Homophilic Stephen Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Homophilic Stephen.

Quotes About Homophilic Stephen

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The center of Western culture is Greece, and we have never lost our ties with the architectural concepts of that ancient civilization. ~ Stephen Gardiner
Homophilic Stephen quotes by Stephen Gardiner
...not with the Depression walking around outside the prison walls like a dangerous criminal, one that couldn't be caged as our charges were. ~ Stephen King
Homophilic Stephen quotes by Stephen King
I was swimming for the United States of America. I was swimming to beat Stephen Holland. ~ Bobby Hackett
Homophilic Stephen quotes by Bobby Hackett
Children don't just get milk from breastfeeding, they get our energy too. ~ Stephen Gaskin
Homophilic Stephen quotes by Stephen Gaskin
Pointsman is the only one here maintaining his calm. He appears unruffled and strong. His lab coats have even begun lately to take on a Savile Row serenity, suppressed waist, flaring vents, finer material, rather rakishly notched lapels. In this parched and fallow time, he gushes affluence. After the baying has quieted down at last, he speaks, soothing: "There's no danger."
"No danger?" screams Aaron Throwster, and the lot of them are off again muttering and growling.
"Slothrop's knocked out Dodson-Truck and the girl in one day!"
"The whole thing's falling apart, Pointsman!"
"Since Sir Stephen came back, Fitzmaurice House has dropped out of our scheme, and there've been embarrassing inquires down from Duncan Sandys - "
"That's the P.M.'s son-in-law, Pointsman, not good, not good!"
"We've already begun to run into a deficit - "
"Funding," IF you can keep your head, "is available, and will be coming in before long… certainly before we run into any serious trouble. Sir Stephen, far from being 'knocked out,' is quite happily at work at Fitzmaurice House, and is At Home there should any of you wish to confirm. Miss Borgesius is still active in the program, and Mr. Duncan Sandys is having all his questions answered. But best of all, we are budgeted well into fiscal '46 before anything like a deficit begins to rear its head."
"Your Interested Parties again?" sez Rollo Groast.
"Ah, I noticed Clive Mossmoon from Imperial Chemicals closeted ~ Thomas Pynchon
Homophilic Stephen quotes by Thomas Pynchon
The only albatross is the hurt you divine from what people say about your art. ~ Stephen Stills
Homophilic Stephen quotes by Stephen Stills
They're a redefinition of boredom ... the most important thing you need to know about an awards show is where is the nearest smoking opportunity. ~ Stephen Daldry
Homophilic Stephen quotes by Stephen Daldry
Stephen Covey's The 8th Habit ~ L. David Marquet
Homophilic Stephen quotes by L. David Marquet
Stupid girls run upstairs, stupid girls run upstairs," she's saying to herself, turning to pull Ben with her up the aluminum steps, Billie Jean just feet behind them ~ Stephen Graham Jones
Homophilic Stephen quotes by Stephen Graham Jones
For months - sometimes even years, as I tried to explain to you - time hardly seems to exist. Then everything comes in a gasp. ~ Stephen King
Homophilic Stephen quotes by Stephen King
Your life you are living now is a creation of your mind, but if you search deep down you will discover the capacity to create an even better life ... try it! ~ Stephen Richards
Homophilic Stephen quotes by Stephen Richards
Countries that control water are likely to be the big winners of the future. ~ Stephen Kinzer
Homophilic Stephen quotes by Stephen Kinzer
When a feeling hits, keep breathing. Let air flow through your body. Let your heart beat as it always faithfully does. And let the feeling pass through you.

Maybe it will be momentary, or maybe it will spend the night. But it will not last forever.

If you can be with it, sit with it, even if "it" brings a lot of discomfort, that feeling will keep moving. It will move through you, and you will move on. You will move forward. ~ Stephen Lovegrove
Homophilic Stephen quotes by Stephen Lovegrove
Photographers have to impose order, bring structure to what they photograph. It is inevitable. A photograph without structure is like a sentence without grammar-it is incomprehensible, even inconceivable. ~ Stephen Shore
Homophilic Stephen quotes by Stephen Shore
It is the Jew who lies when he swears allegiance to another faith; who becomes a danger to the world. ~ Stephen Samuel Wise
Homophilic Stephen quotes by Stephen Samuel Wise
The realization that time can behave like another direction of space means one can get rid of the problem of time having a beginning, in a similar way in which we got rid of the edge of the world.

