Malmsteen Yngwie Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Malmsteen Yngwie.

Quotes About Malmsteen Yngwie

Enjoy collection of 9 Malmsteen Yngwie quotes. Download and share images of famous quotes about Malmsteen Yngwie. Righ click to see and save pictures of Malmsteen Yngwie quotes that you can use as your wallpaper for free.

I wasn't very big on going to school. I tried to get a gig as a luthier. ~ Yngwie Malmsteen
Malmsteen Yngwie quotes by Yngwie Malmsteen
I've always been heavily influenced by classical music, mostly by baroque music. ~ Yngwie Malmsteen
Malmsteen Yngwie quotes by Yngwie Malmsteen
I don't think you can learn to be a complete musician. That has to come from within, and it entails a lot of sacrifice. ~ Yngwie Malmsteen
Malmsteen Yngwie quotes by Yngwie Malmsteen
Fast is only cool if it's melodic and has substance. ~ Yngwie Malmsteen
Malmsteen Yngwie quotes by Yngwie Malmsteen
My mom really wanted me to be a musician so she gave me a guitar for my fifth birthday, but I didn't start playing till I was seven. ~ Yngwie Malmsteen
Malmsteen Yngwie quotes by Yngwie Malmsteen
Ritchie Blackmore was a huge early influence on me, but after that I had to find my own way ... Johann Sebastian Bach was probably the most influential guy ever on me ... Vivaldi, Beethoven and eventually Paganini ... all of a sudden I was thinking in all these other areas, instead of blues riffs ... ~ Yngwie Malmsteen
Malmsteen Yngwie quotes by Yngwie Malmsteen
I just want you to know , I love serenity, and peace; no craziness, no weird people turning up in the middle of the night. ~ Yngwie J. Malmsteen
Malmsteen Yngwie quotes by Yngwie J. Malmsteen
What I think is the most important thing to learn about any instrument is the basics of music. Learn your ABCs before you write a Hemingway novel. ~ Yngwie Malmsteen
Malmsteen Yngwie quotes by Yngwie Malmsteen
One thing I've noticed over the years is that young players - I mean 10- and 12-year-olds - really like my guitar style. There's something in my guitar style that they totally can latch onto and learn quickly, and then go from there to your Yngwie Malmsteens or your Steve Vais or whatever. ~ Kirk Hammett
Malmsteen Yngwie quotes by Kirk Hammett
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