Brynn Cartelli Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Brynn Cartelli.

Quotes About Brynn Cartelli

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I'm a weaver. I'm what is connecting this world to the world you come from. My purpose is to show you your choices. ~ Brynn Myers
Brynn Cartelli quotes by Brynn Myers
Live your life. The reset button has been pushed. ~ Brynn Myers
Brynn Cartelli quotes by Brynn Myers
These words you want to remember: if you do not learn to control the power within you, it will consume more than just your enemy. ~ Brynn Myers
Brynn Cartelli quotes by Brynn Myers
Ah, Brynn," Vercleese boomed at one tall, extremely thin man with a dreamy air about him and a face dusted with fine white flour. "How's the bread business?" The man pulled himself from whatever reverie gripped him and smiled wanly. "Rising, Sir Vercleese, always rising." Vercleese ~ Douglas W. Clark
Brynn Cartelli quotes by Douglas W. Clark
Her biggest fear was that Flynn would walk away before she could even start to worry about him not coming home. ~ Brynn Kelly
Brynn Cartelli quotes by Brynn Kelly
In an instant, five harlequin-like clowns emerged and began to perform all kinds of acrobatic tricks, encircling us––correction...corralling us. They were graceful but a little creepy too. They were wearing black and white costumes that were form fitting and appeared to move like some psychedelic drug trip when they flipped around. That of course was odd, but not nearly as odd as the chant they were singing as they continued to perform their tricks.
See us dance.
Watch us flip.
Care to take a chance?
We'll only need a sip.
Come to see our mistress?
Or come to see our master?
She can be quite viscous.
But he is a disaster.
We love them both, and we'll let you choose.
Either way, we wouldn't want to be in your shoes. ~ Brynn Myers
Brynn Cartelli quotes by Brynn Myers
I woke in his arms and I knew I'd never be happier than I was in this moment. I watched his chest rise and fall as he slept peacefully next to me. As I relished in this tranquility, the sight of his body stirred me once again. My heart was attached and I knew I was ruined. It was a lesson I knew all too well, when you love, you hurt... they were two sides of the same coin. ~ Brynn Myers
Brynn Cartelli quotes by Brynn Myers
Maybe next time you'll take me up on dinner."
"I doubt it, Mr. Holbrook. I'm pretty sure hell will freeze over first."
Again he smiled. "Well, that may be happening sooner than you think, my dear. ~ Brynn Myers
Brynn Cartelli quotes by Brynn Myers
He tucked his fingers into his belt loops. "Happy to sit back and watch, if you want to prove your G.I. Jane credentials. ~ Brynn Kelly
Brynn Cartelli quotes by Brynn Kelly
Read it to me."
"Seriously?" he said quietly. "You want me to read you poetry? Like saving your life ten times wasn't enough? ~ Brynn Kelly
Brynn Cartelli quotes by Brynn Kelly
The woman raked her gaze up his body as if checking out livestock. As she reached his face, her kohl-rimmed brown eyes lit with a challenge. "I am the one you know as Hamid Nabil Hassan. The most wanted man in the world. ~ Brynn Kelly
Brynn Cartelli quotes by Brynn Kelly
Without the journey and crucial moment of understanding, I would still be questioning everything before me. I know now that I must trust what comes next, for there is a plan greater than the one I can see at work. ~ Brynn Myers
Brynn Cartelli quotes by Brynn Myers
Caring too much leads to heartbreak. Wanting something too much leads to despair. The Buddhists probably have it right, that the root of all suffering is desire, but I don't know how to stop feeling these things. They are feelings. You have to feel them. ~ Andra Brynn
Brynn Cartelli quotes by Andra Brynn
Gavin turned to leave, and I was right behind him so I could close the door when he walked out, but he stopped short and turned back around. I bumped straight into him, our faces close, too close, at this point.
"I've missed you," Gavin whispered. ~ Brynn Myers
Brynn Cartelli quotes by Brynn Myers
The end is also the beginning. In order to arrive at your destiny, you must first accept the path that lies ahead. It is paved with loss, betrayal, and sorrow, but the circle is not at its end You must continue on until you find your true center and your peace. ~ Brynn Myers
Brynn Cartelli quotes by Brynn Myers
As the red-haired female watched, it was obvious she could not process what was happening. It was as though she had never seen anything magical; her fear had her locked in place, unable to move.
In her reality, humans didn't "feed" off of other humans, but the Sluagh were not human. They were demons and ghosts that haunt and invade. They were your darkest fears. The nightmarish creatures were a part of folklore passed down from generation to generation. The Sluagh were in essence rejected by heaven and hell, existing in the human realm only to consume souls. Humans were blinded by the magic that existed in the world. They assumed fairytales were just someone's wild imagination, creative tales told to delight and frighten children. It was this lack of acknowledgement that made humans the perfect prey for these outcasts. ~ Brynn Myers
Brynn Cartelli quotes by Brynn Myers
Can I go home now? Please?"
He grinned slightly. "No. Not until you acknowledge your pain and move passed it."
"This is crap, Oliver. I don't want to face anything. I don't need to be fixed. ~ Brynn Myers
Brynn Cartelli quotes by Brynn Myers
Poor girl, so tragic, so bad, poor girl, so dreadful, so sad...
But people are always judging, even when they express sympathy. ~ Andra Brynn
Brynn Cartelli quotes by Andra Brynn
Do you have any idea how maddening it's been envisioning you in the lingerie that matches those shoes?"...
"Corbin, I'm serious."
"I'm sure you are but that is my final offer. Take it or leave it and if you chose the latter, I will let this home sit empty and fall into disrepair until you finally come around."
I closed my eyes and sighed, "That's really not fair."
"Anything is fair when I'm trying my level best to get you to fall in love with me...."
I kissed him gently on the lips and walked away from him but just as I reached the hall, I turned back to see him watching me. "Oh, and if we're NOT playing fair, then maybe you should know I'm not wearing any underwear. ~ Brynn Myers
Brynn Cartelli quotes by Brynn Myers
What's wrong? Where's Gavin?" Mabellio grabbed my shoulders as I tried to barge through the door. "He's fine." He paused. "Now."
"Oh my God," I cried. "I want to see him."
Golar spoke in a calm, soothing tone. "You may, but understand he will need time to heal before he can journey anywhere. You both are welcome to stay, along with Oliver, of course, until he is able."
I nodded my head quickly. "Thank you." I started to walk through the doorway but turned back towards Golar and Mabellio. "Do you know how or why he is even here? I am utterly confused. This is my dream. My nightmare. How is he a part of that? ~ Brynn Myers
Brynn Cartelli quotes by Brynn Myers
You still smell like a human. They hate humans."
I closed my eyes and cried some more. It was my fault. You did this, Novaleigh. You killed an entire village of fairies. ~ Brynn Myers
Brynn Cartelli quotes by Brynn Myers
She turned her head, and the skin of her cheek caught the moonlight, smooth as satin. Tough and beautiful. He grimaced.

