Making Wrong Decisions In Life Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Making Wrong Decisions In Life.

Quotes About Making Wrong Decisions In Life

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The 'right' may be wrong and the 'wrong' may be right in life! ~ Ravi Samuel
Making Wrong Decisions In Life quotes by Ravi Samuel
Asking someone out on a date is a simple task that frequently becomes a terrifying conundrum of fear, self-doubt, and anxiety. It's full of tough decisions: How do I ask? In person? Phone call? Text? What do I say? Could this person be the person I end up spending the rest of my life with? What if this is the only person for me? What if I fuck it all up with the wrong message? Though technology has added a few new, modern quirks to this dilemma, asking a new person to go on a romantic outing has never been easy. It means declaring your attraction to someone and putting yourself out there in a huge way, while risking the brutal possibility of rejection - or, ~ Aziz Ansari
Making Wrong Decisions In Life quotes by Aziz Ansari
I got to a point in my life when I'd done loads of things I regretted. I made all the wrong decisions. I was trying to fill my life with all these projects, hoping that one of them would succeed. I was like a cheating girlfriend. I was cheating on all the bands with other bands, and I was trying to manage everything. ~ Duffy
Making Wrong Decisions In Life quotes by Duffy
I have found the temperament of being a thoughtful man is sometimes excruciatingly painful. People become accustomed to the fact that your kindness is part of your personality and therefore any action you take will be based on being civil minded toward others and seemingly not wanting to disappoint anyone. This is of course the wrong view. Being thoughtful does not mean you are a pushover or a stuck in the mud type, seemingly stationary in your attitudes and ambitions. It means you take the time to have consideration of events and people around you. You do not make hasty decisions based solely on observation or emotion. Analysis is a tool for the thoughtful individual ~ Levon Peter Poe
Making Wrong Decisions In Life quotes by Levon Peter Poe
I do know what to do, just never more than one moment at a time. I stop explaining myself, because I learn that making decisions is never about doing the right thing or the wrong thing. It's about doing the precise thing. The precise thing is always incredibly personal and often makes no sense to anyone else. God speaks to folks directly ad one at a time, so I just listen and follow directions. And when I need to work anything out, I turn to the blank page. There, no one can steal my pain or try to poison my knowing, and there I always have the final word in my own story. ~ Glennon Doyle Melton
Making Wrong Decisions In Life quotes by Glennon Doyle Melton
The paradox explored in my book 'The Innovator's Dilemma' is that successful companies can fail by making the 'right' decisions in the wrong situations. ~ Clayton Christensen
Making Wrong Decisions In Life quotes by Clayton Christensen
I think it's wrong to think you can't change things in your life now because of decisions you've made in the past. ~ McKenzie Catherine
Making Wrong Decisions In Life quotes by McKenzie Catherine
The hardest decisions in life are not between good and bad or right and wrong, but between two goods or two rights. ~ Joe Andrew
Making Wrong Decisions In Life quotes by Joe Andrew
[ ... ] intuition can sometimes get things wrong. And intuition is what people use in life to make decisions. ~ Mark Haddon
Making Wrong Decisions In Life quotes by Mark Haddon
In real life, according to McNamara, the leader first must discover the problem. He or she must figure out what problem needs to be solved before beginning to make decisions. McNamara explained that identifying the true problem facing an organization often proved to be the most difficult challenge that leaders face. In many instances leaders do not spot a threat until far too late. At times, leaders set out to solve the wrong problem. ~ Michael A. Roberto
Making Wrong Decisions In Life quotes by Michael A. Roberto
Don't be adamant; don't make up your mind about all the things that don't even have anything at all to do with you. Don't be too quick to define right and wrong. Life has a way of putting the adamant person into the very situations they've made up their minds about, in order to change those very decisions. So, unless you want the things that you judge in others to happen to you, you'd better live and let live. ~ C. JoyBell C.
Making Wrong Decisions In Life quotes by C. JoyBell C.
Please allow me to offer you three pieces of advice:

One: Be bold. Never miss an opportunity to let your brilliance shine and dazzle. Take that chance. Accept the challenge, or if the challenge doesn't arise, make your own challenges.

Two: Don't settle for mediocrity. Find a dream and pursue it. Allow every decision you make to bring you closer in achieving that dream.

And three: Have fun. Take time to play, because if you're not having a good tear-squirting belly laugh, chances are you're doing it wrong.

I will not wish you good luck. I don't believe luck to be a necessary ingredient for success. Instead, I wish you the wisdom to make good decisions. I'm sure you will be fabulous.

