Colorful Skies Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Colorful Skies.

Quotes About Colorful Skies

Enjoy collection of 46 Colorful Skies quotes. Download and share images of famous quotes about Colorful Skies. Righ click to see and save pictures of Colorful Skies quotes that you can use as your wallpaper for free.

Almighty Framer of the Skies!O let our pure devotion rise,Like Incense in thy Sight!Wrapt in impenetrable Shade,The Texture of our Souls were made,Till thy Command gave Light. ~ Thomas Chatterton
Colorful Skies quotes by Thomas Chatterton
We shouldn't have left." Keeley paced the kitchen, stopping at the windows on each pass. Why weren't they back?
"Darling, you're shaking.Come on now, sit and drink your tea."
"I can't.What's wrong with men? They'd have beaten that idiot to a pulp.I'm not that surprised at Brian,I suppose, but I expected more restraint from Dad."
Genuinely surprised, Adelia glanced over. "Why?"
As worry ate through her she raked her hands through her hair. "He's contained. Now you,I could see you taking a few swings ... " SHe winced. "No offense," she said, then saw that her mother was grinning.
"None taken.My temper might be a bit, we'll say, more colorful than your father's. His tends to be cold and deliberate when it's called for.And it was.The man hurt and frightened his little girl."
"His little girl was about to attempt to gut the man with a hoof pick." Keeley blew out a breath. "I've never seen Dad hit anyone, or look like he wanted to keep right on with it. ~ Nora Roberts
Colorful Skies quotes by Nora Roberts
Embracing you against the chest,
Pressing dicks in each other,
Sucking your pinkish lips
Titillating balls with love
Kissing your body with my dick
Pressing against the tightest hole of your ass
Making you suck my dick with utmost pleasure
Inebriating in youthfulness
Soaking in desire of sex
Sucking dick in the fun
Oh! My Ethan, come,
Satisfy the thirst of my masculinity
Make every evening flavorsome and young nights colorful ~ Delicious David
Colorful Skies quotes by Delicious David
It's Valentine's Day,
and in the street
there's freezing rain,
and slush, and sleet,
the wind is fierce,
the skies are gray,
I don't think I'll
go out today.

