Beddoe Trumbull Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Beddoe Trumbull.

Quotes About Beddoe Trumbull

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Jesus has never slept for an hour while one of His disciples watched and prayed in agony. ~ Henry Clay Trumbull
Beddoe Trumbull quotes by Henry Clay Trumbull
My particular aesthetic of light and color and design wouldn't change as a result of working with computer graphics rather than with slit scan or miniatures. ~ Douglas Trumbull
Beddoe Trumbull quotes by Douglas Trumbull
T IME'S a circumference

Whereof the segment of our station seems

A long straight line from nothing into naught.

Therefore we say " progress, " " infinity " -

Dull words whose object

Hangs in the air of error and delights

Our boyish minds ahunt for butterflies.

For aspiration studies not the sky

But looks for stars; the victories of faith

Are soldiered none the less with certainties,

And all the multitudinous armies decked

With banners blown ahead and flute before

March not to the desert or th' Elysian fields,

But in the track of some discovery,

The grip and cognizance of something true,

Which won resolves a better distribution

Between the dreaming mind and real truth.

I cannot understand you.

'T is because

You lean over my meaning's edge and feel

A dizziness of the things I have not said. ~ Trumbull Stickney
Beddoe Trumbull quotes by Trumbull Stickney
Finally, there are assuredly diversities of gifts pertaining to diverse breeds of men; and unless we are all reduced to the dull dead level of socialism, and perhaps even in that case, for the sake of relief, we shall continue to stand in need of all these gifts. Let us hope, then, that blue eyes, as well as brown eyes, will continue to beam on our descendants, and that heads will never come to be framed all upon one and the same pattern. ~ John Beddoe
Beddoe Trumbull quotes by John Beddoe
Now burst above the city's cold twilight
The piercing whistles and the tower-clocks:
For day is done. Along the frozen docks
The workmen set their ragged shirts aright.
Thro' factory doors a stream of dingy light
Follows the scrimmage as it quickly flocks
To hut and home among the snow's gray blocks. --
I love you, human labourers. Good-night!
Good-night to all the blackened arms that ache!
Good-night to every sick and sweated brow,
To the poor girl that strength and love forsake,
To the poor boy who can no more! I vow
The victim soon shall shudder at the stake
And fall in blood: we bring him even now. ~ Trumbull Stickney
Beddoe Trumbull quotes by Trumbull Stickney
Character gains through its expression, and loses through its repression. Love grows through its expression. Sympathy grows through its expression. Knowledge grows through its expression. The artistic sense grows through its expression. The religious sentiment grows through its expression. The capacity for instruction, for administration, for command, grows through its expression. The more a man does in any line of wise endeavor, the more he can do in that line, and the more of a man he is in that line. And the refraining from the free expression of love, or of sympathy, or of knowledge, or of the artistic sense, or of the religious sentiment, or of the power of instruction, of administration, or of command, both limits and lessens that which is thus repressed.

To possess and to exhibit an admirable personal character is a duty incumbent on every one. In order to possess such a character, its exhibit by its expression is a necessity. He who does not endeavor to express those traits and qualities which are the exhibit of an admirable personal character, cannot hope to retain such a character, even if it were his by nature; and he who does endeavor to express them, can hope to gain the character which they represent, even though he lacked it before. ~ Henry Clay Trumbull
Beddoe Trumbull quotes by Henry Clay Trumbull
There's a consistency in my work that pops up independent of the limitations of the technology. ~ Douglas Trumbull
Beddoe Trumbull quotes by Douglas Trumbull
Attention is our first duty whenever we want to know what is our second duty. There is no such cause of confusion and worry about what we ought to do, and how to do it, as our unwillingness to hear what God would tell us on that very point. ~ Henry Clay Trumbull
Beddoe Trumbull quotes by Henry Clay Trumbull
God blessed me by putting me here for thirty-one years at Michigan and Trumbull. ~ Ernie Harwell
Beddoe Trumbull quotes by Ernie Harwell
I visited a scientist who had a helmet with magnetic fields controlled by computer sequences that could profoundly affect your mood and your perceptions. ~ Douglas Trumbull
Beddoe Trumbull quotes by Douglas Trumbull
No parent ought to punish a child except with a view to the child's good. And in order to do good to a child through his punishment, a parent must religiously refrain from punishing him while angry. ~ Henry Clay Trumbull
Beddoe Trumbull quotes by Henry Clay Trumbull
Jonathan Trumbull, as Governor of Connecticut, in official proclamation: 'The examples of holy men teach us that we should seek Him with fasting and prayer, with penitent confession of our sins, and hope in His mercy through Jesus Christ the Great Redeemer." Proclamation for a Day of Fasting and Prayer, March 9, 1774'

Samuel Chase, while Chief Justice of Maryland,1799 (Runkel v Winemiller) wrote: 'By our form of government, the Christian religion is the established religion...'

