Angus Calder Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Angus Calder.

Quotes About Angus Calder

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Love the ponytail," Connor says, pointing at his hair.
Lev shrugs. "It's just because my hair is so tatted. But maybe I'll keep it."
"Don't," Connor tells him. "I lied. I hate it. ~ Neal Shusterman
Angus Calder quotes by Neal Shusterman
We sometimes cannot conceive of how the new paradigm could be true or see the reasons to reject an old paradigm until we have started looking at the world through the lens of the new paradigm. ~ Angus J.L. Menuge
Angus Calder quotes by Angus J.L. Menuge
In the end they worked out that Angus must have sneaked into Naomi's love parlor before his trouser snake addendums were, you know ... adjusted. Super-Cat!!! He is without doubt the 007 of the cat world. ~ Louise Rennison
Angus Calder quotes by Louise Rennison
I've got the blues in my heart, and the devil in my fingers. ~ Angus Young
Angus Calder quotes by Angus Young
To win the Calder Trophy means a lot. It means a lot. I don't have words. I could tell you in Russian. ~ Alexander Ovechkin
Angus Calder quotes by Alexander Ovechkin
Angus had been hurt deeply by what John Peter had done, that he might have lost a friend in such a horrible way. I could see that. But even aside from the stupid thing John Peter had done, Angus was hurting for me, feeling my pain, taking it with him as he rode off. He might not have understood all of what I was feeling but he had embraced it. He didn't get it after Millie died, but now he knew what loss could do to a person. Empathy just might save the world one day. ~ Vera Jane Cook
Angus Calder quotes by Vera Jane Cook
The sense of motion in painting and sculpture has long been considered as one of the primary elements of the composition. ~ Alexander Calder
Angus Calder quotes by Alexander Calder
Huge azure eyes with flecks of gold around the pupils sparked with that inner fire he'd just witnessed. Then her hand extended toward him. "What's your name?"

