Vampirates Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Vampirates.

Quotes About Vampirates

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Secrets have a way of eating away at us from the inside ~ Justin Somper
Vampirates quotes by Justin Somper
Lorcan nodded, "It'ss a beautiful night," he said. "The stars have all come out for you, Darcy." He turned to go, then had a fresh thought. "Oh and Tempest, a word to the wise ... "
Grace was busily gathering up the edges of Darcy's train. "Yes?" she said, glancing up at Lorcan. "What is it Furey?"
Lorcan grinned."Just so you know, I've put down good money on you catching the wedding bouquet. I trust you wouldn't let me down!"
as he winked at her, Grace thought his eyes never looked so blue. They were eyes you could never tire from looking at- as deep and constant and infinite as the ocean itself. ~ Justin Somper
Vampirates quotes by Justin Somper
But I know how much you care for me. I read it in the ribbon. Lorcan sighed. Did you really need to read the ribbon to know that I cared for you?, he said. Really, Grace, don't you know me at all?
I thought I did, she said ~ Justin Somper
Vampirates quotes by Justin Somper
And on the way, we'll have plenty of time to talk or not talk about whatever's on your mind ~ Justin Somper
Vampirates quotes by Justin Somper
My last words to him were to assure him that we would bring Sally to join him later. And you know what your dad said? He said that he would wait for as long as it took."
Grace bit her lip. "But she never came, did she? And he never stopped waiting. ~ Justin Somper
Vampirates quotes by Justin Somper
After you then, buddy. Youth before beauty ~ Justin Somper
Vampirates quotes by Justin Somper
We're so determined to help those we love that we lose all perspective ~ Justin Somper
Vampirates quotes by Justin Somper
Leave nothing but footprints,
Take nothing but memories ~ Justin Somper
Vampirates quotes by Justin Somper
That should sober him up"
"Actually, he hasn't started drinking yet ~ Justin Somper
Vampirates quotes by Justin Somper
Maybe home isn't a place. Maybe it's a feeling you have inside of you, being around the people who matter to you ~ Justin Somper
Vampirates quotes by Justin Somper
It was strange watching somebody sleep. It felt intrusive, as if you had caught them at their most defenseless. And as you watched them, motionless, you couldn't help but wonder -if only for a moment- whether they had died, and watch furiously for signs of life ~ Justin Somper
Vampirates quotes by Justin Somper
She remembered Grace telling her about Lorcan's evasiveness when she'd first joined the Noctourne-his ability to speak without saying anything, to talk in riddles.
He's a conundrum, thought Cheng Li. A walking, talking conundrum ~ Justin Somper
Vampirates quotes by Justin Somper
However bad your life appears, things could be far, far worse ~ Justin Somper
Vampirates quotes by Justin Somper
Well, if pirates are bad,
And vampires are worse,
Then I pray that as long as I be
That though I sing of Vampirates
I never one shall see.
Yea, if pirates are danger
And vampires are death,
I'll extend my prayer for thee-
That thine eyes never see a Vampirate
... and they never lay a hand on thee ~ Justin Somper
Vampirates quotes by Justin Somper
Bart glared at his old friend. I'm not sure I like the new you, he said ~Take me to the blood tavern..Take me to the vampirate ship..If you don't mind me saying so, buddy, since you died, you've gotten awful bossy.What's the rush anyhow? aren't you immortal now? from where I'm sitting, you've got all the time in the world ~ Justin Somper
Vampirates quotes by Justin Somper
The only journeys worth taking in life are those that test us to the very core ~ Justin Somper
Vampirates quotes by Justin Somper
It's always the one closest to you, They're always the hardest to read. You lose perspective. ~ Justin Somper
Vampirates quotes by Justin Somper
There was such a thing as giving too much, after all ~ Justin Somper
Vampirates quotes by Justin Somper
What's the idea with Moonshine joining the team?"
Cate leaned forward. "It's politics, Connor," she said. "Pure politics. When Barbarro persuaded Molucco to loan us out, he insisted that Moonshine come, too. He's under the impression it will be character building for him!"
"Character building?" Connor exclaimed. "Are you sure that Barbarro isn't secretly hoping a Vampirate will do us all a favor and finish him off?"
Bart laughed. ~ Justin Somper
Vampirates quotes by Justin Somper
Who are you?"
"I'm the stuff of your nightmares ... Actually, I'm the stuff your nightmares wake up screaming about ~ Justin Somper
Vampirates quotes by Justin Somper
A kiss on the head! you really are a passion wagon! ~ Justin Somper
Vampirates quotes by Justin Somper
So I'm deputizing for the deputy, am I?, asked Connor with a grin. ~ Justin Somper
Vampirates quotes by Justin Somper
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