Maniero Felice Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Maniero Felice.

Quotes About Maniero Felice

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The prime goal of censorship is to promote ignorance, whether it is done via lying and bowdlerized school texts or by attacking individual books. ~ Felice Picano
Maniero Felice quotes by Felice Picano
Having a book censored means something. It means you have deeply offended one or more people who felt they needed to protect unsuspecting readers from your inflammatory words, thoughts, and images. ~ Felice Picano
Maniero Felice quotes by Felice Picano
Nessun maggior dolore Che ricordarsi del tempo felice Nella miseria. (There is no greater pain than to remember a happy time when one is in misery.) ~ Dante Alighieri
Maniero Felice quotes by Dante Alighieri
That's how you make me feel; like I'm free-falling, but still flying in the wind. ~ Felice Stevens
Maniero Felice quotes by Felice Stevens
I realize my life here is much richer than I ever could have imagined. [Why one Canadian immigrant to Italy stays] ~ Ivanka Di Felice
Maniero Felice quotes by Ivanka Di Felice
We've been given a second chance. Some people never even get a first. Do you know how lucky we are? ~ Felice Stevens
Maniero Felice quotes by Felice Stevens
I over-scrutinize anyone new entering my life. ~ Felice Picano
Maniero Felice quotes by Felice Picano
I'm an active author: I travel to give readings and talks, although I know it's risky. ~ Felice Picano
Maniero Felice quotes by Felice Picano
Do you ever wonder sometimes why you were even born? Like what's the point? ~ Felice Stevens
Maniero Felice quotes by Felice Stevens
On the cutting board there are two peanut butter and red currant jam sandwiches for Emerson and two Serrano ham, shaved cheddar, and apricot chutney sandwiches for Felice. Nieves wraps them smartly in waxed paper, tapes them, and puts them back in the fridge. There's also a cooler Nieves opens: packed with trail mix, sliced pears and apples, and the lemon bars. ~ Diana Abu-Jaber
Maniero Felice quotes by Diana Abu-Jaber
The wonderful thing about second chances is that they exist ~ Felice Stevens
Maniero Felice quotes by Felice Stevens
Not like the me was some tough somebody, or somebody she had put together for show. But like, like somebody she favored and could count on. A secret somebody you didn't have to feel sorry for or have to fight for. -Felice ~ Toni Morrison
Maniero Felice quotes by Toni Morrison
To be censored is one sure way of knowing you have been taken dead seriously. It also speaks to the continuing power of the printed word, almost fifteen hundred years after that amazing invention. ~ Felice Picano
Maniero Felice quotes by Felice Picano
I couldn't swear that I believed in the law - or in the American legal system. ~ Felice Picano
Maniero Felice quotes by Felice Picano
He wanted to be wanted, not simply be a body used as a means to an end. ~ Felice Stevens
Maniero Felice quotes by Felice Stevens
I don't yhink, I'm in love. But I know I'm in love with you, Felice ... ~ Robin Wijaya
Maniero Felice quotes by Robin Wijaya
Once you're inside me, I promise to let you know how good I feel. ~ Felice Stevens
Maniero Felice quotes by Felice Stevens
He realizes finally that the boy he's been watching snap his board into the air, then neatly touch down- long, black, gleaming hair, pale white skin- is Felice. He didn't know she'd learned how to skateboard. He's never seen her like this before- so intently focused and content- her beauty beside the point, merely part of the catalog of effects- speed, balance, daring. He admires her athletic form and feels moved in some unexpected way. ~ Diana Abu-Jaber
Maniero Felice quotes by Diana Abu-Jaber
There are those nights when the dark is so black and thick, you can't see yourself, and all you wish for is someone to hold on to. So you reach across those empty sheets of silence, groping and grasping, hoping you'll touch something, anything warm and alive. But once again you come up cold. ~ Felice Stevens
Maniero Felice quotes by Felice Stevens
I don't know how to say pretty words. All I can tell you is when I'm with you, it all makes sense. People used to tell me half a life is better than none, but you've made me see everything I've been missing. Loving you has made me whole again. ~ Felice Stevens
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