The Pennsylvania Supreme court held (Updegraph v The Commonwealth), 1824: 'Christianity, general Christianity, is and always has been a part of the common law...not Christianity founded on any particular religious tenets; not Christianity with an established church, but Christianity with liberty of conscience to all men...'

In Massachusetts, the Constitution reads: 'Any every denomination of Christians, demeaning themselves peaceably, and as good subjects of the commonwealth, shall be equally under the protection of the law: and no subordination of any one sect or denomination to another shall ever be established by law.'
Samuel Adams, as Governor of Massachusetts in a Proclamation for a Day of Fasting and Prayer, 1793: 'we may with one heart and voice humbly implore His gracious and free pardon through Jesus Christ, supplicating His Divine aid . . . [and] above all to cause the religion of Jesus Christ, in its true spirit, to spread far and wide till the whole ear ~ Samuel Adams
Beddoe Trumbull quotes by Samuel Adams
As though there were a tie And obligation to posterity. We get them, bear them, breed, and nurse: What has posterity done for us. That we, lest they their rights should lose, Should trust our necks to gripe of noose? ~ John Trumbull
Beddoe Trumbull quotes by John Trumbull
It has been said that the essence of teaching is causing another to know. It may similarly be said that the essence of training is causing another to do. Teaching gives knowledge. Training gives skill. Teaching fills the mind. Training shapes the habits. Teaching brings to the child that which he did not have before. Training enables a child to make use of that which is already his possession. ~ Henry Clay Trumbull
Beddoe Trumbull quotes by Henry Clay Trumbull
A high place of honor, although doubtless one to be obtained only after enduring the pangs of a prolonged crucifixion, awaits that philosophical biologist, or that philosopher sufficiently acquainted with scientific biology, who subjects the modern doctrine of evolution to a thoroughly critical analysis, with a view to detect and to estimate its metaphysical assumptions. ~ George Trumbull Ladd
Beddoe Trumbull quotes by George Trumbull Ladd
There were IBM logos designed for the film, and there were IBM design consultants working with Kubrick on the layout of the controls and computer screens. ~ Douglas Trumbull
Beddoe Trumbull quotes by Douglas Trumbull
To accept with unquestioning faith, or to refuse to reconsider any particular view held by the Church in the past, is as unreasonable as it is unsafe. The faith of the Church is a progressive affair. ~ George Trumbull Ladd
Beddoe Trumbull quotes by George Trumbull Ladd
My first job on 2001 was to make all of the HAL readouts: the 16 screens that surround HAL's eyes. ~ Douglas Trumbull
Beddoe Trumbull quotes by Douglas Trumbull
The bill neither confers nor abridges the rights of anyone but simply declares that in civil rights there shall be equality among all classes of citizens and that all alike shall be subject to the same punishment. ~ Lyman Trumbull
Beddoe Trumbull quotes by Lyman Trumbull
The only way for the market to accept this reality is if fares are advanced slowly and cautiously, and the very low fares do still appear from time-to-time in the market to allow those who will not travel without them to have access to our service. ~ Clive Beddoe
Beddoe Trumbull quotes by Clive Beddoe
He who knows how to teach a child is not competent for the oversight of a child's education unless he also knows how to train a child. ~ Henry Clay Trumbull
Beddoe Trumbull quotes by Henry Clay Trumbull
Live blindly and upon the hour. The Lord,

Who was the Future, died full long ago.

Knowledge which is the Past is folly. Go,

Poor, child, and be not to thyself abhorred.

Around thine earth sun-winged winds do blow

And planets roll; a meteor draws his sword;

The rainbow breaks his seven-coloured chord

And the long strips of river-silver flow:

Awake! Give thyself to the lovely hours.

Drinking their lips, catch thou the dream in flight

About their fragile hairs' aerial gold.