Grace ~ Alyssa Brugman
Making Wrong Decisions In Life quotes by Alyssa Brugman
Make more decisions everyday. Because a decision is a summoning of life. That's why a little chaos is good for you, because often you don't make a decision until you get yourself in a jam. And then, in the middle of the jam, you make a decision, but that decision summons Life Force. Have you ever been a place where you couldn't quite make up your mind and you just felt sort of limp? "Oh, I don't know. I don't know. I don't know." And then you decided, and you felt alive again. We want you to know that you'll never get it done. so don't approach this from, "I gotta get on this" because you're not ever going to get it done, anyway. And the other thing we want you to know is, you cannot get it wrong. So, make a decision. Let it flow. ~ Abraham Hicks
Making Wrong Decisions In Life quotes by Abraham Hicks
I'm not afraid to make decisions. One of my friends said ... we were talking about movies. It's really just a series of decisions you make. They said, "Tim Miller: frequently wrong, but never in doubt." I don't know that I'm making the right ones, but I'm not afraid to make them. That keeps the train moving forward. ~ Timothy Miller
Making Wrong Decisions In Life quotes by Timothy Miller
The emptiness in our lives is due to the 'absence of all the right things,' and the 'presence of all the wrong things.' And if there's some sort of silver-lining to be found in feeling empty, it's that we've been successful at doing both of the above. ~ Craig D. Lounsbrough
Making Wrong Decisions In Life quotes by Craig D. Lounsbrough
Sometimes it looks like you're going nowhere or that you're headed in the wrong direction. I'm learning that the decision itself is rarely the point. The point is becoming more fully ourselves in the presence of God, connecting with Him and with each other, and living our lives as though we believe He is good and beautiful. The point is being honest about where you are and what you need and then looking around in your own community for people to walk with you and with whom you can walk. I spent years wishing people would support me only to later realize I was waiting around for something to come to me when I was perfectly capable of going out and getting it. I'm convinced God is less interested in where we end up then He is in who we are becoming. Whether we're employed or unemployed, encouraged or discouraged, filled with vision or fumbling in the fog. More than anything, our Father just wants to be with us. The most common way He shows His "withness" to us is in the actual, physical presence of other people. ~ Emily P. Freeman
Making Wrong Decisions In Life quotes by Emily P. Freeman
As Redleaf sees it, the biggest problem is that individuals, the people who called the police on Debra Harrell, are trusting a system that is inherently biased (as most systems are in this country) against poor people and people of color.

