Alkemade Makelaar Quotes

Collection of famous quotes and sayings about Alkemade Makelaar.

Quotes About Alkemade Makelaar

Enjoy collection of 9 Alkemade Makelaar quotes. Download and share images of famous quotes about Alkemade Makelaar. Righ click to see and save pictures of Alkemade Makelaar quotes that you can use as your wallpaper for free.

Rachel had been worried she couldn't remember what Sam looked like; now she worried he wouldn't recognize her. ~ Kim Van Alkemade
Alkemade Makelaar quotes by Kim Van Alkemade
I was so used to pretending to be something I wasn't, it shocked me to be seen for what I was. ~ Kim Van Alkemade
Alkemade Makelaar quotes by Kim Van Alkemade
Free love, it seemed, was only free for the man. It was the woman who was left to pay the price. ~ Kim Van Alkemade
Alkemade Makelaar quotes by Kim Van Alkemade
What makes you think I ever got married? Married women work themselves to death, all their money goes to husbands who gamble it away. Why would I ever do that to myself? ~ Kim Van Alkemade
Alkemade Makelaar quotes by Kim Van Alkemade
He walked across the room and flicked a switch. A spotlight turned on, illuminating a laminated poster of a woman on his wall. He took a crayon from his pocket and began drawing on it. I could see smudges from past demonstrations. [. . .] His dashed lines crisscrossed the woman's chest as if he were planning a military maneuver on undulating terrain. ~ Kim Van Alkemade
Alkemade Makelaar quotes by Kim Van Alkemade
If good only came to those who deserved it, the world would be a bleak place. In ~ Kim Van Alkemade
Alkemade Makelaar quotes by Kim Van Alkemade
What life she had left could be measured in hours. Small recompense though they were, they belonged to me now. I had only to claim them. ~ Kim Van Alkemade
Alkemade Makelaar quotes by Kim Van Alkemade
Sometimes I ask myself if there's any limit to the harm people can do to each other." "No, ~ Kim Van Alkemade
Alkemade Makelaar quotes by Kim Van Alkemade
Be that as it may, I have been noticing a statistically significant correlation between excessive childhood exposure to radiation and cancers later in life. ~ Kim Van Alkemade
Alkemade Makelaar quotes by Kim Van Alkemade
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