Arachnia Cast Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Arachnia Cast.

Quotes About Arachnia Cast

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A civilization can easily drown in what it knows as in what doesn't know. Consider,' he continued, Gotho's Folly. Gotho's curse was in being too aware - of everything. Every permutation, every potential. Enough to poison every scan he cast on the world. It availed him naught, and worse, he was aware of even that. ~ Steven Erikson
Arachnia Cast quotes by Steven Erikson
Honey, you [Michael Jackson] gotta pick a race first. All of a sudden you're a black man, then you're Diana Ross, now you're Audrey Hepburn. Then he's got the little beard going on. He's like Lord of the Rings, the entire cast. Michael's about to jump species. ~ Robin Williams
Arachnia Cast quotes by Robin Williams
There was something factitious and brittle and thereby utterly feminine about her charm which made me want to crush her, even to crunch her. She had a slight cast in one eye which gives her gaze a strange concentrated intensity. Her eyes sparkle, almost as if they were actually emitting sparks. She is electric. And she could run faster in very high-heeled shoes than any girl I ever met. ~ Iris Murdoch
Arachnia Cast quotes by Iris Murdoch
It was fantastic returning to 'Being Human'. When I got cast in the role, at first I just thought it was for one episode, and the fans were really great about it, and it was really nice having that reaction. ~ Ellie Kendrick
Arachnia Cast quotes by Ellie Kendrick
I got this call that they wanted me to join this cast. They called it a family show, and it thought that it would be similar to all family shows. I wasn't sure about this until I watched some tapes, and was amazed. ~ Tony Danza
Arachnia Cast quotes by Tony Danza
And that is the problem with a society that doesn't read books. The most painful form of censorship does not come from a centralized, repressive government. It is a cast, black cloak of a nation's indifference. ~ Lourd De Veyra
Arachnia Cast quotes by Lourd De Veyra
You need to check out his body using your super Spidey Otherworld senses. ~ Kristin Cast
Arachnia Cast quotes by Kristin Cast
Up until the time I was cast in 'Star Trek,' the roles were pretty shallow - thin, stereotyped, one-dimensional roles. I knew this character was a breakthrough role, certainly for me as an individual actor but also for the image of an Asian character: no accent, a member of the elite leadership team. ~ George Takei
Arachnia Cast quotes by George Takei
People who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything. ~ Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin
Arachnia Cast quotes by Joseph Vissarionovich Stalin
In the bitter waves of woe,
Beaten and tossed about
By the sullen winds that blow
From the desolate shores of doubt,­­

When the anchors that faith had cast
Are dragging in the gale,
I am quietly holding fast
To the things that cannot fail:

In the darkest night of the year,
When the stars have all gone out, That courage is better than fear, That faith is truer than doubt;

And fierce though the fiends may fight, And long though the angels hide,
I know that Truth and Right
Have the universe on their side;

And somewhere, beyond the stars,
Is a Love that is better than fate;
When the night unlocks her bars
I shall see Him, and I will wait ~ Washington Gladden
Arachnia Cast quotes by Washington Gladden
I'm investigating Lady Celia's potential suitors."
"Oh," she said in a small voice.
He glanced at her, surprised to find her looking stricken. "What's wrong?"
"I didn't know she had suitors."
"Of course she has suitors." Not any he could approve of, but he wasn't about to mention that to his aunt. "I'm sure you read about her grandmother's ultimatum in those reports you transcribed. She has to marry, and soon, too."
"I know. But I was rather hoping...I mean, with you there so often and her being an unconventional sort..." When he cast her a quizzical look, she went on more forcefully, "There's no reason you couldn't offer for her."
He nearly choked on his bread. "Are you out of your mind?"
"She needs a husband. You need a wife. Why not her?"
"Because marquess's daughters don't marry bastards, for one thing."
The coarse word made her flinch. "You're still from a perfectly respectable family, no matter the circumstances of your birth." She eyed him with a sudden gleam in her eye. "And I notice you didn't say you weren't interested."
Hell. He stopped up from gravy with his bread. "I'm not interested."
"I'm not saying you have to be in love with her. That would perhaps be asking too much at this point, but if you courted her, in time-"
"I would fall in love? With Lady Celia? That isn't possible."
"Why not?"
Because what he felt for Celia Sharpe was lust, pure and simple. He didn't even know if he wanted to fall ~ Sabrina Jeffries
Arachnia Cast quotes by Sabrina Jeffries
A short while later, they were all covered in flour.
"Anna, do you have to use so much flour?" her mother asked, waving a cloud of dust away from her face.
"I hate when the cookies stick, Ma, you know that." Anna sifted more flour onto the wooden table that doubled as a workspace. She loved flour and she used it liberally, but it did make cleanup much harder.
The bakery wasn't large and it wasn't bright; the windows were high up, just below the ceiling eaves. Anna had to squint to see her measurements. Spoons and pots hung on the walls, and the large wooden table stood in the middle of the room, where Anna and her mom baked bread, cinnamon rolls, and Anna's famous cookies. The majority of the bakery was taken up by the cast-iron stove. It was as beautiful as it was functional, and Anna was constantly tripping over it- or falling into it, hence the small burn marks on her forearms. Those also came from paddling the bread into and out of the oven. Her parents said she was the best at knowing when the temperature of the stove was just right for baking the softest bread. Maybe she was a little messy when she baked, but it didn't bother her. ~ Jen Calonita
Arachnia Cast quotes by Jen Calonita
Relationship is a mirror in which I see myself as I am; but as most of us do not like what we are, we begin to discipline, either positively or negatively, what we perceive in the mirror of relationship.

