At T Phone Quote Quotes

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Quotes About At T Phone Quote

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I didn't say I just wanted sex."
"Let me quote: 'Do you want seduction, dinners, and gifts? Seduction is a game, and if you pay enough in flattery, money, or attention, you get what you want. I thought you were above the game.' Did you not say that to me a week before you strolled into my garage to invite me on 'a date'?"
"Yes. I wanted to skip the bullshit."
"So what happened? You changed your mind and now you want the bullshit?"
Rogan's phone chimed. "Yes, I want your bullshit."
"Well, you don't get to have any of my bullshit. I'm keeping it." Okay, and that didn't sound childish. Not at all. ~ Ilona Andrews
At T Phone Quote quotes by Ilona Andrews
As I reach the grand foyer, I see Jean-Baptiste and Gaspard step through the front door.
"You're here!" I cry.
"I had planned on taking a couple more hours to rest up," Gaspard explains with a grin, "however, we received this almost indecipherable text message on our mobile telephone ... "
Jean-Baptiste holds up his cell phone like it's a piece of alien machinery. "And I quote, 'Dudes, it's going down now. Get your sorry asses over here stat.' With such an eloquent request, how could we resist?" he remarks drily. But there is a ghost of a smile at the edge of his lips, and I know that he and Gaspard wouldn't miss this for anything in the world. ~ Amy Plum
At T Phone Quote quotes by Amy Plum
You try every trick in the book to keep her. You write her letters. You drive her to work. You quote Neruda. You compose a mass e-mail disowning all your sucias. You block their e-mails. You change your phone number. You stop drinking. You stop smoking. You claim you're a sex addict and start attending meetings. You blame your father. You blame your mother. You blame the patriarchy. You blame Santo Domingo. You find a therapist. You cancel your Facebook. You give her the passwords to all your e-mail accounts. You start taking salsa classes like you always swore you would so that the two of you could dance together. You claim that you were sick, you claim that you were weak - It was the book! It was the pressure! - and every hour like clockwork you say that you're so so sorry. You try it all, but one day she will simply sit up in bed and say, No more, and, Ya, and you will have to move from the Harlem apartment that you two have shared. You consider not going. You consider a squat protest. In fact, you say won't go. But in the end you do. ~ Junot Diaz
At T Phone Quote quotes by Junot Diaz
Quote taken from Chapter 1
Bill hung up, grumbling to nobody in particular. Emily was about the only caller using the landline phone, and he regretted not getting rid of it. The Robinses were probably the lone holdouts on their city block to still have one. ~ Ed Lynskey
At T Phone Quote quotes by Ed Lynskey
I recently had my graphic novel SONORA PASS reviewed by KIRKUS.
My honest and humble opinion is that the reviewer assigned by KIRKUS should stick to reviewing PHONE BOOKS ! ~ Jaime Olmos
At T Phone Quote quotes by Jaime Olmos
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