But here inside,
the weather's warm,
there is no trace
of wind or storm,
and you just made
the morning shine -
you said you'd be
my valentine. ~ Jack Prelutsky
Colorful Skies quotes by Jack Prelutsky
I think when tattoos are new and colorful, they look bad. But they look better the older and more bleached out they become. ~ Urs Fischer
Colorful Skies quotes by Urs Fischer
"How is that even possible?!"
"Do you see its delicate, complex design? And they're mass-producing it?! It even has a colorful swirl pattern on it!"
"Not even a professional could manage something like this!"
"It wasn't hard, really. I just printed those chocolates using a 3-D Food Printer."
"A 3-D Printer? Oh, I've heard of those!"
"But I didn't know you could use it to print food!"
"Dark chocolate makes a perfect accent to curry, y'know. Take some 80 percent cacao chocolate, add a dash of curry spices to it and then print it out in totally cute designs with a 3-D Printer! Put it on top of some piping hot curry, and it will start to melt, adding a rich, colorful undertone to the flavor of the dish!"
"Papa, I want some! Buy me that!"
"Sure thing! Your papa wants to try it too!"
"Mm! The curry itself smells so good I could melt! But then they go and add that beautiful chocolate topping?!"
"Man, Totsuki students are amazing!"
They like it.
"That chocolate is, like, all bonus. It adds a colorful touch and a little sweet scent... without affecting the curry spices you balanced so carefully. ~ Yuto Tsukuda
Colorful Skies quotes by Yuto Tsukuda
Major General Anders later reflected: I think it was the Earthrise that really kind of got everybody in the solar plexus ... We were looking back at our planet, the place where we evolved. Our Earth was quite colorful, pretty and delicate compared to the very rough, rugged, beat-up, even boring lunar surface. I think it struck everybody that here we'd come 240,000 miles to see the Moon and it was the Earth that was really worth looking at. ~ Julian Barnes
Colorful Skies quotes by Julian Barnes
Now you say you have to absolutely truthful. Sincerity is the main thing, and truthfulness is the main thing and don't lie to anybody ... and you'll get ahead. Brother you sure will. You'll get ahead right on that cycle of action, right toward zero! It's a trap not being able to prevaricate ... This makes life more colorful! ~ L. Ron Hubbard
Colorful Skies quotes by L. Ron Hubbard
Blue cloudless skies presided over comfortably warm days, kissed by bright sunlight and soothed with cool breezes. ~ Miranda Dickinson
Colorful Skies quotes by Miranda Dickinson
Lord, Your faithful love reaches to heaven, Your faithfulness to the skies." ... Does your love reach this far, God? And if it extends to heaven and beyond ... why can't it seem to find me?
"It's beautiful" I said, my voice clouded wroth embarrassment.
"It's more than that." He watched the ocean below. "It's like God painted it himself, then spun it into motion." Beckett angled hos head toward me, took his aviators off, and let his eyes burn into mine. "This is Ireland, Finley. It's rough. It's wild. And it's holy. ~ Jenny B. Jones
Colorful Skies quotes by Jenny B. Jones
Everything is judged by its appearance; what is unseen counts for nothing. Never let yourself get lost in the crowd, then, or buried in oblivion. Stand out. Be conspicuous, at all cost. Make yourself a magnet of attention by appearing larger, more colorful, more mysterious than the bland and timid masses. ~ Robert Greene
Colorful Skies quotes by Robert Greene
He told her: he fell from the sky and lived. She took a deep breath and believed him, because of her father's faith in the myriad and contradictory possibilities of life, and because, too, of what the mountain had taught her. "Okay," she said, exhaling. "I'll buy it. Just don't tell my mother, all right?" The universe was a place of wonders, and only habituation, the anaesthesia of the everyday, dulled our sight. She had read, a couple of days back, that as part of their natural processes of combustion, the stars in the skies crushed carbon into diamonds. The idea of the stars raining diamonds into the void: that sounded like a miracle, too. If that could happen, so could this. Babies fell out of zillionth-floor windows and bounced. There was a scene about that in François Truffaut's movie L'Argent du Poche...She focused her thoughts. "Sometimes," she decided to say, "wonderful things happen to me, too. ~ Salman Rushdie
Colorful Skies quotes by Salman Rushdie
Looking on the bright side, let us remind ourselves of what has happened in the wake of earlier demystifications. We find no diminution of wonder; on the contrary, we find deeper beauties and more dazzling visions of the complexity of the universe than the protectors of mystery ever conceived. The 'magic' of earlier visions was, for the most part, a cover-up for frank failures of imagination, a boring dodge enshrined in the concept of a deus ex machina. Fiery gods driving golden chariots across the skies are simpleminded comic-book fare compared to the ravishing strangeness of contemporary cosmology, and the recursive intricacies of the reproductive machinery of DNA make élan vital about as interesting as Superman's dread Kryptonite. When we understand consciousness - when there is no more mystery - consciousness will be different, but there will still be beauty, and more room than ever for awe. ~ Daniel C. Dennett
Colorful Skies quotes by Daniel C. Dennett
The words came so fast they seemed to roll down hill. Nobody ever calls it all that; it's just spring wheat, but I like the words. They heap up and make a picture of a spring that's slow to come, when the ground stays frozen late into March and the air is raw, and the skies are sulky and dark ~ Mildred Walker
Colorful Skies quotes by Mildred Walker
Do you see that patch of blue in the sky, fighting to be seen through the clouds?"

"Yes." She nodded, but her brows were scrunched in obvious confusion as to what his point would be.

"That was my life when I met you. After Mellie died, my life was a constant rainy day. I couldn't imagine the sun ever shining again. Then I met you, and the dark clouds started to drift away. I could see blue skies again and they were pushing out the clouds. As I got to know you, there were more blue skies and sunshine in my life. ~ Leah Atwood
Colorful Skies quotes by Leah Atwood
Once upon a time
There was a friend
Who poured some ink
To a pen, which had been dried up

Since then
There are pages, and books
Cluttered by scribbling
With or without a meaning

When the ink was done
Scribbling started
In the earth, dust covered
In the tranquil grounds of the temple
And in the naked skies
Among floating clouds

Mesmerized by the dawn of love
On top of mountains
Like a fairy spreading her wings
On fluttering wings of butterflies
In paths, under the starry skies
On piano keys, playing without a tune
On sprays of vibrant blooms
Even without a sweet fragrance

Even among the debris, pungent
flowing down the drain
Among the eyes filled with emptiness
Walking down the streets,
In the battle field, drenched with blood
Waiting for a flying bullet, which brings death….

