Gas Mask Man Drawing Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Gas Mask Man Drawing.

Quotes About Gas Mask Man Drawing

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Ye whose clay-cold heads and luke-warm hearts can argue down or mask your passions
tell me, what trespass is it that man should have them? ... If nature has so wove her web of kindness, that some threads of love and desire are entangled with the piece
must the whole web be rent in drawing them out? ~ Laurence Sterne
Gas Mask Man Drawing quotes by Laurence Sterne
But I would like to think for a moment about a man who in the morning teaches his students that a false attribution of a Watteau drawing or an inaccurate transcription of a fourteenth-century epigraph is a sin against the spirit and in the afternoon or evening transmits to the agents of Soviet intelligence classified, perhaps vital information given to him in sworn trust by his countrymen and intimate colleagues. What are the sources of such scission? How does the spirit mask itself? ~ George Steiner
Gas Mask Man Drawing quotes by George Steiner
You know how much I admire Che Guevara. In fact, I believe that the man was not only an intellectual but also the most complete human being of our age: as a fighter and as a man, as a
theoretician who was able to further the cause of revolution by drawing his theories from his personal experience in battle. ~ Jean-Paul Sartre
Gas Mask Man Drawing quotes by Jean-Paul Sartre
He who has perceived the material out of which the Promethean tragic writers prior to Euripides formed their heroes, and how remote from their purpose it was to bring the faithful mask of reality onto the stage, will also be aware of the utterly opposite tendency of Euripides. Through him the everyday man forced his way from the spectators' seats onto the stage; the mirror in which formerly only grand and bold traits were represented now showed the painful fidelity that conscientiously reproduces even the botched outlines of nature. ~ Friedrich Nietzsche
Gas Mask Man Drawing quotes by Friedrich Nietzsche
I could only nod as emotions rolled in like a destructive storm. This was it. It was over. My incredible time with this beautiful talented man was up. I had to clench my teeth and swallow hard to mask the loss that threatened to overcome my calm exterior. I was holding on for dear life then he said two words with pure tranquility. ~ Nicole Castro
Gas Mask Man Drawing quotes by Nicole Castro
When the pope sits on the chamber pot to shit, does he believe in his own infallibility? Does not every imposter occasionally recognize his own hairy, homely humanity? Perhaps not; worn long enough, sometimes the Mask of Authority becomes the man. Even looking in a mirror, he will see the sacred Mask and not his own ordinary human face. ~ Robert Anton Wilson
Gas Mask Man Drawing quotes by Robert Anton Wilson
Everywhere man is in disguise! Who is who is unknown! Try to enter the mask and find out who the man inside really is! ~ Mehmet Murat Ildan
Gas Mask Man Drawing quotes by Mehmet Murat Ildan
He was fond of that early stage of intoxication which leads a man to believe that he can feel the earth revolving. The trees and houses still stand quietly in their places, the street-lamps have not yet acquired a twin, but the earth revolves; you feel it at last! But today even that displeased him. He walked on beside his intoxication and pretended they did not know each other. What a queer globe it was, whether it revolved or not! He could not help thinking of a drawing by Daumier, entitled "Progress". Daumier had drawn a number of snails crawling after each other; that was the pace of human development. But the snails were crawling in a circle.
And that was the worst of it. ~ Erich Kastner
Gas Mask Man Drawing quotes by Erich Kastner
A Girl can Love you in Ways you can Never Imagine.
Know her Worth!
She can Make you the Man you are,
She can also Break you into Pieces,
By drawing a distance one cannot even chase.
Love her for her.
Else she will be gone ike the wind,
If beyond herself she's hurt. ~ Somya Kedia
Gas Mask Man Drawing quotes by Somya Kedia
I believe in my mask
The man I made up is me
I believe in my dance
And my destiny ~ Sam Shepard
Gas Mask Man Drawing quotes by Sam Shepard
Rallick will kill you," Murillio said levelly.

"Nonsense." Kruppe placed the mask over his face. "How will the lad ever recognize Kruppe?"

Murillio studied the man's round body, the faded red waistcoat, gathered cuffs, and the short oily curls atop his head. "Never mind." He sighed.

"Excellent," Kruppe said. "Now, please accept these two masks, gifts from your friend Kruppe. A trip is saved, and Baruk need not wait any longer for a secret message that must not be mentioned." He replaced his mask in its box, then spun round to study the eastern skyline. "Off to yon alchemist's abode, then. Good evening, friend - "

"Wait a minute," Murillio said, grasping Kruppe's arm and turning him round. "Have you seen Coll?"

"Why, of course. The man sleeps a deep, recovering sleep from his ordeals.'Twas healed magically, Sulty said. By some stranger, yet. Coll himself was brought in by yet a second stranger, who found a third stranger, who in turn brought a fifth stranger in the company of the stranger who healed Coll. And so it goes, friend Murillio. Strange doings, indeed. Now, Kruppe must be off. Goodbye, friend - "

"Not yet," Murillio snarled. He glanced around. The street was still empty. He leaned close. "I've worked some things out, Kruppe. Circle Breaker contacting me put everything into order in my mind. I know who you are."