"If you recognize the illusion then you can, by putting it aside, give your attention to the understanding of relationship. But if you seek security in relationship, it becomes an investment in comfort, in illusion - and the greatness of relationship is its very insecurity. By seeking security in relationship you are hindering its function, which brings its own peculiar actions and misfortunes.

When insecurity creeps into dependency, as it inevitably does, then that particular relationship is cast aside and a new one is taken on in the hope of finding lasting security; but there is no security in relationship, and dependency only breeds fear. Without understanding the process of security and fear, relationship becomes a binding hindrance, a way of ignorance. Then all existence is struggle and pain, and there is no way out of it save in right thinking, which comes through self-knowledge.

As long as the mind merely uses relationship for its own security, that relationship is bound to create confusion and antagonism. Is it possible to live in relationship without the idea of demand, of want, of gratification? ~ Jiddu Krishnamurti
Arachnia Cast quotes by Jiddu Krishnamurti
A restaurant is a fantasy-a kind of living fantasy in which diners are the most important members of the cast. ~ Warner LeRoy
Arachnia Cast quotes by Warner LeRoy
Twin, sagging is seriously lame. It's so cliched gang-wannabe circa 1990s. Hotties should just say no to it. ~ P.C. Cast
Arachnia Cast quotes by P.C. Cast
You may have noticed that society is rapidly going downhill. Inflation, lack of fuel and even war cast deep shadows over the world. And the most serious part of this is that drugs, both medical and street drugs, have disabled a majority of those who could have handled it, including the political leaders, and have even paralyzed the coming generations. ~ L. Ron Hubbard
Arachnia Cast quotes by L. Ron Hubbard
When we cast, as we so often do, the choice not to permanently partner as a failure or as a tragedy, we assume partnership as a norm to which everyone should or must aspire. ~ Rebecca Traister
Arachnia Cast quotes by Rebecca Traister
When you are cast for a role, it's because of everything that makes you who you are in that moment in time. No one else has that. That's a unique, powerful thing to hold. ~ Christian Camargo
Arachnia Cast quotes by Christian Camargo
One who cannot cast away a treasure at need is in fetters. You did rightly. ~ J.R.R. Tolkien
Arachnia Cast quotes by J.R.R. Tolkien
Weave the circle, tightly sewn,
Let nothing evil or unknown
Enter within. Stay without
On pain of death, we cast you out. ~ Yasmine Galenorn
Arachnia Cast quotes by Yasmine Galenorn
Never allow anyone to rain on your parade and thus cast a pall of gloom and defeat on the entire day. Remember that no talent, no self-denial, no brains, no character, are required to set up in the fault-finding business. Nothing external can have any power over you unless you permit it. Your time is too precious to be sacrificed in wasted days combating the menial forces of hate, jealously, and envy. ~ Og Mandino
Arachnia Cast quotes by Og Mandino
How stupid would that sound? It was high school, not the Hindu cast system, where the Untouchables have to avoid 'polluting' the upper classes. ~ Marni Bates
Arachnia Cast quotes by Marni Bates
Hell, covering all with its gloomy vapors, has cast shadows on even the holiest eyes. ~ Jean Racine
Arachnia Cast quotes by Jean Racine
God may allow His servant to succeed when He has disciplined him to a point where he does not need to succeed to be happy. The man who is elated by success and is cast down by failure is still a carnal man. At best his fruit will have a worm in it. ~ Aiden Wilson Tozer
Arachnia Cast quotes by Aiden Wilson Tozer
How much does a man's effort depend upon the age in which his work is cast? Pope Clement VII ~ Barbara W. Tuchman
Arachnia Cast quotes by Barbara W. Tuchman
I was the only Christian on the cast, but that was cool because we all respected each others talent and mostly they respected me a lot even though I was the only Christian. ~ Victoria Jackson
Arachnia Cast quotes by Victoria Jackson
It seems to me that fire leaves nothing behind at all - the ash really isn't part of the flame, it's part of the fuel. Fire changes it from one thing to another, drawing off its energy and turning it into . . . well, into more fire. Fire doesn't create anything new, it simply is. If other things must be destroyed in order for fire to exist, that's all right with fire. As far as fire is concerned, that's what those things are there for in the first place. When they're gone, the fire goes, too, and though you may find evidence of its passing you'll find nothing of the fire itself - no light, no heat, no tiny red fragments of cast-off flame. It disappears back to wherever it came from, and if it feels or remembers, we have no way of knowing if it feels or remembers us. ~ Dan Wells
Arachnia Cast quotes by Dan Wells
No louder shrieks to pitying heaven are cast, When husbands or lap-dogs breathe their last. ~ Alexander Pope
Arachnia Cast quotes by Alexander Pope
People who work in offices are crazy, they create an environment they hate, write rules they want to break, cast each other in roles they despise. It's like they're sixth formers in an end of term drama acting out the agony of everything they fear most in their life but they forget to end the play. ~ Helen Smith
Arachnia Cast quotes by Helen Smith
My Family and Other Saints echoes Gerald Durrell's classic memoir, My Family and Other Animals, not only in its title, but in its wonderful humor and lyrical prose. Like Durrell, Kirin Narayan takes the reader to a fascinating world far from our own, and brings to life its myriad sights, sounds and smells, while revealing the profound cultural beliefs of its people. India is just the most complex character among a cast of characters-family members, gurus, hippies, and neighbors-all of whom I now count as old friends. ~ Judith Barrington
Arachnia Cast quotes by Judith Barrington
The world falling apart isn't an excuse to take up bad habits ...
Zoey Redbird, Hunted, p. 216. ~ P.C. Cast
Arachnia Cast quotes by P.C. Cast
I kind of feel like every time I do a film, it is me and an entire male ensemble cast. ~ Margot Robbie
Arachnia Cast quotes by Margot Robbie
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