Jancee Crotts Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Jancee Crotts.

Quotes About Jancee Crotts

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My father is the most genial Midwestern guy imaginable, but for him, disaster lurks around every corner - financial ruin, squandered health, pyramid schemes, airbags failing to deploy - so he tends to use fear as a parenting tool to try to goad his daughters into being more prepared.When he retired, he reached new levels of preparedness, so his car contained bottled water, hand wipes, a roadside emergency kit with flares, books on tape, a coin dispenser, and two hand towels to use as makeshift bibs so he and my mother could drive and eat without making a mess. ~ Jancee Dunn
Jancee Crotts quotes by Jancee Dunn
I devised a sort of strategy for any sort of discussion that was over my head: I became the moderator. If you're the group's John McLaughlin, you can fake being informed while still being involved by deploying a few pointed but vague questions. If a person is holding forth and another is twitching to interrupt, jump in and ask her why she disagrees. Ask follow-up questions. Nod vigorously while saying things like 'in what sense?' or 'How, specifically?' That way, you smoothly take control of the conversation without actually contributing anything even remotely worthwhile or informative. ~ Jancee Dunn
Jancee Crotts quotes by Jancee Dunn
Who thinks to interview their own mother? As a self-fixated teen, I never imagined that she had an actual personal history. To my young eyes, she was Source of Cash Obsessed With De-Cluttering ~ Jancee Dunn
Jancee Crotts quotes by Jancee Dunn
Voices calling Christians to forget about doctrinal differences and just love Jesus do not represent Christian maturity. This is like that humorous bit of wisdom, if you want to succeed every time, just lower the standards ~ John Crotts
Jancee Crotts quotes by John Crotts
God did not entrust his truth to the world casually or haphazardly. He gave his church the role of preserving and protecting his truth. In the same sentence that describes the church as God's household, Paul describes the valuable role the church is to play: "If i delay, you may know how one ought to behave in the household of God, which is the church of the living God, a pillar and buttress of truth (1 Tim. 3:15). With all of the assaults against the truth of God, what hope is there that truth and error can still be sorted out? God has established churches to study, know, do and proclaim his Word in the world ~ John Crotts
Jancee Crotts quotes by John Crotts
What most people find festive - a weekend at a beach shack with friends, a boat trip down a river, a crackling bonfire on a summer night - I see as a bleak nightmare to be grimly endured. I would sooner put lit cigarettes in my eyes than share a vacation house with a crowd. ~ Jancee Dunn
Jancee Crotts quotes by Jancee Dunn
If your subject is an actor, he or she will also be shorter in person than they appear onscreen. This, also, you must keep to yourself. Even if you think you are giving their lack of height a positive spin, you aren't. 'You always seem larger than life in photos, but it's nice to see that in person you're just like us' might seem like a compliment, but what a star hears is 'You're stumpy, and you will lose jobs to taller people. ~ Jancee Dunn
Jancee Crotts quotes by Jancee Dunn
The degree of a person's amazement about God's grace directly corresponds to their apprehension of the absolute holiness of God and the filthy depths of our rebellion against his will and his ways. ~ John Crotts
Jancee Crotts quotes by John Crotts
I feel like he's a guest at the hotel I'm running. I'm constantly taking a silent feminist stand to see if he'll step up and lend a hand. The scorekeeping never ends. ~ Jancee Dunn
Jancee Crotts quotes by Jancee Dunn
I grew up in New Jersey in the '80s. That means one thing: Big hair ... I had big hair, my boyfriends had big hair, we all had big hair. Our prom looked like the poodle division of the Westminster dog show. ~ Jancee Dunn
Jancee Crotts quotes by Jancee Dunn
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