Durezza Vickers Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Durezza Vickers.

Quotes About Durezza Vickers

Enjoy collection of 46 Durezza Vickers quotes. Download and share images of famous quotes about Durezza Vickers. Righ click to see and save pictures of Durezza Vickers quotes that you can use as your wallpaper for free.

Beware, beware of those who care,' as some wise person said. Not that I'm suggesting there is anything wrong with caring. But as Granny Maud used to say, 'Fine words butter no parsnips,' and she might have added, 'Caring should be felt and not heard. ~ Salley Vickers
Durezza Vickers quotes by Salley Vickers
Look. I don't expect you to spill your guts to me. Your business is your business. Dress how you want to dress. Let people wonder. Fuck 'em."
I smile.
Solo raised a finger. "But you've got to stop looking for a fight every time someone makes a comment. High school sucks for everyone."
I feel my smile fade, and I sit back in the chair. "It kind of feels like you're defending those guys."
Solo shrugs. "There will always be guys like Jim Vickers. But I'm not going to let them stop me from doing what I want. And neither should you. ~ Jeff Garvin
Durezza Vickers quotes by Jeff Garvin
Then it was she saw him again. On the upper reaches of the scaffolding, a sheerness of presence, no more. It was as if he took the space from the air about him and against the darkness was etched, like the brightness which seeps through a door ajar, hinting at nameless, fathomless brilliances beyond, the slightest margin of light. Impossible to look too closely, but some way below, beneath where the long feet might have rested, she made out the girl's huddled shape, her arms folded over her head like some small broken-winged, storm-tossed bird. ~ Salley Vickers
Durezza Vickers quotes by Salley Vickers
Competition is good for consumers for the simple reason that it compels producers to offer better deals - lower prices, better quality, new products, and more choice. ~ John Vickers
Durezza Vickers quotes by John Vickers
Followed like a goat on a halter, hungry dog closing on his just-filled dinner bowl, water-bottle and towel carrier behind the tuba section of a marching band. ~ Dennis Vickers
Durezza Vickers quotes by Dennis Vickers
Marci took a copy of Cosmopolitan from her desk drawer, lifted her butt from her chair, and leaned far over her desk to pass it to William, watching his eyes carefully as she did. If they went to her gaping blouse, she'd know there was a spark to kindle; if not, then he was gay and she needn't waste any further effort. At least he'd appreciate the Cosmo. "It's August's," she whispered hopefully. ~ Dennis Vickers
Durezza Vickers quotes by Dennis Vickers
When I turned to climb the third wave, I saw at my feet a small leaf, perhaps an inch long, pointed, withered to bright chestnut but still smooth. It was supported above the soil in the grey points of short grasses which did not bend beneath its weightlessness. It was curved in all three planes. Fibrous veins displayed its structure. It was quite still. And as I watched its stillness spread; first to me. I wanted not to move by a hair's breadth. Lest the bond between it and me should break. The stillness spread to the grass around us. It encompassed the hill. The beech wood became attendant on it. The whole valley slowly filled with it. The leaf, and I its participant, had drawn the mileswide landscape into an attentive, breathless synthesis ... there was no movement, no sound and no distinction or identifying of parts in all that had been there united. For there was no 'I' that gazed ... through that tiny gateway I became one with what was boundless. ~ Geoffrey Vickers
Durezza Vickers quotes by Geoffrey Vickers
I lost my voice and my best friend too
On swift, fierce winds and wings of blue,
The cold rain fell where beams had shone,
So I wrapped up tight and safe. Alone.

But I missed my friend, I missed my voice,
And my heart still whispered of another choice
To break out of my binding, safe, and warm,
And see what the world looked like after the storm.

So I struggled free and was greeted by
Colorful brushstrokes across the sky,
The melody of the summer breeze
And blue wings like mine in hazel trees.

