Calling Dibs Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Calling Dibs.

Quotes About Calling Dibs

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The fact is that, whether it is us or someone else going through a trial, Jesus does not necessarily save us from every difficult situation. But he does promise to pray us through to victory. He prays that our faith will be more than a match to stand our ground, when the enemy takes a shot at us. So, be patient, and let Jesus use whatever is at his disposal to get you through into his purpose and calling for your life. It's not what's happening now that's important, but what God has prepared for your future that counts. ~ Christopher Roberts
Calling Dibs quotes by Christopher Roberts
#1 God commands us to step out of our comfort zone (ABRAHAM) #2 God puts his dream in your heart (JOSEPH) I like his emphasis on God's dream not ours. #3 God allows us to fail in our attempts to accomplish his dream in our own power. (MOSES) #4 God teaches us through adversity to love the dream giver more than the dream. (DAVID) #5 God clarifies our calling in times of crisis and often uses our worst failures as the platform for his future fulfillment. (PAUL) ~ Anonymous
Calling Dibs quotes by Anonymous
You came up this gut-wrenching road yesterday by yourself?" Cassie exclaimed. "You deserve a good cuffing just for driving this goat path on your own."
"It's not so bad once you get used to dodging the ruts."
"You've got some nerve calling these canyons ruts."
"Cassandra Hudson, where is your sense of adventure?"
"I dropped it off going over that last rut-crossing when only two wheels were on the ground."
"Those ones are a bit exhilarating, aren't they?" Alexandra shot Cassie a quick look and wink.
"Keep your eyes on the road!"
"What road?"
"Exactly! ~ H.H. Laura
Calling Dibs quotes by H.H. Laura
Gawain laid his hand on his son's shoulder. "Sir Perceval, when the priest reads the lesson, he says that he who would save his life must lose it. Good words for any man, for there are moments when cowardice will bring death more surely than boldness. But the ordinary man knows, when he goes out to meet the wolf in his road, that he may yet come home in peace. Not so the knights of the Round Table. We win through one deadly peril only to face another. If we banish one evil, we must go on to the next and after that, to the next - until death meets us in the path. We yield up our bodies every day, not for glory and fortune but so that those weaker than ourselves may live. Do you understand?"
"I do," said Sir Perceval. "And I say that there is no nobler calling. I am content." But then he thought of the Lady Blanchefleur kissing his brow on a night of fire and blood, and with a sudden ache of grief told himself that even a hundred years of peace would not be enough time to spend with her. ~ Suzannah Rowntree
Calling Dibs quotes by Suzannah  Rowntree
I hurried after Sam, calling, "You might wait for us!" The last word, though it was but one syllable, covered two octaves, for my voice broke, as it had been doing lately with alarming frequency.
Sam turned back with a mischievous grin on his face. "Was that your voice cracking, or were you attempting to yodel? ~ Gary L. Blackwood
Calling Dibs quotes by Gary L. Blackwood
Me, too," I said. And then we stopped talking for a while as Adam strummed an unfamiliar melody. I asked him what he was playing.

"I'm calling it 'The Girlfriend's-Going-to-Juilliard-Leaving-My-Punk-Heart-in-Shreds Blues,' " he said, singing the title in an exaggeratedly twangy
voice. Then he smiled that goofy shy smile that I felt like came from the truest part of him. "I'm kidding."