Suppose the beginning of the universe was like the South Pole of the earth, with degrees of latitude playing the role of time.

As one moves north, the circles of constant latitude, representing the size of the universe, would expand. The universe would start as a point at the South Pole, but the South Pole is much like any other point.

To ask what happened before the beginning of the universe would become a meaningless question, because there is nothing south of the South Pole. ~ Stephen Hawking
Homophilic Stephen quotes by Stephen Hawking
I'm very comfortable with uncomfortable situations, and I think that can seem odd to people, that I like the thrill of discomfort. ~ Stephen Colbert
Homophilic Stephen quotes by Stephen Colbert
Going north, he thought, but that was wrong. Not going north. Because it's not a train; it's a time machine. Not north; back. Back in time. He thought he heard the moon mutter. ~ Stephen King
Homophilic Stephen quotes by Stephen King
I wanted to write a balls-to-the-wall supernatural horror story, something I haven't done in a long time. ~ Stephen King
Homophilic Stephen quotes by Stephen King
Bright clasp of her whole hand around my finger My daughter as we walk together now. All my life I'll feel a ring invisibly Circle this bone with shining When she is grown. ~ Stephen Spender
Homophilic Stephen quotes by Stephen Spender
Say what you mean. Say what you see. Make a photograph, if you can, for the reader. ~ Stephen King
Homophilic Stephen quotes by Stephen King
He thought of the number of girls and women she had seen marry, how many homes with children in them she had seen grow up around her, how she had contentedly pursued her own lone quite path-for him.

