Denaults Hardware Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Denaults Hardware.

Quotes About Denaults Hardware

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I've only been out a few days. I'd forgotten how fucking useless meat bodies are. There's barely enough neurones to run a walking routine, let alone something complicated like tying your shoelaces up. I've had to run an expanded mentality in the habitat's RI systems just to keep thinking properly; and that hardware isn't exactly young and frisky any more. ~ Peter F. Hamilton
Denaults Hardware quotes by Peter F. Hamilton
Fairness is a concept that holds only in limited situations. Yet we want the concept to extend to everything, in and out of phase. From snails to hardware stores to married life. Maybe no one finds it, or even misses it, but fairness is like love. What is given has nothing to do with what we seek. ~ Haruki Murakami
Denaults Hardware quotes by Haruki Murakami
I always find myself stopping to write down ideas of things I'd like to make from computer hardware items to things new moms need - inventions to share with others to make their lives more fun or interesting or easy. ~ Lisa Loeb
Denaults Hardware quotes by Lisa Loeb
I'm a mechanical engineer, and I grew up on a farm, so I like practical hardware - somebody's elegant solution that proves itself over the long term. ~ Chris Hadfield
Denaults Hardware quotes by Chris Hadfield
There's a kind of theology at work here. The bombs are a kind of god. As his power grows, our fear naturally increases. I get as apprehensive as anyone else, maybe more so. We have too many bombs. They have too many bombs. There's a kind of theology of fear that comes out of this. We begin to capitulate to the overwhelming presence. It's so powerful. It dwarfs us so much. We say let the god have his way. He's so much more powerful than we are. Let it happen, whatever he ordains. It used to be that the gods punished men by using the forces of nature against them or by arousing them to take up their weapons and destroy each other. Now god is the force of nature itself, the fusion of tritium and deuterium. Now he's the weapon. So maybe this time we went too far in creating a being of omnipotent power. All this hardware. Fantastic stockpiles of hardware. The big danger is that we'll surrender to the sense of inevitability and start flinging mud all over the planet. ~ Don DeLillo
Denaults Hardware quotes by Don DeLillo
I waited in vain for someone like me to stand up and say that the only thing those of us who don't believe in god have to believe is in other people and that New York City is the best place there ever was for a godless person to practice her moral code. I think it has to do with the crowded sidewalks and subways. Walking to and from the hardware store requires the push and pull of selfishness and selflessness, taking turns between getting out of someone's way and them getting out of yours, waiting for a dog to move, helping a stroller up steps, protecting the eyes from runaway umbrellas. Walking in New York is a battle of the wills, a balance of aggression and kindness. I'm not saying it's always easy. The occasional "Watch where you're going, bitch" can, I admit, put a crimp in one's day. But I believe all that choreography has made me a better person. The other day, in the subway at 5:30, I was crammed into my sweaty, crabby fellow citizens, and I kept whispering under my breath "we the people, we the people" over and over again, reminding myself we're all in this together and they had as much right - exactly as much right - as I to be in the muggy underground on their way to wherever they were on their way to. ~ Sarah Vowell
Denaults Hardware quotes by Sarah Vowell
Universal education through schooling is not feasible. It would be no more feasible if it were attempted by means of alternative institutions built on the style of present schools. Neither new attitudes of teachers toward their pupils nor the proliferation of educational hardware or software (in classroom or bedroom), nor finally the attempt to expand the pedagogue's responsibility until it engulfs his pupils' lifetimes will deliver universal education. The current search for new educational funnels must be reversed into the search for their institutional inverse: educational webs which heighten the opportunity for each one to transform each moment of his living into one of learning, sharing, and caring. ~ Ivan Illich
Denaults Hardware quotes by Ivan Illich
I don't use any real vintage hardware any longer. That's always been the object as far as gaining control of the studio environment, going back to when I built my first studio, Secret Sound, in New York City. The whole point was to not have to pay studio bills anymore and not be looking at the clock. ~ Todd Rundgren
Denaults Hardware quotes by Todd Rundgren
I assume that a sufficiently skilled will be able to do anything not explicitly forbidden by the hardware. ~ Bjarne Stroustrup
Denaults Hardware quotes by Bjarne Stroustrup
So we stood up there for a long while, watching the sunset and discussing how it was one of those things you could never truly capture in 8-bit, not with the simplistic definition of violet (CHR$(156)), orange (CHR$(129)), and yellow (CHR$(158)). There were too many other colors, thousands of colors. The hardware could never do justice to it. ~ Jason Rekulak
