Hypoplasia Enamel Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Hypoplasia Enamel.

Quotes About Hypoplasia Enamel

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Then there is the tamarind. I thought tamarinds were made to eat, but that was probably not the idea. I ate several, and it seemed to me that they were rather sour that year. They pursed up my lips, till they resembled the stem-end of a tomato, and I had to take my sustenance through a quill for twenty-four hours. They sharpened my teeth till I could have shaved with them, and gave them a "wire edge" that I was afraid would stay; but a citizen said no, it will come off when the enamel does" - which was comforting, at any rate. I found, afterward, that only strangers eat tamarinds - but they only eat them once. ~ Mark Twain
Hypoplasia Enamel quotes by Mark Twain
"You see, I do a little in this way myself," he explained; "here is my most prized piece." He took from his pocket a snuffbox, which looked to be of eighteenth-century workmanship. Inside the lid was an enamel picture of Leda and the Swan, and when a knob was pushed to and fro the swan thrust itself between Leda's legs, which jerked in mechanical ecstasy. A nasty toy, I thought, but Urky doted on it. "We single gentlemen like to have these things," he said. "What do you do, Darcourt? Of course we know that Hollier has his beautiful Maria."
To my astonishment Hollier blushed, but said nothing. His beautiful Maria? My Miss Theotoky, of New Testament Greek? I didn't like it at all. ~ Robertson Davies
Hypoplasia Enamel quotes by Robertson Davies
...when owning our own set of gleaming pans, all matching -- as opposed to the assorted chipped-enamel vessels of student days -- seemed mysteriously grown up. ~ Bee Wilson
Hypoplasia Enamel quotes by Bee Wilson
I like cast iron coated with enamel for longevity and forgiveness if I happen to take my eyes off the prize while pouring Chianti. ~ Mario Batali
Hypoplasia Enamel quotes by Mario Batali
Stand back, akri-wolf! The Simi's gonna huff and puff and melt that door down. And you might not want to be too close when I do it, 'cause melted wolf is tough on the enamel and akra-Aimee might not like it if you turn into a puddle of bloody goo. Besides, burning wolf is kind of smelly to the Simi's delicate nostrils. (Simi) ~ Sherrilyn Kenyon
Hypoplasia Enamel quotes by Sherrilyn Kenyon
The alcohol smell is on my fingers, cold and remote, piercing like a steel pin going in. It smells like white enamel basins. When I look up at the stars in the nighttime, cold and white and sharp, I think they must smell like that. ~ Margaret Atwood
Hypoplasia Enamel quotes by Margaret Atwood
I knew I would stay in this town when I found the blue enamel pot floating in the lake. The pot led me to the house, the house led me to the book, the book to the lawyer, the lawyer to the whorehouse, the whorehouse to science, and from science I joined the world. ~ Leslie Daniels
Hypoplasia Enamel quotes by Leslie Daniels
Then something altogether hideous happened. The thought was forced on me that no matter how coolly or sensibly or gracefully I might one day to learn to live my life, I would always at best be a visitor in a garden of enamel urinals and bedpans, with a sightless, wooden dummy-deity standing by in a marked-down rupture truss. ~ J.D. Salinger
Hypoplasia Enamel quotes by J.D. Salinger
I started hiding my paintings in certain ways, like behind panes of glass for example. Then, instead of hiding them I did something quite cold and clinical: I built a wooden box, filled it with enamel paint and dunked the painting in so you could only see a suggestion of it from a controlled point of view. ~ Oliver Jeffers
Hypoplasia Enamel quotes by Oliver Jeffers
Among all the emotions, the rich have the least talent for love. It is possible to love one's dog, dress or duck-shooting hat, but a human being presents a more difficult problem. The rich might wish to experience feelings of affection, but it is almost impossible to chip away the enamel of their narcissism. They take up all the space in all the mirrors in the house. Their children, who represent the most present and therefore the most annoying claim on their attention, usually receive the brunt of their irritation. ~ Lewis H. Lapham
Hypoplasia Enamel quotes by Lewis H. Lapham
Light and color are closely linked. The colors can make a crucial change in nature, if you switch from daylight to artificial light or just from strong to weak illumination. In addition, color perception is affected by the material structure. Even if a piece of textile can have the same color as a shiny enamel plate, then they will act completely different. ~ Verner Panton
Hypoplasia Enamel quotes by Verner Panton
Have you got a Beemer, an Audi, a Saab or a Volvo that replaced a Ford, Vauxhall, Rover or Nissan? Many Brits have. Your first Beemer. A particularly nice smell of leather. Something rather plain but satisfactory about the interior. And that lovely enamel wotsit in the middle of the steering wheel. A moment of quiet 'because I'm worth it' pride. ~ Peter York
Hypoplasia Enamel quotes by Peter York
Many parks in Florida have information kiosks with colorful enamel signs showing the special flora and fauna in the park. The gopher tortoise, the scrub jay, the indigo snake. At no park with an indigo snake on its kiosk signs could I find an indigo. ~ Padgett Powell
Hypoplasia Enamel quotes by Padgett Powell
Then the long nights, that were also days, in the hospital. And the long blanks, that were also nights. Needles, and angled glass rods to suck water through. Needles, and curious enamel wedges slid under your middle. Needles, and - needles and needles and needles. Like swarms of persistent mosquitoes with unbreakable drills. The way a pincushion feels, if it could feel. Or the target of a porcupine. Or a case of not just momentary but permanently endured static electricity after you scuff across a woolen rug and then put your finger on a light switch. Even food was a needle - a jab into a vein ...
("For The Rest Of Her Life") ~ Cornell Woolrich
Hypoplasia Enamel quotes by Cornell Woolrich
Tokyu Hands assumes that the customer is very serious about something. If that happens to be shining a pair of shoes, and the customer is sufficiently serious about it, he or she may need the very best German sole-edge enamel available - for the museum-grade weekly restoration of the sides of the soles. ~ William Gibson
Hypoplasia Enamel quotes by William Gibson
While keeping his eyes locked onto me, he removes his tie and slowly begins popping open the black-enamel buttons on his dress shirt.
The temperature in the apartment suddenly skyrockets.
It takes effort to swallow as I watch him. "Uh…what's happening."
"I'm taking off my shirt."
"Because we've apparently reached the portion of the evening where we get semi-naked to torture the other person. ~ Leisa Rayven
Hypoplasia Enamel quotes by Leisa Rayven
What got you into trouble?" says the baldhead to t'other chap.
"Well, I'd been selling an article to take the tartar off the teeth - and it does take it off, too, and generly the enamel along with it - ~ Mark Twain
Hypoplasia Enamel quotes by Mark Twain
I should warn you, I'm an expert on vampires. I've seen every episode made of Buffy, Angel, and Forever Knight, so don't think a little fang-flashing is going to scare me." – Nell to Adrian