"There's an assumption," Redleaf told me, "among the general public, that it's always better to make a call, even if you're not sure what you're seeing, because these people are professionals and if there was no real neglect, then the system will sort it out. Well, what we find is, they often get it wrong when they try to sort it out. The caseworkers at protection agencies aren't licensed social workers. They often have minimal training. Police certainly aren't experts on parenting or childcare. So basically we as a society have entrusted people who have no real training or serious knowledge about children and families with critical issues involving children. And they are making decisions about who gets to be a parent and who gets to raise their children and whether you'll be labeled a child-abuser and unable to work. ~ Kim Brooks
Making Wrong Decisions In Life quotes by Kim Brooks
People "died" all the time ... Parts of them died when they made the wrong kinds of decisions-decisions against life. Sometimes they died bit by bit until finally they were just living corpses walking around. If you were perceptive you could see it in their eyes; the fire had gone out ... you always knew when you made a decision against life. The door clicked and you were safe inside-safe and dead. ~ Anne Morrow Lindbergh
Making Wrong Decisions In Life quotes by Anne Morrow Lindbergh
If you obsess over whether you are making the right decision, you are basically assuming that the universe will reward you for one thing and punish you for another.
The universe has no fixed agenda. Once you make any decision, it works around that decision. There is no right or wrong, only a series of possibilities that shift with each thought, feeling, and action that you experience.
If this sounds too mystical, refer again to the body. Every significant vital sign- body temperature, heart rate, oxygen consumption, hormone level, brain activity, and so on- alters the moment you decide to do anything ... decisions are signals telling your body, mind, and environment to move in a certain direction. ~ Deepak Chopra
Making Wrong Decisions In Life quotes by Deepak Chopra
We make so many right decisions in life, but it is the wrong ones that can never be forgiven. ~ Charles Dubow
Making Wrong Decisions In Life quotes by Charles Dubow
I won't claim I've never in my life done anything I'm ashamed of, but I haven't done anything for a good while. If not everyone would agree with the decisions I've made, that's fine. What other people think has never made a situation right or wrong. ~ Curtis Sittenfeld
Making Wrong Decisions In Life quotes by Curtis Sittenfeld
I'm not sure about anything. I hate being in charge. I hate making the decisions. I'm terrified of losing Mark. I'm terrified of losing Emma. I want someone to take over. I'm not as strong as you think. The things I want are wrong and broken things to want. ~ Cassandra Clare
Making Wrong Decisions In Life quotes by Cassandra Clare
In their zeal for particular kinds of decisions to be made, those with the vision of the anointed seldom consider the nature of the: process: by which decisions are made. Often what they propose amounts to third-party decision making by people who pay no cost for being wrong-surely one of the least promising ways of reaching decisions satisfactory to those who must live with the consequences. ~ Thomas Sowell
Making Wrong Decisions In Life quotes by Thomas Sowell
We can't blame our decision if something goes wrong in life. Decision is made exactly as per the capacity and capability of the moment's consciousness ~ Bhavik Sarkhedi
Making Wrong Decisions In Life quotes by Bhavik Sarkhedi
The competition between human beings destroys with cold and diabolic brutality ... Under the pressure of this competitive fury we have not only forgotten what is useful to humanity as a whole, but even that which is good and advantageous to the individual. [ ... ] One asks, which is more damaging to modern humanity: the thirst for money or consuming haste ... in either case, fear plays a very important role: the fear of being overtaken by one's competitors, the fear of becoming poor, the fear of making wrong decisions or the fear of not being up to snuff ... ~ Konrad Lorenz
Making Wrong Decisions In Life quotes by Konrad Lorenz
Moral law is an invention of mankind for the disenfranchisement of the powerful in favor of the weak. Historical law subverts it at every turn. A moral view can never be proven right or wrong by any ultimate test. A man falling dead in a duel is not thought thereby to be proven in error as to his views. His very involvement in such a trial gives evidence of a new and broader view. The willingness of the principals to forgo further argument as the triviality which it in fact is and to petition directly the chambers of the historical absolute clearly indicates of how little moment are the opinions and of what great moment the divergences thereof. For the argument is indeed trivial, but not so the separate wills thereby made manifest. Man's vanity may well approach the infinite in capacity but his knowledge remains imperfect and howevermuch he comes to value his judgments ultimately he must submit them before a higher court. Here there can be no special pleading. Here are considerations of equity and rectitude and moral right rendered void and without warrant and here are the views of the litigants despised. Decisions of life and death, of what shall be and what shall not, beggar all question of right. In elections of these magnitudes are all lesser ones subsumed, moral, spiritual, natural. ~ Cormac McCarthy
Making Wrong Decisions In Life quotes by Cormac McCarthy

