Yunzhu Han Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Yunzhu Han.

Quotes About Yunzhu Han

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Ever since I got your letter . . . I haven't been able to stop thinking about you. ~ Jenny Han
Yunzhu Han quotes by Jenny Han
I've only ever known one person who could tolerate this who wasn't a native of Pamarthe." "Captain Solo?" Joph said, without lifting his face from the table. Leia shook her head. "Chewbacca - a Wookiee friend of ours. Han would never touch this. ~ Claudia Gray
Yunzhu Han quotes by Claudia Gray
Dear John Ambrose McClaren,

I know the exact day it all started. Fall, eighth grade. We got caught in the rain when we had to put all the softball bats away after gym. We started to run back to the building, and I couldn't run as fast as you, so you stopped and grabbed my bag too. It was even better than if you'd grabbed my hand. I still remember the way you looked--your T-shirt was stuck to your back, your hair wet like you just came out of the shower. When it started to pour, you whooped and hollered like a little kid. There was this moment--you looked back at me, and your grin was as wide as your face. You said, "Come on, LJ!"

It was right then. That's when I knew, all the way down to my soaking-wet Keds. I love you, John Ambrose McClaren. I really love you. I might have loved you for all of high school. I think you might have loved me back. If only you weren't moving away, John! It's so unfair when people move away. It's like their parents just decide something and no one else gets a say in it. Not that I even deserve a say--I'm not your girlfriend or anything. But you at least deserve a say.

