Honeyman Prescott Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Honeyman Prescott.

Quotes About Honeyman Prescott

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It wasn't you're fault," I whisper. And then out of self-protection more than anything else, I bring the glory. I don't warn him or anything. I don't damp it down. I bring it. The room fills with light.
"This is what I am," I say, my hair ablaze around my head.
He squints at me. his jaw juts out a little in pure stubbornness. He stands his ground
"I know," he says.
I take a step towards him, close the space between us, put my glowing hand against his cheek. He starts to tremble. "This is what I am," I say again and my wings are out now.
His knees wobble, but he fights it. He puts his hand at my waist, turns me, pulls me closer, which surprises me.
"I can accept that," he whispers, and holds his breath, and leans in to kiss me
His lips brush mine for an instant, and an emotion like victory tears through him, but he pulls away and glances at the front door. Groans.
Christian is standing in the doorway.
"Wow," Tucker says, trying to grin. "You really know how to cramp a guy's style."
His legs give out. He falls to his knees.
My light blinks off. ~ Cynthia Hand
Honeyman Prescott quotes by Cynthia Hand
We are making the fundamental changes. It was like the decent housing target. We said by 2010, we'd have taken a million houses and refurbished them into decent housing. ~ John Prescott
Honeyman Prescott quotes by John Prescott
This is truly a blessing. Breyon Prescott, Peter Edge and Tom Corson believe in me and have introduced me to a home that also believes and knows exactly what to do with the type of music I'm doing. ~ Brandy Norwood
Honeyman Prescott quotes by Brandy Norwood
Good stuff likes to take up a fair bit of space in your head and you heart. So, this is just your body's way of getting rid of all that poison to make room for the good stuff. ~ R.J. Prescott
Honeyman Prescott quotes by R.J. Prescott
Silence sat between us, shivering with misery. ~ Gail Honeyman
Honeyman Prescott quotes by Gail Honeyman
I've gone through that with my mother and father and here I was in a similar situation. I've wronged her and I've wronged the family. Because when these things happen, it doesn't just happen to you, it happens to the people around you and the family. ~ John Prescott
Honeyman Prescott quotes by John Prescott
The choice is not normally between the north and south. It might be between Britain and Europe. ~ John Prescott
Honeyman Prescott quotes by John Prescott
When we hold it (amber) in our hands, we hold also that furious epoch where rioted all monsters and poisons, where death fecundated and life destroyed, where superabundance demanded such existences, no souls, but fiercest animal fire - just for that I hate it! ~ Harriet Prescott Spofford
Honeyman Prescott quotes by Harriet Prescott Spofford
Bad shit happens all the time. You keep moving forward until you find some happiness that made you glad you kept moving, ~ R.J. Prescott
Honeyman Prescott quotes by R.J. Prescott
Although it's good to try new things and to keep an open mind, it's also extremely important to stay true to who you really are. ~ Gail Honeyman
Honeyman Prescott quotes by Gail Honeyman
It turned out that if you saw the same person with some degree of regularity, then the conversation was immediately pleasant and comfortable -- you could pick up where you left off, as it were, rather than having to start afresh each time. ~ Gail Honeyman
Honeyman Prescott quotes by Gail Honeyman
I steeled myself as best I could, and, with teeth gritted, using only one finger I typed:

C U there E.

