Mirasol Loveland Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Mirasol Loveland.

Quotes About Mirasol Loveland

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One of my best friends is LinDee Loveland, who is a Bible teacher at OCS and the children's minister at our church. She and another friend and teacher, Mrs. Rita, were there at the hospital with us. As soon as they heard that everything had gone well, the two of them gathered all of Mia's cousins together.
"Missy, what's Mia's room number?" LinDee asked.
I rattled it off, then quickly caught up with Jase, who was heading to the recovery room.
We spent an hour in the recovery room with Mia, and when she was ready to be moved to her regular hospital room, Jase and I walked beside her gurney. When we walked into her room, I burst into tears. Mia's room was beautiful!
Several weeks before Mia's scheduled surgery, Mrs. LinDee had asked the children at church to make snowflakes that would be given to a child who needed some encouragement. Mia even made one herself and signed it. "Each individual snowflake is special, and no two are alike," Mrs. LinDee told them. "It's the same way with us," she shared. "No two people are alike. God makes everyone unique and special, with a purpose designed to glorify Him."
Later, when Mia wasn't there, she asked all the children to make cards for Mia. When LinDee and the cousins scooted out of the waiting room, they went straight to Mia's room and hung up the cards and the snowflakes all over her room. Mia was awake by the time she got back to her room, and when she saw the decorations, she literally oohed and ahhed.
~ Missy Robertson
Mirasol Loveland quotes by Missy Robertson
And when I looked up and saw you as you were, in no gaudy robes and bearing no solemn goblet - suddenly I had hope.'
'I did not see you looking,' said Mirasol.
'I did no want you to see,' said the Master.'And I looked away quickly, because I knew the hope was false. I knew - I think I knew - that it was not really about hope, it was about looking at you. And so I looked at Horuld, and at his sword, and reminded myself that they were about to kill me. ~ Robin McKinley
Mirasol Loveland quotes by Robin McKinley
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