Cherng Weei Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Cherng Weei.

Quotes About Cherng Weei

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Panda - We're not really selling Chinese food, you know. Our real purpose is about developing people. ~ Andrew Cherng
Cherng Weei quotes by Andrew Cherng
Having spent many years working in New York's Chinatown restaurants early in my career, I have the utmost respect for the history and connection New Yorkers have with Chinese cuisine. ~ Andrew Cherng
Cherng Weei quotes by Andrew Cherng
We opened Panda Inn on June 8, 1973. The whole family - my parents, a brother and sister - all worked at the restaurant for free. We lived in a two-bedroom apartment in San Gabriel and didn't have any money. ~ Andrew Cherng
Cherng Weei quotes by Andrew Cherng
Success is not an accident. When you put yourself in the right place at the right time, then you're likely to be more successful because of how you prepare yourself on a daily basis. ~ Andrew Cherng
Cherng Weei quotes by Andrew Cherng
When you are healthy mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually - when you're doing well, you're likely to do good things in life. ~ Andrew Cherng
Cherng Weei quotes by Andrew Cherng
My father was a chef but hadn't owned his own business. I didn't like that. In my heart of hearts, I knew I wanted to be in business. ~ Andrew Cherng
Cherng Weei quotes by Andrew Cherng
You have to grow! You grow as a person, and then you will grow in business. ~ Andrew Cherng
Cherng Weei quotes by Andrew Cherng
This is our 40th year in business. We don't have a single penny from outside investors, and we never borrowed heavily from the banks. We have a healthy balance sheet and more credit than we can use. ~ Andrew Cherng
Cherng Weei quotes by Andrew Cherng
My favorite way to do business is the Landmark Education Forum. ~ Andrew Cherng
Cherng Weei quotes by Andrew Cherng
When you do life a certain way, it's bound to give you a higher level of probability to succeed, and that's what we preach. ~ Andrew Cherng
Cherng Weei quotes by Andrew Cherng
I became very attentive to customers because I was desperate not to have people leave and never come back. ~ Andrew Cherng
Cherng Weei quotes by Andrew Cherng
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