I sat back, feeling a bit queasy. Illiterate communication was quicker, that was true, but not by much. I'd saved myself the trouble of typing four whole characters. Still, it was part of my new credo, trying new things. I'd tried it, and I very definitely did not like it. LOL could go and take a running jump. I wasn't made for illiteracy; it simply didn't come naturally. Although it's good to try new things and to keep an open mind, it's also extremely important to stay true to who you really are. I read that in a magazine at the hairdressers. ~ Gail Honeyman
Honeyman Prescott quotes by Gail Honeyman
I knew that people weren't supposed to exist as I did, work and vodka and sleep in a constant, static cycle in which I spun around on myself, into myself, silent and alone. Going nowhere. On some level I realized that this was wrong. I'd lifted my head up just high enough to see that, and, desperate to change, I'd clutched at a random straw, let myself get carried away, imagining some sort of ... future. ~ Gail Honeyman
Honeyman Prescott quotes by Gail Honeyman
We are in the midst of the evolution of capitalism from a century focused on maximizing short-term shareholder value to one focused on maximizing long-term shared value. According ~ Ryan Honeyman
Honeyman Prescott quotes by Ryan Honeyman
I find it remarkable that virtually all of the large difference in labor supply between France and the United States is due to differences in tax systems. I expected institutional constraints on the operation of labor markets and the nature of the unemployment benefit system to be more important. I was surprised that the welfare gain from reducing the intratemporal tax wedge is so large. ~ Edward C. Prescott
Honeyman Prescott quotes by Edward C. Prescott
LOL could go and take a running jump. I wasn't made for illiteracy; it simply didn't come naturally. ~ Gail Honeyman
Honeyman Prescott quotes by Gail Honeyman
Few children learn to read books by themselves. Someone has to lure them into the wonderful world of the written word; Someone has to show them the way. ~ Orville Prescott
Honeyman Prescott quotes by Orville Prescott
Time only blunts the pain of loss. It doesn't erase it. ~ Gail Honeyman
Honeyman Prescott quotes by Gail Honeyman
I did not own any Tupperware, having no need of it until this point. I could go to a department store to purchase some. That seemed to be the sort of thing that a woman of my age and social circumstances might do. Exciting! ~ Gail Honeyman
Honeyman Prescott quotes by Gail Honeyman
I did sometimes wonder what it would be like to have someone - a cousing, say, or a sibling - to call in times of need, or even just to spend unplanned time with. Some who knows you, cares about you, who wants the best for you. A houseplant, however attractive and robust, doesn't quite cut the mustard, unfortunately. Pointless to speculate, though. I had no one, and it was futile to wish it was otherwise. After all, it was no more than I deserved. And, really, I was fine, fine, fine. ~ Gail Honeyman
Honeyman Prescott quotes by Gail Honeyman
Storytellers know this, for they choose their first words with care. If I began this story with the words "Out of the mist of time comes the story of Jade Moon, the Fire Horse girl," you would expect it to throb with adventure and end with heroics. If I began it with "It is said" or "There is an old saying," you would search the story for wisdom. But this is not a story of heroics or wisdom; it is my story. There once was a girl, a Fire Horse girl. ~ Kay Honeyman
Honeyman Prescott quotes by Kay Honeyman
What, I wondered, was the point of me? I contributed nothing to the world, absolutely nothing, and I took nothing from it either. When I ceased to exist, it would make no material difference to anyone. Most people's absence from the world would be felt on a personal level by at least a handful of people. I, however, had no one. I do not light up a room when I walk into it. No one longs to see me or to hear my voice. I do not feel sorry for myself, not in the least. These are simply statements of fact. ~ Gail Honeyman
Honeyman Prescott quotes by Gail Honeyman
In 2017, I was invited to lead a mindfulness workshop and guide a live meditation on Mingus Mountain, Arizona, to over 100 men and women at a recovery retreat. On the eve of my workshop, I had the opportunity to join in a men's twelve-step meeting, which took place by the campfire in Prescott National Park Forest, with at least 40 men recovering from childhood grief and trauma. The meeting grounded us in what was a large retreat with many unfamiliar faces. I was the only mixed-race Brit, surrounded by mostly white middle-class American men (baby boomers and Generation X), yet our common bond of validating each other's wounds in recovery utterly transcended any differences of nationality, race and heritage. We shared our pain and hope in a non-shaming environment, listening and allowing every man to have his say without interruption. At the end of the meeting we stood up in a large circle and recited the serenity prayer:

"God grant me the serenity to accept the people I cannot change, the courage to change the one I can, and the wisdom to know that one is me".

