Chinese Silk Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Chinese Silk.

Quotes About Chinese Silk

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How about this? Hong Kong had been appropriated by British drug pushers in the 1840s. We wanted Chinese silk, porcelain, and spices. The Chinese didn't want our clothes, tools, or salted herring, and who can blame them? They had no demand. Our solution was to make a demand, by getting large sections of the populace addicted to opium, a drug which the Chinese government had outlawed. When the Chinese understandably objected to this arrangement, we kicked the fuck out of them, set up a puppet government in Peking that hung signs on parks saying NO DOGS OR CHINESE, and occupied this corner of their country as an import base. Fucking godawful behavior, when you think about it. And we accuse them of xenophobia. It would be like the Colombians invading Washington in the early twenty-first century and forcing the White House to legalize heroin. And saying, Don't worry, we'll show ourselves out, and take Florida while we're at it, okay? Thanks very much. ~ David Mitchell
Chinese Silk quotes by David Mitchell
Dalton Ames. Dalton Ames. Dalton Shirts. I thought all the time they were khaki, army issue khaki, until I saw they were of heavy Chinese silk or finest flannel because they made his face so brown his eyes so blue. Dalton Ames. It just missed gentility. Theatrical fixture. Just papier-mache, then touch. Oh. Asbestos. Not quite bronze. ~ William Faulkner
Chinese Silk quotes by William Faulkner
Love is Heaven on a Hinge
Memory enfolds upon her's sovereignty of sleep;
her beauty manifests not as pleasing proportion
but as an arcane assemblage of Ming porcelain,
clues pieced together to reveal
the numinous Yin within.
Tangrams of facile shapes recollect
into priceless chinoiserie
excavated with a toothbrush
beneath the clay noses
of a thousand entombed sentinels.
She reposes within my niche,
an ingenuous vase,
her dreams fulcromed by my lever.
My right arm, her nocturnal tiara,
diademed in jewels of sweat,
perfumed in muskiness and ferment,
heralded in the dulcet wail of snores.
Beneath the bay window of her oneiric realm
frogs belch Chopin's Impromptus,
chanticleers trumpet Hayden
cicadas chirp Mozart's Elvira Madigan.
Under the mask of night my niche becomes
her royal box at the Viennese Opera:
concertinas of Chinese silk,
the empyreal music of limns,
the fateful reprise of heaven
on a hinge. ~ Beryl Dov
Chinese Silk quotes by Beryl Dov
Although the Romans knew Chinese silk, they knew not China. They believed that silk grew directly on the mulberry tree, not realizing that the leaves were merely the worm's home and its food. ~ William J. Bernstein
Chinese Silk quotes by William J. Bernstein
Anita Kleinman was a slight woman in her seventies. Her hair was thinning and white with a touch of pink, and was swept back from her face in unbroken waves. She wore a full-length Chinese silk gown covered with bright gold dragons on a blue background. Her fingers were tipped with long red nails and heavy with gold rings. She held out her arms in an expression of welcome and perhaps to show me the full extent of her dragons. ~ Frederick Weisel
Chinese Silk quotes by Frederick Weisel
If the Chinese can't buy U.S. products, they'll buy them from European countries and then develop stronger economic ties with France and Germany and perhaps side more with those countries when international issues flare up. ~ Gary Locke
Chinese Silk quotes by Gary Locke
Twisting and wiring and stringing starching and curling, delicately painting spots and shadings on scraps of silk until what had been nothing more than a pile of brightly colored fragments had been transformed into the silk irises, forget-me-not, violets and roses that would adorn the hats of women and girls more fortunate than themselves. ~ Melanie McGrath
Chinese Silk quotes by Melanie McGrath
Where is any author in the world Teaches such beauty as a woman's eye? - Love's Labor Lost. The eyes appears to be more immediately connected with the soul than any other organ. A woman reflects every emotion, almost every thought from her two wonderful, priceless eyes, and no feature of her face is more a telltale of her nature. "Show me," says the old Chinese proverb, "a man's eyes, and I will tell you what he might have been. Show me his mouth, and I will tell you what he has been." The same is true of women. Up to thirty or thirty-five a woman may be actress enough to make her eyes tell one tale, while her life would reveal another; but little by little the true state of a woman's soul stands forth in the expression, the frankness, the furtiveness, the candor, or the boldness ~ Harriet Hubbard Ayer
Chinese Silk quotes by Harriet Hubbard Ayer
Every word out of her mouth was freakin' silk, and Cole would have bet a thousand bucks, right then, that even Ben had a hard on. Forget The Fortune Bottle. This woman could have a career in food porn. ~ Alessandra Torre
Chinese Silk quotes by Alessandra Torre
The fastest way to get around the southern Chinese city of Foshan is on the back of a motorcycle-for-hire. ~ Evan Osnos
Chinese Silk quotes by Evan Osnos
Like any good spy novel, the Cox Report alleges that Chinese spies penetrated four U.S. weapons research labs and stole important information on seven nuclear warhead designs. ~ Charles Bass
Chinese Silk quotes by Charles Bass
But if you want him, you might have to fight for him."
