Penny Oleksiak Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Penny Oleksiak.

Quotes About Penny Oleksiak

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Many of the snarly bad-tempered teachers whom we remember with hatred were really nice people soured by years of anxiety and penny-pinching. ~ Gilbert Highet
Penny Oleksiak quotes by Gilbert Highet
He closed his eyes and grew rigid beneath me. "Don't give me that look."

"What look? Your eyes are closed, you can't see me."

"I feel the look. It's the Fiona death stare of cruel disappointment."

"I have a cruel disappointed look?"

"Yes. It's like getting a spanking, and not the good kind. ~ Penny Reid
Penny Oleksiak quotes by Penny Reid
She's made for me, I'm certain. Penny is it for me. She's the beginning and the end, and what started with a spark has become a fire that will never burn out in my heart, mind, or body. ~ Lauren Blakely
Penny Oleksiak quotes by Lauren Blakely
Think of how much better the world would be if people craved compliments about the beauty of their heart rather than the beauty of their face. The ~ Penny Reid
Penny Oleksiak quotes by Penny Reid
As one might gather from a painting of him scowling in a tall stovepipe hat, Day saw himself as a businessman, not a journalist. 'He needed a newspaper not to reform, not to arouse, but to push the printing business of Benjamin H. Day.'
Day's idea was to try selling a paper for a penny - the going price for many everyday items, like soap or brushes. At that price, he felt sure he could capture a much larger audience than his 6-cent rivals. But what made the prospect risky, potentially even suicidal, was that Day would then be selling his paper at a loss. What day was contemplating was a break with the traditional strategy for making profit: selling at a price higher than the cost of production. He would instead rely on a different but historically significant business model: reselling the attention of his audience, or advertising. What Day understood-more firmly, more clearly than anyone before him-was that while his readers may have thought themselves his customers, they were in fact his product. ~ Tim Wu
Penny Oleksiak quotes by Tim Wu
But he realized Henri already knew all he'd ever need. He knew he was loved and he knew how to love. ~ Louise Penny
Penny Oleksiak quotes by Louise Penny
He who jumps for the moon and gets it not leaps higher than he who stoops for a penny in the mud. ~ Howard Pyle
Penny Oleksiak quotes by Howard Pyle
As a dad, he thinks that his philosophy is morally correct. He has no conscience whatsoever about letting his kids put a penny in a light socket to find out electricity is not so good for you, and if you want to learn how to swim, you have to be thrown into the deep end. ~ Stacy Keach
Penny Oleksiak quotes by Stacy Keach
A lot of what we know to be history isn't ... it serves a purpose. Events are exaggerated, heroes fabricated, goals are rewritten to appear more noble than they actually were. All to manipulate public opinion, to manufacture a common purpose or enemy. And the cornerstone of a really great movement? A powerful symbol. Take away or tarnish that and everything starts to crumble, everything's questioned. ~ Louise Penny
Penny Oleksiak quotes by Louise Penny
I've never had a penny through oil deals and no one has produced a shred of evidence that I have. ~ George Galloway
Penny Oleksiak quotes by George Galloway
Only by remembering to say 'no' will the women of 21st century regain their voice and remember their power. 'No' is the most important word in a woman's dialectic arsenal, and it is the one word that our employers, our leaders, and quite often, the men in our lives would do anything to prevent us from saying. No, we will not serve. No, we will not settle for the dirty work, the low-paid work, the unpaid work. No, we will not stay late at the office, look after the kids, sort out the shopping. We refuse to fit the enormity of our passion, our creativity, and our potential into the rigid physical prison laid down for us since we were small children. No. We refuse. We will not buy your clothes and shoes and surgical solutions. No, we will not be beautiful; we will not be good. Most of all, we refuse to be beautiful and good. ~ Laurie Penny
Penny Oleksiak quotes by Laurie Penny
Some other brown stuff that might not be mud into her tangled hair. All around, villagers wandered with their baskets of brightly colored eggs, looking for the perfect hiding places. Ruth Zardo sat on the bench in the middle of the green tossing ~ Louise Penny
Penny Oleksiak quotes by Louise Penny
I don't startle easily. ~ Penny Marshall
Penny Oleksiak quotes by Penny Marshall
I'm not scary, I'm ridiculous." I ~ Penny Reid
Penny Oleksiak quotes by Penny Reid
There's always choices. Not liking the ones you've got is a different issue. ~ Penny Alley
Penny Oleksiak quotes by Penny Alley
I've been treating you with courtesy and respect because that's the way I choose to treat everyone. But never, ever mistake kindness with weakness. ~ Louise Penny
Penny Oleksiak quotes by Louise Penny
Yes, I am scared of prison. It's the last thing if you are after building up a business over 38 years and you are approaching your 66th birthday and you never owed a man a penny and you feel hard done by and you try to protect yourself and your family and go to prison - if that is the society we are living in, I am happy to accept that. ~ Sean Quinn
Penny Oleksiak quotes by Sean Quinn
I didn't hear the rest of Steven's musings. I was in the Matrix and I'd just unwittingly taken the red pill ~ Penny Reid
Penny Oleksiak quotes by Penny Reid
I wasn't wondering whether you had a lip fungus, but thank you for getting that awkward conversation out of the way. ~ Penny Reid
Penny Oleksiak quotes by Penny Reid
Myrna could spend happy hours browsing bookcases. She felt if she could just get a good look at a person's bookcase and their grocery cart, she'd pretty much know who they were. ~ Louise Penny
Penny Oleksiak quotes by Louise Penny
Grief took a terrible toll. It was paid at every birthday, every holiday, each Christmas. It was paid when glimpsing the familiar handwriting, or a hat, or a balled-up sock. Or hearing a creak that could have been, should have been, a footstep. Grief took its toll each morning, each evening, every noon hour as those who were left behind struggled forward. ~ Louise Penny
Penny Oleksiak quotes by Louise Penny
It was like archeology. There was digging and there was dirt. And there was broken things. ~ Louise Penny
Penny Oleksiak quotes by Louise Penny
We were both adulting like adult adults who behaved like adults. ~ Penny Reid
Penny Oleksiak quotes by Penny Reid
My smile grew. "Yeah. Me and Drew."
His eyes narrowed. "Is it serious?"
I nodded, my smile morphing into a giant grin. "Yep. In fact, I'm pretty sure it's a chronic condition. ~ Penny Reid
Penny Oleksiak quotes by Penny Reid
The lines of his face were the longitude and latitude of his life. ~ Louise Penny
Penny Oleksiak quotes by Louise Penny
Life is choice. All day, everyday. Who we talk to, where we sit, what we say, how we say it. And our lives become defined by our choices. It's as simple and as complex as that. And as powerful. so when I'm observing that's what I'm watching for. The choices people make ~ Louise Penny
Penny Oleksiak quotes by Louise Penny
Now here's a good one:
you're lying on your deathbed.
You have one hour to live.
Who is it, exactly, you have needed
all these years to forgive? ~ Louise Penny
Penny Oleksiak quotes by Louise Penny
I was haunted always by my other life-my drab room in the Bronx, my square foot of the subway, my fixation upon the day's letter from Alabama-would it come and what would it say?-my shabby suits, my poverty, and love. While my friends were launching decently into life I had muscled my inadequate bark into midstream ... I was a failure-mediocre at advertising work and unable to get started as a writer. Hating the city, I got roaring, weeping drunk on my last penny and went home. ~ F Scott Fitzgerald
Penny Oleksiak quotes by F Scott Fitzgerald
I'm no light weight, mountain man. It'll take more than a couple of frou-frou Vermont microbrews to get me trashed." She leaned forward and bit his lip. "If you stop, I'm gonna kill you. With your own axe. ~ Penny Watson
Penny Oleksiak quotes by Penny Watson
I say not one penny more to countries that are burning our flag. ~ Rand Paul
Penny Oleksiak quotes by Rand Paul
Come with me. I dare you to come with me. Next month, next year, whenever. I dare you to come with me when I go. And stay with me, stay with me always. ~ Penny Reid
Penny Oleksiak quotes by Penny Reid
He needed to pick one muffin, and stick with that muffin. He didn't get to lay claim to all the muffins, because that's not how life worked. ~ Penny Reid
Penny Oleksiak quotes by Penny Reid
His smile was quizzical and sincere as he said, "Sometimes you feel more like an adversary than a…."