On the soft, sweet air of the mountain glade,
We gathered together in cool, green shade,
And told our stories, beginnings to ends,
And found our song in the hearts of new friends. ~ Elaine Vickers
Durezza Vickers quotes by Elaine Vickers
Fluorescent lights on the ceiling lit up the white Formica top of her desk like an operating table, white-sand beach at high noon, French fries under the heat lamp at McDonald's. ~ Dennis Vickers
Durezza Vickers quotes by Dennis Vickers
Durezza Vickers quotes by Lee Vickers
Full revelation, she couldn't help feeling, was something which was considered a virtue only among the reckless or the cruel. ~ Salley Vickers
Durezza Vickers quotes by Salley Vickers
Our reality may be fabled, but surely will be fleeting, because when the storyteller looks away, the story collapses. In the end, we vanish like mist in the morning sun. ~ Dennis Vickers
Durezza Vickers quotes by Dennis Vickers
Words are harsh mistresses, to be sure. Like petulant divas, they want only those parts that play to their talents and mask their blemishes, and only when complete companies of players who love their parts are assembled will they sing in harmony. I am your director for this stage production and will employ my best wiles to create a performance both truthful, and beautiful. I know that words are tricksters who show one face to you and another to me, so I am never certain you'll hear in your head what I hear in my head. Since I deliver even this little truth with words, I acknowledge the irony. ~ Dennis Vickers
Durezza Vickers quotes by Dennis Vickers
Poetry comes out of you like a pot of oatmeal boiling over. ~ Dennis Vickers
Durezza Vickers quotes by Dennis Vickers
Studied all year and wrote in my journal like a nun works a Rosary, dog with a new bone, bee in his hive's back room. ~ Dennis Vickers
Durezza Vickers quotes by Dennis Vickers
Vanished like inhibitions at a bachelorette party. ~ Dennis Vickers
Durezza Vickers quotes by Dennis Vickers
Those with whom we communicate we think better than they are; those with whom we don't, worse. ~ Dennis Vickers Lost Words
Durezza Vickers quotes by Dennis Vickers Lost Words
Hung in the air like fart gas in an elevator, insecurity in a prom ballroom, guilt around a police lineup. ~ Dennis Vickers
Durezza Vickers quotes by Dennis Vickers
Faded like morning fog in the rising sun, sports team logo on a cheap T-shirt, ninety-nine dollar paint job on a Chevy. ~ Dennis Vickers
Durezza Vickers quotes by Dennis Vickers
They fire lots of bullets very, very quickly. Quicker than anything else."
I looked up and around the bedroom, the mismatched furniture, the weirdly firm light. "Why? What could you hunt with those? What could they have to do with anything?"
"I don't know," he replied. "That's what's so unnerving."
I rubbed a hand to my forehead, feeling an ache beginning to build behind my skull. "Armand."
His eyes went to mine.
I had to say this carefully; I had no wish to add to his despair, but I couldn't let it go. "Do you think…do you suppose it's possible that your father might…mean to do you any harm?"
But I'd actually made him smile. A real one, too, even if it came acerbic and thin. "With a pair of Vickers? Not unless he means to mount them in the hallway and spry me with bullets when I'm not paying attention. Seems like rather a spot of work for him. Surely even an unwelcome heir is better than none."
I returned his smile as I pulled away my hand. "I think we need to teach you how to Turn to smoke, just in case. It's a handy thing to be able to vanish in a hurry."
His smile widened, but there was no humor left to it. "Handy." He fell back against the blankets of the bed, his eyes gone shiny and hard. "If I could vanish into smoke, Eleanore, I'd leave this place and never return. That's a promise."
"Just like Rue," I said softly. ~ Shana Abe
Durezza Vickers quotes by Shana Abe
Like a summer storm, the ferment quickly passed,moving from explosive turmoil to exhausted calm in a few seconds. ~ Dennis Vickers
Durezza Vickers quotes by Dennis Vickers
You think I'm strong because I sound off and go on about things and am very direct and seem very full of myself ... but the truth is, I am much, much feebler than you. I just go on like this to keep my end up. You think what you're doing is right and that gives you strength. You see, I know I'm not right, I know there is no right. The only "right" I am is that I know what I like and what I want, and what I like and what I want is you, more than anyone else in all the world does, or could."
Thomas to Elizabeth "The Other Side of You ~ Salley Vickers
Durezza Vickers quotes by Salley Vickers
