Barry Eichengreen Quotes

Most memorable quotes from Barry Eichengreen.

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The 24% unemployment reached at the depths of the Great Depression was no picnic.
Barry Eichengreen Quotes: The 24% unemployment reached at
For those unfortunate enough to experience it, long-term unemployment - now, as in the 1930s - is a tragedy. And, for society as a whole, there is the danger that the productive capacity of a significant portion of the labour force will be impaired.
Barry Eichengreen Quotes: For those unfortunate enough to
Why was there so much work-sharing in the 1930s? One reason is that government pushed for it. In his memoirs, President Herbert Hoover estimated that as many as two million workers avoided unemployment as a result of his efforts to promote work-sharing.
Barry Eichengreen Quotes: Why was there so much
Southern Europe has not done enough to enhance its competitiveness, while northern Europe has not done enough to boost demand. Debt burdens remain crushing, and Europe's economy remains unable to grow.
Barry Eichengreen Quotes: Southern Europe has not done
As for the single market, the E.U.'s landmark achievement, there is no question that a euro zone breakup would severely disrupt its operation in the short run.
Barry Eichengreen Quotes: As for the single market,
Political union means transferring the prerogatives of national legislatures to the European parliament, which would then decide how to structure Europe's fiscal, banking, and monetary union.
Barry Eichengreen Quotes: Political union means transferring the
The 1992 crisis proved that the existing system was unstable. Not moving forward to the euro would have set up Europe for even more disruptive crises.
Barry Eichengreen Quotes: The 1992 crisis proved that
This crisis of long-term unemployment is having a profoundly damaging impact on the lives of those bearing the brunt of it. We know this thanks to a series of careful studies of the problem conducted in the depths of the 1930s Great Depression.
Barry Eichengreen Quotes: This crisis of long-term unemployment
While holding the eurozone together will be costly and difficult and painful for the politicians, breaking it up will be even more costly and more difficult,
Barry Eichengreen Quotes: While holding the eurozone together
Every day it seems more likely that we are destined - or should one say doomed? - to replay the disastrous economic history of the 1930s.
Barry Eichengreen Quotes: Every day it seems more
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