Denaults Hardware quotes by Jason Rekulak
Security can be enhanced with hardware. You can have a software-only solution, but it can be made more robust in conjunction with hardware. ~ Renee James
Denaults Hardware quotes by Renee James
The voice I use is a very old hardware speech synthesizer made in 1986. I keep it because I have not heard a voice I like better and because I have identified with it. ~ Stephen Hawking
Denaults Hardware quotes by Stephen Hawking
I don't care how much hardware you throw at an audience. If they are not emotionally invested in the thing, it's zero. I can name a slew of films, but I have no ax to grind. I understand the commerce of Hollywood probably better than anyone. ~ Bill Paxton
Denaults Hardware quotes by Bill Paxton
Hardware: where the people in your company's software section will tell you the problem is. Software: where the people in your company's hardware section will tell you the problem is. ~ Dave Barry
Denaults Hardware quotes by Dave Barry
Most of my colleagues go on backpacking trips when they have to do some thinking. I go to a good hardware store and head for the oiliest, dustiest corners ... If they're really good, they don't hassle me. They let me wander around and think. Young hardware clerks have a lot of hubris. They think they can help you find anything ... Old hardware clerks have learned the hard way that nothing in a hardware store ever gets bought for its nominal purpose. You buy something that was designed to do one thing, and you use it for another. ~ Neal Stephenson
Denaults Hardware quotes by Neal Stephenson
At a certain point, the services that you build around the hardware become more important than the hardware itself. ~ Nick Woodman
Denaults Hardware quotes by Nick Woodman
I love the fact that Satya Nadella's checked the checkbox for cross-platform for a number of our services. I still think it's very important to do the right kind of innovative integration across Windows and our hardware platforms with our cloud services. I think the company's doing a lot of good stuff. Real competition in AWS. Real competition in terms of the clients, particularly from a hardware perspective, there's also [competition] from Chrome. But all in all pretty good. ~ Steve Ballmer
Denaults Hardware quotes by Steve Ballmer
With bundled machines you can throw away the hardware and keep the software, and it's still a good buy. ~ Adam Osborne
Denaults Hardware quotes by Adam Osborne
Technology no longer consists just of hardware or software or even services, but of communities. Increasingly, community is a part of technology, a driver of technology, and an emergent effect of technology. ~ Howard Rheingold
Denaults Hardware quotes by Howard Rheingold
The NeXT purchase is too little too late. The Apple of the past was an innovative company that used software and hardware technology together to redefine the way people experienced computing. That Apple is already dead. Very adroit moves might be able to save the brand name. A company with the letters A-P-P-L-E in its name might survive, but it won't be the Apple of yore. ~ Nathan Myhrvold
Denaults Hardware quotes by Nathan Myhrvold
Well what would you have us do, Jason? Swan into a hardware store without any cash and say "give us your best rack or we'll set the adorable button-nosed robots on you for bunny-boiler death by cuddling?" Jared Thomas in Red Gods Sing ~ Trevor Barton
Denaults Hardware quotes by Trevor Barton
Dryware, wetware, hardware, software, blackware, darkware, nightware, nightmare . . . The modem sits inviting beside the phone, red eyes. I let it rest - you can't trust anybody these days. ~ Neil Gaiman
Denaults Hardware quotes by Neil Gaiman
We need to get smarter about hardware and software innovation in order to get the most value from the emerging Internet of Things. ~ Henry Samueli
Denaults Hardware quotes by Henry Samueli
Cloud computing offers individuals access to data and applications from nearly any point of access to the Internet, offers businesses a whole new way to cut costs for technical infrastructure, and offers big computer companies a potentially giant market for hardware and services. ~ Jamais Cascio
Denaults Hardware quotes by Jamais Cascio
Behind every small business, there's a story worth knowing. All the corner shops in our towns and cities, the restaurants, cleaners, gyms, hair salons, hardware stores - these didn't come out of nowhere. ~ Paul Ryan
Denaults Hardware quotes by Paul Ryan
Coincidental to my leaving the company, I would like to make one request: that Nintendo give birth to wholly new ideas and create hardware which reflects that ideal. ~ Hiroshi Yamauchi
Denaults Hardware quotes by Hiroshi Yamauchi
What Musk had done that the rival automakers missed or didn't have the means to combat was turn Tesla into a lifestyle. It did not just sell someone a car. It sold them an image, a feeling they were tapping into the future, a relationship. Apple did the same thing decades ago with the Mac and then again with the iPod and iPhone. Even those who were not religious about their affiliation to Apple were sucked into its universe once they bought the hardware and downloaded software like iTunes. This ~ Ashlee Vance
