Endaf Owen Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Endaf Owen.

Quotes About Endaf Owen

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One day, this Establishment will fall. It will not do so on its own terms or of its own accord, but because it has been removed by a movement with a credible alternative that inspires. For those of us who want a different sort of society, it is surely time to get our act together. ~ Owen Jones
Endaf Owen quotes by Owen Jones
It was no different than making friends in school or at work. Just be yourself, be open, and be a good houseguest. ~ Mark Owen
Endaf Owen quotes by Mark Owen
The Secret of Drawing consists of just two things: 1) Making lines on paper; and 2) Choosing where they go. ~ James A. Owen
Endaf Owen quotes by James A. Owen
You have your season, and you have but your season; neither can you lie down in peace, until you have some persuasion that your work as well as your life is at an end. ~ John Owen
Endaf Owen quotes by John Owen
The Swiss current of Reformed theology of Francis Turretin and Johann Heinrich Heidegger differed from the French approach exemplified by the Academy of Saumur. The northern German Reformed line of Bremen or of the Middle-European Herborn Academy differed from that of the Franeker theologians in the tradition of William Ames. At Leiden, the Cocceian or federalist approach was not identical with the Voetian project at Utrecht. Likewise, the British variety of Reformed theology (John Owen, Richard Baxter), with all its diversity, and the several types of Reformed teaching on the Continent each had an emphasis of their own. Methodologically, this means that we no longer can canonize Geneva, or contrast a non-scholastic Calvin with the later scholastic Calvinists as if they represented a uniform movement. ~ Willem J. Van Asselt
Endaf Owen quotes by Willem J. Van Asselt
As long as you're true to you, you believe it and you make others believe it, then what you're doing is just art. If you give everybody a blank canvas and some paint, not everybody's picture is going to be exactly the same, but it's still art. I just do what I do. ~ Jake Owen
Endaf Owen quotes by Jake Owen
Morality divorced from the doctrines of the gospel is not that holiness which the gospel requires. ~ John Owen
Endaf Owen quotes by John Owen
Your ability to shape your destiny is directly proportional to your belief that it is a matter of will and determination
however much or little that belief may be. ~ James A. Owen
Endaf Owen quotes by James A. Owen
I reckon some parsons have a right to tell yu' to be good. The bishop of this hyeh Territory has a right. But I'll tell yu' this: a middlin' doctor is a pore thing, and a middlin' lawyer is a pore thing; but keep me from a middlin' man of God. ~ Owen Wister
Endaf Owen quotes by Owen Wister
Miriam lifted her eyes from her sewing and found a glint of masculine lust in Owen's green eyes. Putting her sewing aside, she smiled nervously and got to her feet. "I...If you don't mind, I'll bid you good night, Mr. Vaughn."
He nodded, not caring to stand. His smile was so youthful in its rakishness that Miriam began to wonder if he'd read her mind. "A gentleman stands when a lady gets up to leave the room, Mr. Vaughn," she snapped, more disgusted with herself than with his lack of manners.
Owen shrugged but stood all the same. "Sweet dreams, Miriam," he taunted, deliberately taking the liberty of using her first name.
Miriam grasped the hem of the little basque jacket she wore over her fashionable two-piece dress of red bombazine, and gave it an indignant tug. "Good night, Mr. Vaughn." ~ Charlotte McPherren
Endaf Owen quotes by Charlotte McPherren
The new goddess contingency could not be erected until the God of heaven was utterly despoiled of his dominion over the sons of men, and in the room thereof a home-bred idol of self-sufficiency set up, and the world persuaded to worship it. But that the building climb no higher, let all men observe how the word of God overthrows this babylonian tower. ~ John Owen
Endaf Owen quotes by John Owen
Show me the man who would go to heaven alone if he could, and in that man I will show you one who will never be admitted into heaven. ~ Owen Feltham
Endaf Owen quotes by Owen Feltham
People think SEALs are fearless. Think again. No one lives without fear; ~ Mark Owen
Endaf Owen quotes by Mark Owen
All that may be known of God for our salvation, especially his wisdom, love, goodness, grace and mercy on which the life of our souls depends, are represented to us in all their splendour in and through Christ. No wonder then that Christ is glorious in the eyes of believers! ~ John Owen
Endaf Owen quotes by John Owen
What did Owen ever see in you?" "Oh, I don't know," I said, my voice as cold and calm as hers was. "Maybe the fact that I'm not a psychotic bitch who tortures people for kicks. ~ Jennifer Estep
Endaf Owen quotes by Jennifer Estep
We are taught in an especial manner to pray that God would give his Holy Spirit unto us, that through his aid and assistance we may live unto God in that holy obedience which he requires at our hands. ~ John Owen
Endaf Owen quotes by John Owen
The obvious is the hardest thing of all to point out to anyone who has genuinely lost sight of it. ~ Owen Barfield
Endaf Owen quotes by Owen Barfield
Unhealthy relationships keep our self-esteem low. ~ Sam Owen
Endaf Owen quotes by Sam Owen
There is no surer or more illuminating way of reading a man's character, and perhaps a little of his past history, than by observing the contexts in which he prefers to use certain words. ~ Owen Barfield
Endaf Owen quotes by Owen Barfield
There's nothing I can do that's going to drive you away, is there?" I murmured.