He was right because he had grasped the nature of mortality. He had a mind free enough and a heart bold enough to take on board, properly take on board, that just as there are first things so also - it is after all, if we could take it in, implicit - there are last things. That everything in human life tends towards its ending and that any meeting, however full of hope and promise, will be the first stage in a progress towards a last meeting - and that this may happen sooner than we imagine and without fair warning. ~ Salley Vickers
Durezza Vickers quotes by Salley Vickers
Squeal like a cheerleader named prom queen, aging retiree placing the game-winning bingo button, frenzied fan finding Johnny Depp in her supermarket. ~ Dennis Vickers
Durezza Vickers quotes by Dennis Vickers
Panting like a marathon runner at mile twenty, overheated bloodhound, steam engine crawling up the Continental Divide. ~ Dennis Vickers
Durezza Vickers quotes by Dennis Vickers
High-pitched squeal like a beauty pageant contestant found best in show, Oprah audience member given a new Chevy, rookie actress surprised with an unlikely Oscar. ~ Dennis Vickers
Durezza Vickers quotes by Dennis Vickers
Suddenly, she emitted a loud, long fart, like air escaping a beach ball, exhaust pipe of a Model T, tire-inflating hose at the service station, and this without any forewarning borborygmus. ~ Dennis Vickers
Durezza Vickers quotes by Dennis Vickers
Could be an amazing product, sell like condoms at a high school prom, donuts at a police convention, sunscreen on a Caribbean crush ship. ~ Dennis Vickers
Durezza Vickers quotes by Dennis Vickers
Washed-out like last year's swimsuit. ~ Dennis Vickers
Durezza Vickers quotes by Dennis Vickers
Guilt. Does anyone escape it? Is guilt the reason we make up stories? ~ Salley Vickers
Durezza Vickers quotes by Salley Vickers
He yawned like a black bear coming out of hibernation. ~ Dennis Vickers
Durezza Vickers quotes by Dennis Vickers
I understand that my BODY is "The Temple" of God. ~ Lee Vickers
Durezza Vickers quotes by Lee Vickers
Only locks in life are what you think you know, but don't. Accept your ignorance and try something new. ~ Dennis Vickers
Durezza Vickers quotes by Dennis Vickers
Flipped through memories like old copies of National Geographic, pages in a yellowing high-school year book, cable-television channels looking for a baseball game. ~ Dennis Vickers
Durezza Vickers quotes by Dennis Vickers
If I sneezed, writers' vitals would spew out my nose like bats from a cave mouth, fiery balls from a roman candle, water from an open fire hydrant. ~ Dennis Vickers
Durezza Vickers quotes by Dennis Vickers
The email appeared sometime during the night, like alcohol-induced depression, dreams of old lovers, porn on TV. ~ Dennis Vickers
Durezza Vickers quotes by Dennis Vickers
The Abbe Paul looked at Agnes rather as Alain had, with respect. 'How sensible. People are desperate to probe mysteries which for the most part are best left unprobed. It is the modern curse: this demented drive to explain every blessed thing. Not everything can be explained. Nor should be, I think. ~ Salley Vickers
Durezza Vickers quotes by Salley Vickers
She pinched her lips tight together, like someone considering a foul smell, three-legged dog, ugly baby. ~ Dennis Vickers
Durezza Vickers quotes by Dennis Vickers
Thighs spread out on the seat like water balloons, frying eggs, spilled syrup. ~ Dennis Vickers
Durezza Vickers quotes by Dennis Vickers
Deep ridges crossed his forehead like terraces in a Thai hillside, tucks in a leather cushion, troughs across a bloodhound's jowls. ~ Dennis Vickers
Durezza Vickers quotes by Dennis Vickers
Your eyes flash like Fourth-of-July sparklers, headlights on a mountain road, sparks in a short-circuited toaster. ~ Dennis Vickers
Durezza Vickers quotes by Dennis Vickers
Take this treasure,
Leave one of your own,
And remember this truth:
You are not alone. ~ Elaine Vickers
Durezza Vickers quotes by Elaine Vickers
What are you doing here?"Lady Vickers asked, turning her frosty glare to Sebastian.
"Exactly what you think, my lady," he said. ~ Julia Quinn
Durezza Vickers quotes by Julia Quinn
It is hard to account for the common human resistance to happiness, unless it is that we would rather be crippled by what we lack than risk the pain that is one potential consequence of placing our secret selves in others' hands ... to take delight in being loved requires nerve.
The Other Side of You ~ Salley Vickers
Durezza Vickers quotes by Salley Vickers
Alliteration is not a prostitute to be sold to every sailor who visits the port. This fine lady is a valuable literary diva one should ask to sing her aria only for special occasions. ~ Dennis Vickers
Durezza Vickers quotes by Dennis Vickers
Learning what to want is the most radical, the most painful and the most creative art of life. ~ Geoffrey Vickers
Durezza Vickers quotes by Geoffrey Vickers
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