Denaults Hardware quotes by Ashlee Vance
Software gets slower faster than hardware gets faster. (Or, sometimes known by] Grove [the head of Intel] giveth and Gates [the head of Microsoft] taketh away.) ~ Niklaus Wirth
Denaults Hardware quotes by Niklaus Wirth
Quantum Machine Learning is defined as the branch of science and technology that is concerned with the application of quantum mechanical phenomena such as superposition, entanglement and tunneling for designing software and hardware to provide machines the ability to learn insights and patterns from data and the environment, and the ability to adapt automatically to changing situations with high precision, accuracy and speed. ~ Amit Ray
Denaults Hardware quotes by Amit Ray
A hardware startup with no funding is a risky venture. ~ Brendan Iribe
Denaults Hardware quotes by Brendan Iribe
It has long been my personal view that the separation of practical and theoretical work is artificial and injurious. Much of the practical work done in computing, both in software and in hardware design, is unsound and clumsy because the people who do it have not any clear understanding of the fundamental design principles of their work. Most of the abstract mathematical and theoretical work is sterile because it has no point of contact with real computing. ~ Christopher Strachey
Denaults Hardware quotes by Christopher Strachey
Some information is classified legitimately; as with military hardware, secrecy sometimes really is in the national interest. Further, military, political, and intelligence communities tend to value secrecy for its own sake. It's a way of silencing critics and evading responsibility - for incompetence or worse. It generates an elite, a band of brothers in whom the national confidence can be reliably vested, unlike the great mass of citizenry on whose behalf the information is presumably made secret in the first place. With a few exceptions, secrecy is deeply incompatible with democracy and with science. ~ Carl Sagan
Denaults Hardware quotes by Carl Sagan
There will be an end point to how good TV pictures can get. The boob tube has hugely benefited from the rapid advance of digital electronics. Consequently, the strategy for hardware has changed. In the old days, sets had to be as simple as Elmer Fudd to keep them inexpensive. All the technical 'smarts' were at the transmitter end. ~ Seth Shostak
Denaults Hardware quotes by Seth Shostak
A sudden jolt lifted his chair right into the air, and he saw that the floor below him had flipped up like a tin lid. All data through the hand interface cut out, then came an enormous shudder as the great ship again surfaced into the real. 'Jerusalem?' After a long pause the AI replied over intercom, 'My phasic modular B folderol.' 'Is it really?' Azroc enquired. 'Ipso facto total bellish.' 'Yes, mine is too.' 'Repairing.' Static hissed from the intercom, then came a sound suspiciously like someone kicking a piece of malfunctioning hardware. 'OK. Better. ~ Neal Asher
Denaults Hardware quotes by Neal Asher
The moon is a stone and the sky is full of deadly hardware, but oh God, how beautiful anyway. ~ Margaret Atwood
Denaults Hardware quotes by Margaret Atwood
Windows is probably the most important product in the entire PC industry. Everything we do in terms of supporting touch, new hardware, accessibility has incredible impact. ~ Bill Gates
Denaults Hardware quotes by Bill Gates
Remember that rabbit-proof fencing you told me about? You get that at a hardware store or is it special order? ~ Elle Lothlorien
Denaults Hardware quotes by Elle Lothlorien
Big Papi placed among the top five in Most Valuable Player balloting during his first five seasons with the Red Sox. His best finish in that span was second place in 2005, just losing out to Alex Rodriguez of the New York Yankees. It was A-Rod, however, who suggested he'd gladly trade his hardware for the ring Ortiz won in 2004. A-Rod got the hardware for MVP again in 2007, but it was Ortiz who got another ring. ~ Tucker Elliot
Denaults Hardware quotes by Tucker Elliot
General Atomics, the progenitor of General Atomics Aeronautical Systems, started life in 1955 when a major military contractor, General Dynamics, feared that the military hardware market might dry up. It began exploring peacetime uses of atomic energy, but abandoned the effort when cold-war military spending took off. ~ Charles Duhigg
Denaults Hardware quotes by Charles Duhigg
We know that defence work results in more than great defence hardware - it can drive innovation and advances in all areas of our life. ~ Jay Weatherill
Denaults Hardware quotes by Jay Weatherill
Other girls carried tasers or pepper spray for safety. Rosa had bought herself a stapler in a hardware store on the corner of Baltic and Clinton Streets. Her thinking was simple. An electric shock is nasty but leaves no marks. With her method, though, she could put two or three staples into any attacker's body. Then he'd have to stop and decide whether to tangle with her or start getting the staples out of his skin. ~ Kai Meyer
Denaults Hardware quotes by Kai Meyer
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