After the meeting closed, I felt that I belonged and I was enthusiastic about the retreat, even though I was thousands of miles away from England. ~ Christopher Dines
Honeyman Prescott quotes by Christopher Dines
Nine years, and you've never had a day off sick, never used all your annual leave. That's dedication, you know. It's not easy to find these days."
"It's not dedication," I said. "I simply have a very robust constitution and no one to go on holiday with. ~ Gail Honeyman
Honeyman Prescott quotes by Gail Honeyman
It seemed there was an announcement every five minutes from the mythical conductor, imparting sagacious gems such as "large items should be placed in the overhead luggage racks", or that "passengers should report any unattended items to the train crew as soon as possible". I wondered at whom these pearls of wisdom were aimed; some passing extraterrestrial, perhaps, or a yak herder from Ulan Bator who had trekked across the steppes, sailed the North Sea, and found himself on the Glasgow-Edinburgh service with literally no prior experience of mechanized transport to call upon? ~ Gail Honeyman
Honeyman Prescott quotes by Gail Honeyman
true love ain't the passenger train that pulls up at the station so that you can board when it's time. It's the freight train that ploughs into you when you least expect it. That's how it was for me at any rate. There's just no getting over something like that, and if you find someone who makes you feel that way, you hold onto her forever. ~ R.J. Prescott
Honeyman Prescott quotes by R.J. Prescott
You wouldn't understand, of course, but the bond between a mother and child, it's . . . how best to describe it . . . unbreakable. The two of us are linked forever, you see - same blood in my veins that's running through yours. You grew inside me, your teeth and your tongue and your cervix are all made from my cells, my genes. Who knows what little surprises I left growing inside there for you, which codes I set running? Breast cancer? Alzheimer's? You'll just have to wait and see. You were fermenting inside me for all those months, nice and cozy, Eleanor. However hard you try to walk away from that fact, you can't, darling, you simply can't. It isn't possible to destroy a bond that strong. ~ Gail Honeyman
Honeyman Prescott quotes by Gail Honeyman
For a moment, they all stood staring at each other. Then Holly shattered the stillness by throwing herself at Angela. "God, Angie!" she exclaimed, arms locked around her neck. "What Happened? ~ Sarah Rees Brennan
Honeyman Prescott quotes by Sarah Rees Brennan
that palpable sense of Friday joy, everyone colluding with the lie that somehow the weekend would be amazing and that, next week, work would be different, better. They never learn. ~ Gail Honeyman
Honeyman Prescott quotes by Gail Honeyman
In their efforts to provide a sufficiency of water where there was not one, men have resorted to every expedient from prayer to dynamite. The story of their efforts is, on the whole, one of pathos and tragedy, of a few successes and many failures ~ Walter Prescott Webb
Honeyman Prescott quotes by Walter Prescott Webb
...when you took a moment to see what was around you, noticed all the little things, it made you feel....lighter. ~ Gail Honeyman
Honeyman Prescott quotes by Gail Honeyman
I'm not a millionaire. I have a high earning power, but I never did have any capital. ~ Prescott Bush
Honeyman Prescott quotes by Prescott Bush
However much you loved someone, it wasn't always enough. Love alone couldn't keep them safe... ~ Gail Honeyman
Honeyman Prescott quotes by Gail Honeyman
I had no idea what it was, but I realized that I'd happily sit here in the warmth with him and watch a golf programme if that was all there was. ~ Gail Honeyman
Honeyman Prescott quotes by Gail Honeyman
I'd tried to cope alone for far too long, and it hadn't done me any good at all. Sometimes you simply needed someone kind to sit with you while you dealt with things. ~ Gail Honeyman
Honeyman Prescott quotes by Gail Honeyman
Their laughter seemed to have turned into low whispering now. It never ceases to amaze me, the things they find interesting, amusing or unusual. I can only assume they've led very sheltered lives. ~ Gail Honeyman
Honeyman Prescott quotes by Gail Honeyman
I carried those more carefully, whispering them to myself, letting them sit on my tongue like candied ginger. They sounded like words used to cast a spell. ~ Kay Honeyman
Honeyman Prescott quotes by Kay Honeyman
You're great but you're not there when I go to bed at night or get up in the morning. You don't make me a cup of tea after a hard day at work, or rub my back in the bath. I'm sick of being lonely. Is that so wrong? ~ Eleanor Prescott
Honeyman Prescott quotes by Eleanor Prescott
I meant it, what I said in hell. You're my glory sword, you know that? My truth. ~ Cynthia Hand
Honeyman Prescott quotes by Cynthia Hand
The streets were all named after poets - Wordsworth Lane, Shelley Close, Keats Rise - no doubt chosen by the building company's marketing department. They were all poets that the kind of person who'd aspire to own such a home would recognize, poets who wrote about urns and flowers and wandering clouds. Based on past experience, I'd be more likely to end up living in Dante Lane or Poe Crescent. ~ Gail Honeyman
Honeyman Prescott quotes by Gail Honeyman
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