Beastly Alex Flinn Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Beastly Alex Flinn.

Quotes About Beastly Alex Flinn

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A beautiful thing is precious no matter the price ~ Alex Flinn
Beastly Alex Flinn quotes by Alex Flinn
That's what true love should be like-the person should be part of your soul and you should know what they're feeling all the time. ~ Alex Flinn
Beastly Alex Flinn quotes by Alex Flinn
People make such a big deal about looks, but after a while, when you know someone, you don´t even notice anymore... ~ Alex Flinn
Beastly Alex Flinn quotes by Alex Flinn
Those who do not know how to see the precious things in life will never be happy. ~ Alex Flinn
Beastly Alex Flinn quotes by Alex Flinn
The magic is over, but its effects will live forever. ~ Alex Flinn
Beastly Alex Flinn quotes by Alex Flinn
Who dares disturb my roses?"
Why did I say that ~ Alex Flinn
Beastly Alex Flinn quotes by Alex Flinn
Although my other ambition was to be a musical theater star (and I would attend college on a voice scholarship), writing was never far from my mind. ~ Alex Flinn
Beastly Alex Flinn quotes by Alex Flinn
In the letter he left for the coroner he had explained his reasoning (for suicide): that life is a gift bestowed without anyone asking for it; that the thinking person has a philosophical duty to examine both the nature of life and the conditions it comes with; and that if this person decides to renounce the gift no one asks for, it is the moral and human duty to act on the consequences of that decision ... Alex showed me a clipping from the Cambridge Evening News. 'Tragic Death of "Promising" Young Man.' ... The verdict of the coroner's inquest had been that Adrian Flinn (22) had killed himself 'while the balance of his mind was disturbed.' ... The law, and society, and religion all said it was impossible to be sane, healthy, and kill yourself. Perhaps those authorities feared that the suicide's reasoning might impugn the nature and value of life as organised by the state which paid the coroner? ~ Julian Barnes
Beastly Alex Flinn quotes by Julian Barnes
Maybe you actually do need to face obstacles with someone to know that they're the one you'd sacrifice for. ~ Alex Flinn
Beastly Alex Flinn quotes by Alex Flinn
I am a princess. I do not follow fashions
I make them. ~ Alex Flinn
Beastly Alex Flinn quotes by Alex Flinn
Leaves. Hundreds, thousands, maybe millions of them, brown and yellow and red and orange, in bright piles on the concrete floor. Some were so high they almost covered the rosebushes. ~ Alex Flinn
Beastly Alex Flinn quotes by Alex Flinn
And Caitlin smiled. I Wanted to put her smile in my pocket to look at over and over ~ Alex Flinn
Beastly Alex Flinn quotes by Alex Flinn
But it's not enough. I don't look human. If I went outside, people would scream at the sight of me. Looks matter to most people. That's reality in the world."
"Not my world."
