Anticlove Jeu Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Anticlove Jeu.

Quotes About Anticlove Jeu

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The name Maldoror, suggesting as it does evil, gold, horror, dawn, sadness etc., seems a curious hybrid, but on reading the work its full title, Les Chants de Maldoror par Le Comte de Lautreamont, seems to contain & imply the constant switches in narrative emphasis-the self as a game (je-jeu) & the author as observer, participant & invisible man-as well as being an inevitable & accurate condensation of, or hint at, the contents. ~ Alexis Lykiard
Anticlove Jeu quotes by Alexis Lykiard
Painting is a jeu d'esprit. ~ Pablo Picasso
Anticlove Jeu quotes by Pablo Picasso
For me, the sketchbooks are more like a secret and wholly spontaneous jeu d'esprit and some of them I like as much as anything I have ever done. They are invariably without premeditation. I mean not only that I have no plan when I make them, I also have no plan to make them. ~ Robert Motherwell
Anticlove Jeu quotes by Robert Motherwell
There is a song of Gainsbourg that Jane Birkin sang, and the words are beautiful in French. It says, "Le jeu et les moi." It's impossible to translate, because it has a very nice sound. It sounds so lovely in French. So I took that because it was the subject: I and myself and myself and I. Which is, in a way, boring, because it is a contradiction. ~ Agnes Varda
Anticlove Jeu quotes by Agnes Varda
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