this bed,. My bed. I was the king of this bed. ~ Melina Marchetta
Hound Sandor Clegane quotes by Melina Marchetta
It's the moment when something happens not just deep among the trees but also in the dark interior of the human heart, for the heart, too, has its night and its wild surges, as strong an instinct for the hunt as a wolf or a stag. The human night is filled with the crouching forms of dreams, desires, vanities, self-interest, mad love, envy, and the thirst for revenge, as the desert night conceals the puma, the hawk and the jackal. ~ Sandor Marai
Hound Sandor Clegane quotes by Sandor Marai
Since that day when he had kissed her in the house on Avenue Elisée Reclus, he hadn't been able to get the sensation of touching her skin out of his head. ~ Florencia Bonelli
Hound Sandor Clegane quotes by Florencia Bonelli
Throughout most of our history, nothing - not flood, famine, plague, or new weapons - has endangered humanity one-tenth as much as the narcissistic ego, with its self-aggrandizing presumptions and its hell-hound spawn of fear and greed. ~ Tom Robbins
Hound Sandor Clegane quotes by Tom Robbins
Ser Gregor, it went, Dunsen, Polliver, Raff the Sweetling. The Tickler and the Hound. Ser Ilyn, Ser Meryn, King Joffrey, Queen Cersei. She ended it with valar morghulis, ~ George R R Martin
Hound Sandor Clegane quotes by George R R Martin
I started playing bluegrass with my family, so there were the G, C and D chords. I was playing a Martin acoustic because that's what Carter Stanley of the Stanley Brothers played. Then I got into the really raw blues of Hound Dog Taylor and started on electric guitar. ~ Dan Auerbach
Hound Sandor Clegane quotes by Dan Auerbach
Half a dozen brats turned with expressions of derision, and Lyra threw her cigarette down, recognizing the cue for a fight. Everyone's daemon instantly became warlike: each child was accompanied by fangs, or claws, or bristling fur, and Pantalaimon, contemptuous of the limited imaginations of these gyptian daemons, became a dragon the size of a deer hound. ~ Philip Pullman
Hound Sandor Clegane quotes by Philip Pullman
You see what I mean? Being rich must be a condition, much like sickness or health. Say you are rich, you might, in some mysterious way, be rich forever, but however much money you have, you never feel properly rich. Maybe you need to believe in your wealth in order to be properly rich - I mean, the way saints and revolutionaries believe they are different. And you can't afford to feel guilty if you are rich: if you felt guilty for a second you'd be finished. The not-truly-rich, those who have visions of the poor while indulging in a beefsteak and drinking Champagne, will eventually lose out, because they are insincere in their wealth. They're not rich out of conviction, they are only pretending, cowardly, sneakily, to be rich. You have to be very disciplined to be rich. You can perform a few charitable acts, but only as a kind of a fig leaf. ~ Sandor Marai
Hound Sandor Clegane quotes by Sandor Marai
A tender smile softened his face. "That would be Esme. She's nine and a delight. I haven't seen much of her these past few years, but she writes me letters. Sends me drawings as well. I have a likeliness of every cat, hound, and horse she's ever met, and considering the menagerie she keeps in the country at Clybourne, that's a great many indeed. ~ Tracy Anne Warren
Hound Sandor Clegane quotes by Tracy Anne Warren
He said that there were no traces upon the ground round the body. He did not observe any. but I did - some little distance off, but fresh and clear"
"A man's or a woman's?"
Dr. Mortimer looked strangely at us for an instant, and his voice sank almost to a whisper as he answered: "Mr Holmes, they were the footprints of s gigantic hound! ~ Arthur Conan Doyle
Hound Sandor Clegane quotes by Arthur Conan Doyle
Well my motto was "Never Monologue a Clegane", because Beric Dondarrion and Thoros were messing around with The Hound and Beric essentially got killed, even though he got to come back, and then the monologue is just a foolish thing to do. But it's also psychological state of mind, he can't get over his sister. ~ Alex Graves
Hound Sandor Clegane quotes by Alex Graves
Whoever loveth me, loveth my hound. ~ Thomas More
Hound Sandor Clegane quotes by Thomas More
Royce's eyes narrowed in discouragement at the thoght of having to sing to jenny. his deep bariton voice would surely bring every hound for miles to yap and nip at his heels. ~ Judith McNaught
Hound Sandor Clegane quotes by Judith McNaught
The women that I picked spoke sweet and low
And yet gave tongue. "Hound voices" were they all. ~ William Butler Yeats
Hound Sandor Clegane quotes by William Butler Yeats
Who's a big fierce monster dog? Who's a bloodthirsty hound from Hell? It's you. Yes it is. ~ Rob Thomas
Hound Sandor Clegane quotes by Rob Thomas
To declare war on ninety-nine percent of bacteria when less than percent of them threaten our health makes no sense. Many of the bacteria we're killing are our protectors. ~ Sandor Katz
Hound Sandor Clegane quotes by Sandor Katz
The dust the party raised was quickly dispersed and lost in the immensity of that landscape and there was no dust other for the pale sutler who pursued them drives unseen and his lean horse and his lean cart leave no track upon such ground or any ground. By a thousand fires in the iron blue dusk he keeps his commissary and he's a wry and grinning tradesman good to follow every campaign or hound men from their holds in just those whited regions where they've gone to hide from God. ~ Cormac McCarthy
Hound Sandor Clegane quotes by Cormac McCarthy
We reject certain food because it is rotten. Certain food we can see is fresh. But there is this creative space between fresh food and rotten food where most of human culture's most prized delicacies and culinary achievements exist. ~ Sandor Katz
Hound Sandor Clegane quotes by Sandor Katz
Mother said," mocked the king. "Don't be childish."
"We're children," Myrcella declared haughtily. "We're supposed to be childish."
The Hound laughed. "She has you there. ~ George R R Martin
Hound Sandor Clegane quotes by George R R Martin
Will Graham, the keenest hound ever to run in Crawford's pack, was a legend at the Academy; he was also a drunk in Florida now with a face that was hard to look at, they said. ~ Thomas Harris
Hound Sandor Clegane quotes by Thomas Harris
Suddenly a dog burst from the concealment of the trees, its shaggy wheaten coat gleaming warmly in the sun. He was a medium-sized mix of no particular breed, part hound, possibly, or maybe retriever. He seemed well fed, so it was doubtful that he was a stray. Then again, mayhap he was skilled at poaching birds and rabbits from the bountiful reserves of game in the area. ~ Tracy Anne Warren
Hound Sandor Clegane quotes by Tracy Anne Warren
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