"Good," I said. ~ Gayle Forman
Calling Dibs quotes by Gayle Forman
During the same hours of 1993 when the chopper crews in Somalia were slowly being overpowered and gunned down, there were twenty-four young boys back in the United States who would grow up to be future players in that African struggle. They had no way to know anything yet about the unique fighting group every one of them would eventually strive with all his determination to join. They also couldn't know, though they would one day find out in person, that this particular battle corps is so elite, the candidate must first be a Navy SEAL just to attempt to get through the training - and even then, three out of four of those superb warrior-athletes fail to qualify.
The group has had numerous military names during its long rise from the murky history of the early "frogmen" swimmers, to the black operations of the Underwater Demolition Teams whose only calling card was to render their targets dead, to the latest appellation as the U.S. Naval Special Warfare Development Group - or DEVGRU, for those who prefer names ugly and short. But the group is better known to the general public as the near-mythical warriors of "SEAL Team Six." Their complex training supports a brilliantly simple task: to be the very last thing their opponents see, if they are ever seen at all. ~ Anthony Flacco
Calling Dibs quotes by Anthony Flacco
[The is] a mistaken belief that [the word Indian] refers somehow to the country, India. When Columbus washed up on the beach in the Caribbean, he was not looking for a country called India. Europeans were calling that country Hindustan in 1492 ... Columbus called the tribal people he met "Indio," from the Italian in dio, meaning "in God." ~ Russell Means
Calling Dibs quotes by Russell Means
Just days after the alleged rape, Florida newspapers were calling for capital punishment of the Groveland Boys. (Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, Visual Materials from the NAACP Records) ~ Gilbert King
Calling Dibs quotes by Gilbert King
Faith is the response to something which is calling us from the timeless part of our reality. ~ Sydney Carter
Calling Dibs quotes by Sydney Carter
Devotion to goal, knowing your purpose and calling helps you go through pain, hindrance and crisis ~ Sunday Adelaja
Calling Dibs quotes by Sunday Adelaja
We should not be held back by the thought that if they are not elect, they will not believe us and our efforts to convert them will fail. That is true; but it is none of our business and should make no difference to our action. In the first place, it is always wrong to abstain from doing good for fear that it might not be appreciated. In the second place, the nonelect in this world are faceless men as far as w are concerned. We know that they exist, but we do not and cannot know who they are, and it is as futile as it is impious for us to try and guess. The identity of the reprobate is one of God's 'secret things' into which his people may not pry. In the third place, our calling as Christians is not to love God's elect, and them only, but to love our neighbour, irrespective of whether he is elect or not. ~ J.I. Packer
Calling Dibs quotes by J.I. Packer
I walk outside and the green on the trees seems greener, so potent I can almost taste it. Maybe I can taste it, and it is like the grass I decided to chew when I was a child just to see what it was like. I almost fall down the stairs because of the swaying and burst into laughter when the grass tickles my bare feet. I wander toward the orchard.
"Four!" I call out. Why am I calling out a number? Oh yes. Because that's his name. I call out again. "Four! Where are you?"
"Tris?" says a voice from the trees on my right. It almost sounds like the tree is talking to me. I giggle, but of course it's just Tobias, ducking under a branch.
I run toward him, and the ground lurches to the side, so I almost fall. His hand touches my waist, steadies me. The touch sends a shock through my body, and all my insides burn like his fingers ignited them. I pull closer to him, pressing my body against his, and lift my head to kiss him.
"What did they--" he starts, but I stop him with my lips. He kisses me back, but too quickly, so I sigh heavily.
"That was lame," I say. "Okay, no it wasn't, but…"
I stand on my tiptoes to kiss him again, and he presses his finger to my lips to stop me.
"Tris," he says. "What did they do to you? You're acting like a lunatic."
"That's not very nice of you to say," I say. "They put me in a good mood, that's all. And now I really want to kiss you, so if you could just relax--"
"I'm not going to kiss you. I'm going to figure ou ~ Veronica Roth
Calling Dibs quotes by Veronica Roth
Sometimes, when we are labeled, when we are branded, our brand becomes our calling; ~ John Irving
Calling Dibs quotes by John Irving
I was born in the wrong body. I'm actually, spiritually, a wolf. It's called being otherkin. It's very important for me to be open about it - coming out transformed my life, and my family. Our dog used to be terrified of storms and postal workers, but I was able to communicate with her, and now she's much more secure and self-grounded. I think of communication as my calling." "Please ~ Eve Tushnet
Calling Dibs quotes by Eve Tushnet
I always like to be in the presence of people who are good at and love their jobs, Irrespective of their jobs. ~ Geoff Dyer
Calling Dibs quotes by Geoff Dyer
I am called to minister to people and inspire them to do more not to advertise them and have them swell up with pride. ~ Jaachynma N.E. Agu
Calling Dibs quotes by Jaachynma N.E. Agu
You can only be fulfilled in life when you achieve your purpose ~ Sunday Adelaja
Calling Dibs quotes by Sunday Adelaja
Becoming an actor? If it's not a calling, don't do it. It's too hard. ~ Sandra Oh
Calling Dibs quotes by Sandra Oh
Wherever I am, whatever I'm doing, alive or dead, young or old, my heart will always be with yours. Every beat you feel against your fingertips ... " His fingers tapped against my chest, once, twice. " ... is me calling out to you. It's you returning the call. It's us talking, communicating, bonding, sharing, Living
Kiersten, it's us living. ~ Rachel Van Dyken
Calling Dibs quotes by Rachel Van Dyken
Damn it, why couldn't I have a photographic memory!"
"Thank God you don't," Caleb exclaimed in a disgusted tone.
"What makes you say that?" Reuben demanded hotly.
"Because then she'd be calling you Ruby, and I'd have to be sick to my stomach. ~ David Baldacci
Calling Dibs quotes by David Baldacci
God had a vision of the earth before creation ~ Sunday Adelaja
Calling Dibs quotes by Sunday Adelaja
Dividing the goal into pieces must be brought down to the smallest measurable element, a day, to know exactly what to do every day ~ Sunday Adelaja
Calling Dibs quotes by Sunday Adelaja
My dad told me, "Son, there are three words that will open any door: the door of a building, the door of the mind, the door of the heart, any door you like. Three words, don't forget, always use them. 'Thank you' and 'please.' That's your calling card." So we learnt to respect the land and each other, and respect what a person can share and give. ~ Andrew Zuckerman
Calling Dibs quotes by Andrew Zuckerman
Work becomes satisfaction when it is in the area of your calling ~ Sunday Adelaja
Calling Dibs quotes by Sunday Adelaja
I personally have a cunt. Sometimes it's 'flaps' or 'twat', but most of the time, it's my cunt. Cunt is a proper, old, historic, strong word. I like that my fire escape also doubles up as the most potent swearword in the English language. Yeah. That's how powerful it is, guys. If I tell you what I've got down there, old ladies and clerics might faint. I like how shocked people are when you say 'cunt'. It's like I have a nuclear bomb in my pants, or a tiger, or a gun.