"Aaai!" Kruppe cried, withdrawing. "I'll not deny it, then! It's true, Murillio, K ~ Steven Erikson
Gas Mask Man Drawing quotes by Steven Erikson
What had actually been in Valera's haversack: not a woman's vulva but grenades, a gas mask, a gun that constantly jammed. ~ Rachel Kushner
Gas Mask Man Drawing quotes by Rachel Kushner
You can see from his form, posture, and the lazy way he carries his muscled body, that behind the mask is a man who sees more pussy than a pack of Tampax. Godfrey ~ L.J. Shen
Gas Mask Man Drawing quotes by L.J. Shen
How like a man, to change from mask to mask like a player, concealing all intention, yet leave his heart out on the table, carelessly, unregarded, for all to behold. ~ Lois McMaster Bujold
Gas Mask Man Drawing quotes by Lois McMaster Bujold
I shouldn't like to monopolize your time- surely you should be receiving your guests."
Devlin took her to a corner of the drawing room, taking a glass of wine from the tray of a passing servant. He gave the glass to Amanda and lowered his head to murmur in her ear. "There's only one guest who matters to me."
Amanda felt a prickling blush rise in her cheeks. She felt as if she were in a dream. This couldn't be happening to Amanda Briars, the spinster from Windsor... the sweet music, the lovely surroundings, the handsome man whispering seductive nonsense in her ear. ~ Lisa Kleypas
Gas Mask Man Drawing quotes by Lisa Kleypas
This is no laughing matter, the man is also a close relation to the Emperor."

"How close?"

"I believe they are already drawing lots to see who gets to dangle your intestines from the city flag pole," Cosimo glared at Matteus, but even the threat of draw and quartering rolled off his massive back like a duck in water. ~ Sabrina Zbasnik
Gas Mask Man Drawing quotes by Sabrina Zbasnik
Many men have been praised as vividly imaginative on the strength of their profuseness in indifferent drawing or cheap narration: - reports of very poor talk going on in distant orbs; or portraits of Lucifer coming down on his bad errands as a large ugly man with bat's wings and spurts of phosphorescence; or exaggerations of wantonness that seem to reflect life in a diseased dream. But these kinds of inspirations Lydgate regarded as rather vulgar and vinous compared with the imagination that reveals subtle actions inaccessible by any sort of lens, but tracked in that outer darkness through long pathways of necessary sequence by the inward light which is the last refinement of Energy, capable of bathing even the ethereal atoms in its ideally illuminated space. ~ George Eliot
Gas Mask Man Drawing quotes by George Eliot
It was a stick-figure drawing. Two people holding hands. A thin man in black and a girl, half his height with short hair, and wide eyes. The stick-girl's head was cocked slightly, and a small red spot marked her arm. Three similar spots, no bigger than periods, dotted the stick-man's chest. The stick-man's mouth was nothing more than a faint grim line.