"Than a what?"

"Than a girlfriend, a partner."

I thought about that for a moment, let it roll around in my head, realized - given what I knew about Alex's past - it made quite a lot of sense.

"With a girlfriend you'd need to give away some of your control. But with an adversary, it's all about control."

"Don't." His voice was a growl, and held more than a hint of warning.

"Don't what?"

"Don't start psychoanalyzing me."

"I'm not." I sighed, rubbed my forehead, and removed myself from his lap. I sat down heavily on the couch. "I'm just trying to figure out how to get in your pants without asking you any direct questions. ~ Penny Reid
Penny Oleksiak quotes by Penny Reid
I love the fire most because of what it leaves behind ...
Ash. It leaves behind ash. ~ Penny Reid
Penny Oleksiak quotes by Penny Reid
If you've been running a business for 38 years, you're approaching your 66th birthday, you've never owed a man a penny or done anyone any grievance in your life, and you feel hard done-by and try to protect yourself and your family, but go to prison, well if that's the society we're living in, I'm happy to accept that. ~ Sean Quinn
Penny Oleksiak quotes by Sean Quinn
I want enduring love. And, if people are honest with themselves, I think that's what everyone wants. ~ Penny Reid
Penny Oleksiak quotes by Penny Reid
If it's within your power to give another person great joy at little or no expense to yourself - or even at great expense - then you should, especially when you love that person. ~ Penny Reid
Penny Oleksiak quotes by Penny Reid
I swear Seamus was conceived by anal sex. There's no other explanation for him being such an asshole. ~ Penny Reid
Penny Oleksiak quotes by Penny Reid
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