I let my head fall to the tabletop. "For the love of all that is dead and Chinese, please, no more fighting. This army needs a break. ~ Paula Stokes
Chinese Silk quotes by Paula Stokes
Best Buy is just too Western! They do not stock enough Chinese brands, and Chinese people do not want to buy foreign brands. ~ Zhang Jindong
Chinese Silk quotes by Zhang Jindong
The general of a large army may be defeated, but you cannot defeat the determined mind of a peasant. ~ Confucius
Chinese Silk quotes by Confucius
Volvo has one weakness, and that is in the interior design. They have not adapted to the Chinese people's perception of luxury when it comes to the interior design, and this has to be addressed. ~ Li Shufu
Chinese Silk quotes by Li Shufu
She traced a finger over a splotch of fuchsia silk on her dress. All those books, with no one to read them. ~ Sarah J. Maas
Chinese Silk quotes by Sarah J. Maas
To stand on a mountain top, you must first create the mountain. ~ Anthony T. Hincks
Chinese Silk quotes by Anthony T. Hincks
President Wallis was the president before the Chinese assault and continued leading the United States throughout the war," Silvia confirmed. I thought the name to myself. Wallis, Wallis, Wallis. I really wanted to remember this to tell May and Gerad when I went home, but we were learning so much, it was hard to keep it all straight. "What was their motivation for invading? Celeste?" She smiled. "Money. The Americans owed them a lot of money and couldn't pay them back." "Excellent, ~ Kiera Cass
Chinese Silk quotes by Kiera Cass
But a multitude of people, even the two hundred million of the Chinese empire, cannot subsist without civil government. ~ Ezra Stiles
Chinese Silk quotes by Ezra Stiles
He remembered the old Chinese proverb, sometimes ascribed to Confucius: If you sit by the river for long enough, the body of your enemy will float by. ~ Salman Rushdie
Chinese Silk quotes by Salman Rushdie
I would trust you with my life. I'm betting that something evil would appear pleasing but feel foul."
Gregori's glittering silver eyes settled on his face, a glimmer of warmth in them, a hint of humor. "You are already trusting me with your life."
Savannah leaned into Gregori. "I'm so proud of you. You're getting this humor thing down." She looked across the table at Gary, laughter dancing in her enormous blue eyes. "He has a little trouble with the concept of humor."
Gary found himself laughing with her. "I can believe that."
"Watch it,kid. There is no need to be disrespectful. Do not make the mistake of believing you can get away with it the way this one does." Gregori tugged at Savannah's long ebony hair. It hung to her waist, a fall of blue-black silk that moved with a life of its own, that tempted, invited men to touch it.
"So,what are you going to do about me?" Gary ventured painfully.
Savannah resisted the urge to touch him sympathetically. She was naturally demonstrative, naturally affectionate. When someone was upset, she needed to make things better.Gregori inhibited her normal tendency to comfort.
I cannot change what I am, ma petite,he whispered softly in her mind, a slow,soothing black-velvet drawl. His voice wrapped her up and touched her with tenderness. I can only promise to keep you safe and to try to make you as happy as I can to make up for my deficiencies.
I didn't say you had deficiencies, she returned softly, her ~ Christine Feehan
Chinese Silk quotes by Christine Feehan
Men do not trip over mountains: They fall over earth mounds. ~ Pierre Stephen Robert Payne
Chinese Silk quotes by Pierre Stephen Robert Payne
This is in thee a nature but infected;
A poor unmanly melancholy sprung
From change of fortune. Why this spade? this place?
This slave-like habit? and these looks of care?
Thy flatterers yet wear silk, drink wine, lie soft;
Hug their diseased perfumes, and have forgot
That ever Timon was. Shame not these woods,
By putting on the cunning of a carper.
Be thou a flatterer now, and seek to thrive
By that which has undone thee: hinge thy knee,
And let his very breath, whom thou'lt observe,
Blow off thy cap; praise his most vicious strain,
And call it excellent: thou wast told thus;
Thou gavest thine ears like tapsters that bid welcome
To knaves and all approachers: 'tis most just
That thou turn rascal; hadst thou wealth again,
Rascals should have 't. Do not assume my likeness. ~ William Shakespeare
Chinese Silk quotes by William Shakespeare
His cream-colored three-piece suit, gray silk tie, and sky blue shirt. He's wearing ~ Kristen Callihan
Chinese Silk quotes by Kristen Callihan
Because at this time, in this place, Chinese writing exhibits symptoms of a mental disorder. ~ Murong Xuecun
Chinese Silk quotes by Murong Xuecun
A few days ago she had been wandering around with a swatch of black silk tied over her eyes. Syrio was teaching her to see with her ears and her nose and her skin, she told him. Before that, he had her doing spinds and back flips. "Arya, are you certain you want to persist in this?"