~ Stephen speaking of Rachael ~ Charles Dickens
Homophilic Stephen quotes by Charles Dickens
- Alone, quite alone. You have no fear of that. And you know what that word means? Not only to be separate from all others but to have not even one friend.
- I will take the risk, said Stephen.
- And not to have any one person, Cranly said, who would be more than a friend, more even than the noblest and truest friend a man ever had. ~ James Joyce
Homophilic Stephen quotes by James Joyce
The room melts away around her and the air stands still as she sails silently towards the table. I have to lick my lips suddenly aware how dry they have become and I'm almost unable to process her beauty. ~ Stephen Cost
Homophilic Stephen quotes by Stephen Cost
One could imagine such technology outsmarting financial markets, out-inventing human researchers, out-manipulating human leaders, and developing weapons we cannot even understand. ~ Stephen Hawking
Homophilic Stephen quotes by Stephen Hawking
Jamie DeCurry had once proclaimed that Roland could shoot blindfolded, because he had eyes in his fingers. ~ Stephen King
Homophilic Stephen quotes by Stephen King
Happiness can be defined, in part at least, as the fruit of the desire and ability to sacrifice what we want now for what we want eventually. ~ Stephen Covey
Homophilic Stephen quotes by Stephen Covey
Family itself is a "we" experience, a "we" mentality. And admittedly, the movement from "me" to "we" - from independence to interdependence - is perhaps one of the most challenging and difficult aspects of family life. ~ Stephen R. Covey
Homophilic Stephen quotes by Stephen R. Covey
We have made remarkable progress in the last hundred years, but if we want to continue, our future is in space. ~ Stephen Hawking
Homophilic Stephen quotes by Stephen Hawking
I said no to having a beer. I once had a beer with my brother when I was twelve, and I just didn't like it. It's really that simple for me. [pp.37] ~ Stephen Chbosky
Homophilic Stephen quotes by Stephen Chbosky
Sometimes she'd go a whole day without thinking of him or missing him. Why not? She had quite a full life, and really, he'd often been hard to deal with and hard to live with. A project, the Yankee oldtimers like her very own Dad might have said. And then sometimes a day would come, a gray one (or a sunny one) when she missed him so fiercely she felt empty, not a woman at all anymore but just a dead tree filled with cold November blow. She felt like that now, felt like hollering his name and hollering him home, and her heart turned sick with the thought of the years ahead and she wondered what good love was if it came to this, to even ten seconds of feeling like this. ~ Stephen King
Homophilic Stephen quotes by Stephen King
The silliest and most tendentious of baseball writing tries to wrest profundity from the spectacle of grown men hitting a ball with a stick by suggesting linkages between the sport and deep issues of morality, parenthood, history, lost innocence, gentleness, and so on, seemingly ad infinitum . (The effort reeks of silliness because baseball is profound all by itself and needs no excuses; people who don't know this are not fans and are therefore unreachable anyway. ~ Stephen Jay Gould
Homophilic Stephen quotes by Stephen Jay Gould
Pray for rain while digging a well. ~ Stephen King
Homophilic Stephen quotes by Stephen King
She fell into a long sleep, and dreamed he dreams of the dream tree. ~ Stephen Cosgrove
Homophilic Stephen quotes by Stephen Cosgrove
I think the Liberals are doing everything they can to do turn it around, but the reality is that we're at the point right now where only Stephen Harper can lose this election. Only some major mistake by Harper or someone close to him can derail the Conservative juggernaut. ~ Nik Nanos
Homophilic Stephen quotes by Nik Nanos
This is how we bring about our own damnation, you know-by ignoring the voice that begs us to stop. To stop while there's still time. ~ Stephen King
Homophilic Stephen quotes by Stephen King
The lessons which I remember the longest are always the ones that are self-taught ~ Stephen King
Homophilic Stephen quotes by Stephen King
I am highly variable in my devotion. From a doctrinal point of view or a dogmatic point of view or a strictly Catholic adherent point of view, I'm first to say that I talk a good game, but I don't know how good I am about it in practice. ~ Stephen Colbert
Homophilic Stephen quotes by Stephen Colbert
TV's Tony Snow becomes the White House press secretary. How will he make the difficult transition from Fox News reporter to Republican apologist? ... Mr. President, it is time to hire the folks who've never let you down. Limbaugh at Health and Human Services. Hannity at State. Then give Rummy the Medal of Freedom and install Bill O'Reilly as secretary of defense. Only problem, you might find yourself invading Vermont. And I'll replace Chertoff at Homeland Security. The man's done nothing to control the bear population. ~ Stephen Colbert
Homophilic Stephen quotes by Stephen Colbert
There's a gate in our heads, too-that's what I think. One that keeps the insanity in all of us from flooding our intellects. And at critical moments, it swings open and all kinds of weird shit comes flooding through. ~ Stephen King
Homophilic Stephen quotes by Stephen King
This was my first time in Govan. You could smell and taste the thick smog in the air. The Blue Triangle was a new high-tech building, and it didn't look right standing there in front of older and more historical buildings. The Blue Triangle may have looked great from the outside, but once inside, to my horror, it was full of young teenage boys and girls full of deep and dark depression ~ Stephen Richards
Homophilic Stephen quotes by Stephen Richards
In the end, though, it's all about giving back the teeth that the current 'sweetie-vamp' craze has, by and large, stolen from the bloodsuckers. It's about making them scary again. ~ Stephen King
Homophilic Stephen quotes by Stephen King
Thought and passion = successful manifesting of wishes ... ~ Stephen Richards
Homophilic Stephen quotes by Stephen Richards
When I'm writing a song, I try to be the character. ~ Stephen Sondheim
Homophilic Stephen quotes by Stephen Sondheim
Like the song "Stereo", to me that's like, kind of hip-hop in that slacker way. There's some slackerisms mixed in with that stuff, but it wasn't really conscious, I guess. When things would get more typical rock'n'roll that was my fallback to go to those kind of lyrics instead of the alternatives. ~ Stephen Malkmus
Homophilic Stephen quotes by Stephen Malkmus
If at first you don't succeed, try management. ~ Stephen Hawking
Homophilic Stephen quotes by Stephen Hawking
If you wouldn't mind coming with us, sir? I am arresting you now and will shortly make a formal charge at the station.' I was so happy, so blissfully, radiantly, wildly happy that if I could have sung I would have sung. If I could have danced I would have danced. I was free. At last I was free. I was going on a journey now where every decision would be taken for me, every thought would be thought for me and every day planned for me. I was going back to school. ~ Stephen Fry
Homophilic Stephen quotes by Stephen Fry
Having hit a wall, the next logical step is not to bang our heads against it. ~ Stephen Harper
Homophilic Stephen quotes by Stephen Harper
He sketches a world of Darwinian struggle where all the savages wear three-piece suits. ~ Stephen King
Homophilic Stephen quotes by Stephen King
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