I was really hoping that one day I would get to call you Johnny. Your mom came to get you after school once, and a bunch of us were hanging out on the front steps. And you didn't see her car, so she honked and called out, "Johnny!" I loved the sound of that. Johnny. One day, I bet your girlfriend will call you Johnny. She's really lucky. Maybe you alr ~ Jenny Han
Yunzhu Han quotes by Jenny Han
I had built this bubble around us. Around all of us-you, me, Chewie, the kids, Luke, Mara, even Lando. Heck, even the stupid droids. We were all in it, you know. In it and safe, a cozy family. Nothing could hurt us - could really hurt us."
-Han Solo ~ R.A. Salvatore
Yunzhu Han quotes by R.A. Salvatore
[U.Eco habla de la época greco-latina]: No es que no hayan existido mujeres que filosofaran. Es que los filósofos han preferido olvidarlas, tal vez después de haberse apropiado de sus ideas
/[U. Eco is talking about the Greco-Latin era]; It is not that there had not been women philosophers. It is that male philosophers have preferred to forget them, perhaps after having appropriated their ideas. ~ Umberto Eco
Yunzhu Han quotes by Umberto Eco
They had such a good meet-cute," I croak. ~ Jenny Han
Yunzhu Han quotes by Jenny Han
I would advise all young musicians to not only experience and play chamber music, but to go to operas, speak to the singers, to explore and expand your horizons. ~ Wu Han
Yunzhu Han quotes by Wu Han
I release you. I evict you from my heart. Because if I don't do it now, I never will. ~ Jenny Han
Yunzhu Han quotes by Jenny Han
Or perhaps it was simply that things were happening inside her, terrible things, which no one else could even guess at, and thus it was impossible for her to engage with everyday life at the same time. ~ Han Kang
Yunzhu Han quotes by Han Kang
He smiled at me, and that smile
he just gets in. His smile did it every time. ~ Jenny Han
Yunzhu Han quotes by Jenny Han
It was just a different kind of battle, one he'd have to learn to win ~ Cinda Williams Chima
Yunzhu Han quotes by Cinda Williams Chima
The severe household has no fierce slaves, but it is the affectionate mother. ~ Han Fei
Yunzhu Han quotes by Han Fei
You're in love with love. ~ Jenny Han
Yunzhu Han quotes by Jenny Han
This is Karma. I'm a bitch. Can you think of anyone who deserves a bitch slap? - Kat ~ Jenny Han
Yunzhu Han quotes by Jenny Han
If he even survives." She shivered, and Amon put his arm around her, drawing her into his steady warmth.
"It's that bad?"
Raisa nodded. "He looked ... he looked awful, Amon. Willo doesn't know if he'll ... She's worried about him. My mother died, and I never got to tell her that I loved her, that I finally understood - just a little anyway. If Han dies too, I don't know what I'll do. ~ Cinda Williams Chima
Yunzhu Han quotes by Cinda Williams Chima
I'd always hoped that when i said 'I Love You' to a girl, she'd say 'I Know' like Leia did to Han in Return Of The Jedi ~ Cassandra Clare
Yunzhu Han quotes by Cassandra Clare
I see her car first. ~ Jenny Han
Yunzhu Han quotes by Jenny Han
There's an openness to his face, an innocence - a certain kind of niceness. It's the niceness that touches my heart the most. ~ Jenny Han
Yunzhu Han quotes by Jenny Han
Some memories never heal. Rather than fading with the passage of time, those memories become the only things that are left behind when all else is abraded. The world darkens, like electric bulbs going out one by one. I am aware that I am not a safe person. ~ Han Kang
Yunzhu Han quotes by Han Kang
I wish we could see Hamilton. ~ Jenny Han
Yunzhu Han quotes by Jenny Han
Good for you, Jason. It's perfectly natural to be angry with your mother for dying. Everybody who loses someone special goes through that. It's just part of the grieving process. ~ Han Nolan
Yunzhu Han quotes by Han Nolan
Han Solo," came the clipped voice of the gang leader, "you are a dead man." Not ~ Alan Dean Foster
Yunzhu Han quotes by Alan Dean Foster
I could fall in love with you so easily. I'm halfway there already. You're so perfect in my memory, and you're perfect now. It's like I dreamed you into being. Of all the boys, you're the one I would pick. ~ Jenny Han
Yunzhu Han quotes by Jenny Han
Still, I could tell he and Gayle were trying. She baked a cake. Not as good as yours, though."
"What kind of cake?" I ask.
"Devil's food cake. Kind of dry." Peter hesitates before he says, "I invited him to graduation."
"You did?" My heart swells.
"He kept asking about school, and…I don't know. I thought about what you said, and I just did it." He shrugs, like he doesn't care much either way if his dad's there or not. It's an act. Peter cares. Of course he cares. "So you'll meet him then."
I snuggle closer to him. "I'm so proud of you, Peter."
He gives a little laugh. "For what?"
"For giving your dad a chance even though he doesn't deserve it." I look up at him and say, "You're a nice boy, Peter K.," and the smile that breaks across his face makes me love him even more. ~ Jenny Han
Yunzhu Han quotes by Jenny Han
He says it with all the certainty only a teenage boy can have ~ Jenny Han
Yunzhu Han quotes by Jenny Han
I thought he was kind of a dick too, but I didn't say so. You're not supposed to join in when someone is bashing his father. ~ Jenny Han
Yunzhu Han quotes by Jenny Han
I'm always wondering about the what-ifs, about the road not taking. ~ Jenny Han
Yunzhu Han quotes by Jenny Han
He could be wearing a red letterman's jacket, driving around in a Corvette with the top down, one arm on the steering wheel, on his way to pick up his girl for the sock hop. ~ Jenny Han
Yunzhu Han quotes by Jenny Han
There are two kinds of girls in this world. The kind who breaks hearts and the kind who gets her heart broken. ~ Jenny Han
Yunzhu Han quotes by Jenny Han
There's a poem by Borges that begins, Ya no es mágico el mundo. Te han dejado . The world's not magical anymore. You've been left. He says left , an everyday word, a word that makes no noise. ~ Yasmina Reza
Yunzhu Han quotes by Yasmina Reza
I say looking on the bright side of life never killed anybody. ~ Jenny Han
Yunzhu Han quotes by Jenny Han
For me, it was almost like winter didn't count. Summer was what mattered. My whole life was measured in summers. ~ Jenny Han
Yunzhu Han quotes by Jenny Han
Never seem to have a Death Star lying around when you need one.
-Han Solo ~ R.A. Salvatore
Yunzhu Han quotes by R.A. Salvatore
I whispered "I'm not," even though I was. Not scared of him, but scared of everything I felt. Sometimes it was too much. What I felt for him was bigger than the world, than anything. ~ Jenny Han
Yunzhu Han quotes by Jenny Han
I open the box, and there are notes. Notes and notes and notes. Peter's notes. Peter's notes I threw away.
"I found them when I was emptying your trash," she says. Hastily she adds, "I only read a couple. And then I saved them because I could tell they were important."
I touch one that Peter folded into an airplane. "Kitty…you know Peter and I aren't getting back together, right?"
Kitty grabs the bowl of popcorn and says, "Just read them." Then she goes into the living room and turns on the TV.
I close the hatbox and take it with me upstairs. When I am in my room, I sit on the floor and spread them out around me.
A lot of the notes just say things like "Meet you at your locker after school" and Can I borrow your chemistry notes from yesterday?" I find the spiderweb one from Halloween, and it makes me smile. Another one says, "Can you take the bus home today? I want to surprise Kitty and pick her up from school so she can show me and my car off to her friends." "Thanks for coming to the estate sale with me this weekend. You made the day fun. I owe you one." "Don't forget to pack a Korean yogurt for me!" "If you make Josh's dumb white-chocolate cranberry cookies and not my fruitcake ones, it's over." I laugh out loud. And then, the one I read over and over: "You look pretty today. I like you in blue."
I've never gotten a love letter before. But reading these notes like this, one after the other, it feels like I have. It's like…it's like there's onl ~ Jenny Han
Yunzhu Han quotes by Jenny Han
Honey, I appreciate that so much, I really do, but it's not just transferring that I'm worrying about. I'm worried about his mind-set. When he gets to UVA, he needs to be focused. He's going there to be a student athlete. He can't be driving down to North Carolina every weekend. It just isn't practical. You're both so young. Peter's already making big life decisions based on you, and who even knows what's going to happen with you two in the future. You're teenagers. Life doesn't always work out the way you think it's going to work out. . . . I don't know if Peter ever told you this, but Peter's dad and I got married very young. And I'd - I'd just hate to see you two make the same mistakes we did." She hesitates. "Lara Jean, I know my son, and he's not going to let you go unless you let him go first." I ~ Jenny Han
Yunzhu Han quotes by Jenny Han
Sorry I'm late, sweetheart," said Han.

