Dehaven Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Dehaven.

Quotes About Dehaven

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For DeHaven it was well worth the extra money to a federal budget that had always allocated more to war than it ever did to peaceful purposes. For a fraction of the cost of one missile he could purchase on the open market every work the library needed to round out its rare books collection. Yet politicians believed that missiles kept you safe, whereas actually books did, and for a simple reason. Ignorance caused wars, and people who read widely were seldom ignorant. ~ David Baldacci
Dehaven quotes by David Baldacci
Even dogs know how important it is to hear somebody else breathing. ~ Benjamin DeHaven
Dehaven quotes by Benjamin DeHaven
Beware of anyone who says, "I love you" without hesitation; they've had a lot of practice saying it. ~ Benjamin DeHaven
Dehaven quotes by Benjamin DeHaven
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