Prem Nirmal Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Prem Nirmal.

Quotes About Prem Nirmal

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The yogi can relate to his Beloved in the form of a personal relationship-as a friend, a child, a spouse. He can cherish God in traditional religious performances–honoring saints, holy sites, and scriptures. He can hold God dear in the form of union - as his own Self, or in samadhi. All forms of God are equally suitable for love. (165) ~ Prem Prakash
Prem Nirmal quotes by Prem Prakash
It is natural to feel happy when you achieve something, or when somebody appreciates your efforts. But try to recall something out of the ordinary that made you feel complete. ~ Prem Jagyasi
Prem Nirmal quotes by Prem Jagyasi
What you are looking for is within you Fall silent a moment and contemplate what that means ... You lack nothing. ~ Prem Rawat
Prem Nirmal quotes by Prem Rawat
Every night, we should make it a point to take some time to recall our day before sleeping. When we don't do this, we are unable to make amends for the things that we did wrong. ~ Prem Jagyasi
Prem Nirmal quotes by Prem Jagyasi
One of the biggest challenge in life is to see things for what they are instead of what you want them to be. ~ Saahil Prem
Prem Nirmal quotes by Saahil Prem
In order to find your true potential, what you need to do is simply determine your core values, visualize the person you want to be, challenge common thought traps, and have a clear sense of your goals. ~ Prem Jagyasi
Prem Nirmal quotes by Prem Jagyasi
Put your heart and soul into whatever you do – but you won't be able to do so until you have complete faith in whatever you are doing. ~ Prem Jagyasi
Prem Nirmal quotes by Prem Jagyasi
Patience and perseverance are the two most important rules that you must always keep in mind. ~ Prem Jagyasi
Prem Nirmal quotes by Prem Jagyasi
Sometimes we carry mistakes we haven't even made yet. ~ Saahil Prem
Prem Nirmal quotes by Saahil Prem
Speaking too highly of yourself might, at best, earn you admiration and respect, but by doing so, you are isolating yourself. You are constantly telling others how different you are from them and pushing them further away from you. ~ Prem Jagyasi
Prem Nirmal quotes by Prem Jagyasi
Attempting to contain the infinite within finite symbolism of language may result in scholarship, but it will not produce devotion. (110) ~ Prem Prakash
Prem Nirmal quotes by Prem Prakash
Each one of us has something great to offer to the world. To find that out, all we need to do is to listen to our conscience and follow our passion. ~ Prem Jagyasi
Prem Nirmal quotes by Prem Jagyasi
Respect and compassion are two important qualities that we learn as we grow up. It is necessary that we learn them because this is what others want from us, and this is what we ultimately want from others. ~ Prem Jagyasi
Prem Nirmal quotes by Prem Jagyasi
Balanced self-esteem makes individuals glow from within when they are faced with challenges or pitted against overwhelming odds. ~ Prem Jagyasi
Prem Nirmal quotes by Prem Jagyasi
ON THE BANKS of every great river you'll find a monument to excess."