There is a poem
Each and every moment
Each and every day!

(Translated by Manel K R Fernando) ~ Shasika Amali Munasinghe
Colorful Skies quotes by Shasika Amali Munasinghe
A whole new kind of spiritual happiness dawns in us as we realize that dark clouds do not ruin sunny skies ... they merely pass through them to help us remember our love of the light. ~ Guy Finley
Colorful Skies quotes by Guy Finley
Watch the skies.
Catch the stars. ~ Cayla Keenan
Colorful Skies quotes by Cayla Keenan
Zet and Lottie swam into New York City from the skies - that was how it felt in the Pacemaker, rushing along the Hudson at sunrise. First many blue twigs overhanging the water, than a rosy color, and then the heavy flashing of the river under the morning sun. They were in the dining car, their eyes were heavy. They were drained by a night of broken sleep in the day coach, and they were dazzled. They drank coffee from cups as heavy as soapstone, and poured from New York Central pewter. They were in the East, where everything was better, where objects were different. Here there was deeper meaning in the air.

After changing at Harmon to an electric locomotive, they began a more quick and eager ride. Trees, water, sky, and the sky raced off, floating, and there came bridges, structures, and at last the tunnel, where the air breaks gasped and the streamliner was checked. There were yellow bulbs in wire mesh, and subterranean air came through the vents. The doors opened, the passengers, pulling their clothing straight, flowed out and got their luggage, and Zet and Lottie, reaching Forty-second Street, refugees from arid and inhibited Chicago, from Emptyland, embraced at the curb and kissed each other repeatedly on the mouth. They had come to the World City, where all behavior was deeper and more resonant, where they could freely be themselves, as demonstrative as they liked. Intellect, art, the transcendent, needed no excuses here. Any cabdriver understood, Zet believed ~ Saul Bellow
Colorful Skies quotes by Saul Bellow
The time will come, when thou shalt lift thine eyes To watch a long-drawn battle in the skies. While aged peasants, too amazed for words, Stare at the flying fleets of wondrous birds. ~ Thomas Gray
Colorful Skies quotes by Thomas Gray
On average, odd years have been the best for me.

I'm at a point where everyone I meet looks like a version
of someone I already know.

Without fail, fall makes me nostalgic for things I've never experienced.

The sky is molting. I don't know
if this is global warming or if the atmosphere is reconfiguring
itself to accommodate all the new bright suffering.

I am struck by an overwhelming need to go to Iceland.

Despite all awful variables, we are still full of ideas
as possible as unsexed fruit.

I was terribly sorry to be the one to explain to the first graders
the connection between the sunset and pollution.

On Venus you and I are not even a year old.

Then there were two skies.
The one we fly through and the one
we bury ourselves in.

I appreciate my wide beveled spatula which fulfills
the moment I realized I would grow up and own such things.

I am glad I do not yet want sexy bathroom accessories.
Such things.

In the story we were together every time.

On his wedding day, the stone in his chest
not fully melted but enough.

