Excellence In Academics Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Excellence In Academics.

Quotes About Excellence In Academics

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Imaginatively challenged folks, for whom crossing a state line amounted to foreign travel, could not conceive that the gray-blue-eyes inspecting them had, over the past year, similarly scrutinized Nandi warriors, Arab mullahs, Magyar landowners, French marshals, Prussian academics, and practically every monarch or minister of consequence in Europe--not to mention the maquettes in Rodin's studio, and whatever dark truths flickered in the gaze of dying lions. ~ Edmund Morris
Excellence In Academics quotes by Edmund Morris
Being an Olympian, I always have this strong belief in excellence. ~ Debi Thomas
Excellence In Academics quotes by Debi Thomas
It is not quite true that there are no good letters written in America: among my own circle of correspondents there, there are ladies and gentlemen whose letters would stand a comparison with any for frankness, grace, and epistolary beauty of every kind. But I am not aware of any medium between this excellence and the boarding-school insignificance which characterizes the rest. ~ Harriet Martineau
Excellence In Academics quotes by Harriet Martineau
Stop judging yourself on the basis of your appearance or condition of present circumstances. You may have an old car, in debt, job stress, and a troubled relationship, but they are not a true reflection of you as long as you are working on the vision of what you will be years from now. ~ Archibald Marwizi
Excellence In Academics quotes by Archibald Marwizi
The mandate I have received and for which I will speak with heart and head to implement over the next seven years had its four pillars - an inclusive citizenship, equality and participation and respect in a creative society creating an excellence in everything we Irish do. ~ Michael D. Higgins
Excellence In Academics quotes by Michael D. Higgins
I resolve to do my very best in everything. ~ Lailah Gifty Akita
Excellence In Academics quotes by Lailah Gifty Akita
I didn't have friends. No one talked to me. I used to go to the Wyndcroft School (nationally recognized for academic excellence) in Pottstown, and when I moved to Wyomissing, I didn't know anybody. ~ Taylor Swift
Excellence In Academics quotes by Taylor Swift
Excellence in our work is actually a form of generosity and love, and poor quality is a form of stinginess and selfishness. ~ Matt Perman
Excellence In Academics quotes by Matt Perman
When the humanity of others who were previously invisible becomes apparent to us for the first time, I think it is because we have noticed something particular in them. By contrast, egalitarian empathy, projected from afar and without discrimination, is more principled than attentive. It is content to posit rather than to see the humanity of its beneficiaries. But the one who is on the receiving end of such empathy wants something more than to be recognized generically. He wants to be seen as an individual, and recognized as worthy on the same grounds on which he has striven to be worthy, indeed superior, by cultivating some particular excellence or skill. We all strive for distinction, and I believe that to honor another person is to honor this aspiring core of him. I can do this by allowing myself to respond in kind, and experience the concrete difference between him and me. This may call for silent deference on my part, as opposed to chummy liberal solicitude. ~ Matthew B. Crawford
Excellence In Academics quotes by Matthew B. Crawford
But I know I didn't love school for school's sake. I had never really been what people call an 'academic' person, nor did I see myself becoming one. Instead, I took pleasure in the fact that my work existed in a social setting, one that was based on the promise of a brighter future. I knew that what I adored about school was that each of my assignments - readings, essays, or in-class presentations - was inseparable from my relationships [ ... ] If I loved school at all, I loved it for what it provided me access to: bonds with people I grew to cherish. And nothing was better than working toward my dreams alongside people I loved who were doing the same. ~ Liz Murray
Excellence In Academics quotes by Liz Murray
There is definitely a connection between finding your passion and reaching your potential. People ask me all the time, 'John, how do I know what I am meant to do in life?' The answer is really simple: Energy and Excellence. When you experience unbounded energy in what you are doing, when you are driven to excellence in your work and love what you do - then you can rest assured that you have found your passion and are definitely in pursuit of your full potential. ~ John C. Maxwell
Excellence In Academics quotes by John C. Maxwell
Excellence is about fighting and pursuing something diligently, with a strict and determined approach to doing it right. It's okay if there are flaws in the process - it makes it more interesting. ~ Charlie Trotter
Excellence In Academics quotes by Charlie Trotter
Academics have developed complicated theories and obscure jargon in an effort to describe what is now referred to as st7-uctunal racism, yet the concept is fairly straightforward. One theorist, Iris Marion Young, relying on a famous "birdcage" metaphor, explains it this way: If one thinks about racism by examining only one wire of the cage, or one form of disadvantage, it is difficult to understand how and why the bird is trapped. Only a large number of wires arranged in a specific way, and connected to one another, serve to enclose the bird and to ensure that it cannot escape.11 ~ Michelle Alexander
Excellence In Academics quotes by Michelle Alexander
Anyone can be a teacher or professor, but not everyone can influence you to strive for excellence and make a difference in the world around you. ~ Curtis White
Excellence In Academics quotes by Curtis White
The story of the Good Samaritan (Luke 1o) can he interpreted mystically in such a way that the question of the knowledge of God becomes its focus. The priest and the Levite, who walk past the man who fell among robbers and was seriously hurt, are pious God-fearing persons. They "know" God and the law of God. They have God the same way that the one who knows has that which is known. They know what God wants them to be and do. They also know where God is to he found, in the scriptures and the cult of the temple. For them, God is mediated through the existing institutions. They have their God - one who is not to he found on the road between Jerusalem and Jericho.