I petted Pilot. "I like your world, Will, but it doesn't have a very big population. I'm going to let her go. ~ Alex Flinn
Beastly Alex Flinn quotes by Alex Flinn
But now it all floods back - the euphoria of loving her, the agony that she's leaving, that i'll lose her ~ Alex Flinn
Beastly Alex Flinn quotes by Alex Flinn
And yet, even when all was well, as Shakespeare said, that ends well, did they say 'Hey, Kendra, we understand that you made a noble effort. Why not come to the palace for some champagne sometime?' Noooooo. They're all, 'Get thee from our kingdom, witch, or it's the guillotine." They're lucky I didn't turn them into talking swine. ~ Alex Flinn
Beastly Alex Flinn quotes by Alex Flinn
To be worthy of a princess, you must face your dragon ... Your greatest fear. ~ Alex Flinn
Beastly Alex Flinn quotes by Alex Flinn
You can't respect yourself if you're letting someone beat you up–inside or out. ~ Alex Flinn
Beastly Alex Flinn quotes by Alex Flinn
This isn't a fairy tale. It's New York City. ~ Alex Flinn
Beastly Alex Flinn quotes by Alex Flinn
The word felt good, liberating. So, I repeat it. "Fuck." Then, again. And again. Because it made me someone else, someone normal and happy, someone who used words like that, like St. John. I repeated it, over and over until she walked away, wounded. Then, I was glad. And still, I kept repeating it, because that was the only thing that kept me from crying. ~ Alex Flinn
Beastly Alex Flinn quotes by Alex Flinn
No, I understand. Your parents are your parents. Even if they don't love you back, they're all you have. ~ Alex Finn
Beastly Alex Flinn quotes by Alex Finn
I love you, I thought. But I didn't say it. It was not that I feared she would laugh in my face. She was far too kind for that. My fear was a greater one - that she won't say it back. ~ Alex Flinn
Beastly Alex Flinn quotes by Alex Flinn
I took a punch at one of the rosebushes. It got its revenge by stabbing me in the hand. ~ Alex Flinn
Beastly Alex Flinn quotes by Alex Flinn
I remember how Talia got me to talk about the gardening thing. I've never told anyone else about that, but with this girl, I sort of feel like I can be myself without worrying about looking uncool. After all, she doesn't even know what "cool" is. ~ Alex Flinn
Beastly Alex Flinn quotes by Alex Flinn
I wonder how many times in my life I would have been able to prevent something, change something, do something different, if only I'd listened to someone. ~ Alex Flinn
Beastly Alex Flinn quotes by Alex Flinn
Listen." The voice is extremely loud, and I am forced to hold the telephone away from my ear.
"I don't know who you are, or why you have Jack's phone, but he is my boyfriend, and - "
Boyfriend? What is a boyfriend? Perhaps it is something like a beau.
"Is he engaged to you, then?" I hope not.
"What? No. Of course not."
"Oh, what a relief. He is my true love, and you do not sound very nice."
"What? Listen, you ... "
And then, strangely enough, she calls me a female dog. ~ Alex Flinn
Beastly Alex Flinn quotes by Alex Flinn
If I didn't believe, there would be nothing left. ~ Alex Flinn
Beastly Alex Flinn quotes by Alex Flinn
This is where he should say that he is in love with me, that I have changed his life and that he loves me for it. But he doesn't. Is it because he is shy? Or because he is too young to say such a thing? Or is it merely because he does not love me? The worst of it is, I am falling in love with him. ~ Alex Flinn
Beastly Alex Flinn quotes by Alex Flinn
I wish to go with you, not as man and wife, but merely as friends, travel companions, the sort of happy-go-lucky chums about whom rollicking old ballads of the road are written. ~ Alex Flinn
Beastly Alex Flinn quotes by Alex Flinn
Through her jacket, I could feel her heartbeat. It made me happy to know she was alive, was real, was there. ~ Alex Flinn
Beastly Alex Flinn quotes by Alex Flinn
You shouldn't miss people who don't miss you ... ~ Alex Flinn
Beastly Alex Flinn quotes by Alex Flinn
I was just ... thinking."
"That must have been quite an experience for you. ~ Alex Flinn
Beastly Alex Flinn quotes by Alex Flinn
A shoe that fits one person pinches another. ~ Alex Flinn
Beastly Alex Flinn quotes by Alex Flinn
Control is part of faking it ~ Alex Flinn
Beastly Alex Flinn quotes by Alex Flinn
What happened December 12?" Polyester asks.
I look at the wall, my attention suddenly riveted by a palmetto bug, feelers writhing. I could kill it if I wanted.
He hit me."
The bug slides to the floor. ~ Alex Flinn
Beastly Alex Flinn quotes by Alex Flinn
She leans against me, head against my shoulders, and in that second, I know, against the lights and the bright and the heat and the gray, I really want to kiss her. ~ Alex Flinn
Beastly Alex Flinn quotes by Alex Flinn
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