Kanai recalled the list of examples Nirmal had provided to prove this: the opera house of Manaus, the temple of Karnak, the ten thousand pagodas of Pagan. In the years since, he had visited many of those places, and it made him laugh to think his uncle had insisted that Canning too had a place on that list: "The mighty Matla's monument is Port Canning. ~ Amitav Ghosh
Prem Nirmal quotes by Amitav Ghosh
When I was born, God existed. But I never knew Him. I just never knew Him until Guru Maharaj Ji came into my life, till Guru Maharaj Ji came in my way, and showed me and revealed me that secret. And the day he did that, there it was, I knew God. ~ Prem Rawat
Prem Nirmal quotes by Prem Rawat
A well-sculpted mind is always geared to a certain degree to harmonize the whole system, which includes the body, the emotions, and the energies. ~ Prem Jagyasi
Prem Nirmal quotes by Prem Jagyasi
We are all individuals. I can't eat for you and you can't eat for me. I can't sleep for you and you can sleep for me. We are absolutely all individuals. When our purpose is fulfilled, it feels beautiful. That is, to me, the feeling of fulfillment. ~ Prem Rawat
Prem Nirmal quotes by Prem Rawat
self-awareness is the golden key to making life-changing decisions and sticking to them. ~ Prem Jagyasi
Prem Nirmal quotes by Prem Jagyasi
[A] practitioner of any spiritual path must have complete confidence that his adopted path is, for him, superior to all others. (57) ~ Prem Prakash
Prem Nirmal quotes by Prem Prakash
It's almost never the kind of person you are but the kind of job you do decides how much you get paid. ~ Saahil Prem
Prem Nirmal quotes by Saahil Prem
An organized, trained and focused mind has perfect control over its thoughts and emotions. Such control over thoughts and emotions further channelizes our energies in the right direction. ~ Prem Jagyasi
Prem Nirmal quotes by Prem Jagyasi
Once you are clear about what you wish to create, you can maintain a steady stream of thoughts – unwavering, resolute, and focused. ~ Prem Jagyasi
Prem Nirmal quotes by Prem Jagyasi
Before you start finding the solution to a problem, you ought to know what exactly the problem is. ~ Prem Jagyasi
Prem Nirmal quotes by Prem Jagyasi
The more you learn about the human mind, the more you can use it to enhance your life. ~ Prem Jagyasi
Prem Nirmal quotes by Prem Jagyasi
Self-management, therefore, is all about becoming your own leader by training your mental, physical, social and intellectual faculties in different ways. ~ Prem Jagyasi
Prem Nirmal quotes by Prem Jagyasi
An aware individual stays awake from within to catch such signals and utilizes them to delineate their perception of the world. ~ Prem Jagyasi
Prem Nirmal quotes by Prem Jagyasi
Difference between author & reader are only defined by their Intent. ~ Prem
Prem Nirmal quotes by Prem
Everyone tells us to be one in a million ... What they don't tell us is that being one in a million also means being one against a million. ~ Saahil Prem
Prem Nirmal quotes by Saahil Prem
Always remember that motivation gets you moving, but determination keeps you going. ~ Prem Jagyasi
Prem Nirmal quotes by Prem Jagyasi
If someone or something is not affecting our lives positively, the best way to deal with it is to grow apart from it. ~ Prem Jagyasi
Prem Nirmal quotes by Prem Jagyasi
She had dispersed. She was the garden at Prem Nivas (soon to be entered into the annual Flower Show), she was Veena's love of music, Pran's asthma, Maan's generosity, the survival of some refugees four years ago, the neem leaves that would preserve quilts stored in the great zinc trunks of Prem Nivas, the moulting feather of some pond-heron, a small unrung brass bell, the memory of decency in an indecent time, the temperament of Bhaskar's great-grandchildren. Indeed, for all the Minsisster of Revenue's impatience with her, she was his regret.
And it was right that she should continue to be so, for he should have treated her better while she lived, the poor, ignorant, grieving fool. ~ Vikram Seth
Prem Nirmal quotes by Vikram Seth
Before deciding to do something, you should discover your true values, and then, you should search for opportunities to apply those values practically. ~ Prem Jagyasi
Prem Nirmal quotes by Prem Jagyasi
When you feel out of sorts for reasons that you can't understand, spend some time with your inner self to analyze and locate the areas where you are wasting – or draining – your energies. ~ Prem Jagyasi
Prem Nirmal quotes by Prem Jagyasi
Out of all the addictions in the world, Attention is slowly but surely becoming one of the most dangerous. ~ Saahil Prem
Prem Nirmal quotes by Saahil Prem
The problem with most of us is that we relinquish that little bit of control that we have over our thoughts.We let our minds feed on whatever we come across on television and in social media, and do not pay any attention to the type of information that we are swallowing. ~ Prem Jagyasi
Prem Nirmal quotes by Prem Jagyasi
We must understand that every individual that we meet on the street, at office or even at our home is fighting a battle of their own we may or may not know anything about. ~ Prem Jagyasi
Prem Nirmal quotes by Prem Jagyasi
We should think about our strengths, priorities and goals, which will further help us manage our mind and commit ourselves to success. ~ Prem Jagyasi
Prem Nirmal quotes by Prem Jagyasi
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