What is wrong with this knowledge of God? The problem is not the knowledge of the Torah or the knowledge of the temple. (It is absurd to read an anti-Judaistic meaning into a story of the Jew Jesus, since it could just as well have come from Hillel or another Jewish teacher.) What is false is a knowledge of God that does not allow for any unknowing or any negative theology. Because both actors know that God is "this," they do not see "that." Hence the Good Samaritan is the anti-fundamentalist story par excellence.

"And so I ask God to rid me of God," Meister Eckhart says. The God who is known and familiar is too small for him. ~ Dorothee Solle
Excellence In Academics quotes by Dorothee Solle
It's a fine thing to rise above pride, but you must have pride in order to do so. ~ Georges Bernanos
Excellence In Academics quotes by Georges Bernanos
It must start by knowing Time = Life. Spending your life on impulse will lead to a broke life, just like impulse buying leads to an empty wallet! How much value you place on your time reflects in the activities that consume your time. ~ Archibald Marwizi
Excellence In Academics quotes by Archibald Marwizi
For a great state, qua state, is not one which embraces a great population or an extensive territory, but one which achieves a great intensity of social unity. And in this matter we must bear in mind that unity means unity of purpose and will, and not merely unity of action and result. One of the most significant reasons for refusing to attribute an unlimited degree of statehood to those associations which are legally known as states, is that their size is governed by considerations of commerce, mere whim, or by other limited ends, rather than by reference to the good life or the excellence of souls. ~ Michael Oakeshott
Excellence In Academics quotes by Michael Oakeshott
What the great learning teaches, is to illustrate illustrious virtue; to renovate the people; and to rest in the highest excellence. ~ Confucius
Excellence In Academics quotes by Confucius
One's only security in life comes from doing something uncommonly well. ~ Abraham Lincoln
Excellence In Academics quotes by Abraham Lincoln
In an environment where there is a shared vision of excellence, where people can be the best they can be on a daily basis, where they know what is expected of them, understand that reward is linked to performance, and believe they can make a difference because they will be heard, they will make a difference. They will go beyond our expectations and great things will happen. ~ Frederick Smith
Excellence In Academics quotes by Frederick Smith
There is a kind of excellence in me and you - born in us - and it cannot live in shame. ~ Sophocles
Excellence In Academics quotes by Sophocles
Oh, maybe a little treasure for the more rabid Incunks, the collectors and the academics who maintained their positions in large part by examining the literary equivalent of navel-lint in each other's abstruse journals; ambitious, overeducated goofs who had lost touch with what books and reading were actually about and could be content to go on spinning straw into footnoted fool's gold for decades on end. ~ Stephen King
Excellence In Academics quotes by Stephen King
I think that more diversity is a good thing, and fresh points of view articulated by people who are committed to excellence in journalism is a beneficial change in the American media landscape. ~ Al Gore
Excellence In Academics quotes by Al Gore
Those who distinguish themselves in what they do and become disinct always score distinction. Don't follow the crowd. Distinguish yourself with a special commitment and you will excel. ~ Israelmore Ayivor
Excellence In Academics quotes by Israelmore Ayivor
A common danger tends to concord. Communism is the exploitation of the strong by the weak. In Communism, inequality comes from placing mediocrity on a level with excellence. ~ Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
Excellence In Academics quotes by Pierre-Joseph Proudhon
Two key leadership excellence values worth focusing on separately are being principle-centred and being consistent. The complimentary construction of these leadership fibres can easily be misconstrued for unreasonable stubbornness, yet they form the backbone of strong, effective transformational leadership. In building the legacy advocated for, in leadership excellence brands, you must sharpen the practice of these leadership values in every area of your life. ~ Archibald Marwizi
Excellence In Academics quotes by Archibald Marwizi
SKANK is scribbled in ballpoint pen on my desk. I don't exactly know why my heart starts to thump. It's not like there aren't messages and other handiwork all over this school. Take auditorium seat J-8. I found out during last week's Expectations of Excellence assembly that it's got a faded image of a penis carved on the armrest. No one likes to sit in the Pecker Chair for an assembly. People make fun of you the whole day after that. Ask Rob. ~ Meg Medina
Excellence In Academics quotes by Meg Medina
Badness you can get easily, in quantity; the road is smooth, and it lies close by, But in front of excellence the immortal gods have put sweat, and long and steep is the way to it. ~ Hesiod
Excellence In Academics quotes by Hesiod
I think it's always important for academics to study popular culture, even if the thing they are studying is idiotic. If it's successful or made a dent in culture, then it is worthy of study to find out why. ~ Joss Whedon
Excellence In Academics quotes by Joss Whedon
These 'anthropologists of peace' (who in fact are rather aggressive academics - the ethologist Johan van der Dennen calls them the Peace and Harmony Mafia. ~ Steven Pinker
Excellence In Academics quotes by Steven Pinker
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