Tu agis sans passion et sans haine.
You act without passion and without hatred.

He'd recited the line every day of his nineteen years in the Legion, but it'd never resonated as strongly as it did now. ~ Brynn Kelly
Brynn Cartelli quotes by Brynn Kelly
He cradled her neck, urging her closer. A bead of sweat trailed down his back. She dug her fingers into his waist, giving him all the invitation he needed to explore her mouth. She tasted salty and sweet. The breath of her sigh danced over his tongue. She untangled their hands and swiveled onto his lap, wrapping her bare legs around him, linking her feet behind his back.

Mon dieu. It was too much - and not nearly enough. ~ Brynn Kelly
Brynn Cartelli quotes by Brynn Kelly
It was 5:45pm when I decided my future. By 9:43 I was well on my way to making it all come true. At 11:16 I took the first step to make it a reality. At 11:17 I fell and found peace. ~ Brynn Myers
Brynn Cartelli quotes by Brynn Myers
I needed this cold shower for more than one reason; the sexy male from my dream this morning returned during my little siesta. His sultry baritone was still fresh in my mind as I waited for the water to heat up. My Gaelic may have been a bit rusty, but from what I could understand, he had planned quite the erotic encounter under a sacred willow tree. I wasn't sure I understood the reason for the tree, but he was quite adamant about it. Hey – tree or no tree, when he spoke and kissed my neck, I would have found a way to steal the Eiffel Tower if he had asked. ~ Brynn Myers
Brynn Cartelli quotes by Brynn Myers
Brynn began to turn away, but he grabbed her by the arms. "Ah. Ah. No running away. I asked you a question, I expect an answer. How have I played with you? There's no doubt in my mind that I'd remember doing such and I guarantee you would. ~ Madison Thorne Grey
Brynn Cartelli quotes by Madison Thorne Grey
When a dream of dying actually becomes a chance to live. All you have to do is fall. ~ Brynn Myers
Brynn Cartelli quotes by Brynn Myers
You're kind, someone is going to hurt you really bad someday. ~ Andra Brynn
Brynn Cartelli quotes by Andra Brynn
Funny how things have turned out, huh, Jorja. Your mother is the 'demon' and your lover is the nurturer," Jorja commented into the air. ~ Brynn Myers
Brynn Cartelli quotes by Brynn Myers
If opportunity does not knock, build a door ~ Brynn Hochman
Brynn Cartelli quotes by Brynn Hochman
There are many things in my life I want to forget. But this I intend to remember. ~ Brynn Kelly
Brynn Cartelli quotes by Brynn Kelly
Can you hyperventilate a little quieter?" he whispered. ~ Brynn Kelly
Brynn Cartelli quotes by Brynn Kelly
He told me I was breathtaking. He told me I was brave. He told me I was his. ~ Sibylla Matilde
Brynn Cartelli quotes by Sibylla Matilde
I'll shower, then we can go. I smell like a zombie."

Hell, if the undead looked like that, bring on the zombie apocalypse. ~ Brynn Kelly
Brynn Cartelli quotes by Brynn Kelly
The scent of the leather and the feel of the cold steel transported her back in time. "But Daddy, why can't I have a sword and a scabbard? Dillon and Tynan have one and look, I can lift it above my head, too." Kylah chuckled because she hadn't lifted it above her head; she'd barely lifted the broadsword off the floor. But Cearnach was always supportive. He'd told her, "Someday, little one… someday you will be a great warrior just like your brothers. ~ Brynn Myers
Brynn Cartelli quotes by Brynn Myers
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