In whose hand is my life
and whose are all my ways,
Keep me from fluttering about religion;
fix me firm in it,
for I am irresolute;
my decisions are smoke and vapour,
and I do not glorify thee,
or behave according to thy will;
Cut me not off before my thoughts grow to responses,
and the budding of my soul into full flower,
for thou art forbearing and good,
patient and kind.
Save me from myself,
from the artifices and deceits of sin,
from the treachery of my perverse nature,
from denying thy charge against my offences,
from a life of continual rebellion against thee,
from wrong principles, views, and ends;
for I know that all my thoughts,
affections, desires and pursuits
are alienated from thee.
I have acted as if I hated thee,
although thou art love itself;
have contrived to tempt thee to the uttermost,
to wear out thy patience;
have lived evilly in word and action.
Had I been a prince
I would long ago have crushed such a rebel;
Had I been a father
I would long since have rejected my child.
O, thou Father of my spirit,
thou King of my life,
cast me not into destruction,
drive me not from thy presence,
but wound my heart that it may be healed;
break it that thine own hand may make it whole. ~ Arthur Bennett
Making Wrong Decisions In Life quotes by Arthur Bennett
Do you remember the books from our childhood? Those were you could decide yourself what the character should do next?
I always loved those books, getting to decide what will happen, being responsible for it.
But did you ever decided for something, flipped to the page, read it and then thought: "No, I don't want this to happen!" And then you went back to where it all went wrong and just took a different path.
It was always so easy with those books, if you didn't like what was happening you just chose a different path, like pressing rewind till it makes sense again and then hit play.
It's not like I am always unhappy with my words, actions or decisions in a situation, but I can't stop wondering how everything would be right now if I had said something different at some point.
I guess I will never know but it makes me question my words, decisions and actions right now, because what if I chose wrong and then I don't get what I wish for because of one word or one step? ~ Lena Goetz
Making Wrong Decisions In Life quotes by Lena Goetz
How many times in life can we make decisions that are important but will not hurt anyone? Are we obligated- maybe we are- to say yes to any choice when no one will be hurt? We use the word hurt when talking about things like this because when these things go wrong it can feel as if you were hit in the sternum by a huge animal that's run for miles just to strike you. ~ Dave Eggers
Making Wrong Decisions In Life quotes by Dave Eggers
As bad as mistakes can be, we do not seem to possess an in-built fear of them. This implies that the brain does not punish itself for an error. It is only when we are socialized that a mistake is something bad that we develop a fear of doing something wrong. This is exactly what our adaptable brain doesn't need. Because whoever is afraid of making a bad decision will never find the right one. Or, what's worse, will be too afraid to ever act at all. ~ Henning Beck
Making Wrong Decisions In Life quotes by Henning Beck
What keeps me up at night? Sometimes it's day-to-day work stuff. And a lot of the times, it's, 'Am I making the wrong decisions in terms of reaching young women?' ~ Tyra Banks
Making Wrong Decisions In Life quotes by Tyra Banks
And when you're that sure and end up getting it that wrong, you lose faith in yourself, your ability to make the right decisions about your life. ~ Kristen Ashley
Making Wrong Decisions In Life quotes by Kristen Ashley
Spiritual perception must be an individual quest or it has no meaning. We are greatly influenced by our own immediate reality, and we can act on that reality one step at a time without the necessity of seeing too far into the distance. Even steps in the wrong direction give us insight into the many paths designed to teach us. To bring the soul Self into harmony with our physical environment, we are given freedom of choice to exercise free will in the search for the reasons why we are here. On the road of life we must take responsibility for all our decisions without blaming other people for life's setbacks that bring unhappiness. ~ Michael Newton
Making Wrong Decisions In Life quotes by Michael Newton
I suppose the attitude of the vast majority of people is 'Whats the hurry to do anything at all?' Most people have a job that gives them money and time off to enjoy it. Take the kids to the country, relax. Whats wrong with the way things are? I mean technology may have caused problems, but it's always solved them, hasn't it? We are healthier, and better off, and better dressed, and cleverer, and having more fun than anyone in history. And it's been good old inventive genius that's given us all this, so lets have more of the same. Tomorrow has always been better than today, so why should things suddenly be any different?... That's fine if your'e prepared to put up with a rate of change that makes today's breakneck pace look like a snail out for a walk. And a world more interdependent than it is now. and a level of specialization even more incomprehensible than it is now. And a growing avalanche of innovations each one competing with the other for the steadily shrinking amount of time there will be to make decisions about them. And a growing number of bureaucrats to process and handle those decisions. And outside this maelstrom, this core of decision making, way outside, cut off, the people who don't understand whats going on, and who wouldn't understand even if they got in to find out. ~ James Burke
Making Wrong Decisions In Life quotes by James  Burke
Entrepreneurs don't really make mistakes, though. We just make decisions that seem right at the time, but which sometimes turn out to have been the wrong path to take. For example, we allowed a buyer to place a huge opening order and later had to take some product back. We didn't have our sell-through programs in place, so in hindsight, it would have been wiser to sell in less product at the outset. The scary thing is you are always making decisions without knowing the future. ~ Tom Szaky
Making Wrong Decisions In Life quotes by Tom Szaky
The four of us enjoyed a most wonderful family atmosphere filled with love and reciprocal devotion. Both parents were highly cultured and instilled in us their high appreciation of intellectual pursuit. It was, however, a typical Victorian style of life, all decisions being taken by the head of the family, the husband and father. ~ Rita Levi-Montalcini
Making Wrong Decisions In Life quotes by Rita Levi-Montalcini
Rather than inhabiting a world of black and white, most individuals in the Reich operated in shades of gray. People confronted countless decisions each day. One might walk by a "Jews unwanted" sign at a local store and not say anything - only to shop at a Jewish-owned store on the next block for its favorable prices. One might help a neighbor threatened by the regime - only to look away as another neighbor disappeared. People navigated daily choices as they presented themselves, extemporizing in their personal and professional spheres. Caught in the swirl of life, one might conform, resist, and even commit harm all in the same afternoon. The cruelty of the Nazi world was inescapable. ~ Edith Sheffer
Making Wrong Decisions In Life quotes by Edith Sheffer
In all my songs, I take on roles and play characters. It's a unique way to explore ideas and decisions I might not think or make in real life. ~ Jack White
Making Wrong Decisions In Life quotes by Jack White
You are here and you are allowed to be here and therefore you are allowed to make decisions about yourself and the people in your life; rather than sort of backing up and making sure it's okay with everybody at every turn. ~ Elizabeth Gilbert
Making Wrong Decisions In Life quotes by Elizabeth Gilbert
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