Queen Elizabeth Reign Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Queen Elizabeth Reign.

Quotes About Queen Elizabeth Reign

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I do not so much rejoice that God hath made me to be a Queen, as to be a Queen over so thankful a people. ~ Elizabeth I
Queen Elizabeth Reign quotes by Elizabeth I
To be Queen Elizabeth within a definite area, deciding sales, banquets, labours, and holidays; to be Whitely within a certain area, providing toys, boots, cakes and books; to be Aristotle within a certain area, teaching morals, manners, theology, and hygiene; I can imagine how this can exhaust the mind, but I cannot imagine how it could narrow it. How can it be a large career to tell other people about the Rule of Three, and a small career to tell one's own children about the universe? How can it be broad to be the same thing to everyone and narrow to be everything to someone? No, a woman's function is laborious, but because it is gigantic, not because it is minute. ~ G.K. Chesterton
Queen Elizabeth Reign quotes by G.K. Chesterton
Experience shows that great enterprises seldom end with a tidy and satisfactory flourish. Together, we are doing our best to re-establish peace and civil order in the Gulf region, and to help those members of civil and ethnic minorities who continue to suffer through no fault of their own. If we succeed, our military success will have achieved its true objective. ~ Queen Elizabeth II
Queen Elizabeth Reign quotes by Queen Elizabeth II
If you saw Queen Elizabeth it would be amazing, she came from another planet. She was so attractive in what she was wearing. ~ Vivienne Westwood
Queen Elizabeth Reign quotes by Vivienne Westwood
The Girl Guides kept up their activities as well, giving Elizabeth an unexpectedly democratic experience when refugees from London's bomb-ravaged East End were taken in by families on the Windsor estate and joined the troop. The girls earned their cooking badges, with instruction from a castle housekeeper, by baking cakes and scones (a talent Elizabeth would later display for a U.S. president) and making stew and soup. With their Cockney accents and rough ways, the refugees gave the future Queen no deference, calling her Lilibet, the nickname even daughters of aristocrats were forbidden to use, and compelling her to wash dishes in an oily tub of water ~ Sally Bedell Smith
Queen Elizabeth Reign quotes by Sally Bedell Smith
Or consider how we citizens of rich countries obtain our oil and minerals. Teodoro Obiang, the dictator of tiny Equatorial Guinea, sells most of his country's oil to American corporations, among them Exxon Mobil, Marathon, and Hess. Although his official salary is a modest $60,000, this ruler of a country of 550,000 people is richer than Queen Elizabeth II. He owns six private jets and a $35 million house in Malibu, as well as other houses in Maryland and Cape Town and a fleet of Lamborghinis, Ferraris, and Bentleys. Most of the people over whom he rules live in extreme poverty, with a life expectancy of forty-nine and an infant mortality of eighty-seven per one thousand (this means that more than one child in twelve dies before its first birthday). ~ Peter Singer
Queen Elizabeth Reign quotes by Peter Singer
Madam President, speaking here in Dublin Castle it is impossible to ignore the weight of history, as it was yesterday when you and I laid wreaths at the Garden of Remembrance. ~ Queen Elizabeth II
Queen Elizabeth Reign quotes by Queen Elizabeth II
No one who knew Diana will ever forget her. Millions of others who never met her, but felt they knew her, will remember her. ~ Queen Elizabeth II
Queen Elizabeth Reign quotes by Queen Elizabeth II
A great lady(Queen Elizabeth )of England , on her dying bed cried out ,"call time again , call time again; a world of wealth for an inch of time !"but time past was never nor could never be recalled. ~ Thomas Brooks
Queen Elizabeth Reign quotes by Thomas Brooks
The Queen, in love with love, returned her royal consent. [allowing newlyweds to honeymoon in private instead of appearing at Court to Queen Elizabeth I] ~ Bertrice Small
Queen Elizabeth Reign quotes by Bertrice Small
If Queen Elizabeth knighthooded me and I would get the title Sir Usain Bolt. That sounds very nice. ~ Usain Bolt
Queen Elizabeth Reign quotes by Usain Bolt
I grieve and dare not show my discontent,
I love and yet am forced to seem to hate,
I do, yet dare not say I ever meant,
I seem stark mute but inwardly do prate.
I am and not, I freeze and yet am burned,
Since from myself another self I turned.