Sometimes I feel like there are birds flying out of me. ~ Jennifer K. Sweeney
Colorful Skies quotes by Jennifer K. Sweeney
If I had one sermon to preach, it would be a sermon against Pride. The more I see of existence...the more I am convinced of the reality of the old religious thesis, that all evil began with some attempt at superiority; some moment when, as we might say, the very skies were cracked across like a mirror, because there was a sneer in Heaven. ~ G.K. Chesterton
Colorful Skies quotes by G.K. Chesterton
The moment you say , , or , the skies will open for you and the non- physical energies begin instantly to orchestrate the manifestation of your desire. ~ Esther Hicks
Colorful Skies quotes by Esther Hicks
Breathe in, breathe out. All the blessings of the universe that we may overlook are contained in the entirety of a breath. Breathe in, breathe out. Each breath is the sun flowering our earth, fresh water filling our oceans, and the blue skies clearing our minds. Infinite emotions are contained within every breath, and by the breath we can always realize the beauty within it all. Breathe in, breathe out. ~ Forrest Curran
Colorful Skies quotes by Forrest Curran
It is a pink and blue feeling, as sharp as clear sky; a slight breeze, and the edges of Lake Nakuru would rise like the ruffle at the edge of a skirt; and I am pockmarked with whole-body pinpricks of potentiality. A stretch of my body would surely stretch as far as the sky. The whole universe poised, and I am the agent of any movement. ~ Binyavanga Wainaina
Colorful Skies quotes by Binyavanga Wainaina
I think we'd all like to believe that after we shuffle off this mortal coil, that there's going to be something on the other side because for most of us, I know for me, life is so rich, so colorful and sensual and full of good things, things to read, things to eat, things to watch, places to go, new experiences, that I don't want to think that you just go to darkness. ~ Stephen King
Colorful Skies quotes by Stephen King
I Promise You
A message of hope from a wonderful Mother

I am here to walk you
Through this journey called life
I will look after you
Until you can do so on your own
I know you need my help for now
Yes, I assure you my lovely one
I shall hold your hand no matter what
And stand by you, even in the darkest night
Will ensure your days are bright

Indeed, the Earth can be so rough
Just like the ocean changes its tide
Fear not, for I will be on your side
With you, I will fly high
Until we go to the skies
And touch the shining stars
I will not let my scars
Stop me from being kind
To you my precious child