Angus looked at the hand angled as a man might extend his hand in greeting. He took her fingertips between his, turned her palm down, bowed, and lightly brushed his lips across her knuckles, "Angus Brian Cameron, at your service m'lady." Even her hand smelled like a field of wild flowers. ~ Aleigha Siron
Angus Calder quotes by Aleigha Siron
Well, he's scraping up what there is. Reckon we'll need every ready hand when it comes to a battle. Yours too, maybe.'
'Oh, you'll have to hold me back!' Calder slapped the hilt of his sword. 'Can't wait to get started!'
'You ever even drawn the fucking thing?' sneered Tenways, stretching his neck out to spit again.
'Just the once. I had to trim your daughter's hairy cunt before I could get at it. ~ Joe Abercrombie
Angus Calder quotes by Joe Abercrombie
Ye are different, Emma. I doona need ye in order to survive. But surviving is no' the same as living. Or the same as feeling human again. I am alive when I'm with you. Ye feed my soul. (Angus MacKay) ~ Kerrelyn Sparks
Angus Calder quotes by Kerrelyn Sparks
Angus is amusing himself by ambushing the postman. Och aye, they may have taken his trouser snake addendums, but they cannae tak his freedom!! ~ Louise Rennison
Angus Calder quotes by Louise Rennison
There are all sorts of cute puppy dogs, but it doesn't stop people from going out and buying Dobermans. ~ Angus Young
Angus Calder quotes by Angus Young
I think it's important to also realize that this isn't a case of Apple being asked to simply flip a switch or, you know, plug in a wire from one place to another. They're being asked to write new software that doesn't exist. They purposefully did not create this kind of backdoor ... ~ Angus King
Angus Calder quotes by Angus King
Dr. Calder [a Unitarian minister] said of Dr. [Samuel] Johnson on the publications of Boswell and Mrs. Piozzi, that he was like Actaeon, torn to pieces by his own pack. ~ Horace Walpole
Angus Calder quotes by Horace Walpole
... the government had spent more than four times the amount on lawyers [fighting a First Nations family's request for medical treatment] than would have been required to actually do the surgery. ~ Charlie Angus
Angus Calder quotes by Charlie Angus
If it's necessary to join a caucus and get a committee assignment, I'll do it. ~ Angus King
Angus Calder quotes by Angus King
I had been waiting to get Angus alone, and he appeared a little apprehensive about the occurrence when I discreetly said, 'Angus, my fine young man.' I smiled charmingly. Now he knew something was up, for certain. 'You wouldn't know how to build a bomb by any chance would you?'
He looked around sheepishly, 'Is this a trick question?'
I sighed impatiently, 'You're not going to get in trouble Angus.'
His shoulders dropped and he grinned wolfishly, 'Well in that case ... doesn't everyone? ~ Teresa Schulz
Angus Calder quotes by Teresa Schulz
I just go where the guitar takes me. ~ Angus Young
Angus Calder quotes by Angus Young
My fingers always seem busier than my mind. ~ Alexander Calder
Angus Calder quotes by Alexander Calder
About my method of work: first it's the state of mind - Elation (joy). ~ Alexander Calder
Angus Calder quotes by Alexander Calder
The only coherent explanation of contingent intentionality is the existence of some necessary being, an agent from whom all other intentionality derives but who does not require further explanation. ~ Angus J.L. Menuge
Angus Calder quotes by Angus J.L. Menuge
We're a rock group. we're noisy, rowdy, sensational and weird. ~ Angus Young
Angus Calder quotes by Angus Young
'Angus' was my first real film, but I had been acting for about 3 threes before that as well. ~ Chris Owen
Angus Calder quotes by Chris Owen
Do some research on the effects of television and your brain, and I promise you you'll have a decision to make when it comes to television, especially with what you watch. ~ Angus T. Jones
Angus Calder quotes by Angus T. Jones
The machinery joining the vats was a nightmare jumble of pipes and flanges. Since you couldn't really hire a professional plumber to set up your deathtraps, some clever techie on Angus Caine's payroll must have done it himself with whatever parts he had on hand. ~ Craig Schaefer
Angus Calder quotes by Craig Schaefer
Any extreme political creed brought only darkness in the long run; it lit up nothing. The best politics were those of caution, tolerance and moderation, Angus maintained, but such politics were, alas, also very dull, and certainly moved nobody to poetry. ~ Alexander McCall Smith
Angus Calder quotes by Alexander McCall Smith
I had a choice: I could believe the lies of the devil, in which case I was on my way to suicide, or I could believe in the promises of God, and be taken through my time of trial. ~ Angus Buchan
Angus Calder quotes by Angus Buchan
The first vehicle was an unmanned two-ton, hundred-thousand-dollar steel-caged contraption named ANGUS (for Acoustically Navigated Geophysical Underwater System), which had powerful strobe lights, a collection of thermometers, and, most critically, high-definition cameras. Late ~ Simon Winchester
Angus Calder quotes by Simon Winchester
What do we do if we pass a law that says this has to be done, and then China says, oh, well, OK, we're going to pass that law too and we want access to every iPhone in China? Iran says the same thing, Russia says the same thing - you know, the bad guys go underground. They'll shift to some other encrypted platform. ~ Angus King
Angus Calder quotes by Angus King
The underlying sense of form in my work has been the system of the universe, or part thereof. For that is a rather large model to work from. ~ Alexander Calder
Angus Calder quotes by Alexander Calder
The father is the head of the home; the mother is the heart of the home; the children are the reward, the joy and the life of the home. ~ Angus Buchan
Angus Calder quotes by Angus Buchan
I'm on 'Two and a Half Men,' and I don't want to be on it. Please stop watching it, and filling your head with filth. ~ Angus T. Jones
Angus Calder quotes by Angus T. Jones
Angus had not been particularly helpful in his suggestions. He had himself composed the words of a hymn some time ago when he had offered to the hymn revision committee of the Church of Scotland a composition called "God Looks Down on Belgium." The opening words of this hymn, however, proved to be not quite what the committee wanted: "God's never heard of Belgium / But loves it just the same / For God is kind and doesn't mind / He's not impressed with fame. ~ Alexander McCall Smith
Angus Calder quotes by Alexander McCall Smith
There was no point in lying. "Yes. I am following you."
Her carefully controlled exterior faltered. "Why?"
"Because I like you. I'm sorry if that makes you nervous."
All the color drained from her face. "I thought you thought I was crazy."
"I like crazy."
"You're unbelievable," she grumbled.
"So I've been told. ~ Anne Greenwood Brown
Angus Calder quotes by Anne Greenwood Brown
In this [show] business you do something rock 'n' roll and then that's it, finished, heads roll. It's best not to take drugs, go to sex dungeons or cause controversy. And those who've done it - Russell Brand, Angus Deayton, whoever - they've really paid for it, even if what they've done is quite trivial. ~ Konnie Huq
Angus Calder quotes by Konnie Huq
The inability of Darwinian psychology to account for human reasoning is devastating to its pretensions to be a science. The prestige of science depends on the application of highly advanced practical and theoretical reason. A 'science' that is incompatible with such reasoning is therefore at odds with the very essence of scientific activity. ~ Angus J.L. Menuge
Angus Calder quotes by Angus J.L. Menuge
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