My care is like my shadow in the sun,
Follows me flying, flies when I pursue it,
Stands and lies by me, doth what I have done. ~ Elizabeth I
Queen Elizabeth Reign quotes by Elizabeth I
Mary Queen of Scots had a little dog, a Skye terrier, that was devoted to her. Moments after Mary was beheaded, the people who were watching saw her skirts moving about and they thought her headless body was trying to get itself to its feet. But the movement turned out to be her dog, which she had carried to the block with her, hidden in her skirts. Mary Stuart is supposed to have faced her execution with grace and courage (she wore a scarlet chemise to suggest she was being martyred), but I don't think she could have been so brave if she had not secretly been holding tight to her Skye terrier, feeling his warm, silky fur against her trembling skin. ~ Elizabeth Wein
Queen Elizabeth Reign quotes by Elizabeth Wein
Men never fail to dwell on maternity as a disqualification for the possession of many civil and political rights. Suggest the idea of women having a voice in making laws and administering the Government in the halls of legislation, in Congress, or the British Parliament, and men will declaim at once on the disabilities of maternity in a sneering contemptuous way, as if the office of motherhood was undignified and did not comport with the highest public offices in church and state. It is vain that we point them to Queen Victoria, who has carefully reared a large family, while considering and signing ... ~ Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Queen Elizabeth Reign quotes by Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Late in the 16th centurt, William Cecil's son, Thomas reortedthat Philip had said that 'whatever he suffered from Queen Elizabeth was the judgement of God because, being married to Queen Elizabeth, whom he though a most virtuous and good lady, yet in the fancy of love he could not affect her; but as for the Lady Elizabeth; he was enamored of her, being a fair and beautiful woman. ~ Alison Weir
Queen Elizabeth Reign quotes by Alison Weir
To all those who have suffered as a consequence of our troubled past I extend my sincere thoughts and deep sympathy. With the benefit of historical hindsight we can all see things which we would wish had been done differently or not at all. ~ Queen Elizabeth II
Queen Elizabeth Reign quotes by Queen Elizabeth II
As Queen Elizabeth II said after her annus horribilis: "There can be no doubt that criticism is good for people and institutions . . . but scrutiny can be just as effective if it is made with a touch of gentleness, good humor, and understanding. ~ Tim Clissold
Queen Elizabeth Reign quotes by Tim Clissold
I have to be seen to be believed. ~ Queen Elizabeth II
Queen Elizabeth Reign quotes by Queen Elizabeth II
How reassuring. - Queen Elizabeth, when told during a walking tour of Scotland that she looks like the Queen ~ Kate Petrella
Queen Elizabeth Reign quotes by Kate Petrella
At Christmas, I am always struck by how the spirit of togetherness lies also at the heart of the Christmas story. A young mother and a dutiful father with their baby were joined by poor shepherds and visitors from afar. They came with their gifts to worship the Christ child. ~ Queen Elizabeth II
Queen Elizabeth Reign quotes by Queen Elizabeth II
I don't like to badmouth people. But I'm the head of a monarchy that began in the ninth century, and I'm apparently more modern than Chris Christie. Look, I know he has to appeal to the crazy right-wingers in his party, but the fact is, he's not as forward-thinking as an eighty-seven-year-old lady who wears a crown on her head. It's pathetic. ~ Queen Elizabeth II
Queen Elizabeth Reign quotes by Queen Elizabeth II
I know of no single formula for success. But over the years I have observed that some attributes of leadership are universal and are often about finding ways of encouraging people to combine their efforts, their talents, their insights, their enthusiasm and their inspiration to work together. ~ Queen Elizabeth II
Queen Elizabeth Reign quotes by Queen Elizabeth II
Some years later I met Queen Elizabeth II, in our capital Ottawa at a Canada Day celebration. David Foster and I were doing the show and we both met her afterwards. She told me how much she loved the Canadian Railroad Trilogy. She looked at me and said, "oh, that song", and then said again, "that song", and that was all she said. ~ Gordon Lightfoot
Queen Elizabeth Reign quotes by Gordon Lightfoot
Djinn," she said. "We go to review the troops. Clothe me as befits a queen."
"Silks and satins?" he asked, eyes sparkling like sapphires. "White brocade?"
"Armor," she said. "And flame. ~ Elizabeth Bear
Queen Elizabeth Reign quotes by Elizabeth Bear
QUEEN ELIZABETH. O thou well skill'd in curses, stay awhile
And teach me how to curse mine enemies!
QUEEN MARGARET. Forbear to sleep the nights, and fast the days;
Compare dead happiness with living woe;
Think that thy babes were sweeter than they were,
And he that slew them fouler than he is.
Bett'ring thy loss makes the bad-causer worse;
Revolving this will teach thee how to curse.
QUEEN ELIZABETH. My words are dull; O, quicken them with thine!
QUEEN MARGARET. Thy woes will make them sharp and pierce like mine.
DUCHESS. Why should calamity be fun of words?