I will be there
Until the end
I promise you! ~ Gift Gugu Mona
Colorful Skies quotes by Gift Gugu Mona
You know, my childhood was pretty colorful; I like to use the word 'turbulent.' ~ Michael K. Williams
Colorful Skies quotes by Michael K. Williams
Choose to chance the rapids and dare to dance the skies. ~ Garth Brooks
Colorful Skies quotes by Garth Brooks
The night wears on; the fire dwindles; the wind shifts and my heart aches with nostalgia - summer camps and catching lightning bugs and August skies aflame with stars. The way the desert smells and the long, wistful sigh of wind rushing down from the mountains as the sun dips beneath the horizon. ~ Rick Yancey
Colorful Skies quotes by Rick Yancey
The careful insect 'midst his works I view,
Now from the flowers exhaust the fragrant dew,
With golden treasures load his little thighs,
And steer his distant journey through the skies. ~ John Gay
Colorful Skies quotes by John Gay
Born for the blue skies,
We'll survive the rain.
Born for the sunrise,
We'll survive the pain. ~ Switchfoot
Colorful Skies quotes by Switchfoot
A Rubik's cube is equal to a drag queen. It's really colorful, but I don't wanna do it. ~ Demetri Martin
Colorful Skies quotes by Demetri Martin
In this time of Covid-19 I feel an overwhelming exhilaration every morning that I have survived to see another day, and on Monday mornings that feeling of elation endows me with colorful words to express my gratitude to God for his gift of life. ~ Fidelis O. Mkparu, 2020
Colorful Skies quotes by Fidelis O. Mkparu, 2020
It can feel so lonely, to see strangers out in the day, shopping, on a day that is not a good one. On this one: the day I returned from the emergency room after having a fit about wanting to remove my mouth. Not an easy day to look at people in their vivid clothes, in their shining hair, pointing and smiling at colorful woven sweaters.
I wanted to erase them all. But I also wanted to be them all, and I could not erase them and want to be them at the same time.
At home, Joseph was nicer to me than usual and we played a silent game of Parcheesi for an hour in the slanted box of remaining sunlight on the carpet. Dad came by and brought me a pillow. Mom went to take a nap. Joseph won. I went to bed early. I woke up the same. ~ Aimee Bender
Colorful Skies quotes by Aimee Bender
Summer explodes into Portland. In early June the heat was there but not the color
the green were still pale and tentative, the morning had a biting coolness
but by the last week of school everything is Technicolor and splash, outrageous blue skies and purple thunderstorms and ink-black night skies and red flowers as brights as spots of blood. ~ Lauren Oliver
Colorful Skies quotes by Lauren Oliver
From the gardener's point of view, November can be the worst month to be faced: Nature is winding things down, the air is cold, skies are gray, but usually the final mark of punctuation to the year as yet to arrive - the snow; snow that covers all in the garden and marks a mind-set for the end of a year's activity. There is little to do outside except to wait for longer days in the new year and the joys of coming holidays. ~ H. Peter Loewer
Colorful Skies quotes by H. Peter Loewer
When there is this simple, clear watching and listening, then there is an awareness - awareness of the colour of those flowers, red, yellow, white, of the spring leaves, the stems, so tender, so delicate, awareness of the heavens, the earth and those people who are passing by. They have been chattering along that long road, never looking at the trees, at the flowers, at the skies and the marvellous hills. They are not even aware of what is going on around them. They talk a great deal about the environment, how we must protect nature and so on, but it seems they are not aware of the beauty and the silence of the hills and the dignity of a marvellous old tree. They are not even aware of their own thoughts, their own reactions, nor are they aware of the way they walk, of their clothes. It does not mean that they are to be selfcentred in their watching, in their awareness, but just be aware. ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti
Colorful Skies quotes by Jiddu Krishnamurti
The True's towns, with colorful names like Dry Bend, Jerusalem's Lot, Oree, and Sidewinder, were safe havens, but they never stayed in those places for long; mostly they were migratory. ~ Stephen King
Colorful Skies quotes by Stephen King
She wanted to scream her grief to the skies and wail like an animal, but she couldn't. ~ Jennifer Donnelly
Colorful Skies quotes by Jennifer Donnelly
Nature is equally bright and dark;
Nature is equally colorful and blind;
Nature is equally pleasant and annoying;
Nature is equally silent and violent;
Nature is equally wise and obtuse;
Nature is equally melody and noisy;
Nature is equally beautiful and frightful;
Nature is equally joyful and sorrowful;
Nature is equally lively and disastrously;
Nature is equally blissful and curseful;
Nature is equally heavenly and deadly;
Nature is equally nutritious and poisonous;
Nature is equally limited and unlimited;
Nature is equally conditional and unconditional;
Nature is equally predictable and unpredictable;
Nature equally causes every life and death ~ P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
Colorful Skies quotes by P.S. Jagadeesh Kumar
The plants and animals all around us were waking from a long sleep, and our yard was slowly transformed into a carpet of soft green, and the skies above our house were filled with choruses of birdsong once again. ~ Arlene Stafford-Wilson
Colorful Skies quotes by Arlene Stafford-Wilson
-- Tlaloc ~ Tui T. Sutherland
Colorful Skies quotes by Tui T. Sutherland
I had seen the world as either white or black.
It is only when I read the pages of her diary that I understood why the sky looked so grey. ~ Sanhita Baruah
Colorful Skies quotes by Sanhita Baruah
The Challons' cook and kitchen staff had outdone themselves with a variety of dishes featuring spring vegetables and local fish and game. Although the cook back home at Eversby Priory was excellent, the food at Heron's Point was a cut above. There were colorful vegetables cut into tiny julienne strips, tender artichoke hearts roasted with butter, steaming crayfish in a sauce of white burgundy and truffles, and delicate filets of sole coated with crisp breadcrumbs. Pheasant covered with strips of boiled potatoes that had been whipped with cream and butter into savory melting fluff. Beef roasts with peppery crackled hides were brought out on massive platters, along with golden-crusted miniature game pies, and macaroni baked with Gruyère cheese in clever little tart dishes. ~ Lisa Kleypas
Colorful Skies quotes by Lisa Kleypas
There are all very different directors. Some are more specific, some are calmer than others when the pressure is on, some use more colorful language and they all communicate differently. But they all have love and care in common. They are all artists. And they have voices that I believe shine through within their films. To add to that, as a director myself I have learned so much from all three. I would like to thank them for that. ~ E.J. Bonilla
Colorful Skies quotes by E.J. Bonilla
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