B V Hely Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about B V Hely.

Quotes About B V Hely

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Sometimes, the best advisor is one that serves as a sounding board for his commander's thoughts. ~ B.V. Larson
B V Hely quotes by B.V. Larson
We even, at the worst, reach the state for which Buddhism, in the East presents most ably the case: as in the West, does James Thomson (B.V.) in The City of Dreadful Night; we come to wish for - or, more truly to think that we wish for "blest Nirvana's sinless stainless Peace" (or some such twaddle - thank God I can't recall Arnold's mawkish and unmanly phrase!) and B.V.'s "Dateless oblivion and divine repose."

I insist on the "think that you wish," because, if the real You did really wish the real That, you could never have come to exist at all! ("But I don't exist." - "I know - let's get on!")

Note, please, how sophistically unconvincing are the Buddhist theories of how we ever got into this mess. First cause: Ignorance. Way out, then, knowledge. O.K., that implies a knower, a thing known - and so on and so forth, through all the Three Waste Paper Baskets of the Law; analysed, it turns out to be nonsense all dolled up to look like thinking. And there is no genuine explanation of the origin of the Will to be.

How different, how simple, how self-evident, is the doctrine of The Book of the Law! ~ Aleister Crowley
B V Hely quotes by Aleister Crowley
He wore an air of perpetual resignation around him like a fashion accessory. ~ B.V. Lawson
B V Hely quotes by B.V. Lawson
He launched into the color-tsunami of Prokofiev's fourth piano sonata. It soon carried him onto a distant shore where the only thing broken was the silence. ~ B.V. Lawson
B V Hely quotes by B.V. Lawson
I considered the difference between the careful and the spineless, as well as their near equal association to number-jockeys. ~ B.V. Larson
B V Hely quotes by B.V. Larson
Owls are nocturnal, swooping down silently, with the soft edges of their feathers muffling the sound of the wings, before pouncing and swallowing their prey whole. Death unseen, death unheard, death from above - the military drones of the animal kingdom ~ B.V. Lawson
B V Hely quotes by B.V. Lawson
Humanity thrown together in the equivalent of a Petri dish under a microscope bred malignant organisms as often as benign. ~ B.V. Lawson
B V Hely quotes by B.V. Lawson
The sliver of sun turned water crystals among the coal-colored clouds into the halo of a sundog. ~ B.V. Lawson
B V Hely quotes by B.V. Lawson
You love someone despite all their flaws. You love someone despite the fact that they have made mistakes. You love someone because you care about them ~ Aria From The Curse Of Everwood By B. V. Taylor
B V Hely quotes by Aria From The Curse Of Everwood By B. V. Taylor
Injustice, large and small, was like sour, moldy bread. Consumed often enough, it brought on hunger for the meat of revenge. ~ B.V. Lawson
B V Hely quotes by B.V. Lawson
I wondered whose job it was to blow sunshine into my ears. ~ B.V. Larson
B V Hely quotes by B.V. Larson
The fans are on, let's see which way the shit blows. ~ B.V. Larson
B V Hely quotes by B.V. Larson
He was a Super Politician, defender of untruths, injustice and the American power-play. ~ B.V. Lawson
B V Hely quotes by B.V. Lawson
The connections between them were like an atonal composition, no key, no rhythm, no form. ~ B.V. Lawson
B V Hely quotes by B.V. Lawson
Both men were pictures of the kind of grief that cauterizes open wounds in memory and turns them into black scars. ~ B.V. Lawson
B V Hely quotes by B.V. Lawson
I wonder how many people in the Washington metropolitan area know just how terrific Senator MacGregor looks in his underwear."
"A select few."
"You must have thought about image projection, Senator." She ran a fingertip down the top of his foot. "You should consider doing some of those ads,you know,like the ball players...I never meet with foreign dignitaries without my B.V.D.'s."
"One can only be grateful you're not the Media Adviser."
"Stuffy,that's the whole problem." She dropped, full-length, on top of him. "Just think of the possibilities."
Alan slipped a hand under her robe. "I am."
"Discreetly placed ads in national magazines, thirty-minute spots in prime time." Shelby propped her elbows on his shoulders. "I'd definitely get my set fixed."
"Think of the trent it might start. Federal officials everywhere stripped down to their respective shorts."
Shelby's brows drew together as she pictured it. "Good God, it could precipitate a national calamity."
"Worldwide," Alan corrected. "Once the ball got rolling, there'd be no stopping it."
"All right, you've convinced me." She gave him a smacking kiss. "It's your patriotic duty to keep your clothes on. Except in here," she added with a gleam in her eye as she toyed with his waistband. ~ Nora Roberts
B V Hely quotes by Nora Roberts
People will believe thousands of different lies in succession rather than confront a single scintilla of truth. ~ Steve Hely
B V Hely quotes by Steve Hely
I reeled my head back, and with violent, uncontrollable contortions, I launched a spray of yellow, soupy duckfoot vomit into the air ... I (didn't see) where my regurgitated lunch had ended up after it'd been blasted from my throat. I booked it out of the now-befouled Chang'an Theater as fast as possible. (My guide) found me fifteen minutes later trying to look as casual as it is possible for a six-foot-two curly-haired white guy to look in a Beijing theater. ~ Steve Hely
B V Hely quotes by Steve Hely
Running might take her forward, it could even take her home; but it couldn't take her back–not ten minutes, ten hours, not ten years or days. And that was tough, as Hely would say. Tough: since back was the way she wanted to go, since the past was the only place she wanted to be. ~ Donna Tartt
B V Hely quotes by Donna Tartt
I try not to hate anybody. "Hate is a four-letter word," like the bumper sticker says. But I hate book reviewers.

Book reviewers are the most despicable, loathsome order of swine that ever rooted about the earth. They are sniveling, revolting creatures who feed their own appetites for bile by gnawing apart other people's work. They are human garbage. They all deserve to be struck down by awful diseases described in the most obscure dermatology journals.

Book reviewers live in tiny studios that stink of mothballs and rotting paper. Their breath reeks of stale coffee. From time to time they put on too-tight shirts and pants with buckles and shuffle out of their lairs to shove heaping mayonnaise-laden sandwiches into their faces, which are worn in to permanent snarls. Then they go back to their computers and with fat stubby fingers they hammer out "reviews." Periodically they are halted as they burst into porcine squeals, gleefully rejoicing in their cruelty.

Even when being "kindly," book reviewers reveal their true nature as condescending jerks. "We look forward to hearing more from the author," a book reviewer might say. The prissy tones sound like a second-grade piano teacher, offering you a piece of years-old strawberry hard candy and telling you to practice more.

But a bad book review is just disgusting.

Ask yourself: of all the jobs available to literate people, what monster chooses the job of "telling people how bad ~ Steve Hely
B V Hely quotes by Steve Hely
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