Beneath the drawing ran a single sentence: I made a friend. ~ Victoria Schwab
Gas Mask Man Drawing quotes by Victoria Schwab
So it is more useful to watch a man in times of peril, and in adversity to discern what kind of man he is; for then at last words of truth are drawn from the depths of his heart, and the mask is torn off, reality remains. ~ Lucretius
Gas Mask Man Drawing quotes by Lucretius
I have designed my style pantomimes as white ink drawings on black backgrounds, so that man's destiny appears as a thread lost in an endless labyrinth. I have tried to shed some gleams of light on the shadow of man startled by his anguish. ~ Marcel Marceau
Gas Mask Man Drawing quotes by Marcel Marceau
I lie without a mask, thus I am an honest man. ~ Lionel Suggs
Gas Mask Man Drawing quotes by Lionel Suggs
Man often thinks he is in control when he is being controlled, and while his mind is striving in one direction his heart is imperceptibly drawing him in another. ~ Francois De La Rochefoucauld
Gas Mask Man Drawing quotes by Francois De La Rochefoucauld
I don't want any money."
I put the wallet away.
She said: "What are you going to do about last night?"
"What should I do?"
"Kill that son of a bitch."
"And fry?"
"You're too smart to fry."
"Maybe," I said. "But, lady, I've been drawing the line at murder lately."
She lay against the pillow, watching me. Her skin was dead white and it made the black eyes look big. She wasn't young, but she was still good-looking. Her shoulders were round and firm. As far as I could tell she was naked under the sheet. I sat down on a rocking-chair. It creaked under my weight.
"But you want to get him, don't you?" she asked.
"I wouldn't mind."
"Neither would I," she said.
"He's pretty tough for a gal to tackle."
"He knocked out my teeth."
The way she said it, it sounded like a good reason for bumping off a man. Maybe it was, at that. A girl likes to hold on to her teeth. ~ Jonathan Latimer
Gas Mask Man Drawing quotes by Jonathan Latimer
A drawing is always dragged down to the level of its caption.
A word to the wise is not sufficient if it doesn't make sense. ~ James Thurber
Gas Mask Man Drawing quotes by James Thurber
Only sometimes Sansa found it hard to tell where the man ended and the mask began. ~ George R R Martin
Gas Mask Man Drawing quotes by George R R Martin
He watched her for her reaction, or possibly watched her just to watch, his eyes hooded by his lashes and his mouth impassive. A faceless man - such as the one she had dreamed of since she was a child - his identity not obscured by mist or flying sand or swirling dust, but by a mask he readily employed whenever he wished. As a shutter closed against a gale. Closed against her, no matter the impact of his words. He seemed to speak them against his will, just as he seemed to care for her against his will. ~ V.S. Carnes
Gas Mask Man Drawing quotes by V.S. Carnes
The black mask, with its slittled forehead and thick, snoutlike breathing apparatus, covered the face of the man he knew as Kylo Ren. Once, he had known the face behind the mask. Once, he has known the man himself. Now, to Lor San Tekka, only the mask was left. Metal instead of a man. ~ Alan Dean Foster
Gas Mask Man Drawing quotes by Alan Dean Foster
And for a moment, he was tempted. In that hesitation between drawing breath and speaking, part of him wondered what would happen if he shed the patterns of history and spoke about himself as a man, about the Joe Miller who he'd known briefly, about the responsibility they all shared to tear down the images they held of one another and find ~ James S.A. Corey
Gas Mask Man Drawing quotes by James S.A. Corey
I've heard youngsters use some of George Lucas' terms––"the Force and "the dark side." So it must be hitting somewhere. It's a good sound teaching, I would say.

The fact that the evil power is not identified with any specific nation on this earth means you've got an abstract power, which represents a principle, not a specific historical situation. The story has to do with an operation of principles, not of this nation against that. The monster masks that are put on people in Star Wars represent the real monster force in the modern world. When the mask of Darth Vader is removed, you see an unformed man, one who has not developed as a human individual. What you see is a strange and pitiful sort of undifferentiated face.

Darth Vader has not developed his humanity. He's a robot. He's a bureaucrat, living not in terms of himself but of an imposed system. This is the threat to our lives that we all face today. Is the system going to flatten you out and deny you your humanity, or are you going to be able to make use of the system to the attainment of human purposes? How do you relate to the system so that you are not compulsively serving it? . . . The thing to do is to learn to live in your period of history as a human being ...[b]y holding to your own ideals for yourself and, like Luke Skywalker, rejecting the system's impersonal claims upon you.

Well, you see, that movie communicates. It is in a language that talks to young people, and that's what ~ Joseph Campbell
Gas Mask Man Drawing quotes by Joseph Campbell
That was the only thing that had got him through the four years of blood and madness: Know exactly where your gun is when you doze for ten minutes in your dugout; always check your gas mask; see that your men have understood their orders to the letter. You don't think ahead in years or months: you think about this hour and maybe the next. Anything else is speculation p. 33 ~ M.L. Stedman
Gas Mask Man Drawing quotes by M.L. Stedman
The gas mask keeps me looking like any other tagger - skinny, fast, and vaguely male. Someone would have to be pretty close to tell I'm a girl, and frankly, no one ever gets that close. ~ April White
Gas Mask Man Drawing quotes by April White
We should do this on computer," she said, chalking it carefully for the eighty-ninth time. "With a drawing pad."
"Nonsense. You're lucky I don't make you inscribe it with a stylus on a wax tablet, like the old days," Myrnin snorted. "Children. Spoiled children, always playing with the shinest toy."
"Computers are more efficient!"
"I can perform calculations on that abacus faster than you can solve them on your computer," Myrnin sneered.
Okay, now he was pissing her off. "Prove it!"
"Prove it." She backed off on her tone, but Myrnin wasn't looking angry; he was looking strangely interested. He stared at her for a second in silence, and then he got the biggest, oddest smile she'd ever seen on the face of a vampire.
"All right," he said. "A contest. Computer versus abacus."
She wasn't at all sure now that was a good idea, even if it had been her idea, essentially. "Um -- what do I win?" More importantly, what do I lose? Making bargains was a way of life in Morganville, and it was a lot like making deals with man-eating fairies. Better be careful what you ask for.
"Your freedom," he said solemnly. His eyes were wide and guileless, his too-young face shining with honesty. "I will tell Amelie you were not suited to the work. She'll let you go about your life, such as it is."
Good prize. Too good. Claire swallowed hard. "And if I lose?"
"Then I eat you," Myrnin said. ~ Rachel Caine
Gas Mask Man Drawing quotes by Rachel Caine
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