Thou art divine, thou livest, - as of old

Apollo springing naked to the light,

And all his island shivered into flowers. ~ Trumbull Stickney
Beddoe Trumbull quotes by Trumbull Stickney
Friendship by its very nature consists in loving, rather than in being loved. ~ Henry Clay Trumbull
Beddoe Trumbull quotes by Henry Clay Trumbull
When I worked on 2001 - which was my first feature film - I was deeply and permanently affected by the notion that a movie could be like a first-person experience. ~ Douglas Trumbull
Beddoe Trumbull quotes by Douglas Trumbull
But as far as the concept of HAL, who HAL was, his character - I had no role in creating him. ~ Douglas Trumbull
Beddoe Trumbull quotes by Douglas Trumbull
The moment you accept God's ordering, that moment your work ceases to be a task, and becomes your calling; you pass from bondage to freedom, from the shadow-land of life into life itself. ~ Henry Clay Trumbull
Beddoe Trumbull quotes by Henry Clay Trumbull
There is no human love like a mother's love. There is no human tenderness like a mother's tenderness ... In all ages everywhere, the true children of a true mother 'rise up and call her blessed'; for they realize, sooner or later, that God gives no richer blessing to man than is found in a mother's love. ~ Henry Clay Trumbull
Beddoe Trumbull quotes by Henry Clay Trumbull
In the time of Jesus the mount of transfiguration was on the way to the cross. In our day the cross is on the way to the mount of transfiguration. If you would be on the mountain. you must consent to pass over the road to it. ~ Henry Clay Trumbull
Beddoe Trumbull quotes by Henry Clay Trumbull
But as some muskets so contrive it
As oft to miss the mark they drive at,
And though well aimed at dock or plover
Bear wide, and kick their owners over. ~ John Trumbull
Beddoe Trumbull quotes by John Trumbull
There is a great deal too much in the world, of the "heavenly-mindedness" which expends itself in the contemplation of the joys of paradise, which performs no duty which it can shirk, and whose constant prayer is to be lifted in some overwhelming flood of Divine grace, and be carried, amidst the admiration of men and the jubilance of angels, to the very throne of God. ~ Henry Clay Trumbull
Beddoe Trumbull quotes by Henry Clay Trumbull
A love of reading is an acquired taste, not an instinctive preference. The habit of reading is formed in childhood; and a child's taste in reading is formed in the right direction or in the wrong one while he is under the influence of his parents; and they are directly responsible for the shaping and cultivating of that taste. ~ Henry Clay Trumbull
Beddoe Trumbull quotes by Henry Clay Trumbull
What exactly was the role of the U.S. government in the coup that overthrew Ngo Dinh Diem?" Trumbull stared for a moment at Foley's rigid back. Then he said to Patchen, "Tell him." "I think you already know, Paul," Patchen said. "In simple terms, we countenanced it. We knew it was being planned. We offered advice. We provided support. We encouraged the plot. We welcomed the results. ~ Charles McCarry
Beddoe Trumbull quotes by Charles McCarry
it may be worth while to note again how often finely developed skulls are discovered in the graveyards of old monasteries, and how likely seems Galtons conjecture, that progress was arrested in the Middle Ages, because the celibacy of the clergy brought about the extinction of the best strains of blood. ~ John Beddoe
Beddoe Trumbull quotes by John Beddoe
Just as sure as the days go by, Jesus will come to us, looking for fruit; and He will come in personal hunger, needing and longing for the fruit which we might have ready for Him. ~ Henry Clay Trumbull
Beddoe Trumbull quotes by Henry Clay Trumbull
But optics sharp it needs, I ween, To see what is not to be seen. ~ John Trumbull
Beddoe Trumbull quotes by John Trumbull
It is not an easy thing for a parent of today to bear always in mind that every child of his is as truly an individual as he was when he was a child. ~ Henry Clay Trumbull
Beddoe Trumbull quotes by Henry Clay Trumbull
Diplomacy frequently consists in soothingly saying 'Nice doggie' until you have a chance to pick up a rock. ~ Walter Trumbull
Beddoe Trumbull quotes by Walter Trumbull
Not prayer without faith, nor faith without prayer, but prayer in faith, is the cost of spiritual gifts and graces. ~ Henry Clay Trumbull
Beddoe Trumbull quotes by Henry Clay Trumbull
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