She nodded. "Tomorrow we're going to catch cats."
"Cats." Ned sighed. ~ George R R Martin
Chinese Silk quotes by George R R Martin
I used to think that, given enough goodwill, anybody would be able to 'get' any music, no matter how distant the culture from which it came. And then I heard Chinese opera. ~ Brian Eno
Chinese Silk quotes by Brian Eno
I feel best in soft and natural materials such as cotton and silk. I wear collections from all designers. They all have outstanding cuts and extremely pleasant materials. ~ Laetitia Casta
Chinese Silk quotes by Laetitia Casta
If my typical man wishes to live fully and completely he must, in his mind, arrange a day within a day. And this inner day, a Chinese box in a larger Chinese box, must begin at 6 p.m. and end at 10 a.m. It is a day of sixteen hours; and during all these sixteen hours he has nothing whatever to do but cultivate his body and his soul and his fellow men. ~ Arnold Bennett
Chinese Silk quotes by Arnold Bennett
We could see the parapet of Ryougoku Bridge, arching above the waves that flickered in the faint mid-autumn twilight and against the sky, as though an immense black Chinese ink stroke had been brushed across it. The silhouettes of the traffic, horses and carriages soon faded into the vaporous mist, and now all that could be seen were the dots of reddish light from the passengers' lanterns, rapidly passing to and fro in the darkness like small winter cherries. ~ Ryunosuke Akutagawa
Chinese Silk quotes by Ryunosuke Akutagawa
Did a sense of shame ever reside in our Republican toadies? You can't stop people who are never embarrassed by themselves. Will's readiness to turn a sow's ear into a silk purse can be cited as world class sycophancy. ~ Norman Mailer
Chinese Silk quotes by Norman Mailer
Life and human society are the chief concern of Confucianism and, through it, the chief concern of the Chinese people. ~ Hu Shih
Chinese Silk quotes by Hu Shih
If the United States wants access to Chinese, Indian or Vietnamese markets, we must get access to theirs. U.S. protectionism is very subtle but it is very much there. ~ Azim Premji
Chinese Silk quotes by Azim Premji
My aim is to create a happy society with genuine friendship. Friendship between Tibetan and Chinese peoples is very essential. ~ Dalai Lama
Chinese Silk quotes by Dalai Lama
White marble bridges with dragons sleeping on the end-posts; paved courtyards replete with trees, each strung with twinkling silk lanterns in lieu of fruit; courtiers clothed in a myriad of jewel tones. ~ Nalini Singh
Chinese Silk quotes by Nalini Singh
Frank held up the Chinese handcuffs. Keep it simple. ~ Rick Riordan
Chinese Silk quotes by Rick Riordan
In we go," he said grandly. And just like that, the Gansey who Adam has befriended ―the Gansey he would do anything for ― vanished, and in his place was the heir born with a silk umbilical cord wrapped round his blue-blooded neck. ~ Maggie Stiefvater
Chinese Silk quotes by Maggie Stiefvater
Now, when it was too late, and Life's shops were closed, he regretted not having bought a certain book he had always wanted; never having gone through an earthquake, a fire, a train accident; never having seen Tatsienlu in Tibet, or heard blue magpies chattering in Chinese willows; not having spoken to that errant schoolgirl with shameless eyes, met one day in a lonely glade; not having laughed at the poor little joke of a shy ugly woman, when no one had laughed in the room; having missed trains, allusions, and opportunities; not having handed the penny he had in his pocket to that old street violinist playing to himself tremulously on a certain bleak day in a certain forgotten town. ~ Vladimir Nabokov
Chinese Silk quotes by Vladimir Nabokov
Growing up as a kid, I wanted to be a ninja. In martial arts, even though I did Chinese kung fu, I always wanted to be this secret samurai or a ninja. There's something about ninjas that was very appealing to me as a kid. So of course, I was climbing a lot of trees and other things and getting up to mischief - good mischief. ~ Ray Park
Chinese Silk quotes by Ray Park
There is a long standing tradition of using code to evade censorship in China, so that goes on. The trouble is the Chinese government has created the world's most sophisticated censorship machine. ~ John Palfrey
Chinese Silk quotes by John Palfrey
...My life has always been a powder keg waiting for a match."

"Well, hello, match," Hazel said, pointing to herself with both thumbs, but she smiled as she did it, hoping to take the sting out of the words.

"Hello, match." Somehow his snagged-silk voice gave them an entirely different meaning. ~ Holly Black
Chinese Silk quotes by Holly Black
Its as if God cruised through one of those Chinese fast-food buffets and bought Abe the full meal dealso he can pass for Mama's beloved son. When it came to my turn, all that was left was one of those soggy egg rollsthat doesn't qualify as real Chinese food. ~ Justina Chen
Chinese Silk quotes by Justina Chen
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