Compared to this the most powerful swearword men have got out of their privates is 'dick', which is frankly vanilla, and I believe you're allowed to use on, like, Blue Peter if something goes wrong. In a culture where nearly everything female is still seen as squeam-inducing, and/or weak - menstruation, menopause, just the sheer simple act of calling someone 'a girl' - I love that 'cunt' stands, on its own, as the supreme unvanquishable word. It has almost mystic resonance. It is a cunt - we all know it's a cunt - but we can't call it a cunt. We can't say the actual word. It's too powerful. Like Jews can never utter the Tetragrammaton - an must make do with 'Jehovah', instead. ~ Caitlin Moran
Calling Dibs quotes by Caitlin Moran
One of the things that pushed me over the edge was that people on the Left were calling me names. How many kicks in the teeth do you have to endure. ~ Cindy Sheehan
Calling Dibs quotes by Cindy Sheehan
My sweet, there are altogether too many respectable ladies in the world. The supply has far exceeded the demand. But there's an appalling shortage of attractive pirates, and you do seem to have a gift for plundering and ravishing. I think we've found your true calling. ~ Lisa Kleypas
Calling Dibs quotes by Lisa Kleypas
Love is invisible, and comes in and goes out as he likes, without anyone calling him to account for what he does. ~ Miguel De Cervantes Saavedra
Calling Dibs quotes by Miguel De Cervantes Saavedra
There is nothing wrong with you being tempted, the important thing is that you do not fall for the temptation ~ Sunday Adelaja
Calling Dibs quotes by Sunday Adelaja
I'm sorry for the way I acted."
"Apology accepted. And I'm sorry for calling you a narcissistic bastard."
My brows drew down. "You didn't."
She smiled. "Oh well, I thought it, then. ~ Vi Keeland
Calling Dibs quotes by Vi Keeland
A calling goes beyond your abilities and calls into question your potential. And when the journey is complete, even you are surprised. ~ Jeff Goins
Calling Dibs quotes by Jeff Goins
People don't choose their calling, it chooses them. ~ Richard Leider
Calling Dibs quotes by Richard Leider
New Rule: Conservatives have to stop rolling their eyes every time they hear the word "France." Like just calling something French is the ultimate argument winner. As if to say, "What can you say about a country that was too stupid to get on board with our wonderfully conceived and brilliantly executed war in Iraq?" And yet an American politician could not survive if he uttered the simple, true statement: "France has a better health-care system than we do, and we should steal it." Because here, simply dismissing an idea as French passes for an argument. John Kerry? Couldn't vote for him--he looked French. Yeah, as a opposed to the other guy, who just looked stupid.

Last week, France had an election, and people over there approach an election differently. They vote. Eighty-five percent turned out. You couldn't get eighty-five percent of Americans to get off the couch if there was an election between tits and bigger tits and they were giving out free samples.

Maybe the high turnout has something to do with the fact that the French candidates are never asked where they stand on evolution, prayer in school, abortion, stem cell research, or gay marriage. And if the candidate knows about a character in a book other than Jesus, it's not a drawback. The electorate doesn't vote for the guy they want to have a croissant with. Nor do they care about private lives. In the current race, Madame Royal has four kids, but she never got married. And she's a socialist. In ~ Bill Maher
Calling Dibs quotes by Bill Maher
Discouragement leads away from the right path, and accomplishes the devil's desire for destruction ~ Sunday Adelaja
Calling Dibs quotes by Sunday Adelaja
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