Meryle Dunlap Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Meryle Dunlap.

Quotes About Meryle Dunlap

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No one else can choose your attitude for you. Your perspective and choice of attitude gives you the power to be in control. ~ Irene Dunlap
Meryle Dunlap quotes by Irene Dunlap
First take a play that you like and musicalize it. Then take a play that you like but you feel has flaws and try to improve them, and musicalize it," Sondheim recalled him saying. "Then he said, 'Take something that is not a play but that somebody else has written, a novel or a short story, so that you don't have to invent the characters or plot, and musicalize that, make it into a play. Dramatize it. And then finally write an original, your own story, and dramatize that. ~ Meryle Secrest
Meryle Dunlap quotes by Meryle Secrest
A 2013 study by Riley Dunlap and political scientist Peter Jacques found that a striking 72 percent of climate denial books, mostly published since the 1990s, were linked to right-wing think tanks, a figure that rises to 87 percent if self-published books (increasingly common) are excluded.23 ~ Naomi Klein
Meryle Dunlap quotes by Naomi Klein
Maybe it shouldn't have come as such a surprise, but like a tooth extraction, there was a moment of intense pain and then a numbing sense of loss. I was officially unmarried. ~ Larry J. Dunlap
Meryle Dunlap quotes by Larry J. Dunlap
Show me a chief executive who's on five boards and who lends his or her name, prestige and time to 15 community activities - and I'll show you a company that's underperforming. A chief executive is paid to run the company. That's the CEO's job. ~ Albert J. Dunlap
Meryle Dunlap quotes by Albert J. Dunlap
Emphasize small goals when you have a team that isn't going to win a lot of games ~ Mike Dunlap
Meryle Dunlap quotes by Mike Dunlap
It's a travesty for the games. It's cutting into the heart of this community. ~ Mike Dunlap
Meryle Dunlap quotes by Mike Dunlap
We humans desperately seek stability in hopes, I think, that we can control our lives, though that isn't the way things work. Everything is in flux; we are dynamic beings born with expiration dates into an uncertain Universe. ~ Larry J. Dunlap
Meryle Dunlap quotes by Larry J. Dunlap
The disappearance of an audience that had supported experimentation and made such works financial, as well as critical, successes. The decline of liberal-arts teaching in schools and colleges meant that the new audience was less cultured and intellectually oriented; wedded to television and movies, it wanted to be entertained rather than challenged. ~ Meryle Secrest
Meryle Dunlap quotes by Meryle Secrest
It is shown that the golden ratio plays a prominent role in the dimensions of all objects which exhibit five-fold symmetry. It is also showed that among the irrational numbers, the golden ratio is the most irrational and, as a result, has unique applications in number theory, search algorithms, the minimization of functions, network theory, the atomic structure of certain materials and the growth of biological organisms. ~ Richard A. Dunlap
Meryle Dunlap quotes by Richard A. Dunlap
The winds of potential change blow constantly through our existence altering potentialities until a tipping point or nexus shakes our thread into a different weave, a new existence. It is our pattern-sensing consciousnesses that tricks us into believing remaining static is an option, that this day is like the next or the one before, as if the chaos that change will inevitably bring can be avoided. It's a comforting lie . . . ~ Larry J. Dunlap
Meryle Dunlap quotes by Larry J. Dunlap
Hear from those who have gone before you. ~ Mike Dunlap
Meryle Dunlap quotes by Mike Dunlap
We looked like a team at both ends of the court. ~ Mike Dunlap
Meryle Dunlap quotes by Mike Dunlap
In this time of , music is vital. ~ Susanne Dunlap
Meryle Dunlap quotes by Susanne Dunlap
For long minutes we cried, our grief inconsolable. We mourned the innocence of our childhood love; we grieved as parents of our own children. We agonized in the unfairness of the haphazard and tumultuous world we'd been pushed out into through our mothers' flesh. We wept for the first time, one among many firsts we'd shared, for the sheer emotional pain of bedrock loss. ~ Larry J. Dunlap
Meryle Dunlap quotes by Larry J. Dunlap
If we guarantee employment for some, we jeopardize employment for everyone. ~ Albert J. Dunlap
Meryle Dunlap quotes by Albert J. Dunlap
Despite, or because of their faith in miraculous cures, a strain of superstitious belief ran through this proud, emotionally distant family of intellectuals. ~ Meryle Secrest
Meryle Dunlap quotes by Meryle Secrest
They always tell us it's getting to the top that's hard. Climbing's the easy part. Sliding down the other side, that's the hard part. ~ Susan Dunlap
Meryle Dunlap quotes by Susan Dunlap
Youth and nepotism, the twin horsemen of Hollywood! ~ Susan Dunlap
Meryle Dunlap quotes by Susan Dunlap
His experiments proved that the best way to break a habit is to form a clear mental image of the desired end result, and to practice without effort towards reaching that goal. Dunlap found that either "positive practice" (refraining from the habit) or "negative practice" (performing the habit consciously and voluntarily) would have beneficial effect provided the desired end result was kept constantly in mind. ~ Maxwell Maltz
Meryle Dunlap quotes by Maxwell Maltz
Passion, I've found, is not so attractive to the observer as to the participants ... ~ Susan Dunlap
Meryle Dunlap quotes by Susan Dunlap
The price of leadership is criticism. ~ Albert J. Dunlap
Meryle Dunlap quotes by Albert J. Dunlap
Fred Olmsted sat at the edge of the stagecoach seat, chattering to his father about their trip. How exciting to see the towns and forests of western New York! Suddenly, Fred stopped talking. That roar in the distance could only be one thing. Niagara Falls! ~ Julie Dunlap
Meryle Dunlap quotes by Julie Dunlap
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