QUEEN ELIZABETH. Windy attorneys to their client woes,
Airy succeeders of intestate joys,
Poor breathing orators of miseries,
Let them have scope; though what they will impart
Help nothing else, yet do they case the heart.
DUCHESS. If so, then be not tongue-tied. Go with me,
And in the breath of bitter words let's smother
My damned son that thy two sweet sons smother'd.
The trumpet sounds; be copious in exclaims. ~ William Shakespeare
Queen Elizabeth Reign quotes by William Shakespeare
She reclaimed her virginity?"
"Leave it, Georgie. She can do whatever she wants with her virginity."
"Right," Georgie said, nodding her head. "Right ... It doesn't sound like such a bad idea, actually. Mayble I'll reclaim mine before you come back. In the name of Queen Elizabeth. ~ Rainbow Rowell
Queen Elizabeth Reign quotes by Rainbow Rowell
I've written extensively on Queen Victoria and Queen Elizabeth and seen up close how those women, who were born when the country hoped for a male heir, made their way as leaders. ~ Kate Williams
Queen Elizabeth Reign quotes by Kate Williams
What were once only hopes for the future have now come to pass; it is almost exactly 13 years since the overwhelming majority of people in Ireland and Northern Ireland voted in favour of the agreement signed on Good Friday 1998, paving the way for Northern Ireland to become the exciting and inspirational place that it is today. ~ Queen Elizabeth II
Queen Elizabeth Reign quotes by Queen Elizabeth II
I would not be a rose upon the wall
A queen might stop at, near the palace-door,
To say to a courtier, "Pluck that rose for me,
It's prettier than the rest." O Romney Leigh!
I'd rather far be trodden by his foot,
Than lie in a great queen's bosom. ~ Elizabeth Barrett Browning
Queen Elizabeth Reign quotes by Elizabeth Barrett Browning
The Eastern potentate who declared that women were at the bottom of all mischief, should have gone a little further and seen why it is so. It is because women are never lazy. They don't know what it is to be quiet. They are Semiramides, and Cleopatras, and Joan of Arcs, Queen Elizabeths, and Catharine the Seconds, and they riot in battle, and murder, and clamour, and desperation. If they can't agitate the universe and play at ball with hemispheres, they'll make mountains of warfare and vexation out of domestic molehills; and social storms in household teacups. Forbid them to hold forth upon the freedom of nations and the wrongs of mankind, and they'll quarrel with Mrs Jones about the shape of a mantle or the character of a small maid-servant. To call them the weaker sex is to utter a hideous mockery. They are the stronger sex, the nosier, the more persevering, the most self-assertive sex. ~ Mary Elizabeth Braddon
Queen Elizabeth Reign quotes by Mary Elizabeth Braddon
Why, if one were Queen, would one ever want to marry? If one is ruler, is it not better to both King and Queen? That is exactly what a woman can do if she remains without a mate. ~ Kathryn Lasky
Queen Elizabeth Reign quotes by Kathryn Lasky
Because obviously she was the most qualified for the position. At long last Edward had arrived at the enlightened state of knowing that a woman could do a job just as well as a man. Yep. That's how it happened. Edward abdicated his throne. Elizabeth would be crowned queen at Westminster Abbey that same week, and we all know she'd be the best ruler of England ever. And now history can more or less pick up along the same path where we left it. ~ Cynthia Hand
Queen Elizabeth Reign quotes by Cynthia Hand
When life seems hard, the courageous do not lie down and accept defeat; instead, they are all the more determined to struggle for a better future. ~ Queen Elizabeth II
Queen Elizabeth Reign quotes by Queen Elizabeth II
Contrary to the myth that the British Royals were no longer all-powerful, it was common knowledge within Omega and other organizations in the know that they remained one of the most dominant forces on the planet. The Royals were totally comfortable with the mass populace believing they'd passed their heyday. That belief allowed them to control things behind the scenes with effortless ease. And control they did, in every way imaginable. ~ James Morcan
Queen Elizabeth Reign quotes by James Morcan
Because he sees horizons when the others can barely see as far as the end of their own noses. ~ Elizabeth Chadwick The Summer Queen
Queen Elizabeth Reign quotes by Elizabeth Chadwick The Summer Queen
There are today many institutions, taken for granted as pillars of the establishment, which owe their existence, or their appearance, in part to Albert. He is regarded as the architect of the modern monarchy; and when his great-great granddaughter, Queen Elizabeth II, waves to people from Buckingham Palace, she does so standing on the balcony which was Albert's idea. ~ Sarah Ferguson
Queen Elizabeth Reign quotes by Sarah Ferguson
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