Owen flashed me a sly grin. "Finally figuring that out, are you?
I nodded.
His grin deepened. "Well, it sure took you long enough. ~ Jennifer Estep
Endaf Owen quotes by Jennifer Estep
She spoke in accents light and well intrenched. "I wish to say that I have never liked any man better than you. But I expect to!"
He must have drawn small comfort from such an answer as that. But he laughed out indomitably: "Don't yu' go betting on any such expectation! ~ Owen Wister
Endaf Owen quotes by Owen Wister
I think that Phil Kaufman is one of the best directors that I have come across. ~ Clive Owen
Endaf Owen quotes by Clive Owen
It is a most unhappy state to be at a distance with God: man needs no greater infelicity than to be left to himself. ~ Owen Feltham
Endaf Owen quotes by Owen Feltham
The goal of the Christian life is not external conformity or mindless action, but a passionate love for God informed by the mind and embraced by the will. ~ John Owen
Endaf Owen quotes by John Owen
You can argue whether it's right or wrong,' says Halfon about the scrapping of Connexions, 'and yes I believe we should be balancing the economy, but nevertheless the think-tank people never consider how it actually impacts on the front, although they do create an intellectual framework. ~ Owen Jones
Endaf Owen quotes by Owen Jones
If I can help encourage or inspire someone out there who is struggling with some of the same or similar issues as myself, then I think it's worth talking about. ~ Rayvon Owen
Endaf Owen quotes by Rayvon Owen
Seniors get to do all the jolly things," Owen complained as they walked to archery practice that first day.
Neal glared at the chubby second-year with all the royal disdain of a vexed lion. He was limping from a staff blow to the knee. "You are a bloody minded-savage," he informed Owen sternly. "I hope you are kidnapped by centaurs. ~ Tamora Pierce
Endaf Owen quotes by Tamora Pierce
It is evident that you contend against sin merely because of how it troubles you. ~ John Owen
Endaf Owen quotes by John Owen
We pick our own sorrows out of the joys of other men, and from their sorrows likewise we derive our joys. ~ Owen Feltham
Endaf Owen quotes by Owen Feltham
That's where they'd gone right after the train station, where Malcolm (Malcolm!) had poured his bloody heart out and begged Owen not to leave. Bed. There would be time to hammer out the details later ~ Amy Lane
Endaf Owen quotes by Amy Lane
When they arrived at his apartment, Allen's roommate Tim, was lying on the faux black leather sofa in the living room watching an NBA play-off game on their fifty-two inch flat-screen. Owen was barely over five feet tall with a pale complexion, buck teeth, kinky hair, and he wore thick glasses that made his eyes look like they were popping out at you in 3-D; but he was sweet as pie and had a heart of gold. ~ Monica Mathis-Stowe
Endaf Owen quotes by Monica Mathis-Stowe
If one sits on the head of the Great Buddha and looks across the green valley, framed by the arch of the grotto and dotted with fort-like manors that are almost tiny villages, he has a view and a sensation of rare beauty. ~ Maynard Owen Williams
Endaf Owen quotes by Maynard Owen Williams
And what do you do in times of crisis, Gin?" Grayson asked. I stared at him. "I survive. ~ Jennifer Estep
Endaf Owen quotes by Jennifer Estep
Oh, Death was never enemy of ours!
We laughed at him, we leagued with him, old chum.
No soldier's paid to kick against His powers.
We laughed, - knowing that better men would come,
And greater wars: when each proud fighter brags
He wars on Death, for lives; not men, for flags. ~ Wilfred Owen
Endaf Owen quotes by Wilfred Owen
I want to keep an English heart to the team. I believe in that. Michael Owen is that. Never think Michael is afraid of anything. ~ Gerard Houllier
Endaf Owen quotes by Gerard Houllier
That isn't a desperate act. That's a PLAN. ~ James A. Owen
Endaf Owen quotes by James A. Owen
Y'know, I kind of prefer it when the dead stay dead.'
'Pot. Kettle. Black,' Owen said.
'Yeah,' agreed Jack with a shrug. 'The difference is, I do it with style. ~ Trevor Baxendale
Endaf Owen quotes by Trevor Baxendale
You're on your own out there with ten mates. ~ Michael Owen
Endaf Owen quotes by Michael Owen
They feel assured, as to yourself, that if the option remain with you, it is but a question of time and of form when and how a proclamation of emancipation will be issued. ~ Robert Dale Owen
Endaf Owen quotes by Robert Dale Owen
Let, then, the word be preached, and the sins of men will be rebuked, lust will be restrained, and some oppositions will be made against sin, though that be not the effect aimed at. ~ John Owen
Endaf Owen quotes by John Owen
Endaf Owen quotes by John Irving
Whenever you are on your way, don't return back because you have lost your way, just keep on moving forward towards achieving your goals because somewhere you will find yourself reaching where you want no matter the difficulties or else you will meet just whether ups or downs, you can create your own path for you to reach your destination ~ Ntambara Sylvestre Owen Berbason
Endaf Owen quotes by Ntambara Sylvestre Owen Berbason
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