She slipped into the empty copilot's chair beside him. "Honey, you're right on time. ~ Claudia Gray
Yunzhu Han quotes by Claudia Gray
When I started acting, I hoped I could make some kind of positive contribution to this world. When I get a letter from some kid in Nebraska saying that, prior to Han, nobody wanted to be his friend because Asians weren't cool if they weren't into martial arts - Now he's accepted and recognized as a human being. That's pretty awesome, right? ~ Sung Kang
Yunzhu Han quotes by Sung Kang
The day after graduation, the senior class packs up and goes to Nags Head for a week. Never in a million years did I think I would be going. For one thing, you have to gather up enough friends to rent a house together - like ten friends! ~ Jenny Han
Yunzhu Han quotes by Jenny Han
This is our story. ~ Jenny Han
Yunzhu Han quotes by Jenny Han
You could do with a little less baking and a little more living life. ~ Jenny Han
Yunzhu Han quotes by Jenny Han
Seventeen's not so young. A hundred years ago people got married when they were practically our age."
"Yeah, that was before electricity and the Internet. A hundred years ago eighteen-year-old guys were out there fighting wars with bayonets and holding a man's life in their hands! They lived a lot of life by the time they were our age. What do kids our age know about love and life? ~ Jenny Han
Yunzhu Han quotes by Jenny Han
And what do we do to fit our English-speaking Chinese, our docile and happy, our truly loyal servants, for the Asia of the future? We teach them English history: Henry the VIII, Elizabeth and Victoria, English geography, three-quarters of the book the British Isles, one quarter the rest of the world. literature, Lamb's Tales from Shakespeare and The Mill on the Floss, all in Basic, as they aren't to know the complexities of our tongue. We cut them from their own learning, their traditions; if that were cutting them off merely from the past, it wouldn't matter, but also and more dangerously, it cuts them from the present, and perhaps the future of Asia. With these happy eunuchs who are bound to us by their knowledge of English we run this country well as our colonial preserve. But we cannot pretend to think we can leave it to them to run it for themselves. All the revolutionaries in India were people who went back to their own literature and language. We'll see the same phenomenon here. ~ Han Suyin
Yunzhu Han quotes by Han Suyin
It's the good-byes that are hard. ~ Jenny Han
Yunzhu Han quotes by Jenny Han
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