Turneth Into Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Turneth Into.

Quotes About Turneth Into

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Whoever said that a soft answer turneth away wroth had never worked in a bar. ~ Terry Pratchett
Turneth Into quotes by Terry Pratchett
Some also deny that the earth is in the middest of the world, and some affirme that it is mouable, as also Copernicus by way of supposition, and not for that he thought so in deede: who affirmeth that the earth turneth about, and that the sunne standeth still in the midst of the heauens, by help of which false supposition he hath made truer demonstrations of the motions and reuolutions of the celestiall Spheares, than euer were made before ... ~ Thomas Blundeville
Turneth Into quotes by Thomas Blundeville
The disappointed man turns his thoughts toward a state of existence where his wiser desires may be fixed with the certainty of faith; the successful man feels that the objects which he has ardently pursued fail to satisfy the cravings of an immortal spirit; the wicked man turneth away from his wickedness, that he may save his soul alive. ~ Robert Southey
Turneth Into quotes by Robert Southey
If a soft answer turneth away wrath, maybe no answer stirreth wrath up. ~ Wendell Berry
Turneth Into quotes by Wendell Berry
Many people today don't want honest answers insofar as honest means unpleasant or disturbing, They want a soft answer that turneth away anxiety. ~ Louis Kronenberger
Turneth Into quotes by Louis Kronenberger
A soft answer turneth away wrath. Once wrath is looking the other way, shoot it in the head. ~ Howard Tayler
Turneth Into quotes by Howard Tayler
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