Oh, my God! You bit me on the leg! You drank my blood! I am not an appetizer!" You are much more then an appetizer. You are a twelve-course banquet. – Nell & Adrian

I slid my tongue around the glossy enamel of his teeth, pausing to stroke down the length of an elongated canine tooth.
Yeah. I know. How stupid is it to French kiss a vampire and not expect sharp teeth? – Nell ~ Katie MacAlister
Hypoplasia Enamel quotes by Katie MacAlister
A lover makes you smile like children smile. That smile that was only meant for you. The half smile. The big shiny smile full of teeth and white enamel and pink gums. The smile that fades in the distance as I drive away in a taxi again. ~ Jann Arden
Hypoplasia Enamel quotes by Jann Arden
Casiopea, meanwhile, looked at a heavy silver bracelet with black enamel triangles, of the "Aztec" style, which was much in vogue and meant to attract the eye of tourists with its faux pre-Hispanic motifs. It was a new concoction, of the kind that abound in a Mexico happy to invent traditions for mass consumption, eager to forge an identity after the fires of revolution--but it was pretty. ~ Silvia Moreno-Garcia
Hypoplasia Enamel quotes by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
The name of my condition is Cartilage Hair Syndrome Hypoplasia, but you can just call me Billy. ~ Billy Barty
Hypoplasia Enamel quotes by Billy Barty
One has to seek Beauty and Truth, Sir! As I always say to my pupils, you have to work to the finish. There's only one kind of painting. It is the painting that presents the eye with perfection, the kind of beautiful and impeccable enamel you find in Veronese and Titian. ~ William-Adolphe Bouguereau
Hypoplasia Enamel quotes by William-Adolphe Bouguereau
The Prince's name preserved, in the boldness with which its opening syllables were - to borrow an expression from music - attacked, and in the stammering repetition that scanned them, the energy, the mannered simplicity, the heavy refinements of the Teutonic race, projected like green boughs over the "Heim" of dark blue enamel which glowed with the mystic light of Rhenish window behind the pale and finely wrought gildings of the German eighteenth century. This name included, among the several names of which it was composed, that of a little German watering-place to which as a small child I had gone with my grandmother, under a mountain honoured by the feet of Goethe, from the vineyards of which we used to drink at the Kurhof the illustrious vintages with their compound and sonorous names like the epithets which Homer applies to his heroes. And so, scarcely had I heard it spoken than, before I had recalled the watering-place, the Prince's name seemed to shrink, to become imbued with humanity, to find large enough for itself a little place in my memory to which it clung, familiar, earthbound, picturesque, appetizing, light, with something about it that was authorized, prescribed. ~ Marcel Proust
Hypoplasia Enamel quotes by Marcel Proust
Some actors might just do one thing, and another actor does another thing. I do an awful lot of preparation with the script, really. What I do is repeat the script, over and over and over again. Through that, it's almost like it seeps into my enamel. I'm reading all the characters, as well as my own. That is where the bulk of my preparation goes into. ~ Michael Fassbender
Hypoplasia Enamel quotes by Michael Fassbender
Marmite - like that other little black-jar job, Bovril - is so much a Mark 1 staple-of-Empire brand, so much part of the Edwardian world of enamel advertising signs, the history of grin-and-bear-it industrial food. ~ Peter York
Hypoplasia Enamel quotes by Peter York
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